Ministryfor Environmen't,Plonning ond EconomicDevelopmenl Minisierievon dieOmgewing, Beplonning en EkonomieseOntwikkeling 'ffiFlsebeezeNdolo, isiCwongciso noPhuhliso lwezoQoqosho TheMunicipal Manager City of CapeTown P.O.Box 16548 VLAEBERG 8018 Attention: Mr Keith Wseman Tel: (o21)487 2283 Fax: (021\487 2255 DearSir APPEALS: THE PROPOSEDNEW GREENPOINT STADIUM,GREEN POINT COMMON,CAPE TOWN Havingconsidered the informationat my disposal.and the.national environmental minaiementprinclples in section2 of theNational Environmental Management Act 107 of Developmentof igge iNir,rrAil,I, e Ministerfor Environment'Planning and Economic the WesternCape Provincehereby record my decisionin terms of section35(4) of the EnvironmentConservation Act, 1989 (Act No. 73 of 1989) (hereinafterreferred to as EC,l'; on the appeals againstthe decisionof the Director:Integrated Environmental tvtana'gement(aidion g) athe Directoi) in the Departmentof EnvironmentalAffairs and o"u"r"opnl"ntirarining ln the Westerniape Province('the Department')taken in termsof section22 of the ECA, grantingto the applicantauthorisation for the executionof the activitiesdescribed below subiectto ihe conditionscontained in a Recordof Decision dated31 Ociober 2006 ('the Director's ROD') RECORDOF MY DECISION A. DESCRIPTIONAND LOCATION OF ACTIVITIES: The applicationis for the proposedchange of land use from zonedopen space to oin.t land use for the developmentoi a new stadiumat the Green Point "nyCommon; the constructionand upgradingof transportinfrastructure (including the constructionof the GrangerBay Boulevard)to facilitateaccess to and egressfrom the stadiumand the rem;indeiof the GreenPoint Common;lhe constructionand upgradingof the electricalsupply networkbetween Montague Gardens and ihe dreen point Common to meet the electricityneeds of the stadium;and the establishmentof an ulbanpark on the remainderofthe GreenPoint Common The design of the stadiumwill comply with the requirementsset by the Federaiion InternationalFootbalt Association (FIFA') for a semi-flnalmatch in the 2010FIFA WorldCup tournament.The stadium'together with the urbanpark, will be operated as a mulii-purposefacility for recreationand sportingevents of varioussporting codesand informal trading. I Stadium: The siadiumwill consistof: . seatingfor not morethan 68 OO0spectators during the 2010FIFA World Cup tournamentand not more than 55 000 speclators post 2010' . a stadiumbuilding not highefthan som abovenatural ground level (the referenceto naturalground level being 13m above mean sea level), r a surroundingpodiu; nothigher than 9m above natural ground level, ! grandstaircases and famps to accessthe stadium, . ; forecourtarea at groundlevel from where ticket sales will occur, r associatedstadium infrastructure (eg. utilities,cables and communication infrasiructure), . training, medical and rehabilitationfacilities, administrationofflces and hospitaliiyfacilities provided within the stadium,and . at least20OO permanent parking bays provided within the stadiumprecinct The stadiumwill be designedto havethree tiers of seatingduring the 2010FIFA WorldCup tournament.Afier the tournamentthe uppermosttier will-be removed and replacedwith a multi-purposeuse area The seatingcapacity of the stadium afterthe tournament will not be morethan 55 000 Thestadium together with the surroundingpodium will cover an areaapproximately lOhain extent.The stadiumprecinct, which includes the stadium,podium, ramps, forecourtand otherancillary elements, will coveran area approximately18ha in eKenl. The stadiumprecinct will be locatedin the north easternpart of the GreenPoint Commonbetween Beach Road, the proposednew GrangerBay Boulevardand FrilzSonnenberg Road (discussed below) UrbanDark: The existingGreen Point Stadiumstructure will be partiallydemolished and the area of the Green Point Common outside the new stadium precinctwill be - transformedinto a qualityopen space and sportscomplex - the urbanpark that will accommodatea rangeof sportscodes, limited informal trading and a rangeof otherrecreational pursuits. The newstadium will form an integralpart of theurban park. Constructionand upgradingof transport infrastructure: GranoerBav Boulevard A newfour-lane dual carriageway road, to be namedGranger Bay Boulevard, will be constructedto connectWestern Boulevard (at the vicinityof the GreenPoint traffic circle) to Beach Road (at the locationof the existing GrangerStreet)' GrangerBay Boulevardwill run in a northeastern direction curving along ihe northernboundary of the Green Point Track to Beach Road. There will be an accesspoint for the stadiumprecinct on GrangerBay Boulevard. Therewill be an additionalaccess point for the stadiumprecinct and for the urban parkon the WesternBoulevard. Fritz Sonnenberg Road will be upgraded' BusEmbavments / pick-up and droo-off facilities Permanentbus embaymentsand publictransport pick-up and drop-offfacilities will be constructedalong Granger Bay Boulevard Temporaryembayments and facilitieswill be providld alongSomerset Road and Western Boulevafd for specific eventsin accordancewith the relevant transport management plan Parkinq At least2 OOOpermanent parking bays wilt be providedwithin the stadiumpfecinct In accordancewith the TransportManagement Plan temporary parking for a furiher 3 O0Ovehicles on the GreenPoint Common and remoteparking areas elsewhere will be Drovidedfor sDecificevents. Bus/shuttleService ln accordancewith the relevanttransport management plan a bus/shuttleservice will be operatedto bus/shuttlepeople to the Green Point Commonfor specific events. Non-MotorisedTransoort Pedestrianand bicyclefacilities will be providedalong Somerset Road and on lhe GfeenPoint Common. Grade-separated pedestrian crossings (bridges or subways) willbe providedalong Buitengracht Street, Western Boulevard and GrangerBay Boulevafd. Upgradingof electricalinfrastructure: The proposedstadium will requirean additional10 megavolt amps(MVA) of electricaipower and the followingelectrical infrastructure upgrades will therefore occur: MontaoueGardens Electf ical Substation Existing132 kilovolt (kV) circuit breakerswill be replacedwithin the existing buildino. blefrom Mont ensto the Fo Existingundergfound cables will be replacedwith two 132kV cablesinsialled in a trench1.3m wide and 1 .2m deep. The cableway will run along the Nl highwayfrom MontagueGardens towards Cape Town, throughthe YsterplaatAir Force Base' throughthe Brooklynresidential suburb, through the PaardenEiland Industrial area (alongthe existingrailway reserve), into the Culemborgarea, along Table Bay Boulevardand across Oswald Pirow Street into the Foreshoresubstaiion KoeberqRoad Electrical Substation A new switchingstation with a buildingfootPrint of 352m2will be constructedin the grounas ot th-e existing Koeberghoad substationto- accommodate132kV i*it"ng"", A 132kVt; feeder cable will be installedfrom the new switching statio;to the Foreshoresubstation in a trenchmeasuring 05m wide and 12m deep. FofeshoreElectrical Substation Transformerswithin the existingForeshore main substationwill be replacedwith two 132111/66 kV 50 MVAunits. A new 132kVswitching station will be constructed behindthe existinqForeshore main substation The footpfintof this switching stationis approximitely352m2. The 132kVcables along Table Bay Boulevard and acrossOswald Pirow Street will servethe newswitching station RoooebaaiElectrical Subsiation New 132kVcables will be installedbetween the Foreshoreswitching station and Roggebaaimain substation. The cables will be installedin a trench0 85mwide and t.Z-rn'Oeep.The existing40 MVA33/11/66 kV transformersin the Roggebaalmain substationwill be replacedwith 50 MVA 132/11i66 kV units GreenPoint Stadium Electrical Substation A new substationwill be constructedwithin the stadiumprecinct to supplythe increasedload. The newsubstation will comprisea mainsubstation with a footprint ol 472m2and a swiichingstation with a footprintof 352mr' The substationwill accommodatenew powei transformers,high and mediumvoltage switchgear and ancillaryequipment. The new substationwill be suppliedfrom the Foreshore substationby two new 132kVunderground cables in a trench0 85mwide and 1 2m deep.Tne iable routewill be from the Foreshoresubstation running down Table Bay Boulevardclose to the elevatedfreeway, past CustomsHo,use, through the Roggebaaisubstation grounds, through the Victoriaand Alfred ('V&A')Waterfront pro-p'ertyonto the West5rnBoulevard road reserve, along Fritz Sonnenberg Road to the finalposition of the substationat the stadium Fuelstorage: Fuelwill be storedon the GreenPoint Common during the constructionphase of the developmentfor constructionpurposesas well as duringthe operationalphase for standbygenerator use. Location: The GreenPoint Common lies west of the Portof CapeTown and V&A Waterfront' The orooosednew stadiumand the associatedinfrastructure in the stadiumprecinct will be locatedon the GreenPoint Common on the southernportion of the exisiing MetropolitanGolf Course, to the northwest of the existingGreen Point Track and to the northeast of the existingGreen Poinl Stadium The co-ordinatesof the newstadium site are: 30" 53' 00' South 18' 23' 00' East 4 The remainlngparts of the GreenPoint Common will be redevelopedas the urban park. GrangerBay Boulevardwill run in a northeaslern direction from the existingGreen Pointlraffictircle, connectingWestern Boulevard to BeachRoad The locationof the proposedreiniorcement of the 132kVelectrical supply netlvork from the existingMontague Gardens substation to the new GreenPoint Stadium
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