E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2011 No. 39 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was appoint the Honorable JEANNE SHAHEEN, a As to New Hampshire, I do not know called to order by the Honorable Senator from the State of New Hampshire, which ones happen there, but there are JEANNE SHAHEEN, a Senator from the to perform the duties of the Chair. a number of things in every State. In State of New Hampshire. DANIEL K. INOUYE, the State of Nevada, wonderful things President pro tempore. have occurred. One of the things a PRAYER Mrs. SHAHEEN thereupon assumed smart man decided is that we should the chair as Acting President pro tem- not have 9/11-type incidents where peo- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- pore. fered the following prayer: ple are trapped and cannot get out of Let us pray. f high stories. He has an apparatus that Eternal God, keep us always thankful RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY goes up and brings people down. For an for Your mercy and grace. May we LEADER initial grant of some $150,000, he was never take for granted Your generous The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- able to do that. gifts to us and begin and end each day pore. The majority leader is recog- We have another—a battery that is with words of petition, intercession, nized. now being used by the military—for $180,000. It does all these great things and thanksgiving. f Continue to bless our lawmakers. improving batteries in vehicles. Give them the wisdom to keep our Na- SCHEDULE This did not occur in Nevada, but one tion on the sure foundation of Your Mr. REID. Madam President, fol- of the amazing things is the electric righteousness. May our Senators be lowing any leader remarks, the Senate toothbrush came about as a result of bastions of moral and spiritual power will proceed to morning business until one of these small grants. for the coming of Your kingdom of jus- 11 a.m. Senators will be permitted to Every State in America has benefited tice and peace. Lord, give them the speak for up to 10 minutes each during from these grants. The program has higher vision to work with integrity that time. The majority will control worked well for almost 30 years, and we and to be content with the judgment of the first half, the Republicans will con- are reauthorizing it. That is what we history and the knowledge of Your ap- trol the final half. are doing so these programs can con- proval. Following morning business, the Sen- tinue. We pray in Your holy Name. Amen. ate will proceed to the consideration of We hope people will offer amend- the reauthorization of the Small Busi- ments to improve this legislation and f ness Innovation Act, S. 493. The Senate not detract from it. We would like to PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE will recess from 12:30 p.m. until 2:15 complete this legislation this week. We know we have the CR coming over The Honorable JEANNE SHAHEEN led p.m. for the weekly caucus meetings. probably tonight sometime. We will the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: At 2:15 p.m., Senator COATS will be rec- ognized to deliver his maiden speech. have to deal with that. The next work I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the period is going to be filled with a lot of United States of America, and to the Repub- He will be recognized for up to 30 min- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, utes. Rollcall votes in relation to business. We are going to soon have to indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. amendments to the small business jobs reauthorize the PATRIOT Act. We have many things to do, but the things we f bill are possible during today’s session. f have done so far this year are job cre- APPOINTMENT OF ACTING ating. Not only the small business leg- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE SBIR/STTR islation I just talked about, but the Mr. REID. Madam President, this bill The PRESIDING OFFICER. The patent bill, the first revision of that in is another jobs bill. It is a very impor- clerk will please read a communication some 60 years, that is 300,000 jobs. We tant bill. I did a press event yesterday to the Senate from the President pro did FAA reauthorization; that is 280,000 with the chairman of the committee, jobs. tempore (Mr. INOUYE). Senator LANDRIEU The legislative clerk read the fol- . It was a good meet- I hope the House will complete these lowing letter: ing. We talked about some of the measures—we are waiting for them; the things that are happening in our States President is waiting for these mat- U.S. SENATE, regarding small business under this ters—rather than doing what they are PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Washington, DC, March 15, 2011. program that was developed during doing, which is not job creating. To the Senate: President Reagan’s administration. There is a piece in the Washington Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, Some remarkably good things happen Post today about how the Republicans of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby in every State. are being so shortsighted. For every ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S1613 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:17 Mar 16, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR6.000 S15MRPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with SENATE S1614 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2011 dollar we spend with the IRS going He said to me: How can I, as a busi- fund basic research and create jobs and after people who cheat, we bring in nessman, make a commitment to programs that educate the next genera- more than $10 to the Treasury. They produce vaccine with an uncertainty as tion of scientists in America. That is are cutting the ability of the IRS to go to whether it will be paid for? not possible under the House bill. after people who cheat on paying their That is a pretty reasonable question, As I travel to research laboratories taxes. That makes it more difficult for and it reflects the fact that as we move in my State—Argonne National Re- the people who pay their taxes. I hope from 2 weeks to 3 weeks of funding, search Laboratory, Northwestern Uni- they will get off the government bash- postponements are made in decisions versity Medical Care Center—I meet ing program they have been on and which have an impact on the future of some of the best and brightest young focus on job creation. our country. people I have ever seen in my life. They We all know we need to reduce our This morning, I wish to address, as are from all over the world, and they debt. We are engaged in that, but in a well, something that goes beyond the come here because this is the place to way that is smart, not a way that is, as obvious—stockpiling vaccine—and do research and to make the break- indicated in that Washington Post arti- looks to some of the other aspects of through findings that will change cle, penny-wise and very pound-foolish. the House Republican budget bill and America and change the world. Thank Will the Chair now announce morn- what it will mean to America if it is God for their intelligence and their ing business. adopted. This is a bill which they idealism. But they look at me and say: proudly boast will cut $100 billion in Senator, am I going to have a job 6 f spending. Most people across America, weeks from now? If I am not, tell me RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME sensitive to our deficit crisis, say we now. I have to make a plan with my The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- should start by cutting spending. That life. pore. Under the previous order, the is a reasonable request by voters in Maybe they will leave research and leadership time is reserved. New Hampshire and Illinois. But there go into work for a private company and comes a moment when we have to use make more money. Maybe they will go f our best judgment about where cuts back home to another country where MORNING BUSINESS should be made and where cuts, when they will be welcomed in their research made, would cost us dearly for a long capacity. So the generation of sci- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- time to come. entists affected by this decision are as pore. Under the previous order, the Senator INOUYE, in his bill, tried to important as the breakthroughs that Senate will be in a period for the trans- balance $51 billion in cuts below the might be found in the research itself. action of morning business until 11 President’s original budget request in a The National Science Foundation a.m., with Senators permitted to speak way that would not hurt our invest- will continue to provide $8 million of therein for up to 10 minutes each, with ment in America’s future and economic innovation research to Illinois small the time equally divided and controlled growth. businesses under the Inouye bill, but between the two leaders or their des- American innovation has always the funding level difference between ignees, with the majority controlling fueled economic sustainability and job the House and the Senate and what the first half and the Republicans con- creation.
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