Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-6-1966 The B-G News October 6, 1966 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News October 6, 1966" (1966). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2003. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. I 'On The Street Where He Lives'... See Page 5 i The B-G News Serving a Growing University Since 1920 [Thursday, Oct. 6, 1966 Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 51, No. 11 28 Running Jazz Trio To Open For Positions On Council '66 Celebrity Series The Ramsey Lewis Trio, famed the office of the Union Activities At least 28 students will be for its "jazz-rock-n-roll" sound Organization. General ad- running for Student Council pos- and a popular recording group, mission season tickets are $7. itions in next Wednesday's dorm- will open the 1966 Celebrity Ser- Reserve season ducats for the itory elections. ies with its appearance here Sun- main floor are $15, while re- The candidates for the 12 day. serve balcony seats are $10, dormitory representatives to The members of the trio-- $12, and $15. Student Council positions are: bassist Eldee Young, drummer Prout- -Marilyn Muller and Isaac (Red) Holt and pianist Ram- Peg Fogt. sey Lewis---have scored a num- Conklin--Donald Oberlin and ber of recording hits and have Gary Miller. been popular on the night club IStudent Spirit I Kreischer A -• Susan Will- circuit for several years. s' i iamson (unopposed) The three men began their fDraws Praise | Kreischer B-- Maxine Bred- professional careers more than •:•: The News yesterday re- g eson (unopposed) 10 years ago, while members gceived the following letter, ad- :■:•' Kreischer D--Richard Mancu- of the "Clef," a seven-piece gdressed to all University stu- g" sco, Frederick Zackel and Car- group playing Chicago's West •:j dents: 8 men DiPlacido. Side. "The enthusiasm andspir- £ Harshman A--John Jemmot, "The trio's first album, 1 it shown by students for the ffi Robert Kennedy and Ed Sixt. "Gentlemen of Swing," was fol- •jijvarious activities related to :j£ Harshman B--John Pomeroy lowed by other successes such gOpening Day '66 was certainly g and Craig Koentz. THE CELEBRITY series will be in full swing when the Ram- as "Barefoot Sunday Blues" and •^gratifying. :£ Harshman C-- ElaineSchwarz- sey Lewis Trio visits the University this Sunday. The trio "Down to Earth." :•:• "From the pep rally :•:• was rated high in the 1965 jazz poll released by Down Beat enberg and Candy Hudson. Proof of the trio's popularity gthrough the game and concert, g' magazine. Harshman D--JoAnn James, is its rating (ninth) among top :•!: students responded in a tre- g Denise Lovrinoff and Sarah Gul- combos in the 1965 jazz poll gmendous fashionl let. released by Down Beat, the voice g "For that traditional Bowl- g' McDonald North and West More Commuter of the Industry. Sing Green response, the ;:|: (combined representative--Diane •••■members of the Opening Day §: Vlnciguerra, Ann McCull- Its version of "In Crowd" placed second as the record of gCommitee wish to extend •:•: ough, Cayll Parkinson, Cindy the year, and all three mem- ga big 'thanks' to the entire 5 gstudent body. •:•: Shadwick, Joyce Perndsen and Parking Sought bers of the trio ranked among Carol Zeedick. the top Instrumentalists in the Sincerely, •:•: McDonald East-- Lucy Urban The University Parking Com- were being "pushed out" of the jazz world. :■:• Charles E. Perry, Chairman g and Carol Pietrzak, mittee has recommended that Memorial Hall lot because of Opening Day Committee •;•: Candidates from Kreischer C Tickets for the entire Cele- parking lot K between Harsh- the great number of people that brity Series are available in have not filed their petitions. man Quadrangle and new frat- parked there to work on the new Their names will be announced ernity row be converted from fac- library, student activities build- later this week, an official of ulty and staff parking to ing, and health center. the election board said. commuter parking. He said this lot was not op- To help the flow of informa- Keith Trowbridge, chairman of ened to on-campus students be- tion, the News is offering space the committeesaid thecommlttee cause of the relatively small size up to 100 words in length to cannot pass changes in parking of the lot as compared to the each candidate. regulations but only recommend number of people who live in A form explaining the offer such changes to the campus long- Harshman, Conklin Hall, and on was distributed to each candid- range planning council. new fraternity row. ate Wednesday evening. Mr. Trowbridge said the Mr. Trowbridge said the park- The deadline for returning the change in lot K was recommended ing committee, in conjunction forms to the B-G News office because of the added pressure with the University Police De- with the statement is Friday noon. on commuter parking in the lot partment, is making a survey Statements will be printed near Memorial Hall. to determine the present amount Tuesday, the day before the el- He said that the commuters of use that is made of each ection. parking lot. He added that some of the lots might be reclasslfied as a re- Ruby Verdict Ruled sult of the study. Mr. Trowbridge said the com- mittee is also concerned with request for special parking In Error By Court privileges, motorcycle reg- ulations, and the enforcement DALLAS (AP)--- The Jack the court. and collection of parking fines. Ruby case was opened wide again Defense attorneys claim Ruby with the reversal of his murder may never again be sentenced to conviction by the Texas Court death. of Criminal Appeals yesterday. In connection with the change in iDorm Delegate^ Television watchers across the venue, the appeals court cited country saw Ruby shoot and kill U.S. Supreme Court rulings in President Kennedy's alleged ass- the cases of Billie Sol Estes and | Mix-Up Fixed 1 assin, Lee Oswald. Ruby drew Dr. Samuel Sheppard. •|j Election Board said yes- •:•: a death sentence in the case. Sheppard's Cleveland convic- •:•: terday there has been con- •£ The high Texas court in Austin tion for murder was thrown out » fusion concerning the num- •:■: said the lower court erred on on grounds news coverage of the S ber of representatives ••£ two counts: not granting Ruby case had created a climate in :•:• needed from some dormit- :•$ a change of trial location outside which he did not receive a fair :•:■ ories. •:£ Dallas, and admitting as evidence trial. In the case of Texas pro- :•:• The Board said there will S police officers' testimony about moter Estes, accused of fraud, $: be representatives from each :•:• remarks by Ruby. TV coverage figured in the Sup- j:j: dormitory in Harshman and :•:; Ruby was quoted as saying reme Court's decision. :•:• Kreischer Quadrangles, g' shortly after he shot Oswald The Texas appeals court rul- $: eight in total. that he had decided beforehand ing cleared the way for a retrial g' West and North Halls are g ROCKING ON at the Rathskeller will happen from 8 p.m. to to kill him if he had the chance. outside Dallas. •:•: to combine one represent- g midnight, Saturday, when the sophomore class sponsors an The appeals court found this to be District Attorney Henry Wade g ative but East Hall will have g all-campus dance. The Rathskeller, which has been recently a confession of premeditation to said he will ask the appeals •:•: its own, the Board said. '•:•: opened, is the place of practice for this drummer. (Photo by police that was inadmissible in court to reconsider its findings. Glen Eppleston.) page 2 The B-G News, Thursday, Oct. 6, 1966 FOR CAMPUS BETTERMENT -Here's The NewsPlan Today the News unveils its 10 point plan for campus betterment. 2. Democratic election process j;*W:W*:::***^^ We do not pretend it is complete. We intend to continue to add a. Sufficient number of polling places located on to it as the year progresses. by geographical area Add Or •:•: On the other hand, we will subtract from it as accomplishments b. Reduce grade requirement for running for all •:•: are checked off. offices to 2.0 At the end of the year, we will haul out the plan and evaluate 3. Enlarged campaign privileges Subtract? it as well as the entire campus scene. a. More forums and debates Without further comment, here is the NewsPlan for campus b. Extended campaign time Would you like to add, betterment. c. Larger expense allowances subtract or correct the NewsPlan For Campus Betterment 4. Open campus atmosphere News Plan for campus bet- 1. Revamped political system a. Make it "in" to speak out rather than follow crowd terment? a. At least two strong parties b. More forums, symposiums, debates, press conferences Do you agree or disagree? b. Conventions and primary elections to c. Encourage the development of an open platform for Let us know your feelings replace Senior Nominating Committee speakers on campus on our plan. 5. Break barriers between students and faculty Write them in as brief a 'RIGHT' OR WRONG a. More social and academic contact form as possible to b. Greater exchange of representation and information News Plan between Student Council and Faculty Senate B-G News c.
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