a The Clinton Republican. VOL. XLVII—NO. 18 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY' AUGUST 3, 1905. WHOLE NO. 3594. GOLDEN WEDDING VARIOUS TOPICS. \l NOVEL LAWN PARTY ea Celebrated by Mr. and Mn. , John IGREAT FUN FOR FINS crop this year. It is estimated thatEat a Delp, of Olive, July —H million bushels will be handled in Mrs. J. R. McColl Entertains Grand Rapids alone. Next Week Will be a Mem­ Mr. and Mrs. John Delp, of Olive, celebrated their golden wedding anni ­ orable One in Ball History a Company of 80 Dr. Alton and nephew, Robert Alton, versary Friday, July 28. A family re­ Dr. Dellenbaugh and Editor Lew F. union was held at the home and a Cntcheon, of the Observer, came over bountiful dinner was served. Mr. and OPEN AIR THEATRICALS from Portland, yesterday in Dr. Alton ’s Mrs. Delp received many presents. THE CHEROKEE INDIANS automobile, just to see the town, and John Delp was born in Medina connty, expressed themselves as highly pleased Ohio, August 3, 1885. He was a car­ Will Flay St. Johns Tuesday and the Mu«ic, Pantomime and Tableaux with St. Johns. Dr. Dellenbaugh was penter by trade. On July 28, 1855, he Made a Pleasing Program a pioneer physician in Westphalia, was united in marriage to Miss Eliza­ Oldsmobile Team on Thursday where he lived for many years and did beth Harper, of Medina county. They a large practice, and at one time repre­ moved to Indiana in 185G and resided Mrs. J. R. McOoll entertained a com­ sented Westphalia upon the board of there five years when they returned to Manager H. P. Gage has closed ar­ pany of about 80 on the beautiful supervisors. The doctor is nearly 71 Ohio where they lived until 1874 when rangements by which St. Johns lovers grounds at the home of tier father, A. years old, but does not look a day older they moved to St. Johns. After a resi­ of the national game will have the J. Baldwin, on Oaklahd street last night, than GO, and seems much younger than dence of one year in this city they pleasure next week of witnessing some in honor of Mi?s Louise Peloubet, of manym men of 50. moved to Riley and later to their pres­ mighty fast work on the diamond. Boston, Massachusetts; Miss Elizabethi!i\ ent home in Olive. The first big game comes off on Tues­ Marlield, of Knoxville, Tennessee; and August 14th St. Johns will vote on Mr. Delp served three years in the day afternoon at 2:30 o’clock when Misses I/ouise and Nancy VanNatta, of the proposition to buy the factory build ­ Civil War as a member of the 73rd St. Johns crosses bats with the famous Lafayette, Indiana. ings. It should be remembered that it Indiana Volunteers. Mr. and Mrs. Cherokee Indian team. The Indians Japanese lanterns hung from the trees takes a two-thirds vote for the question Delp were the parents of four children, are touring the county in a private lent beauty to the scene, while an im­ to carry it. All who believe it would only two of whom are living. They are Pnilman car and those who have fol­ provised stage, lighted by incandescent be for the best interests of the -city to Mrs. Samuel Krebel and Mrs. Eleazar lowed their playing say that they cer­ lights on wires strung for the occasion, buy these buildings and try to establish Sperry, who reside near their parents. tainly go some. with foot lights, made the grounds al­ some manufacturing industries, should Mr. and Mrs. Delp have eight grand ­ A very novel feature in connection most as light as day. not only vote themselves, but see to it children and six great-grandchildren. with the second game which will be The guests were first presented to the that others do not neglect to vote. The The relatives from away who were played between the Indians and St. Misses Peloubet, Marlield and Van ­ investment is trifling, considering the present at the reunion were Mr. and Johns, is that this game will be played Natta, and then spent a social hour possibilities for good for the city. Other Mrs. James High, of Sycamore, Ohio; after dark on Tuesday night, the game about the spacious grounds. Folding cities in Michigan are securing indus ­ Mrs. C. H. Garrigness, of Massillon, to be called at 7 :30. Tne Indians carry chairs were provided in front of the tries, and good ones, from the large Ohio; Mrs. Hattie Coulter, of Cleve ­ their own electric lighting plant and stage, where the company assembled to cities, and St. Johns can do the same. land, Ohio; Mrs. C. A. Wilcox, of by the nse of numerons arc lights, make listen to delightful orchestra music In this connection, however, it must be Akron, Ohio; Mrs. W. W. Wells, of the grounds as light as day. They also provided by Amyrdis Butler, Harold remembered that St. Johns people gen­ SUES SUBURBAN Lodi, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. carry canvass fencing and a grand stand Perkins and Harry Frye. The real erally are not manufacturers —have no Harper, of Midland City. with a capacity of 1,400 people. program opened, however, upon the ap­ JIG GRANGE DULLY The third game of the week will be considerable investments in factories TEACHERS SELECTED Sarah Howell, of Lansing, wants Mr. and Mrs. Delp are enjoying good played on Thursday afternoon at 2:30, pearance of a real brass band, with Geo. and are extremely conservative in mak­ V ----------------- health and until this year Mr. Delp has H. Chapman as drum major. Those ing such investments. We will not be­ $10,000 Damages been able to do considerable work npon at Athletic park, between St. Johns who recently attended the Forepaugh- come a second Pittsburgh in a day, even his farm. They are among the prosper­ and the Oldsmobile team, of Lansing. Sells circus thought they saw the real Only One Vacancy Remains Ingham and Clinton Counties Hundreds will want to witness this with the factory buildings, but we can Because of an alleged inability to ous farmers of Olive township and have thing in bands and drum majors, but do something. a large circle of friends who congratu­ game as the visitors have a well-known they didn ’t; it was a weak imitation of in St. Johns Schools collect a judgment of $G,000 and costs, at Agricultural College reputation, and there are [many who rendered in her favor against the Lans ­ late them npon the recent happy event. last night’s performance. Selection ------------------------- ' t think the St. Johns team will be able after selection was rendered literally GOOD WAGON YET ing City Electric Railway Co., on No­ to make a good showing against them. without a single discord. \ TWENTY FOUR REQUIRED vember 28, 1904, Sarali Howell has com­ ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 10. Old gold and silver wanted at Alli­ Mr. G. Pennell announced the pro­ menced suit in the circuit court against son ’s. 43-tf Although it Has Been Bun for 25 the Lansing & Suburban Traction Co., V Fostoltlee News gram. A tableau ‘‘The First Monday, ” Deduced Hates on Michigan Subur­ Some Improvements Being Made in successors of the first named corpora­ Postmaster Will H. Branson is spend ­ revealed a formidable array of clothes- Years ban-Good Program. bars, with two fig leaves hanging East Ward Building tion, for $ 10,000 damages. BARNS BURNED ing a few days at White Lake. thereon. In silent eloquence they told It is claimed that the Lansing & N Frank W. Knapp is having a two Suburban Traction Co., took over the a tale of simple love. J. T. Daniells, of Essex, came to St. A Grange Rally for the farmers of By lightning in Kiley Township weeks’ vacation, and with Mrs. Knapp Alderman Ward, now acting mayor Johns Monday with a lumber wagon With tl e exception of principal all of property and effects of the Lansing Ingham and Cliuton counties will be is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tuttle, in the absence of Mayor Fitzgerald, did which he bought of the late John Hicks the teachers for the St. Johns schools City Electric Railway Co. on March 9, held at the Michigan Agricultural Col­ Last Friday in Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles a' number, in costume, rivaling the 25 years ago. The tires have never are engaged for the coming year. Su­ 1904, and that it became responsible lege on Thursday. August 10th. An ex­ Sherman, iu Mt. Clemens. palmiest efforts of ‘‘Little Egypt.” been reset, and are not bolted on, but perintendent E. D. Palmer will receive for all the affairs of the other company cellent program for the afternoon has $1300 for the first year. The teachers The plaintiff claims that the payment, Lightning struck and burned a barn A pantomime of “The Battle of are tight today. been arranged, including addresses by on the farm of C. C. Woodruff, on Blenheim ” was a most laughable pro­ The wagon is as sound as when pur­ who have been re-engaged for the com­ although promised, lias never been the following well-known speakers: \i BUSINES8 LOCALS. ing year and their salaries are as made. section 35, Riley, last Friday. Insured duction, Editor Stuart H. Perry taking chased, and has been used continuously Hon. F W. Redfern of Maple Rapid* ; for $150 in Farmers’ Mutual. Chas. an active part in this, as well as in on the farm ever since. Mr. Daniells follows: Hon.
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