Roger Williams University DOCS@RWU Commencement Programs RWU Archives and Special Collections 5-17-1997 Commencement Program, 1997 Roger Williams University Follow this and additional works at: https://docs.rwu.edu/commencement_programs Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Roger Williams University, "Commencement Program, 1997" (1997). Commencement Programs. 28. https://docs.rwu.edu/commencement_programs/28 This Program is brought to you for free and open access by the RWU Archives and Special Collections at DOCS@RWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Commencement Programs by an authorized administrator of DOCS@RWU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ROGER WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY Commencement Exercises Classof NineteenHundred and Ninety-seven 1997 May Seventeenth. Bristol, Rhode Island ORDER OF EXERCISES COMMENCEMENT HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENTS 1997 OFFICIALS l'ROlJ<..,',J()'\ \l l'RESE'\T1\TIO'\. OF MARSIIALS The Ralph Stuart Orchestra 11O'\JORi\ RY DFC REE Cm11dMarshal CJ\t\DlDATES AND Rocco Colagiovanni '\ \ 110'\ \I \'\JTlll'\11 (_()'\JI [RRl'\C or Fac11ltyMarshal Michael Popowich 11O'\JORARY DECREES George Ficorilli Barilo11e Chairman Ralph R. Papitto 'SSH Ocea11State Light Opera n11d Collegeof Arts a11dScie11ces President Anthony J. Santoro Steven Withrow BcaucrtailProductio11s I 10'\0RAR) DEC,IU E School of Architecture I'\\ 0( \ I IO'\ RLCll'IE'\. TS Jeffrey Wyszynski The Reverend A Ifred V. Ricci J.Vincent Camuto Gabelli School of 811si11ess Ro111a11Catholic Cliaplni11, Chief Exewtive Officer a11dCo-Fo1111der, Alice J. Goodhart Brown L/11ivcrsit_11 Ni11eWest Group, l11c. School of E11gi11eeri11g Stamford, Co1111. l'R' <..,ll)J'\C. Heather Culp J.Vincent Carnuto Leon G, Cooperman Alan Shawn Feinstein Louis Rukeyser Honorary Doctor of Mn11nge111e11t U11iversityCollege Anthony J. Santoro HonoraryDoctor of Mnnageme11f J-/011omryDoctor of Fi11a11ce 1-lonomryDoctor of Laws Leon G. Cooperman Patricia A. Cherveny J-JonomryDoctor of Finance Prc~idc11t,/~ager Willia111sU11i1.1ersity a11d Clwir111n11,Omega Advisors, Inc. Chief Executive Officer, Chairman, Omega Advisors, Founder, The Feinstein Host of Wall Street Week the Ral11hR. Papi/lo School of Law New York City, N.Y. COLOR BEARERS Nine West Group, Inc. Inc. Foundation With Louis R11keyser, PBS /-/01wrnry Doctor of Fi11a11ce RI \I \In,.._, Bayard Bellinger, Vice President,/1111ior Alan Shawn Feinstein Class J.Vi11ce11t Cn11111to's si11cere pas­ M.B.A. Columbia B.S. Boston University A.B. Princeton University Ralph R. Papitto '8511 Fo1111rler,The Fei11steiJ1Fo1111dntio11 sion,focus, and spirit hnvegained University M .S. Boston State Woodrow Wilson Cltnim1n11,Board ofTrnstees, Courtney Mulligan, Secretary, Sophomore Crn11sto11,R.I. Class him the respectfrom his peers,his LeonCoopenna11's insight i11 Teacher's College School of Public and Roger Wilfin111sU11iziersity J-1011omn1Doctor of Laws 14,000 associatesand the e11tire financial advising was well recog- Educator,jo11malist, and phila11- International Affairs Pc1ulPclit '73 Louis Rukeyser ~F'\IOR CLASS OFFICERS women'sfootwear i11d11stry. 11i:edd11ri11g his 25-yenrcareer at thropist, Ala11Shaw11 Fei11stei11 For27 years, 111illio11shaiie wel­ Prc"idc11t, Eco110111icCo111111e11tator a11rlHost of Joshua Mitchell, Preside11t A visio11aryleader, Mr. Ca11111l0 Goldman,Sachs & Co., wherehe has been i11the forefront of the comed Louis R11keyser,award- Wall Street Week With Louis Rukeyser Roger Wil/in111sU11iucrsity Susan M. Pasqual, Vice President not 011/ypossesses keen exec11tive served the investme11tworld i11 drive for co111111w1ityservice i11 1.oi1111ingeconomic co111111e11tntor, Al,1111111 Assoc intio11 011PBS Denise Perry, Treasurer skills, b11thas the energy mid 111a11ydiffere11t capacities. From educationand the fight agai11st fi11a11cialexpert a11djo11nzalist, /-1011omryDoctor of Fi11m1ce chain11a11a11d chief executive offi­ world hu11ger.111 Rhorle Jsla11d into their homesas the hos/ of the Joshua Mitchell Clare Stilwell, Secretary in11ovatio11that makesthe 111ulti­ n/011e,Mr. Fei11steii1has donated highly ratedfi11a11cial co111111e11- Prcc.idc11/,Sc11ior Class, co,rrnRl'\G or- DEGREES billio11-dollarNine West Gro11p, cer of Gold111a11,Sachs Asset Roger Wilfin111sU11iversity GRADUATING STUDENT J11c.a globalforce in footwear Ma11ageme11tto general partner more than $1 111illio11to establish tary progm111,Wall Street Week President Anthony J.Santoro fashion.The companyowns more i11the fin11,Mr. Coopermantook specialco1111111mity programs in With Louis Rukeyser. As the Arthur Fisher SEr\ATE MEMBERS Malcolm H. Forbes film,a doze11brands and markets his experie11cea11d k11owledge to areaele111e11/ary and high schools, first 11atio11aleconomic C0/1111/ell­ Pre,idrnt, Alpha Chi J-/011orSociety, Heather Culp, Preside11t Vice Preside11tfor Academic Affairs them in tl1011sn11dsof stores fo1111dOmega Advisors, Inc., a establisheda 52 millio11scholar­ lator 011televisio11 in 1968, Mr. Roger Wiflin111sU11iversity Stephanie A. Giangrande, Secretary aro1111dthe world. Despite the m11lti-billio11-dollarNew York­ ship f1111rlfor high schooljuniors, R11keyserhas since experienceda IH '\ EDICTION Jehangir Saabig Lance Hashim, Vice de111a11rlsof a world-classcompa­ basedfi11a11cial firm. 111adrlitio11 a11rlfo1111ded Feinstein J-Jigh flourishingcareer. Wi1111erof Kl) '\OT! Preside11t The Reverend Alfred V. Ricci ny, Mr. Canllltois close to his to his work as chair111a11of Omega School,dedicated to public and 1111111erousprestigious honors and U)\1\11 '\U\,ll \.1 '->PLAKER Evan S. King fo11rc/1ilrlre11, is a11 avid s11pporter Advisors, I11c.,Mr. Cooper111a11 co1111111111ityservice. At the colle­ awardsfor his work i11fi11a11cial RI Cf',C,[O'\,t\L Alan Shawn Feinstein of c/mritiesbe11efiti11g chilrlre11, shareshis knowledgeand exper­ giate level, he has createdthe joumnlis111,Mr. Rukcyserhas Fo1111dcr,The Fei11stci11Fo1111rlntio11 SENIOR CLASS The Ralph Stuart Orchestra a11rlserves as directorof a disti11- tise in leadershippositions with Feinstei11Enriching Programs at gai11edpraise l1yU.S. preside11ts, Cm11sfo11,R.I. ADVISORY BOARD g11ishedprivate boys' day school, numerousprofessional and co111- four Rhodelsla11rl i11stitutio11s, Nobel lanreatesand peers. Editor Amanda Bruneth RECl:PTIO'\J which 011eof his sons attends. 1111111ity-basedorga11izntio11s. If is miserlfn11ds for the World of the largestfina11cial 111'7.Psletter All attendees are invited to enjoy Jehangir Saabig Lance Hashim Roger Williams University hon­ becmiseof this generosityof spirit, H1111gerProgram at Brow11 a11dauthor of best-sellingbooks, refreshments following Commencement Melanie L. Hendsbee ors Mr. Ca11111to'sperseverance, loyalh;and i11tellectthat the U11iversity,and 1111derwrotethe Mr. Rukeyseris l10110redfor his in the tents located on campus. Michael Henry E. Oelbaum achievementand great generosity. co1111111111ityof Roger Williams Roger Willim11sU11iversity Lo11is work as a world-clnssjoumalist Vanessa L. Reiman University salutes Leon Fei11stei11Legal Clinic, which and educator. Nicole M. Sarubbi Coopennan. providesfree legalservice to the poor. N11111ero11shonors have been bestowedupo11 him for his generous,caring co11trib11tio11s to society. /11recognitio11 of ltis altruism, Roger Williams L/11iversitypays tribute to Alm, Shawn Feinstei11,Rhode Jsla11d's true lw111m1itnria11. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES DEGREE CANDIDATES Mark Gould, Ph.D., Dean May 1997 Margaret Elaine Gauthier Joseph Walter Patmos May 1997 Dawn Michelle Hovey Rena Stephanie Piller May 1997 August 1996 Bachelor of Science Danielle Stephanie Gervais Denise Marie Perry Bachelor of Arts Amity Ann Howard Maureen Rawson Bachelor of Fine Arts Bachelor of Science Chantelle Marie Giguere Charles Henry Pillsbury IV James H. Jessup Erica S. Reba Jesse Michael Adamo C11111 Laude Stacy Lynn Pompea Kristen Adele Alger Shannon Andrea Jette Thomas Joseph Reis Barrett Douglas Brokaw Jorge L. Charris Alison May Bandilli Danielle Lee Giovannone Stephen T. Preiss Elly Ann Almeida Magna Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude Gina Marie Lancia Adam Lee Davis KitTlIsabel Barlowe Cum Lnude Roka U. Gould Jacqueline Ann Prentice Gregory Charles Banks Erica Janne Johansen Lidia Rib6 Marc E. Gula Joseph Jeffrey Belliveau Kelly Ann Robinson Cum Lnude Jeremy Scott Griffin Brian C. Proto Samantha Jeanne Baron Julie Ann Jones Crystal Lynn Richardson Michael Benevento Ashley Ann Hartness Kwame Sekou Bartie Milja Jeanne Elvira Kievit Alison Jill Rosow Steven Gregory Withrow, Jr. Robert A. Lemoi Daniel Raymond Summa Cum Laude Christopher James Berard Pedro Pablo Mata James William Hayner Todd K. Rich Amy Ann Baumann Melissa Beth Lewis Jessica Ross Desiree Cathleen Blessing Melanie Lea Hendsbee Alison Bearman Jennifer Marie Lowe Jonathan David Royle Thomas M. Notarianni Veronica Suzanne Robles December 1996 Brett Alan Bogdan Matthew Jon Herbert Keith Ross Benson Kathleen C. Macedo Christopher George Russo Donald Robert Whitmarsh Heidi Elizabeth Roethel Bachelor of Science Samantha Hibbs Bohlinger Tracy Lynn Hoey Justin Sinclair Salvatore Rachel Allison Berman Chris Joseph Magdalenski Aura M. Ryder I !award Adam Brande Luke Spencer Holden Cum Laude Jason D. Black Keith Anderson Manuel Michael Sheldon Sage Gwendolyn Marie Croft August 1996 Bachelor of Arts Stephen Christopher Brown Linda Kay Hope Kirk Nolan Samuelson Tyler Robert Blackburn Christine Anne Marino Shannon Grace Signore Tina L. City Deborah Ann Butkus Mandy Leigh Hulbert Bryan I-1.Sands Jean-Pierre Blaise Matthew Benjamin Martin Summa
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