THE DAILY WORKER, NEW YORK, MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1927 Page Three News from U.S.S.R. BRITISH MONEY j Communist International Urges Against ECONOMIC- CONSTRUCTION. It was on an average a 13-14 hour Protest Mining Industry In 1927—1928. day. The “famous” law of 1897 fixed BACKS FASCIST Control figures for 1927-28 indicate an UVa hour day. But employers Lithuanian Terrorism a considerable development of the could make free with this law, or to mining industry: coal production is put it differently, the lav/ provided (Special Cable to Daily Worker). I to increase 17%, coke production 23%, for legal excuses for its infringement GROUP IN CHINA | MOSCOW, U. S. S. R., Oct. 16. | production ofraw oil 14% and produc- in the shape of “urgent” work, over- I i —The Communist International has ’ tion of kerosene, benzine and vege- time in the ease of “urgent orders,” Dissension in Nanking j addressed an appeal to the workers | table oil 25 to 41%; in the iron ore etc. The working day of piece-work- if all countries urging them to pro- industry a 27% increase of production ers was not limited as they were not Govt. Continues i test against the Lithuanian fascist is expected. This increased production j considered regular wage earners, hut ; government which has been bru- will enable the mining industry to people working on a definite job. (Special to Daily Worker). i tally oppressing workers. I of supply next year all the fuel, miner- j After the revolution, 1917, SHANGHAI, Oct. 16.—The consti- Hundreds militant workers February have als and other mining products which ! the working tuent meeting of the fascist associa- I been tortured in prisons or class began to introduce executed by the country needs. At the same time, j the 8-hour day by downing tools after tion has taken place here. This as- I the fascist officialdom. cost of production will be reduced on | eights hours, which was resented and sociation has been formed with the an average 5.6%. I opposed by the capitalists and their assistance of British money and under Considerable amounts have been as- | lackeys—social democratic Menshe- the leadership of British reactionary AGENT signed for work in the mining viks and social circles Shanghai. DF WALL capital revolutionaries who in Seven hundred ioSusfry: for the coal industry—l 36 had a seat in the provisional govern- people took part in the meeting. million roubles (it was 126 million ment. As a result of this the workers The association considers itself to roubles in 1926-27). for the oil indus- did not succeed in having a law passed be “international” as it accents Rus- STREET TO RON try—lßs million roubles. of a general 8-hour day during the sian white guardists as members. The Ten Years Progress. whole eight months of the existence British press publishes the full text The “Comintern” leather works in of the so-called provisional govern- of the speech of the newly backed Leningrad was a very small concern ment. It was only after the October chairman of the association, the Brit- POLISH AFFAIRS prior to the revolution. It was revolution that the 8-hour day became ish merchant Fireh. The speech was thoroughly re-equipped under the Sov- part and parcel of the conquests of filled with hitter hatred for the Chi- Treasury Dept. iet government and increased its pro- the proletariat as one of the immov- nese masses and their struggle for Ma n ductivity 14 times. Its output in 1926 able foundations of the new life. Im- emancipation and hatred of the Sov- “Financial Advisor” was 1,200,000 hides instead of the mediately after October 25, a decree iet Union. former 84,000. At present, the pro- was issued on October 29, 1917 intro- * * * WASHINGTON, Oct. If,.—Charles ductive capacity of the works is 1,- ducing the 8-hour day in all enter- More Trouble In Nanking. S. Dewen, assistant secretary of the 600,000 hides per year. prises and households and a 42-hour (Special Cable to Daily Worker). treasury, is to be financial advisor Canal for the Irrigation of 34.000 weekly rest for all wage earners with- SHANGHAI, Oct. 16. The Nank- to the Polish government and a mem- Hectares Land. out exception. By the same decree a ing Extraordinary Committee of the ber of the directorate of the bank, number of Kuomintang on the side and the as provided In the coming financial year, a regulations re protection one for in the “stabilization Wang canal 28 kilometres long will be laid of women and child labor were estab- Chin-wei and Tang Rhen-chi plan” drawn up by an agent of the The first and other Wuhan members adopt- House of Morgan, Prof. Edwin on the right bank of the Syr-Darya in lished. labor code issued in are Kem- 1918 ing a strongly hostile attitude merer, a Princeton Central Asia for the irrigation of part October was based on general to- university “econ- compulsory wards Nanking. omist.” of the Steppe. This canal will irri- labor service. It was dic- Tang Shen-chi and Wang Under the agreement gate 34,000 hectares. tated by the exigencies of civil war. Chin-wei for “stabili- consented as the of negotia- zation” a §70,000,000 loan will Storage of Cotton Makes Progress. However, in regard to working hours, result be tions to recognize the floated on Bankers in The Cotton Storage Campaign in rest and protection of women and extraordinary Wall Street. labor, of the Kuomintang. On England, Holland, Sweden and Fergun (Uzbekistan) is in full swing. adolescent the new law did not committee the change anything other side the Nanking members Switzerland will cooperate in the loan All the cotton cleansing works, two in the provisions of By M. Pass. the decree of October 29. In it agreed to convoke immediately the and the French government has au- of them only recently constructed, fact public made even more complete this achieve- COUNTER REVOLUTIONARY AGENT OF WALL STREET: “Damn (he Mexicans! fourth plenum of the Kuomintang for thorized a issue in France. have been set going. Dewey is a trusted agent of the ment of the October revolution by They chase and they chase, and they don't let me take over the government!” i the purpose of electing a central com- Expansion of Foreign Trade. millionaire outlaw secretary of the The of the foreign trade limiting overtime to a few exceptional -1 mittee. turn-over * * • treasury, Andrew cases clearly defined in W. Mellon, and his of the U. S. S. R. amounted to 113*4 the law. The appointment to the job of 8-hour day became an Dissension among menibei’S of the financial million roubles in August, against 109 inalienable con- to places ouest of the working j Wuhan and Nanking governments who advisor Poland him in a million roubles in July of the currant class. None of position important the subsequent PRAVGA united to form a counter-revolution- more than am- decrees prior to and HITS ST year and 101 million roubles Our Australian Letter bassador, August, and is indicative of after NEP the brought ary government at Nanking has brok- the 1926. code of 1922 I fact that Wail will any alterations into the working | en out on a number of occasions. The Street dominate The general turn-over of foreign hours APIA, Samoa (South Pacific without trial of any sort, deprived of Polish policy. laid down by law. Observance of the j bond that ties the two groups together trade during the last eleven months Ocean). —Serious trouble threatens in their hereditary titles, taken from NEW TACTICS SF labor code and consequently the is opposition to the workers’ and amounted to 1.322 million roubles; ex- ob- ex-German Samoa, of the ac- their family homes and banished to servance of the day because peasants’ movement. port 691 million roubles and imports 8-hour and the tion of the New Zealand government other districts, and ordered to assume 42-hour weekly rest, etc., is * * • 631 million roubles. obligatory in interfering with the hereditary tra- names other than those to which they for all institutions, enterprises, house- j TROTSKY GROUP Scientists Found The active balance of the foreign ditions, usages na- a by Yelp for Concession. holds and customs and of the had full legal claim. Efforts trade of the U. S. S. R. during this individuals who employ tive races; arreating native chiefs, de- European residents Samoa HANKOW, Oct. 16.—With the pow- hired labor. in to secure period reached 60.8 million roubles priving them of their and deport- fair-play for the natives were ignored, er of the revolutionary movement tem- This is titles Opposition’s Methods J against the passive balance of 101.6 a short sketch of the es- ing them from their villages and and when it was recently arranged porarily checked by the betrayal of Society to Bsiild tablishment of the million roubles for the same period 8-hour day by the family circles. that 6 native chiefs should go to New Move for New Party I the struggle by middle class elements last year. Russian working class. Let us now When New Zealand was given a Zealand to interview the prime min- and opportunists in the Hankow gov- consider the real working hours (Special to WORKER) ONE OF THE ACHIEVE- in mandate to control the territory, it ister regarding the various grievances, Cable DAILY i ernment. British business men here MAIN the U.
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