Index of Sources Note: all references to the body of the text are italicised and are according to the pagination of the editio princeps of Socrates from 1651, marked by square brackets throughout the present edition. All other references are given afterwards in regular Arabic numerals. Biblical Sources Ecclesiastes Dedication, 307, 486, 519 Leviticus Dedication, 486 Gospel of Matthew 515 Proverbs 1, 486, 507, 516 Rabbinical Sources Babylonian Talmud Bereshit Rabbah 515 Baba Batra 505 Ancient and Medieval Greek and Latin Sources Aelian, Historical Miscellany 518 Memory and Reminiscence 501–2 On Sense and Sensible Objects 496, 501 Aesop, Fables 487, 512 On the Heavens 504 On the Soul 497, 501, 502, 504, 505–6, Alexander of Aphrodisias, On the Soul 502 508–9, 511 Al-Ghazālī, Incoherence of the Philosophers 510 On Youth and Old Age 502 Alhazen, De Aspectibus 505 Physics 491, 494–95, 504, 508, 510, 512 Prior Analytics 510 Aquinas, Thomas Posterior Analytics 511 Commentary on Aristotle’s De Anima III 505, 508 Arrian, Anabasis of Alexander 509 Commentary on Aristotle’s Ethics VII 504 Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics VIII 513 Augustine of Hippo, The City of God 490 Commentary on Peter Lombard’s First Book of the Sentences, related to Paulus Venetus Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights 498, 511–13 502 Summa Theologica 495, 508, 512 Averroes Long Commentary on Aristotle’s De Anima III Aristotle 507 Categories 11, 498, 502, 507 Generation of Animals 505, 516 Avicenna, On the Soul I 492, 501–3 Metaphysics 493, 495–96, 502, 507, 510–11 505, 516 Bacon, Roger, On the Science of Perspective 505 Meteorology 500–1 Nicomachean Ethics 493, 513, 518–19 Boccaccio, Giovanni, Decameron 517 https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110557602-017 566 Index of Sources Boethius, The Consolation of Hippocrates, Aphorisms 514 Philosophy 504–5, 512 Homer Boiardo, Matteo Maria, Il Timone 487 Iliad 21, 223, 491, 513–14 Odyssey 249, 496, 512, 518 Calvin, John, Institutes of Christian Religion 515 Horace Cicero Epistles 507, 517 Academics 489, 491 Odes 510, 518 Laelius on Friendship 513 Satires 517 Letters to Atticus 519 On Duties 517–18 Juvenal, Satires 495, 512, 514, 518 On Fate 494 On the Nature of the Gods 488 Lactantius, The Divine Institutes 491 On the Orator 504 The Speech on behalf of King Deiotarus 508 Lucan, The Civil War (Pharsalia) 510, 514–16, Tusculan Disputations 489, 517 519, 527 Curtius Rufus, Histories of Alexander 509 Lucian The Passing of Peregrinus 488 Dante Timon, or the Misanthrope 487 Hell 486, 490, 510 Paradise 493, 499 Lucretius, On the Nature of Things 492, 494, Purgatory 487, 498, 509 496, 498, 499, 503, 506, 510, 514, 519 Diodorus, Library 504 Maimonides, Guide of the Perplexed 516 Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Manlius, Astronomica 501 Philosophers 497–99, 502–3, 507, 509, 511–12, 517 Ockham, William of, Summa of Logic 510 Eusebius, Preparation for the Gospel 519 Ovid Art of Love 306, 519 Euclid The Heroines 495 Catoptrics 497 Metamorphoses 52, 101, 257, 493–94, 498, Elements 507, 510 501, 503, 505, 514–15 Optics 494, 496, 522 Pausanias, Description of Greece 495, 513 Florus, Epitome of Roman History 512 Peckham, John, Perspectiva Communis 505 Galen Commentary on Hippocrates’s Aphorisms 494 Plato On the Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato 506 Apology 489 Charmides 113 Al-Ghazālī, Incoherence of the Philosophers 510 Euthydemus 509 Euthyphro 509 Guglielmo of Saliceto, Summa conservationis et Gorgias 488, 501 curationis 494 Laws 510 Meno 508–10 Hesiod, Works and Days 498 Phaedo 496, 503, 505, 508–9 Index of Sources 567 Phaedrus 504–5, 513 Outlines of Scepticism 487, 489, 493–97, Republic 492, 505, 517–18 500–1, 503–4, 506, 515, 517–18, 521, Symposium 503–5, 518 525 Sophist 62, 496 Statesman 496, 498 Simplicius, Commentary on Aristotle’s Theaetetus 488–89, 510 Categories 502 Timaeus 497, 503, 505, 508, 510, 523 Strabo, Geography 496, 502 Plautus The Comedy of Asses 507 Suetonius The Two Menaechmuses 509 Lives of the Grammarians and Rhetoricians 511 The Pot of Gold 501 Life of the Caesars II: The Deified Augustus 512 Pliny, Natural History 496, 497, 502, 506, 517, Symmachus, Epistles 508 528 Tacitus Plutarch Agricola 514 Moralia. On Exile 489 Histories 513 Moralia. On the E at Delphi 492 Annals 514, 516, 518 Moralia. On the Generation of the Soul in the Timaeus 511 Terence, The Eunuch 137, 504, 509 Moralia. On the Genius of Socrates 492 Lives: Alexander 488 Theophrastus, Characters 501 Lives: Demetrius 517 Lives: Nicias 511 Thucydides, The History of the Peloponnesian War 504, 511 Propertius, Elegies 499 Valerius Maximus, Nine Books of Memorable Pseudo-Aristote, Plants 497 Deeds and Sayings 488, 516 Ptolemy Virgil Almagest 455 Aeneid 501, 504–5, 508, 516 Optics 496, 498 Eclogues 498 Georgics 133, 504, 510–11 Seneca, Epistles 490, 504 Xenophon, Memorabilia 489, 508, 518 Sextus Empiricus Against the Logicians 509 Witelo, Perspectiva, De elementatis conclu- Against the Mathematicians 493, 506 sionibus 497, 505 Against the Professors 488 Early Modern Sources Acosta, Cristóbal, Aromatum et medica- Ariosto, Orlando Furioso 500, 507–8 mentorum in orientali India nascentium liber 497 Aselli, Gaspare, De lactibus sive lacteis venis quarto vasorum meseraicarum genere novo Agrippa, Cornelius, The Vanity of Arts and invento 500 Sciences 501 568 Index of Sources Bacon, Francis Galilei, Galileo Advancement of Learning 510, 515 Dialogue concerning the Two Chief World The Essays 514 Systems 488, 512 The New Organon 514 Letters on Sunspots 500 Dialogue concerning the Two New Sciences 515 Boccalini, Traiano, De’ Ragguagli di Parnaso Memorie e lettere inedite finora o disperse 510 514, 516 The Sidereal Messenger 499–500 Botero, Giovanni, The Reason of State 514 Gilbert, William, On the Magnet and Magnetic Bodies, and on the Great Magnet the Earth Brahe, Tycho, De mundi aetherei recentioribus 497 phaenomenis 508 Hessus, Helius Eobanus, Poetarum omnium Bruno, Giordano seculorum longe principis Homeri Ilias 514 Cause, Principle and Unity 504 The Ash Wednesday Supper 513 Kircher, Athanasius, Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast 498, 50 498 The Shadows of Ideas 493 Leone Ebreo, Dialogues of Love 516 Cavalieri, Bonaventura, Geometria indivisi- Machiavelli, Niccolò, Discourses on Livy 513 bilibus continuorum nova quadam ratione promota 499 Manfredi, Martino, Manuale politico e morale ossia repertorio alfabetico di aforismi e Dall’Angelo, Marino, Le Glorie del Niente. concetti sententiosi politici, morali e sacri Discorso 493 fra i più praticabili, e direttivi dell’huomo Civile e Christiano 514 De Saavedra Fajardo, Diego, L’idea di un prencipe politico christiano rappresentata Manzini, Luigi, Il Niente 486, 493 con bellissime imprese, quali dimostrano il vero esser politico, con esempi historici, Ficino, Marsilio e discorsi morali. Dall’ ultima, e più Platonic Theology 505, 519 copiosa editione, hora trasportata dalla Platonis Atheniensis, Philosophi summi ac lingua spagnuola, dal signor dottor Paris penitus divini opera, quae ad nos extant Cerchieri 513 omnia, per Ianum Cornarium Medicum Phisicum latina lingua conscripta: De Vitoria, Francisco, De Indis et de Jure “Phaedo” 518 Belli 507 Commentary on Plato’s Symposium 518 De Christiana religione 519 Delmedigo, Joseph, Sefer Elim 514, 537 Modena, Leon, Lev Aryeh 519 Descartes, René, Passions of the Soul 504 Molière, The Miser 501 Erasmus of Rotterdam Adages 495, 508–9, 512, 517 Montaigne, Michel de, Essays 488, 490–92, Praise of Folly 519 494–95, 499–500, 504, 506–8, 514, 516, 518, 535 Fiamma, Carlo, Gelosa Ninfa, Favola pastorale 499 Patrizi, Francesco, Nova de universis philosophia 508 Index of Sources 569 Piccolomini, Alessandro Sperelli, Alessandro, Della Pretiosità della Della sfera del mondo 499 Limosina 499 De la instituzione di tutta la vita de l’omo nato nobile, e in città libera 499 Tasso, Torquato, The Liberation of De le stelle fisse 499 Jerusalem 515 Filosofia naturale 516 Valerio, Luca, De centro gravitates solidorum. Provenzali, Moshe, Opera nova di Libri Tres 492 geometria 507 Vesalius, Andreas Regiomontanus, De Triangulis 505 De humani corporis fabrica 504 Tabulae Anatomicae 504 Saccardini, Costantino, Libro nomato la verità di diverse cose: quale minutamente tratta Shakespeare, William, Timon of Athens 487 di molte salitufere operationi spagiriche, et chimiche 492 Zorzi, Francesco, L’armonia del mondo 518 Severt, Jacques, De Orbis Catoptrici seu Zuccolo, Lodovico, Considerationi politiche, mapparum mundi principiis, description ac e morali sopra cento oracoli d’illustri usu 497 personaggi antichi 512.
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