ABBREVIATIONS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Ah. 'Ahilot Albeck Chanoch Albeck, Si!ah Sidre Mi!nah, Seder Zera'im (Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, 1957) Alon Gedaliahu Alon, "Tefl_uman fel fl_ukkot tohorah," in Mefl_qarim betoldot yiira'el" (2 vols.; Tel Aviv, 1957) 1: 148-76 [="The Bounds of the Laws of Levitical Cleanness," in Alon, Jews, Judaism and the Classical World: Studies in Jewish History in the Times qf the Second Temple and the Talmud (Jerusalem, 1977) 190-234] Arak. 'Arakin ARNA 'Abot de Rabbi Natan, Recension A, ed. Solomon Schechter (Vienna, 1887; reprint: New York, 1945) Aruch Alexander Kohut, ed. Aruch Completum (8 vols.; Vienna, 1878-92; second edition, 1926), and Additamenta ad Librum Aruch Completum, ed., Samuel Krauss et al. (Vienna, 1937) Avery-Peck Alan J. Avery-Peck, Mishnah's Division qf Agriculture: A History and 7heology qf Seder Zeraim (Chico, 1985) Avi-Yonah, Michael Avi- Y onah, with the assistance of Shemuel Safrai, 'Atlas Atlas Karta' litequpat bayyit feni, hammi!nah, wehattalmud [Carta's Atlas qf the Period qf the Second Temple, the Mishnah, and the Talmudj (Jerusalem, 1966) Avi-Yonah, Michael Avi-Yonah, Geograpiah historit fel 'eresyiira'ellemin fibbat iyyon Geography we'ad rl fit hakkibbuf ha'arabi [Historical Geography qf the Land qf Israel from the Restoration to the Arab Conquest] (Jerusalem, 1962) Avi-Yonah, Michael Avi-Yonah, 7he Holy Land .from the Persian to the Arab Conquest, Holy Land 536 B.C.-A.D. 640: A Historical Geography (Grand Rapids, 1966) A.Z. 'Abodah Zarah b. Babli, Babylonian Talmud; ben, "son of," as in "Simeon b. Gamaliel" B Mishnah Zera'im, MS. Berlin 93; see Sacks-Hutner, 43, 77-78 B.B. Baba' Batra' B.M. Baba' Me~i'a' B.Q Baba' Qamma' Bauer see Beer-Holtzmann Beer-Holtzmann G. Beer, 0. Holtzmann, S. Krauss, K. H. Rengstorf, and L. Rost, eds., Die Mischna: Text, Obersetzung und ausfiihrliche Erkliirung. Mit einge­ henden geschichdichen und sprachlichen Einleitungen und textkri­ tischen Anhiingen (Giessen and Berlin, 1912-). I. 3. Seder Zeraim: Dammai. Text, Ubersetzung und ErkHirung nebst einem textkriti­ schen Anhang von D. Walter Bauer (1931) Bek. Bekorot Ber. Berakot Bert. Obadiah b. Abraham of Bertinoro (Italy, ca. 1450-before 1516), Mishnah commentary, in Romm edition of Mishnah Bes. Be~ah Bik. Bikkurim Blackman Mishnayoth, I. Order Zeraim. Pointed Hebrew text, English translation, introductions, notes, ... by Philip Blackman (London, 1955; second edition, New York, 1964) ABBREVIATIONS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 833 Bokser Baruch M. Bokser, Samuel's Commentary on the Mishnah: Its Nature, Forms, and Content. I. Mishnayot in the Order qf ,Zera'im (Leiden, 1975) Brand Y ehoshua Brand, Kli halleres besifiut hattalmud [Ceramics in Talmudic Literature] (Jerusalem, 1953) Buchler Adolf Buchler, Der galiliiische 'Am ha' ares des zweiten Jahrhunderts: Beitriige zur innem Geschichte des paliistinischen Judentums in den ersten zwei Jahrhunderten (Vienna, 1906; reprint: Hildesheim, 1968); Hebrew translation: 'Am ha'areo. haggelili (Jerusalem, 1961) c Mishnah, early printed edition of unknown origin, probably Constantinople or Pisaro, ca. 1516 (photocopy: Jerusalem, 1970); see Sacks-Hutner, 64, 82 Ca Mishnah, MS. Cambridge 470:1, printed in W. H. Lowe, 7he Mishnah On VWzich the Palestinian Talmud Rests (Cambridge, 1883; reprint: Jerusalem, 1967): See Sacks-Hutner, 63, 67 Charles, Apocrypha R. H. Charles, ed., 7he Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha qf the Old Testament in English. I. Apocrypha (Oxford, 1913) Charles, Pseudepigrapha R. H. Charles, ed., 7he Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha qf the Old Testament in English. II. Pseudepigrapha (Oxford, 1913) Dalman, Arbeit Gustav Dalman, Arbeit und Sitte in Paliistina (8 vols. [7 parts); Giitersloh, 1928-42; reprint: Hildesheim, 1964) Dalman, Wiirterbuch Gustav Dalman, Aramiiisch-neuhebriiisches Worterbuch zu Targum, Talmud und Midrasch (Frankfurt a.M., 1901) Danby 7he Mishnah, translated from the Hebrew with introduction and brief explanatory notes by Herbert Danby (London, 1933) Dem. Dema'i Deut. Deuteronomy Driver S. R. Driver, A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Deuteronomy [7he International Critical Commentary] (New York, 1895) E Tosefta, MS. Erfurt; see Lieberman, 8-11 Ed. 'Eduyyot ed. princ. Tosefta, editio princeps. Venice, 1521 Eissfeldt, E,ZA T Otto Eissfeldt, Erstlinge und ,Zehnten im Alten Testament (Leipzig, 1917) Eissfeldt, B,ZA W Otto Eissfeldt, "Zum Zehnten bei den Babylonieren," in Beihe.fte zur ,Zeitschri.ftfor die Alttestamentliche Wzssenschqft [B,ZAJ111 33 (1918) [ = Abhandlungen zur Semitischen Religionskunde und Sprachwissenschqft Wolf Wilhelm Grofin von Baudissin] 163-74; reprinted in Otto Eissfeldt, Kleine Schri.flen, ed. Rudolf Sellheim and Fritz Maass (2 vols.; Tubingen, 1962) I: 13-22 Epstein, Mabo' Jacob Nahum Halevi Epstein, Mabo' lenosa/J. hammifnah [ltolegomena to the Text qf the Mishnah], edited by Ezra Z. Melamed (2 vols.; Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, 1948; second edition, 1964) Epstein, Mebo' ot Jacob Nahum Halevi Epstein, Mebo'ot lesifrut hattannai'm [ltolegomenon to the T annaitic Literature], edited by Ezra Z. Melamed (Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, 1957) Erub. 'Erubin Ex. Exodus Feliks, 'Olam Yehuda Feliks, 'Olam hQJ.J.omeah. hammiqra'i (Tel Aviv, 1957) Feliks, 'Orez Yehuda Feliks, "Ha'orez besifiut Ha,ZaL," Bar-Ilan Annual! [Pinhas Churgin Memorial Volume] (1963) 177-88 Feliks, Mar'ot Yehuda Feliks, Mar'ot hammifnah (Jerusalem, 1967) G Mishnah MSS. fragments from the Cairo Genizah, listed and numbered in Sacks-Hutner, 87-112 .
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