Index to Astronomy Magazine's "ATLAS of the STARS " by R. L. McNish Version 1.1 February 19, 2008 Contents About This Publication i Northern Sky Atlas Maps ii Southern Sky Atlas Maps iii Index to the Constellations ..............................1 Index to the Brightest Stars .............................3 Index to Double Star Delights ..........................4 Index to the Messier Objects..........................11 Index to the Caldwell Objects ........................15 Index to the NGC Objects ...............................18 Index to the "Other" Objects ..........................32 Atlas Errata ......................................................36 Other (web) Info From the Author..................37 ATLAS of the STARS is Copyright © 2006 Kalmbach Publishing Co. This Index is Copyright © 2007-2008, R. L. McNish, All Rights Reserved. About This Publication This Index to Astronomy Magazine's Atlas of the Stars was created to augment the Atlas which was published by Kalmbach Publishing Co. This Index was independently created by close examination of every object identified on all 24 double page maps in the Atlas then combining all the results into the 7 complete indices. Additionally, the author created the diagrams on the next 2 pages to show the overlapping relationships of all the Atlas maps in the Northern and Southern hemispheres of the sky. A page of "Errata" was also added as part of the process. If you find other mistakes in the Atlas I would be interested in noting them in the Errata section. You can send comments to: rascwebmaster [at] shaw [dot] ca . Supporting this Publication and our Centre The Calgary Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (http://calgary.rasc.ca/) is a registered Canadian charitable organization with a very active Public Outreach program. If you find this Index a useful addition to help locate objects in your own copy of the Atlas , or just wish to support our Centre's programs you can send a donation (amounts of $25 or above will be issued a Canadian income tax receipt if requested) to: R.A.S.C. Calgary Centre 250, 300 5th Ave SW PO Box 20282 Calgary, Alberta Canada T2P 4J3 Converting Astronomy Magazine's Atlas to Field Use Detailed instructions on how to turn the Atlas into a three-ring binder version for use in the field can be found on the Calgary Centre's web page: http://calgary.rasc.ca/astronomy_atlas.htm Astronomy Magazine's Atlas of the Stars - Index - Copyright © 2007 R.L. McNish i Northern Sky Atlas Maps Astronomy Magazine's Atlas of the Stars - Index - Copyright © 2007 R.L. McNish ii Southern Sky Atlas Maps Astronomy Magazine's Atlas of the Stars - Index - Copyright © 2007 R.L. McNish iii Index to the Constellations In the following table, the column " Map " indicates the map referenced in the Constellations tables on pages 17 and 20 of the Atlas. The column " Maps " shows every map number (and Left or Right page) on which the constellation: • has its name printed on that page and objects plotted within it • "-" doesn't have its name printed on that map page but has objects plotted within it (e.g. 4L-) • "x" has its name printed on that page but no objects are plotted within it (e.g. 19Rx) • "-x" doesn't have its name printed on that page and has no objects plotted (e.g. 8L-x) Constellation Abb Meaning Map Maps Andromeda And The Daughter of Cassiopeia 4 1R 3L 4L- 4R 9L Antlia Ant The Air Pump 18 18L 18R- 19Rx 23Rx Apus Aps The Bird of Paradise 24 23L 24R Aquarius Aqr The Water-bearer 15 10R 15L- 15R 16R 21L Aquila Aql The Eagle 14 8Lx 9Rx 14L 15R Ara Ara The Altar 24 19L 20R 23L 24R Aries Ari The Ram 10 4L 4R- 5Rx 10L 10R- Auriga Aur The Charioteer 5 1Rx 4L 5L 5R- 6R Bo ötes Boo The Herdsman 7 2Lx 7L 8Rx 13L 13R- Caelum Cae The Chisel 17 16L 17R 22Rx Camelopardalis Cam The Giraffe 2 1L 1R- 2R 3L Cancer Cnc The Crab 6 5Lx 6R 11Lx 12R Canes Venatici CVn The Hunting Dogs 7 2R 6L 7R Canis Major CMa The Big Dog 17 11L 17L 18R Canis Minor CMi The Little Dog 11 6Rx 11L 12R Capricornus Cap The Goat 21 14Lx 15Rx 20L 21R Carina Car The Keel 23 17L 22L 23R Cassiopeia Cas The Queen 1 1R 3L 4R 9L Centaurus Cen The Centaur 19 18L 19L- 19R 20Rx 22L 23L- 23R Cepheus Cep The King 1 1R 3L 3R- Cetus Cet The Whale 10 10L- 10R 15L 16L- 16R 21L Chamaeleon Cha The Chameleon 23 22L 23R Circinus Cir The Compasses 23 23L 23R- Columba Col The Dove 17 16L 17L- 17R Coma Berenices Com Berenice's Hair 7 6L 7R 12L- 13R Corona Australis CrA The Southern Crown 20 20L 21R 24R Corona Borealis CrB The Northern Crown 8 7L 8R Corvus Crv The Crow 18 12L 13R 18L 19R Crater Crt The Cup 12 12L 13R 18L 19R Crux Cru The Cross 23 22L 23R Cygnus Cyg The Swan 9 2Lx 3R 8L 9R Delphinus Del The Dolphin 15 8L 9R 14L 15R Dorado Dor The Swordfish 22 16Lx 17Rx 22L- 22R 24L Draco Dra The Dragon 2 1L 2L 2R- 3R 8L- 8Rx Equuleus Equ The Little Horse 15 15Rx Eridanus Eri The River 16 10L 11R 16L 17R 22R 24L Fornax For The Furnace 16 16L 17R 22Rx Gemini Gem The Twins 5 5L 6R 11L 12R Grus Gru The Crane 21 16R 21L 21R- 24Lx Hercules Her The Son of Zeus 8 2L 3Rx 7L 8L-x 8R 13L 14L-x 14R Astronomy Magazine's Atlas of the Stars - Index - Copyright © 2007 R.L. McNish 1 Constellation Abb Meaning Map Maps Horologium Hor The Clock 22 16L 17R 22R 24L Hydra Hya The female Water Snake 12 11L 12L- 12R 18L- 18R 19L- 19R Hydrus Hyi The male Water Snake 22 22R 24L Indus Ind The Indian 24 20Lx 21L- 21R 24L- 24R Lacerta Lac The Lizard 9 3Lx 9L Leo Leo The Lion 12 6L 6R- 7R 12L 12Rx 13R Leo Minor LMi The Little Lion 6 6L Lepus Lep The Hare 17 11R 17L- 17R Libra Lib The Balance 13 13L 14Rx 19L 20R Lupus Lup The Wolf 19 19L 20R 23L Lynx Lyn The Lynx 5 1L 2R 5L 6R Lyra Lyr The Lyre 8 3R 8L 9R Mensa Men The Table 22 22L- 22R 24Lx Microscopium Mic The Microscope 21 20L 21R Monoceros Mon The Unicorn 11 11L 12R Musca Mus The Fly 23 22L 23R Norma Nor The Square 19 19L 20R 23L 24R Octans Oct The Octant -- 22L-x 22Rx 23L 23R-x 24L- 24R Ophiuchus Oph The Serpent-bearer 14 13Lx 14L- 14R 19Lx 20R Orion Ori The Hunter 11 5L 5Rx 11L- 11R Pavo Pav The Peacock 24 23L 24R Pegasus Peg The Winged Horse 9 4R 9L 9R- 10R 15L 15R- Perseus Per The Rescuer of Andromeda 4 1R 3L 4L 4R- 5R Phoenix Phe The Phoenix 16 16L-x 16R 21Lx 22Rx 24Lx Pictor Pic The Painter 22 16Lx 17Rx 22L-x 22Rx Pisces Psc The Fishes 10 4Rx 9Lx 10R 15L Piscis Austrinus PsA The Southern Fish 21 21L 21R- Puppis Pup The Stern 17 11L 12R 17L 18R 22Lx Pyxis Pyx The Compass 18 12Rx 17L 18R Reticulum Ret The Reticle 22 22R 24L Sagitta Sge The Arrow 8 8L 9R 14L 15R Sagittarius Sgr The Archer 20 14L 14R- 15R 20L 20R- 21R 24Rx Scorpius Sco The Scorpion 20 13Lx 14Rx 19L 20R 23L Sculptor Scl The Sculptor 16 16R 21L 24Lx Scutum Sct The Shield 14 14L Serpens Cauda Ser The (Head of the) Serpent 14 14L- 14R Serpens Caput Ser The (Tail of the) Serpent 14 7L 8R 13L 14R Sextans Sex The Sextant 12 12L 12R- Taurus Tau The Bull 11 4L 5R 10L 11R Telescopium Tel The Telescope 20 20L 21R 23L 24R Triangulum Tri The Triangle 4 4L- 4R Triangulum Australe TrA The Southern Triangle 23 23L 24R Tucana Tuc The Toucan 24 22R 24L Ursa Major UMa The Great Bear 6 1L 2L- 2R 5Lx 6L- 6R 7R Ursa Minor UMi The Little Bear -- 1Lx 1R- 2L 2R- 3L- 3R Vela Vel The Sails 18 17L 18L- 18R 19Rx 22L 23R Virgo Vir The Maiden 13 6L 7R- 12L 13L- 13R 19L- 19R Volans Vol The Flying Fish 22 22L 23Rx Vulpecula Vul The Fox 9 8L 9R Astronomy Magazine's Atlas of the Stars - Index - Copyright © 2007 R.L. McNish 2 Index to the Brightest Stars The table below lists the 31 brightest stars (their rank) as well as some additional stars plotted by name or Bayer letter in the Atlas. This table differs slightly from the table on page 21 of the Atlas in the ranking due to the source of the data for the star's magnitude (this table uses the current V magnitude value from the SIMBAD Astronomical Database). When a star in this table doesn't appear by name on the map in the Atlas, use the designation in square brackets e.g. find Alnair by locating α (α ( Alpha) Gruis (which is the possessive form of the name of the constellation Grus) . Star Name or Designation Mag Rank RA Dec Con Maps Achernar 0.50 9 01 37 42.85 -57 14 12.3 Eri 22R 24L Acrux [ α Alpha Crux] 0.81 13 12 26 35.90 -63 05 56.7 Cru 23R Adhara or Adara [ ε Epsilon Canis Major ] 1.513 23 06 58 37.55 -28 58 19.5 CMa 17L Albireo 3.085 -- 19 30 43.28 +27 57 34.9 Cyg 8L 9R Aldebaran 0.85 14 04 35 55.24 +16 30 33.5 Tau 5R 11R Algol 2.12 60 03 08 10.13 +40 57 20.3 Per 1R 4L 5R Alnair [ α Alpha Gruis] 1.740 31 22 08 13.99 -46 57 39.5 Gru 21L Alnilam [ ε Epsilon Orionis] 1.70 30 05 36 12.81 -01 12 06.9 Ori 11R α Alpha Centauri-A or Rigil Kentaurus -0.01 4 14 39 36.50 -60 50 02.3 Cen 23L α Alpha Centauri-B [not plotted] 1.33 21 14 39 35.08 -60 50 13.8 Cen 23L Alphard 2.004 50 09 27 35.24 -08 39 31.0 Hya 12R Altair 0.77 12 19 50 47.00 +08 52 06.0 Aql 14L 15R Antares 1.09 16 16 29 24.46 -26 25 55.2 Sco 19L 20R Arcturus -0.04 3 14 15 39.67 +19 10 56.7 Boo 7L 13L Becrux or Mimosa [ β Beta Crux] 1.297 20 12 47 43.26 -59 41 19.5 Cru 23R Bellatrix [ γ Gamma Orionis] 1.64 27 05 25 07.86 +06 20 58.9 Ori 11R Betelgeuse 0.58 10 05 55 10.31 +07 24 25.4 Ori 11R Canopus -0.72 2 06 23 57.11 -52 41 44.4 Car 17L 22L Capella 0.08 6 05 16 41.36 +45 59 52.8 Aur 5R Castor 1.59 24 07 34 35.86 +31 53 17.8 Gem 5L 6R Deneb 1.25 19 20 41 25.91 +45 16 49.2 Cyg 8L 9R Denebola 2.14 62 11 49 03.58 +14 34 19.4 Leo 6L 7R 12L 13R Elnath [ β Beta Tauri] 1.68 28 05 26 17.51 +28 36 26.8 Tau 5R Enif 2.404 86 21 44 11.16 +09 52 30.0 Peg 15R Fomalhaut 1.16 18 22 57 39.05 -29 37 20.1 PsA 21L Gacrux [ γ Gamma Crux] 1.63 26 12 31 09.96 -57 06 47.6 Cru 23R Hadar or Agena [ β Beta Centauri] 0.60 11 14 03 49.40 -60 22 22.9 Cen 23L Miaplacidus [ β Beta Carinae] 1.70 29 09 13 11.98 -69 43 01.9 Car 22L 23R Mira 3.04 -- 02 19 20.79 -02 58 39.5 Cet 10L Polaris 2.005 -- 02 31 49.08 +89 15 50.8 UMi 1R 3L Pollux 1.15 17 07 45 18.95 +28 01 34.3 Gem 5L 6R Procyon 0.34 8 07 39 18.12 +05 13 30.0 CMi 11L 12R Regulus 1.35 22 10 08 22.31 +11 58 01.9 Leo 12L Rigel 0.12 7 05 14 32.27 -08 12 05.9 Ori 11R Shaula 1.62 25 17 33 36.52 -37 06 13.8 Sco 20R Sirius -1.47 1 06 45 08.92 -16 42 58.0 CMa 11L 17L Spica 1.04 15 13 25 11.58 -11 09 40.8 Vir 13R Vega 0.03 5 18 36 56.34 +38 47 01.3 Lyr 8L Astronomy Magazine's Atlas of the Stars - Index - Copyright © 2007 R.L.
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