-</ HE LOWELL LEDGER, INDEPENDENT-NOT NEUTRAL. ?0L, XII, NO. 52 OFFICIAL PAPER LOWKLL. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1905 AVERAGE CIRCULATION IN 190*1359 VIEWS Of THE ELOOD AT LOWELL TUESDAY A. M. No Receipt June G, 1005, Showing Dtstrue lion of Buildinijs, Bridges and Roadway on Niiii Needed Street by flat River Torrent. B«t 0lft$ O R If you pay your bllln with a cbcuk. The check linn to be endorsed by the p^raou receiving It, ami in ivtiirio'd to you by the bank, thus furnlflhing you with a receipt. BOOKS Try this method of making payments for B month or so, and you will never discontinue It. Graduates We Invite you to open a cheeking uccouut with us, r»* - . Are of course the espec- no matter whether It be large or Hmoll. If yuu have not selected the ially appropriate gift. Our gift as yet don't worry about assortment and price make it. We have gifts suitable for selection easy. A big as- every need and at any price sortment of the late books THE CITY BANK you care to pay. at oOc each. Hill, Watt* A Co. Books of Poems from 25c to $2.00 each. All good Orton Hill, ft-MMsnl RMponilblllly titles. W. A. Walls, OMhlar 5160,000.00 FINE STATIONERY A new assortment of Eaton Hurlbuta late styles Jnst received today by Express—Big values at 25, 35 and 50c per box. FOUNTAIN PENS Both useful and beautiful, we handle the Parker—no need of Business is telling you how good It Is—Prices $1.00 up to $6.00. Come In Any Time and Look Thorn Ovor. -Photo by Williams Lively at Looking Sobthenst from West Bank. Showbig the condition of Main tlully settled into the water, where street "on the bridge" after the de- it afterward became a total ruin, HtructIon and sweeping away of F. and Wright's building was being nn- LOOK'S DRUG AND BOOK STORE. Weyrick's T. King's building, occupied by the' dermlned and began leaning to the Orand Trunk as down town office. • west. The north half of the bridge Schrelner's building has collapsed has gone and huge pieces of the road- (the tirst one on tlie right with front way begin to crumble away. This at angle) and Mr. Schreluer ban juHti picture was taken about five o'clock Where you will always find a complete line of been rescued from the wreck. Mrs. | Tuesday morning from top of Lee Carr's building occupied by Mrs. j building. Fresh, Canned and Cooked White as a millinery store has par-1 WEDDING MEATS OF ALL KINDS # SILVERWARE Everthing that you would expect to find in a first- class market, and everything1, sweet, neat and clean. Prompt service, no tiresome waiting. Give June is the month of weddings. In all us a call. You are next. the list of wedding gifts nothing Is more popular than noneat SQverware, nothing wll be more useful or cause more frequent thoughta of the glvsr. A. L. Weyrick, Sterling and Plalod Waro w. Old Stand. PHONE 101. that is dependable and guaranteed at lowest possible prices. For good goods'calljon R. D. STOCKING Pianos, Organs, Sewing Macbinet, Watchet, Olockt and Jewelry. -Photo by Rhodes Looking Huiith from Gallery Door. WE ARE SERVING THE FINEST How About the Nearly tlie same view as the llrst last picture were standing. Flat after tin- wreck of Schreiuer's build- river flows south through the village ing bridges ami roadway had been to Its junction with the Grand swept away. nearly a mile below, dividing the The men on the edge of the chasm village business and residence por- are piling up bags of sand to pre- Ice Cream Watch? tions into two nearly equal parts. vent further destruction of street. 11 was late Wednesday evening before IN LOWELL. Wright's building is now a "lean a temporary foot bridge had been This Is a broad statement but we can prove It. We get the to." First building on the right Is hung across thechasm and passage of Is it keeping time to the dot, or do you finest Jersey Cream and have power, to run our froeiers, thus pro- rear of the King flouring mill, whose teams was Impossible until Tuesday ducing the finest and purest ice cream It Is possible to make. If you have to do a good deal of guessing to know lam was carried out, in vulving a loss of this week and then only by going if several thousand dollars. In the two miles around by Grand river want a quantity come and see us—we will make it an tadnoanaiDt where you are at? to buy. back ground is the Pore Marquette and crossing its two steel bridges. ailroad bridge which was after- A permanent bridge must be built Guess work may be all right for the ward burled completely out of sight Th* here; but some temporary structure Bal idler, but a business man wants to be on in water which rose nearly to the for Immediate nee will be provided. time. street level where the men in the Weldon SmithI ™ My business is watch repairing—and Col lege. Librarian. if your watch is out of order I will treat it GRADUATION WEEIi. Paul Sayles McCarty. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCarty, will study 1 •••••••• skilfully and scientifically. music. Archie Raymond Murdock. will NO GUESS WORK HERE. iaccalaureate Sermon. Junior Reception attend Agricultural College or U. of and Commenccinent. M. Civil Engineering. Margaret Irene Murphy, Mr. and The graduatfon exercises of the Mrs. J. P. Murphy, will teach, lass of lliOft will be held next week. Ypsliantl Normal teacher. On Sunday, at 7:30 p. m. Rev. Butler Jessie Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. A. D. Oliver will preach the Bacalaureate sermon Oliver, cadet, teacher. Lawn Hose in the Congregational church. The Rhea Beatrice Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Juniors will give their annual re- A. L. Peck, hopes to attend school. ception to the Seniors on Tuesday Mary Margaret Peterle, Mr. and Lawn Mowers evening in the Opera House and, on Mrs. John Peterle, cadet, Ypsliantl Wednesday evening the class ex- Normal, teacher. ercises will be held in the same place. William Henry Schreluer, Mr. and Lawn Sprays The following is the program: Mrs. Henry Schreluer, will work. Piano Trio Misses Davidson and Mabel Louise Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cream Separators Phone 127 I Whitney, Mrs. F. Coons. .las. A. Scott, hopes to attend For Invocation Rev. A. H. Sturgls. school. Salutatory Jessie Oliver. Vesta Annie Sturgls, Mr. and Mrs. Office In Recitation Margaret Irene Murphy. A. H. Sturgls, will attend University Lowell A IJ. H. WIUtHinH* Class Essay Rose Mae Washburn. of Michigan, Journalist. Wood Jewelry Htore. Vocal Solo Paul Sayles McCarty. Rose Mae Washburn, Mr. and Mrs. Class Oration Francis RobertKeiley. E. A. Buttrick, will teach, Ypsliantl Fountain Sprayers ' a a d Class llistory Mabel D. Carey. Normal, teacher. ( lass Will Bertha Buttrlck. Dean Charles McCarty, Mr. and Call OD. Flute Solo Arthur Sherman. Mrs. Chas. McCarty. will work. Gasoline Stoves Class Prophecy Vesta Anna Sturgls. Valedictory (.'lair Gertrude Lillle. Alumuttl Baaquet Declared Off. Presentation of DlplomasS. P. Hicks. On account of smallpox In Grand Blue Flame Oil Stoves Earl Hunter. Benediction Rev. B. F. Galloway. Rapids and unforseen local condi- Class Motto:—"We are launched, tions the Almunl banquet In Lowell Tf Cfis!bu t not anchored." has been declared off. Refrigerators Class Colors:—Orange and Black. S. P. Hicks. Pres. Mary Ecker, Sec. Superintendi it J. F. Thomas supplies the following information: Good RoadrMeetiaB. B. P. S. Paint The following list gives the names SAVED FROM FIRE AND FLOOD of the graduates, their narents. In- A meeting of the Good Roads tention for next year. what college, i Association of Lowell will be held at if any. ihey hope to attend and i at the office of the King Milling Co. And we must dispose of our ENTIRE STOCK before the next probable vocation:— Friday evening June 16. 1905, at 7:30 calamity befalls us. We have HATS for Ladies. Misses and Bertha Buttrick, Mr. and Mrs. J. o'clock for the purpose of making Children, some are as good as ever, others are slightly dam- 1). Buttrick. will teach, Ypsliantl arrangements for the 4th Annua aged. ALL will be sold at Normal, teacher. liood Roads Convention. Bertha Mae Beach, Mr. and Mrs. J. All business men and citizens Inter- M. BoCich. will work. ested in the encouragement of good GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Mabel 1). Cary. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. roads in this vicinity of Lowell are Carey, hopes to attend school. requested to be present. Thin is a bonafido Water Sale. I am simply COMPELLED Artie Perry Fletcher, Mr.and Mrs. D. G. Look, President. SOOTT & WINGAR TO CLOSE OUT the remainder of my stock. 1 am tempor* Levi Fletcher, will attend Ag- arlly located at Spencer-Welsh Co's Dry Goods btore. ricultural College, Engineering. Henry Booth has traded to John Francis Robert Keiley, Mr and , drainer oue of his houses on Jeffer- Mrs. J. D. Keiley. will work Un- i son street for the one next south of iversity of Michigan, lawyer. t lie residence of Mr. and Mrs. Worthy Mrs. WHITE. Clair Gertrude Lillle. Mr. and Mrs. WiUard, and will raise toe one just Warren Lillle, cadet, Agricultural bought to a level with tlat one. T aut LATEST CASH MARKET REPORTS. and brave as appear gowell tydger. •demons and not humans." Chicago Produce.
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