UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION In the Matter of: ) Investigation Nos.: CERTAIN CRYSTALLINE SILICON ) 701-TA-511 AND PHOTOVOLTAIC PRODUCTS FROM ) 731-TA-1246-1247 CHINA AND TAIWAN ) (FINAL) REVISED AND CORRECTED Pages: 1 - 286 Place: Washington, D.C. Date: Monday, December 08, 2014 Ace-Federal Reporters, Inc. Stenotype Reporters 1625 I Street, NW Suite 790 Washington, D.C. 20006 202-347-3700 Nationwide Coverage www.acefederal.com 1 1 THE UNITED STATES 2 INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION 3 4 IN THE MATTER OF: ) Investigation Nos.: 5 CERTAIN CRYSTALLINE SILICON ) 701-TA-511 AND 6 PHOTOVOLTAIC PRODUCTS FROM ) 731-TA-1246-1247 7 CHINA AND TAIWAN ) (FINAL) 8 9 10 11 12 Monday, December 8, 2014 13 Main Hearing Room (Room 101) 14 U.S. International Trade 15 Commission 16 500 E Street, SW 17 Washington, DC 18 19 The meeting commenced pursuant to notice at 9:30 20 a.m., before the Commissioners of the United States 21 International Trade Commission, the Honorable Meredith M. 22 Broadbent, Chairman, presiding. 23 24 25 Ace‐Federal Reporters, Inc. 202‐347‐3700 2 1 APPEARANCES: 2 On behalf of the International Trade Commission: 3 Commissioners: 4 Chairman Meredith M. Broadbent (presiding) 5 Vice Chairman Dean A. Pinkert 6 Commissioner Irving A. Williamson 7 Commissioner David S. Johanson 8 Commissioner Rhonda K. Schmidtlein 9 10 Staff: 11 William R. Bishop, Supervisory Hearings and Information 12 Officer 13 Jennifer Rohrbach, Supervisory Attorney, Docket 14 Services 15 Mikayla Kelley, Student Intern 16 17 Chris Cassise, Investigator 18 Andrew David, International Trade Analyst 19 Aimee Larsen, Economist 20 David Boyland, Accountant/Auditor 21 James McClure, Supervisory Investigator 22 23 24 25 Ace‐Federal Reporters, Inc. 202‐347‐3700 3 1 Congressional Appearances: 2 The Honorable Ron Wyden, United States Senator, Oregon 3 The Honorable Richard M. Nolan, U.S. Representative, 8th 4 District, Minnesota 5 6 In Support of the Imposition of Antidumping and 7 Countervailing Duty Orders: 8 Wiley Rein LLP, Washington, DC on behalf of SolarWorld 9 Industries America, Inc. ("SolarWorld"): 10 Mukesh Dulani, President, SolarWorld 11 Ardes Johnson, Vice President Sales, SolarWorld 12 Gary Shaver, President, Silicon Energy, LLC 13 Erin Clark, President-Solar, PetersenDean 14 Mike McKechnie, President, Mountain View Solar 15 Dr. Seth T. Kaplan, Principal, Capital Trade Inc. 16 Timothy C. Brightbill, Laura El-Sabaawi and Usha 17 Neelakantan, Wiley Rein LLP 18 19 In Opposition to the Imposition of Antidumping and 20 Countervailing Duty Orders: 21 Sidley Austin LLP, Washington, DC on behalf of China Chamber 22 of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and 23 Electronic Products: 24 Robert Petrina, Managing Director, Yingli Green Energy 25 Americas, Inc. Ace‐Federal Reporters, Inc. 202‐347‐3700 4 1 Thomas Koerner, General Manager, Americas, Canadian 2 Solar (USA) Inc. 3 Jeff Dorety, President Trina Solar (U.S.) Inc. 4 John Morrison, Senior Vice President, Strata Solar LLC 5 Polly Shaw, Vice President, SunEdison 6 Kenneth R. Button, Senior Vice President, Economic 7 Consulting Services, LLC 8 Jennifer Lutz, Senior Economist, Economic Consulting 9 Services, LLC 10 John P. Smirnow, Vice President of Trade & 11 Competitiveness, Solar Energy Industries Association 12 ("SEIA") 13 Neil R. Ellis, Richard L.A. Weiner, Brenda A. Jacobs, 14 Rajib Pal, Shawn Higgins and Kelly Rosencrans, Sidley Austin 15 16 White & Case LLP, Washington, DC on behalf of Taiwan 17 Photovoltaic Industry Association ("TPVIA"): 18 Austin Chiu, General Counsel, Neo Solar Power 19 Corporation and Coordinator, TPVIA AD Task Force 20 Laylay Pan, Chief Financial Officer, Gintech Energy 21 Corporation 22 Joyce Chen, Senior Associate Vice President of 23 Procurement, Solartech Energy Corp. 24 Sascha Rossmann, Vice President of Global Sales, 25 Winaico Ace‐Federal Reporters, Inc. 202‐347‐3700 5 1 Jing Yu, Vice President, Winaico USA 2 Barry Moore, President, Moore Energy LLC 3 Walter J. Spak, Jay C. Campbell and Adams Lee, White & 4 Case LLP 5 6 Perkins Coie LLP, Washington, DC on behalf of SunEdison, 7 Inc. ("SunEdison"): 8 Polly Shaw, Vice President, NAMR Government Affairs, 9 SunEdison, Inc. 10 David S. Christy, Jr., Perkins Coie LLP 11 12 Trade Pacific PLLC, Washington, DC on behalf of tenKsolar, 13 Inc.: 14 Joel Cannon, Chief Executive Officer, tenKsolar, Inc. 15 16 Arent Fox LLP, Washington, DC on behalf of Trina Solar 17 (U.S.): 18 John M. Gurley, Arent Fox LLP 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Ace‐Federal Reporters, Inc. 202‐347‐3700 6 1 I N D E X 2 Page 3 Opening Remarks 4 Petitioner - Timothy C. Brightbill, Wiley & Rein LLP 10 5 6 Respondents - Richard Weiner, Sidley Austin LLP 14 7 8 Respondents - Walter Spak, White & Case LLP 17 9 10 Mukesh Dulani, President, SolarWorld 22 11 12 Ardes Johnson, Vice President Sales, SolarWorld 28 13 14 Gary Shaver, President, Silicon Energy, LLC 33 15 16 Erin Clark, President-Solar, PetersenDean 37 17 18 Mike McKechnie, President, Mountain View Solar 41 19 20 Dr. Seth T. Kaplan, Principal, Capital Trade Inc. 45 21 22 The Honorable Ron Wyden, United States Senator, 23 Oregon 47 24 25 Ace‐Federal Reporters, Inc. 202‐347‐3700 7 1 I N D E X 2 Page 3 4 The Honorable Richard M. Nolan, U.S. Representative, 8th 5 District, Minnesota 52 6 7 Brenda A. Jacobs, Sidley Austin 147 8 9 Thomas Koerner, General Manager, Americas, Canadian Solar 10 (USA) Inc. 149 11 12 Robert Petrina, Managing Director, Yingli Green Energy 13 Americas, Inc. 154 14 15 John Morrison, Senior Vice President, Strata Solar LLC 158 16 17 Polly Shaw, Vice President, SunEdison 162 18 19 Jennifer Lutz, Senior Economist, Economic Consulting 20 Services, LLC 166 21 22 John P. Smirnow, Vice President of Trade & Competitiveness, 23 Solar Energy Industries Association ("SEIA") 170 24 25 Ace‐Federal Reporters, Inc. 202‐347‐3700 8 1 I N D E X 2 Page 3 Austin Chiu, General Counsel, Neo Solar Power 175 4 5 Joel Cannon, Chief Executive Officer, tenKsolar, Inc. 180 6 7 Jay C. Campbell, White & Case 183 8 9 Rebuttal/Closing Remarks 10 Petitioner - Timothy C. Brightbill, Wiley Rein LLP 272 11 12 Respondents - Rajib Pal, Sidley Austin LLP 277 13 14 Respondents - Walter Spak, White & Case LLP 281 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Ace‐Federal Reporters, Inc. 202‐347‐3700 9 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 CHAIRMAN BROADBENT: Good morning. On behalf 3 of the U.S. International Trade Commission, I welcome you to 4 this hearing on Investigation Nos. 701-511 and 731-1246, 5 1247, involving Certain Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic 6 Products from China and Taiwan. 7 The purpose of these investigations is to 8 determine whether an industry in the United States is 9 materially injured or threatened with material injury, by 10 reason of less than fair value imports from China and 11 Taiwan, and by reason of imports that are subsidized by the 12 government of China. 13 Documents concerning this hearing are 14 available at the public distribution table. Please give all 15 prepared testimony to the Secretary. Do not place it on the 16 public distribution table. All witnesses must be sworn in 17 by the Secretary before presenting testimony. 18 I understand that parties are aware of the 19 time allocations, but if you have any questions about time, 20 please ask the Secretary. Speakers are reminded not to 21 refer to business proprietary information in their remarks 22 or in answers to questions. Please speak clearly into the 23 microphones and state your name for the record, so that the 24 court reporter knows who is speaking. 25 If you are submitting documents that contain Ace‐Federal Reporters, Inc. 202‐347‐3700 10 1 information you wish classified as Business Confidential, 2 you're requested to comply with Commission Rule 201.6. 3 Finally, I note that the Chinese respondents and the 4 Taiwanese respondents ask that the Commission consider 5 extending the deadline for filing post-hearing briefs, or 6 give the parties an opportunity for supplemental briefing 7 after Commerce releases its final determinations on the 8 scope of these investigations. 9 We will not be revising the date for 10 submitting post-hearing briefs, which are still due to be 11 filed on December 15th, 2014. Once Commerce has issued its 12 final determination, the Commission will consider your 13 request for additional briefing opportunities. I would 14 support additional briefing opportunities, and I think 15 procedurally we could vote on that. Mr. Secretary, are 16 there any preliminary matters? 17 MR. BISHOP: Madam Chairman, there are no 18 preliminary matters. 19 CHAIRMAN BROADBENT: Very well. Let's now 20 proceed with opening remarks. 21 MR. BISHOP: Opening remarks on behalf of 22 Petitioner will be by Timothy C. Brightbill, Wiley Rein. 23 CHAIRMAN BROADBENT: Welcome, Mr. Brightbill. 24 OPENING REMARKS BY TIMOTHY C. BRIGHTBILL 25 MR. BRIGHTBILL: Good morning Chairman Ace‐Federal Reporters, Inc. 202‐347‐3700 11 1 Broadbent and Commissioners and staff. The U.S. industry is 2 here today to finish a job that we started more than three 3 years ago. As you are aware, SolarWorld first petitioned 4 the ITC for relief in the fall of 2011, in response to the 5 Government of China's systematic effort to dominate the 6 global solar manufacturing industry, using a combination of 7 state planning, billions of dollars of subsidies, massive 8 capacity additions and dumping, in order to capture sales 9 and market share. 10 In that case, the Commission unanimously found 11 that massive volumes of subject imports that undersold the 12 domestic like product produced product by substantial 13 margins, caused layoffs, shutdowns, severe financial harm 14 and other material injury to the U.S.
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