8316 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 28 NOVEMBER, 1913. eludes the Watford Electric Lighting Order, road (from Hillside-road to Hall Gates), -1897), confirmed by the Electric Lighting Grange-road, the Avenue (from the Hall Orders Confirmation (No. 3) Act, -1897, the Gates to Grange-road), Avenue-rise, Her- "Watford Electric Lighting Order, 1904, con- komer-road (from Avenue-rise to Bourne- firmed by the Electric Lighting Orders Con- hall-road), Bournehall-road, Main London- firmation (No. 2) Act, 1904, the Watford road (from the entrance gates of the Manor Urban -District Council Act, 1909, and the House to the boundary between the counties Watford Electric Lighting (Extension) Order, of Hertford and Middlesex). 1913, confirmed by the Electric Lighting Orders Confirmation (No. 5) Act, 1913), so In the parish of Aldenham— as to include therein the urban district of Watling-street (from Malt-lane to Loom- Bushey, in the county of Hertford and the lane), Station-road, the Crosspath, Shenley- parish of Aldenham, in the rural district of hill, Aldenham-avenue, Loom-lane. Watford in the same county (the said area of 9. The following are the streets and parts supply so extended being in this Notice re- of streets not repairable by the local authority, ferred to as " the extended area of supply"), which the Council propose to take powers to and to authorize the Council to supply, dis- break up: — tribute and sell electrical energy for public and private purposes as defined by the said In the urban district of Bushey— Acts within the extended area of supply. Berry Grove-road (from Bushey Hall 2. To extend and make applicable to the Farm to Hartspring-lane), Bushey Mill- extended area of supply, with or without modi- lane, Bournehall - road, Bushey Grove- fication, all or some of the provisions con- road, California-road, Coldharbour-lane, tained in the Watford Electric Lighting Act Elstree-road, Falconer-road, Finch-lane, and Orders, 1897 to 1913, and to apply such Hartspriiig - lane, Hartsbourne - road, provisions to the undertaking to be authorized Heathborne - road, Herkomer - road, Hive- by the Order, subject to such variations and road, Little Bushey - lane, Melbourne- exceptions as may be contained therein. road, Merry Hill - road, Park - road, The Rutts, School - lane, Sandy - lane, 3. To make special provision with regard to Windmill-lane, Main London-road from the powers of the Bushey Council and the Watford boundary to Middlesex boundary, Watford Rural District Council to purchase Aldenham-road from Watford urban dis- the portions of the Council's electricity under- • trict boundary to Hartspring-lane, road by taking which are within the Bushey urban St. James' Church,' Bushey Hall-road, district and; the parish of Aldenham respec- Arthur-street, Ashdown-road, Avenue-rise, tively, and to empower the Bushey Council and Belle Vue-lane, Bournehall-lane, Belmont- the Watford Rural District Council to pur- road, Bendysh-road, Bourne-road, Catsey- chase the same at such periods and upon such lane and path from Sparrows Herne to Little terms as may be prescribed by the intended Bushey, Chiltern-avenue, Cow-lane, Clay- Order or the Act confirming the same, and lane, Cross-road, Hartsbourne-road, Heath- to confirm any agreement which may be en- field-road, King George's-avenue, Magpie tered into between the Council and the Bushey Hall-road, Silverdale-road, Titian-avenue, Council and the Watford Rural District Walton-road, path from Bushey Hall to Council for or in relation to any such purchase Berry Grove-road, path from swimming as aforesaid. baths to Hartspring-lane, path from Finch- 4. To prescribe the rates and charges which lane to Patchett's Green (crossing Little may be demanded and taken by the Council Bushey-lane at Grange Farm), path from for or in respect of any supply of electricity Herkomer-road to Little Bushey-lane at afforded by them within any part of the area Burnt Farm, path from Merryhill-road to to which the intended Order will relate. London-road (St. James' Church), path from Coldharbour-lane to Hilfield; path 5. To exclude from incorporation some or all from Harts Farm to Hilfield, path from of the provisions contained in the schedule to brickworks to Merryhill-road, path from the Electric Lighting (Clauses) Act, 1899, or Merryhill-road to Oxhey-lane, path from to incorporate the same, with such modifica- Merryhill-road to Hartsbourne Manor. tions and exceptions as may be indicated in the Order. In the parish of Aldenham— 6. To confer upon the Council all or some Shenley-road, Theobald-street, Watling- of the powers of the Electric Lighting Acts, street, Station-road, Park-road, Watford- 1882 to 1909, and enactments incorporated road, Aldenham-road, Shenley-hill, Shen- therewith, and to alter, vary or extinguish all ley-lane, main .road from Aldenham to rights and privileges which would or might Radlett, road from High Cross to Oak- interfere with any of the objects of the Order, bridge-lane, new road from Aldenham- and to confer all other rights and privileges road to Batlers Green, Loom-lane, Peg- necessary for carrying such objects into effect. mire-lane, road from Four Want Ways to 7. To alter, extend and amend the provi- Del row, road from Round Bush to Letch- sions of the Watford Electric Lighting Act more Heath, main roads through Round and Orders, 1897 to 1913. Bush, main roads through Letchmore Heath, road from Aldenham-road (Old Red 8. The streets in which it is proposed that Lion) to Caldicote-hill, Sandy-lane, road electric lines shall be laid down within a speci- from Letchmore Heath to Elstree-road (Elm fied time are as follows: — Lodge), road from CalcTicote (Gower's Lodge) to Patchett's Green-ro.ad, Dagger- In the urban district of Bushey— lane, Elstree-road, Heathbourne-road, Berry ' Bushey Hall-road (from Grove-road to the Grove-road, road from Aldenham to Hart- Avenue), Bushey Grove-road, Aldenham- spring-lane, Woodhall-lane, road from.
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