Ilmnb. 73. 2071 SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1921. 1Juhlisgth hi ~utg~, WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1921. Tenders for Inland Mail-services for 1922-24. 111 17. Clevedon, Ness Valley Read, Maraetai Read, and Moumoukai (rural delivery), thrice weekly. (Alterna, General Post Office. tive to Nos. 14, 15, 16, 18, and 19.) . Wellington, 28th July, 1921. 18. (a.) Clevedon and Ness Valley Read, thrice weekly. EALED tenders will be received at the several Chief Post­ (b.) Ness Valley Road and Moumoukai (rural delivery), S offices in the Dominion until noon on Monday, the 12th weeklJl. (Alternative to Nos. 15,16,17, and 19.) September, 1921, for the conveyance of mails between the 19. Clevedon, Ness Valley Road, and Moumoukai (rural undermentioned places, for a period of THREE YEARS from the delivery), thrice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 15, 16, 1st January, 1922:- 17, wnd 18.) 20. Clevedon, Whakatiri, and Orcre Point (rural delivery), POSTAL DISTRICT OF AUOKLAND. twice weekly. 1. Ahuroa and Puhoi, thrice weekly. 21. Coromandel, Amodeo Bay, and Cabbage Bay, weekly. 2. (a.) Albany or Dairy Flat and Redvale, twice weekly. 22. t Coromandel, Amodeo Bay, and Cabbage Bay (to (6.) Dairy Flat and Silverdale, weekly in winter. commence Cabbage Bay), fortnightly. 3. Aratapu and Mititai, as required. 23. Coromandel, Te Rercnga, and Whangapoua, weekly. 4. (a.) Auckland and Bayswater, daily. 24. Coromandel Wharf and Post-office, as required. (6.) Auckland and Takapuna, thrice daily from and 25. Coromandel and Whitianga, weekly. twice daily to Takapuna. 26. Drury, Runciman, Ramarama, and Bombay, twice daily. 5. Auckland landing service (landing and shipping mails 27. Ellerslie, Panmure, Pakuranga, and Howick, twice daily. to and from vessels in stream), as required. 28. Fairburn's Junction Box, Pamapuria, Takahue, and 6. Awanui and Kaiangaroa, thrice weekly. Victoria Valley, thrice weekly. 7. Awanui Landing, Awanui, and Kaitaia, thrice weekly.. 29. Glenbrook Railway-station and Post-office, daily. (Alternative to No. 76.) 30. Helensville and Parakai, twice daily to Parakai (except 8. Awhitu Wharf, Awhitu, and Awhitu Central, four times Thursdays, when one trip only); daily from Parakai. weekly. 31. Henderson and Massey (rural delivery), thrice weekly. 9. (a.) Birkenhead, Glenfield, and Albany (part rural 32. Hikurangi, Marna, and Whananaki, twice weekly. delivery), daily. 33. Hikurangi, Otonga, and Opuawhanga, twice weekly. (6.) Albany and Dairy Flat, thrice weekly. 34. Hoteo Railway-station, Ho:teo Post-office, Tanhoa, and 10. Bombay and Paparata, twice weekly. Wharchine, twice weekly (with extra trip weekly 11. Broadwood and Runaruna (part rural delivery), twice between Hoteo Railway-station and Tauhoa). weekly. 35. Houhora-Pukenui Landing, Pukenui, and Honhora, a8 12. Cabbage Bay, Moehau, and Poihakene (rural delivery), required. weekly. 36. Houhora-Pukenui Landing, Honhora, Waihopo, Te Kao, 13. Cabbage'Bay and Port Charles, weekly. Parenga, and Te Hapua, fortnightly. (Alternative 14. Clevedon and Maraetai Read (rural delivery), thrice to Nos. 37, 38, 39, 145, and 147.) weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 16 and 17.) 37. Houhora-Pukenui Landing, Houhom, Waihopo, Te Kao, 15. Clevedon and Moumoukai (rural delivery), weekly. Parcnga, and Te Hapua, thirty-nine trips per annum. (Alternative to Nos. 17, 18, and 19.) (Alternative to Nos. 36, 38, 39, 146, and 147.) 16. Clevedon, Ness Valley Read, and Maraetai Road (rural 38. Houhora-Pukenui Landing, Houhora, Waihopo, Te Kao, delivery), thrice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 14, 17, and Tangoake (Te Kao Wharf), weekly. (Alternative 18, and 19.) to Nos. 36, 37, and 39.) A ) --------------, --- ------------------'-------~ 2072 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 73 39. Houhora-Pukenui Landing, Houhora, Waihopo, Te Kao, I 85. MatakollP, Oparaku, and Parahi (rural delivery), twice and Tangoake (Te Kao Wharf), fortnightly_ (Alter­ wcek,ly. native to Nos_ 36, 37, and 38.) 80. Matakohe and Paparca, weekly (one way only). (Alter­ 40. Houhora and Waihopo, weekly. native to Nos. 139 and 140.) 41. * (a.) Huarau Railway-station and Paparoa, seven times 87. Maungaturcto Railway-station, Maungat.uroto Post­ weekly. offiee, and Rowsell's, six times weekly (with extra (b_) Paparoa and Matakohe, twice weekly. trip to Maungaturct.o, one way). (c.) Paparoa and Pahi, twice weekly. 88. Maungaturoto Railway·station and Marohemo, thrice (Alternative to Nos. 42, 43, 118, 119, 139, and 140.) weekly. 42.* (a.) Huarau Railway-station and Paparoa, seven times 89. * Maungaturoto and "'airere, twice weekly. (Alter­ weekly. native to No. 120.) (b.) Paparoa and Matakohe, thrice weekly. 90. Mititai and Arapohue, five times weekly. (c.) Paparoa and Pahi, thrice weekly. 91. ~fititai and Okahu (rural delivery), thrice weekly in (Alternative to Nos. 41, 43, 84, 118, 119, 139, and 140.\ summer, twice weekly in winter. 43." Huarau Railway-station and Paparoa, weekly; one 92. Motukaraka Wharf aniPost-officc, as required. way on Saturdays. (Alternative to Nos. 41 and 42.) 93. New Lynn and Titirangi, daily. 44. Hunua, Paparimn, and Moumoukai (rural delivery via 94. (a.) Ohacawai, Ngawha, and Kaikohe, four times weekly. Paparimu and Mangatawhiri Road), twice weekly. (h.) Kaikohe and Taheke, thrice weekly. 45. Kaeo and Mangonui, weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 47, 49, 95, and 96.) 46. * Kaihu, Aranga, andOranoa, twice weekly. 95. Ohacawai, Ngawha, Kaikohe, and Taheke, thrice weekly. 47.* Kaikohe, Ngawha, Ohaeawai, Te Ahuahu, Okaibau, (Alternative to Nos. 47, 49, and 94.) Marangai, Utakura, Maraeroa, and Horeke, thrice 96. Oha"awai and Otiria (letter mail only, one way), thrice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 62, 94, and 95.) weekly. (Alternative to No. 94.) 48. Kaikohe Railway-station and Post-office, as required. 97. Ohaeawai and Waimatc North, twice weekly. 49. Kaikohe and Taheke, thrice weekly. (Alternative to 98.t Ohaeawai, Waimate North, Waipapa,and Kaeo, weekly. Nos. 94 and 95.) 99. (a.) Okaihau and Rangiahua, thrice weekly. 50. (a.) Kaikohe and Tautoro, twice weekly. (b.) Rangiahua, Gmawera, and Mangamuka, weekly. (b.) Tautoroand Awarua (part rural delivery, along (Alternative to Nos. ]00 and 134.) Mangakahia and Otaienga Roads), weekly. 100. (a.) Okaihau and Rangiahua, thrice weekly. (A1terna.tive to No.5!.) (b.) Rangiahua, Umawera, and Maugamuka, twice 5L Kaikohe, Tautoro, and Awarua (part rural delivery along weekly. Mangakahia and Otaienga Roads), twice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 99 and 134.) (Alternative to No. 50.) 101. Okioi, Irwin's boardinghouse, and Whangape, twice 52. Kaikohe and Waimatenui, twice weekly. (Alternative weekly. to No. 159.) 102. (a.) Omapere, Opononi, Waiotemarama, and Waima­ 113. Kaima.umau and Waiharara, as required. maku, twice weekly. 54. Kaipara Flats, Streamlands, and Warkworth, four times (b.) Waimamaku and Wekaweka, via Pakanae and Wai­ weekly. mamaku Roads (part rural delivery), weekly. 55. (a.) Kaitaia and Ahipara, twice weekly. 103. * Onerahi, Lower Mangapai Wharf, and Mangapai Wharf, (b.) Ahipara and Herekino, weekly. thrice weeklv. 56. Kaiwaka, Hakaru, and Mangawai, thrice weekly. 104. Onewhero and Port Waikato, twice weekly. 57. Kaiwaka Railway-station and Post-office, six times 105. Onewhero and Wairamarama (private - bag delivery), weekly. I twice weekly. (AJt{'rnative to No. 106.) 58. Kamo Railway-station and Post-office (includes carriage 106. Onewhero and Wairamarama (private - bag delivery), of hampers), thrice weekly. weekly. (Alternative to No. 105.) 59. Kamo, Ruatangata, and Moengawahinc (part rural de­ 107. Opuawhanga, Helena Bay, and Whangaruru, weekly. livery), twice weekly. 60_ Kaukapakapa and Parakakau, twice weekly. lOS. Otahuhu and East Tamaki, daily. 61. Kaukapakapa Railway-station and Post-office, as re­ 109. Otahuhu Rmhvay-station and Post-office, as required. quired. 110. Otiria and Pakaraka, thrice weekly. (Alternative to 62." Kawakawa or Otiria, Pakaraka, Ohaeawai, Te Ahuahu, No. 62.) . Okaihau, Marangai, Utakura, Maraeroa, and Horekc, Ill. Pakotai and Cheddar Hills (rum.] delivery along portion thrice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 47 and 1l0.) of Okaharau and Opoutiki-Waima Roads), weekly. 63_ Kerikeri and Waipapa, thrice weekly. ll2. Papakura, Clevedon South, and Clevedon (part rural 64_ Kiripaka and Matapouri (rural delivery), twice weekly. delivery), twice daily. 65_ Kiripaka and Ngunguru, thrice weekly. 113. Papaknra and Hunua, daily. (Alternative to No. 114.) 66. (a.) Kohukohu 'and Broadwood, thrice weekly. ll4. Papakura and Hunua, thrice weekly. (Alternative to (b.) Broadwood, Okioi, and Herekino ~part rural de- No. 113.) livery), twice weekly. llo. Papakura and Karaka (rural delivery via Beach Road, 67.* Lower Mangapai Wharf and Mata, thrice weekly. Main Papakura-Waiuku and Kaiaka-Waiau Roads), 68_ Mangapai Railway-siding and Post-office, as required. daily. (Alternative to No. 116.) 69. Mangapai and Waipu Caves (rural delivery), weekly. 116. Papakura and Karaka (rural delivery via Beach Road, 70. Mangatangi and Kaiaua, weekly. (Alternative to Main Papakura-Waiuku and Kaiaka-Waiau Roads), No. 72.) thrice weekly. (Alternative to No. 115.) 71. Mangatawhiri and Mangatangi, twice weekly. (Alter­ 117. * Paparoa and Mareretu, twice weekly. native to Nos. 72, 124, and 125.) ll8. Paparoa and Pahi, thrice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 72. Mangatawhiri, Mangatangi, and Kaiaua, weekly. (Alter- 41,42, and ll9.) native to Nos. 70, 71, 124, and 125.) ll9 Paparoa and Pahi, twice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 73. Mangatawhiri and Maramarua, thrice weekly. (Alter- . 41,42,
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