W-G-N FEATURES SMOI.Nimal Nied by Carl

W-G-N FEATURES SMOI.Nimal Nied by Carl

CHICAGO WAVE LENGTHS: 4:15-W.G.N-Afternoon. musical. WENR-Jackie Heller, songs. W-G-N-720.WENR-870. KYVV-1020. WCFL-June and Jack. WIND-500. WMBI-1080. W-G-N FEATURES WAAP-Realth talk, WMAQ-070. WAAP-020. WJJD-1130. WINDGrace Dunn, WBBM-770.WCPL-070. WGES-1300. KYW-Hawailan orchestra. The world series will be broadcast WMAQL-Songfellows. A. M. 7:00-1V-G-N" Good Morning,"musicalfrom St. Louis today and will come to 4:30-WCFL-Educationel Council. program; thus signals; weather re- WENR-Ma Perkins. ports. W-G-Nlisteners WMAQ-Interview. WCFLTimo Express. SMOI.NiMalat1:15 o'clock. WIIBM-Organist. WMAQMorning worship. WENR-Sherman's orchestra. WJJDBuddy, Zeb, and Otto. The broadcast will 4:45-W-G-N-Ilarold Turner, pianist. WA AFBreslcfast Express. WAAP-Sports review, WMBISun rise service. also be heard WENR-The Ranch Boys.: WBBMThe Star program. through NBC and WBBM-Barbara BUrr. WLSJullan Bentley. CBS outlets. WCPL-Pederationclub. 7 :30WGESEarly Birds. At 11 _a. m. WMAQ-Alice in Orchestralia. WLSMorning devotions. Torn, -Dick,and 5:00-W-G.N-Palnier Clark's orchestra. 8 :00WLSSpa reribs. KYW-Mel Stitzel, Pianist, WM AQBreakt ast club. Harry will present WMAQ-Dick Steele's orchestra. WINDSong Reporter. anotherof.their IVEDM-Adventure Hour. WCFLVarieties. tine musical pro- WENR-Betger'a orchestra. :1 5W.1.11DArt Linnick. WCFL-Willto and Tillie. WLSHot Shots. grams,accompa- WBBM-Century of Progress .orehes. :13W.G-NThe "Keep Pit " club, with nied by Carl tra. Capt. Paid Fogarty. Hoefle, a n d an- 5:15-WMAQ-Tout Mix. nounced by Ar- WAAP-Rhytinn Binge. 0:00W-G-NLawrence Salerno and Ron- WRBM-SkiPPY. dotterel. thur.Millett. EYW-Berger's orchestra, WLSWesterners' Round-up. WA APJ111 Edwards. On tonight's WENR-" MysteriousIsland," 1VMAGEdward McHugh, songs. sancasuarsmeamwm "Headline's Of WCPL-Grace,- Wilson, contralto. WIND--Do, Re, Mt girls. Other Days" at 5:30-W-G.N-The Singing Lady. WBI3MJim and Bob. WAYNE KING. , XYW-I.Incla Bob's club. 15-13-G-NClara, Lu, 'n' Em. 9:07Quin Ryan, WERN-Jack Arnuitroug, ICYWPianist. and a selected cast will give a drama- WJJD-Polish program. W13/31WLee Francis, pianist. tizatlon of "Marconi's feat in sending 5145-11'.G.N-Little Orphan Annie. WCFLVarletY program, WBBM-. Woody LeWillie." WGESCit nary concert. the first wireless message across the WMAQ-" Singing Strings." :30W.6-N--.Len Salvo. organ; market re.Atlantic ocean." 0:00-W.O.N-Painter House ensemble. pnrts, weather forecast. Other features: WENR-Amos 'nAndy. KY1VJoc White, tenor, WIND-German bent'. WA A FDance revue. 11:45 a. in." The Story of Helen RYW-Gould and Schaefer. 1VLSToday's Children. Trent." WBI3M-. Robin Hood." WBBMGene and Charlie. 6:30 P. m.Ossie Solent, head foot- WMAQ-Jack Turner. o :15WMAGBetty Crocker. 6:15-W.G.N-7'he W-G-N orchestra. WLSDean Bros. ball couch of the University of Iowa, ' WMAQ-Don Pedro's orchestra. WB1111Milton Charles,organist. In a dramatized interview with Bob WBBM-" Roil" Grange. WINDThe Throe Flats. Elson. WENR-Baseball resume. 10:00-1V-43-NM a viepersonalities.with WJJD-Music and Banter. Fronds X. Bushman and Elizabeth 7p. m."The Lone Ranger." a WENR-Plantation .Echoes. ' Blues. story of the Old West. 0:30-W-G-N-Bob Elm, sportsreview. I<Y1V and WIWAGMusic AnPreela 8:15 p. in.' The Comedy Stars of KYW-Barnyerd Frolics. tionhour. WREN-Three Flats, WA AFOrgen melodies. Hollywood." WMAQ-Pleken's Sisters, IVJJDU. of Chicago hour. 0:15 P. 111." The Bridge Club of the WEND-" Red Davis." WLSWilliam O'Connor, tenor. Air," with Lou Haddad. WCFL-Organ recital. WIJBMMary Ellis Antes. BtstriW-O-NPalliner House ensemble. /0:15-1V-(1-NThe Friendly Neighbor. 9:30 p. m.--Attillo Baggier°, tenor, WBBM-13o5ke Carter, WB1331-13. S. Army band. and the W-G-N orchestra in a 30 min- WMBIFrank Buck. WENRMelody Mixers. KYWBIshop Shell, IVA AFEstelle Barnes, pianist. ute recital.The program: 7:00W-0-SLano Ranger. WOESDorothy Schubert. songs. Selections from "Countess Maritza "..11alman 10 :30W-G-NFrattic Wilson, tenor. Orchestra. WG.ESJewish hottr, 1VBIlbf Wright and Romiss. " In the Silence of the Night "...Raclunaninolf WLSIrcne Rich. WMBIIllble school. Mr. Baggier° and orchestra. WMAQIiings and Queens of Sport. WCFLGeorge O'Connell, baritone. "Fantasie Impromptu" Chopin KYW-,Jessica Dragonette,Cirantland WOESItalian hour. Orchestra. Rice. WINDU. 8. Army band. "From the Land oftheSky Blue W1.11331" Easy Aces." WAAFVericties. Water" Cadman 7:15WBBMEdwin C.Hill. 10 :45W.G-NPaInted Dreams: "For You Alone" Gechl WMAQ-01d Heidelberg octet. WEILIMCarlets. Mr. Ruggiero and orchestra. WCFL-Herr WLSToday's Kitchen. " Scherzo Fandango " maquarre WJJD-Balladeers. WCFLVariety program. Orchestra. 7:30-W-C-N-Kay liyser's orchestra. WJJDFriendly Adviser. " Mavis " WBBM-Court of Human Relations. 11:00W-O-NTom, Dick. and Harry. 1VNAQ-Sonata recital, - KYWhielody Train. Mr. Bag*giore and orchestra. WLS-Grace Hayes. "Dance of the Cannirrinte ".....Wolf-Ferrari WJJD-Story of a Song. WM1111Musical. Orchestra, . WBBMVoiee of Experience. 7:15-W-G.N-E,L.RyersonJr.," Child WMAGFields and Hall. 10:30p. m. Three hours of tine Welfare." WJJDCeell and Saliy. dance music with the orchestras of WCPL-Parade of Stars. Sackett. Wayne King, Jan Garber, Ted Weenie, WMAQL-George Olsen's orchestra. 111:15-1V-G-NBett3-, Jean, and Jim. 7:50-W.G.N-The 11%-(i-N orchestra. ' WLSIfonicr Griffith. Johnny Hamp, Bob Pacelli, and Kay 8:00-W.G.N-Dr. A. W. Nolan, University WBBMGene and Charlie. Kyser.Elmo Tanner and Country of Illinois. I WINDBetty Bart hell. ,WJJDBuddy, Zeb. and Otto. Washbrun, soloists, will be featured WBBM-" March of Time." 111:30W-G-NOrnin markets; Mark Love,with Weems' orchestra. WMAQ-Abe Lyman's orchestra. basso. WLS-Phil Harris' orchestra. KYWFarm and Homo hour. WIND-Johnny Green. WMAGVie and Suite. ON OTHER STATIONS.. 8:15-W-G.N-Cometly Stars of Hollywood, WBBMA/ Kanclin's orchestra. 10 a. in.ICYW-WMAQDamrosch WB13MCarlos Molina's orchestra. 11 :15-1V-G.'N" Tim Story of Helen Trent." KYWIreno King. WMAGArthur Wright. tenor. music appreciation hour. WJJD7-Pollsh program, WBBMFrank Wilson, Moor, 7 p. m.WBBMEaeY Aces.. 8:30-W.G-N-Iann and Abner. WJJDEsther Bradford. WEND--Phil Baker. Noott--W.G.N. Just Plain 11111." 7 p. m.KYWJessica Dragonette, WBI3M-Hollywcod Hotel, WMAG" Story of Mary Martin." soprano, and Rosario Bourdon's or- KYW-Stan Myers' orchestra. WLSV I rginta Lee. chestra. WMAQ-One Night Stands. WBBMOrganist 8 p. m.WMAQWaltz Time, Abe WCFL-Miller's orchestra and guest WMBILoup service. stars. WAAPNoon time concert. Lyman's orchestra; Frank Munn and WCFL--Farm talk. Vivienne Segal. 8:45-W.G-N-Wayne King's orchestra. WJJDFarm hour. KYIY-Eratsinger's orchestra. 8p. m.WLS Phil Harris and 0:00-W-G.N-Tomorrow's 'Tribune. Leah Ray. RYWRea MatiPin's orchestra. 12 :15-1V.G.NIloring Sisters. WMAQ-" The FirstNighter." WLSDinner Bell program. 8 WCFLLunchcon concert. p. m.WBBM" The March of WENR-13ernard and Dupont. KYWJan Brunesco's orchestra. Tine" [premiere]. 0:117-W.(1-N-Headlines of Other hays. WBBMGcorge Hall's orchestra. 8:30p.in, WENR Phil Baker, 9:15-W-G-N-Bridge Club of tho Air. WMAGQuartet. KYW-Ilot Peppers. 12:30W.G.NGrain markets; midday *wry- IMartha Mears, and Leon Belasco's or- liaggiore, tenor. lee;Orrin W. Amnon,Methodistchestra. WBBM-Doris Loraine, songs. church. 8:30 p. m.--WBBMHollywood Hotel WENR-Fif teen Minutes with You. WBBMJerry Sullivan. songs. WIND-Kate Smith. - WJJDWildey and Sheehan. Dick Powell, Rowene Wil- KYIV-Samuel Dickstein on " WMAQSceretary of Labor Perkins. liam O'Neal, El Brendel, Ted FloRito's American Activities." 12 :41-1VIIBMA ir Breaks. orchestra. Claudette Colbert and War- WMAQ-Choristers, 1:00-1V-0-N-1'aimer House ensemble. 0 :45-WDBM-Carlos Molina's- orchestra. WLSMusicale. ren William, guest stars [premiere]. wmnrOrgan music. 9 p. m.WMAQ--First NIghter. WCFL-Miller's orchestra. WAAFHoosier Philosopher. WIND-Round Table On Housing. WBBMClossip club. 9 p. m.WENRAl Bernard and WENDGeorge Olsen's orchestra. WJJDIttuldy. Mb. and Otto. Paul Dumont show. 10:00W-O-NJune Procilles, WINDThe Eton BOYD, 9:30 p.tn. TVMAQ Jack Benny, KTW-George II. Holmes. KY WSizzlers. WEND-Amos 'n' Andy. 1:15W-G-NWorld series, Detroit vs. St.Frank Parker, and Don Bestor's or- WMAQ,,Donald and MeGibney. LOWS. EAten WBBM, WIND, K chestra. WIiI3M-Myrt and 'Marge. WMAG.] WIND-Fats Waller,. - IVLSRangers. 10:15-W.G-N-Dreinti Ship, WJJDMooscheart Children. WMAQ-Gette and Glenn. I. :30WCFLCivie talk. 3 :30WBBMFlo Rite's orchestra. WENR-Jesse Crawford, organist. WAAPJim and Stella. WAAFSalon concert, KYW-All-Star Revue. 1 :45WCFLJust Between Us. WCFLCentury of Progress orchestra WBBM-Busse's orchestra. WLSGeorge Simons, tenor. WAXYDick Reed. 10:30-W.G-N-lWayne King's orchestra. WJJDSweepetakes. WENRfa Perkins, ' WMAQ-Coburn's orchestra. :00WCPLRed Hot and Low Down: 3:46WDliklPickard Family.. Will3M-Eerl Hines orchestra. WLSHomemakers' hour. WCFLPopular music., KM-Freddie Martin's orchestra. :15WA AF--Estelle Barnes, pianist. WAAFSalon concert. , 10:45-WENR-Art ' Kassel's orchestra. :30W14111-131ble school. WENRWomen's clubs. 10:110-1V-041-Jan Garber's orchestra. :00WMBIRadio -school, 4 :00-11'.0-NEarl Wilke, baritone. 11 :00-WBBM-Renarci's orchestra. IVAAFMusic in the Air. WENRAl Pearce, gang. - KYW-Italph KlrberrY. WENR-13etly and Bob. WMDIScnnflinavlanService. WENRGeorge Olscn's orchestra. :1CW1313MWings of Dawn. WMAQNollie Reveil. WMAQ-Neury 'King's orchestra. KYWLorna Grayson. , WAAFRennoth -Johnson. WCFL7-Frank Sylvano's orchestra. 1.1:10111.0.N7-Ted Weems' orchestra. 11:30-W.O-N-7Johnity Iiiimp's orchestra, . WIII3M-LDan Russo's orchestra. , WSIAQ-Hollywood on the Air. WEND-Hawaiian orchestra. 11:50-1Y-G-N-Bob PaellITS orchestra.

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