The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project AMBASSADOR ROBERT M. SAYRE Interviewed by: Thomas J. Dunnigan Initial interview date: October 31, 199 Copyright 1998 ADST TABLE OF CONTENTS Beginnings 19 9-1956 Interest in Latin America Point Four Program Latin American Help to U.S. During (orld (ar II Travels in Latin America Organization of Latin American Assistance Programs (hite House Interest in Latin America Lima, Peru - Political ,ounselor 1957-196. Integration into the Foreign Service U.S. Interests in Peru ,ontacts with Political Opposition 0ice President Ni2on 0isit Sendoro Luminoso 3uerillas Havana, ,uba - Economic ,ounselor 196.-1961 Study at Stanford University Restrictions on the Embassy Seizure of American Properties ,onditions in Havana Sugar Embargo ,uban ,losure of U.S. Embassy State Department - Latin American Tas7 Force 1961 E2ecutive Secretary of Tas7 Force Developing the Alliance for Progress Transition Problems Adolf Berle Bay of Pigs State Department - 8e2ico Des7 1961-196 ,olorado River Problems 1 ,hamizal Boundary Dispute ,hange of Assistant Secretaries 1ational Security Staff - Inter-American Affairs Specialist 196 -1965 1S, Leaders Relations with State Department ,olorado River Problems Again State Dept., Inter-American Bureau - Deputy Assistant Secretary 1965-1968 Dominican Republic ,risis ,he 3uevara in Bolivia Liaison with the (hite House ,ontacts with Pres. Johnson: - 8e2ico Trip - Punte del Este 8eeting 8ontevideo, Uruguay - Ambassador 1968-1969 ,onditions in Uruguay U.S. Economic Assistance Security Situation ,uban Support of the Tupamaros Kidnapping & Killing U.S. Police Advisor 0isit of Nelson Roc7efeller Human Rights Issues Assignment to Panama Panama ,ity, Panama - Ambassador 1969-197 Relations with ,anal Zone & SOUTH,O8 Sea Level ,anal Economics of the Sea-Level ,anal ,uban Influence in Panama Drug Smuggling Economic Aid Program Panama ,anal Treaties U.S. Bases for Disaster Relief Security of Ambassador State Department, Inspector 3eneral 197 -1978 Duties as Inspector 3eneral Lac7 of Policy Objectives 3AO Evaluation of State Department FSOs as Inspectors Support from Secretary and Deputy Secretary Brasilia, Brazil - Ambassador 1978-1981 2 Human Rights & Relations with Brazil 1uclear Power Plant Agreement President ,arter 0isit Human Rights Again 8ilitary Relations Restored 8ission Organization Relations with Brazilian 3overnment 0ice President 8ondale 0isit Papal 0isit Papal Arbitration of Argentine-,hile Dispute Daniel Ludwig Amazon Project State Department, Director, ,ounter-Terrorism 1981-198 Development of Emergency Plans Bombings of Embassy Beirut Upgrading Embassy Security Relations with Office of Security Kidnapping of 3eneral Dozier Intelligence ,oordination Establishing Police Training Program State Department, Inspection ,orps 198 -1985 Evaluating Economic Performance Evaluating NS, Directive 38 U.S. 8ission to the OAS - Advisor 1985-1987 U.S. Payment Auotas Other Duties OAS-Undersecretary for 8anagement 1987-Retirement Financial Problems Relations with Secretary-3eneral OAS Staff Reductions Role of OAS in Latin American ,rises ,anadian Entry into OAS 0alue of the OAS U1 Should (or7 Through OAS ARA Bureau Relations with OAS 3eneral Observations 1eed for Better Policy Planning/Budgeting at State Relations with the NS, 1eed for Specialists Relations with ,ongress Training Needs 3 1eed to Strengthen the Role of the State Dept Latin American Specialization INTERVIEW &: This is an interview with Robert M. Sayre who had a long and distinguished career in the foreign service. Ambassador Sayre served as American Ambassador in three countries in Latin America and has had many years experience in that and other fields in the Department. In the Department he served three times at the Assistant Secretary level and also served at the ,hite House on the National Security Council staff. The date is October 31, 199 and I will be interviewing him on behalf of the Foreign Service Oral -istory Program and the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training. Tell me, what interested you in the field of foreign affairs, in ma1ing a career of it, was it something in your education or earlier training2 SACRE: 8y first e2perience in foreign affairs was being in the United States Army in Europe during the Second (orld (ar. I tell people rather jo7ingly that I got my doctorDs degree in international relations by spending four years with the Army overseas and in the United States and getting trained that way. But when I became interested in it, there were people suggesting I do other things. (hen the Department of State in 19 9 as7ed for people to apply for an intern program at the Department of State loo7ing forward to a long term career, I applied for it. They had about 16.. candidates around the United States. IDm from Oregon, I was then at (illamette University, and I was selected as one of the thirty to come participate in the program. So thatDs how I started. &: Had you speciali3ed in Latin American affairs in your studies, because, as we 1now, most of your career was devoted to that area, and I wondered what awa1ened your interest in it2 SACRE: No, I did not. (hat got me involved in inter-American affairs was when I got my first assignment in the Department of State as an intern, it was on inter-American affairs. I wor7ed with the U.S. Ambassador to the OAS at the time, and did some things at the Organization of American States. Slowly but surely I became involved in inter- American affairs. ThatDs how it started. &: Those were the years of ferment in Latin American, and President Truman recogni3ed that in a way when he introduced his Point Four Program in 1949. I gather you became involved in that program as it concerned the area2 SACRE: Ces I did. After the program was announced, I was in the Bureau of Inter- American Affairs. I put together the Point Four Program for Latin America and helped present it to the United States ,ongress and get it approved. I managed the program for two years. I also wor7ed with the Organization of American States on a committee representing the United States. (e put together a technical cooperation program for the Organization of American States. &: Did you have to wor1 with Congress in doing this2 SACRE: Oh, absolutely. (e had to put together a budget. Another uniEue story is on the Director of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs who was running the program in Latin America. He said he didnDt want me to put together a budget. I thought we had to. (hen we had the hearing in the ,ongress, the ,hairman of the committee as7ed for the budget for the Point Four Program and the Director had to turn around to me and say FPlease give me that budget you prepared.F (e handed it to the ,hairman and the ,ongress appropriated e2actly what we as7ed for--eighteen million dollars. (This was 3 times larger than the H6 million program at the time.I (e had to wor7 with the ,ongress and present a program each year, thatDs correct. &: ,as there much opposition to the Point Four program, or what you were trying to do in Latin America at the time2 SACRE: No. There was no opposition at all. In fact, what the United States was trying to do at the time was respond to the reEuest from the Latin American countries for a 8arshall plan. There was really no enthusiasm for that idea because the 8arshall plan was designed to restore Europe, whereas what Latin America had to do was develop. They were both economic, but they were different approaches, and so there wasnDt any willingness to consider a 8arshall plan. But the US too7 the initiative to create an Inter- American Ban7 in 196.. I wasnDt involved directly in that. But then we set up the Alliance for Progress in 1961 and I was directly involved in thatJ in fact reviewed President KennedyDs speech (prepared by Dic7 3oodwinI before he made it. &: 5oing bac1 to those early days, at that time, a number of the Latin American countries were something less than model democracies in our view. And these days we ta1e great pride in pointing out the progress that has been made. But was there any feeling that we should not be dealing with the dictatorial regimes down there2 I7m thin1ing say of Juan Peron and people li1e that. SACRE: (ell, we had a problem with Juan Peron and we werenDt really dealing with him because unfortunately Juan Peron was on Adolf HitlerDs side during the Second (orld (ar. But we dealt with every other country in Latin America. And Brazil was e2ceedingly helpful to us during the Second (orld (ar: sent a division to Europe, provided bases so that we could get to Africa, did all other 7inds of things that were helpful to us. 8e2ico helped us in the Philippines with an Air Force sEuadron is my recollection and so on. So the Latin American countries were very helpful during the Second (orld (ar and they were very helpful after that. 5 As IDm sure you 7now, before we got involved in the Second (orld (ar, we had what was 7nown as a hemispheric isolation policy. (e wanted to protect our southern flan7 and everything else but we said we really didnDt want to get involved in a war in Europe. And finally we had to just because we had to save the rest of the world. &: Did you have to do much travel in that, in those years2 Did you get to Latin America at all2 SACRE: Oh yes. I traveled Euite a bit, not only with respect to the Point Four Program, but the longest trip I too7 was going around the hemisphere inspecting our military missions that we had in Latin America. And we had them in seventeen or eighteen countries.
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