
flUinrIiMitnr Ettrttiaa finralA AVEKAOB DAILY OOUAILATION D. W. Kelasy is at ML Dora, Fla, coma in a atn-cursod world, and It Jor the toealk ot FVfenmry, Itfil THE WBATHBK t-here he will spend the next two YODNGSmSAREHAm the promise o f the life that la to be piat 'W M i he pBDdiNes to take TOWN v.'eeks. eternal to those who believe.” two FIRE GOMPANIES coto of ala trade. Fomeoat ot 0. 8. toeather BarMo.' _ t Manchester Hoitford 7) The Easter lUlea In the chancel A s soon os the eows and bulls J M V K BUYS LOT Fna.whowM iB muw O. ft. R. Johnson Is one o f Man­ 5 ,8 7 6 Fair totoght, Wedneaday elomty, AT HOSPTTAL EASTER were all memorial flowara, given by jm as'ars sold Mri Member ot the Aadtt M Unruan o f coiutruetioB^ chester's new residents, coming here Mr. and Mra. A. L. Crowell in mem­ Date Book GET SEVERAL CALLS Lpach pin hkvs ths ptssut ham probably amtw Wedneaday aftanoea tb* tank lNiUdl]i( w u ersct from Michigan. This morning a ory o f Mr. and Mra, A . W illard torn down and wm start work st Boreaa ot Cbeatotlow S urttttto IJ rra li and night.. Hot mneh ehango hi dog, which was left behind when the Many Groapa See To It That Tonight ATTOWNAUenON temperature. W U a Ttattor In .toira today. He Case; by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence I No. 2 and No. S of Sonth Man­ ones on the ereetton of a model bam la fVrida for the i^tei family drove easL arrived by ' ex. Those Confined Yesterday Bhrlnem' BaU at the SU to Armo- W. Case, in memory o f Mr. amt chester Department Kept dairy tsrm bora that win mska pos- Mogmd «a la lUncheater on presa. It was cooped in a packing Were Comfortable As Pos* Mrs. A WelU Case; by Mrs. Joseph Mbia ths iMUSing o f shout 50 bead case and ar.lved at 8:30 this room­ Busy Over Week-end. Advwtktog M Fag* le.) I aaty back to Maasachiiaetu. sible. N. Viot in menaoty o f Joseph N. T obxmtow Hs win purehoss a hard o f secrsdlt- MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1937 ing. A t 9:1C Hr. Johnson went to Viot and Willard Case Viot; by Mra. March 30.—“Tlie YoungenL” a 8 sd cows. Whlls ths change Is being SffkFited Biddiiig fo r Center (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS the express office to get the dog. Albert ^oat of North Male E. A. Legg in memory o f Rev. act comedy at Whlton Memorial .Vs soon as the automobile that he Oomponiea No. S and No. 8 o f the m ate Mr. I^mch wUl continue to a patient at the Uenchestei Ernest A. Legg; by Mp. and Mra. was driving was parked near the By DANNY SHEA auditorium given bv Community c o n y on his milk business as usual William Hall and Mra. E. A Stan- South Manchester fire department and Cooper Plot; Brings boepital for three week* station the dog recognised It and be­ The yoiuigsters who are Inmates Players and sponsor^ by the Y When ths new born Is built snd ad- M. C. A. Triple KilUng Mystifies Police an automobile accident in fore Mr. JohcMin had an opportunity of the Manchester Memorial bospi nage, in memory o f William Hall; covered five fires over the week end dltloasl cows are purchased be wlil diacharxed from the boe- tal spent a happy day at this institu by children of Mrs. Hannah Ted- This Week aU stUl alarms and little trouble be able to taka care o f the addition­ $2,605 at Sale. NEW ASSEMBLY BILL CHRYSLER AUTO to step out of the automobile the ford. Those on the organ console . laat week, la now a patient e: dog started barking. tion yesterday. Numerous Easter March 31.—Annual K. of a Eas­ reeultlng In any. Bhu'ly Saturday al cuatomera who have signified Hartford tmapltal .where she la f V tgga and ba;.keta were seen around were in memory of Raymond Stan­ ter boll at Rainbow In Bolton their intentian of buying milk from ley Case. afternoon Na 3 Company went to hini>, COURT FRIENDS, FOES the care o f a apeclallsi for The British War veterans pf this the wards as well aa other cheerful Aleo American Legion "#ta«- a grass fire at the comer of Cone Put up for sale to collect de- STRIKE NEARS I Injuries she auffered ln the acci- town will meet this evehln'g In the I esents. On Ekater Saturday, the The Easter drama "The Third banquet at Orange hoU. llnqucnt ^ e e and cost Ot sals, Day," was the best production yet and Oermrd straet and shortly after­ OFFERS CHANGES IN Sisters of.M ercy of the SL James Also Fashion Show .a t Center ■t British American club to go to the wards No. 3 was called to ex­ totaling $433.55, the tot at the T. O. Dougan Funeral Home to pay school made a visit to the young­ under the tutelage of Thomas Max­ church. southwest comer o f Center and sters as well as to some adult pa­ well. The scene at the Temple tinguish a grass fire on WeUington A SEiraiENT ’ 1^. and ICra Ernest Bartley of final respects to Archibald Hadden, April 1.—Andetson-Shea PosL V HALE’S SaLS 21-2 TONS Cooper streets brought $2605 at an and the one where the tomb was road. Saturday night at 9 o’clock street have returned home British veteran, who died Sunday tients. A chorus of songsters from F. W., and AuxlUoiy banquet at V auction conducted this morning In CAPITALIZE ON WAGE No. 3 extinguished a chimney fire ^MncUnx the Easter holidays the Salvation Army also sang for sealed and later opened, will long be F. W. Home. the Municipal building by Tax Col­ STATE LABOR DEPT. at his home, 3 Pearl streeL at 85 Foster street and Sufiday New York city and New Jer- th Inmates yester/day afternoon remembered by those who were April 3.—Arm y and Navy club’j OF HAMS FOR EASTER lector Samuel Nelson, Jr. This chorus comes to the hospital present. The social hail of the annual Ladles’ Night. morning at 8 o'clock No. 3 company Alexander Jarvis purchased the Conferees in Good Humor Elaine Barbara Eldgerly, 19 every Sunday afternoon to cheer up church was filled to near capacity N ext Week wee called to 179 East Center street property after spirited bidding In months old daughter of Mr. and the patients and distribute reading Claimed As Record for Store n e r a win be a meeting of thei by a deeply appreciative congrega­ to extinguish a chimney fire. A t 8:30 competition with Moriarty Brothers, Details o f Measnre Made Mrs. Charles H. Edgerly o f 01 material to occupy their minds. tion. A jr il 4.-7-Poliah-Americana and But Final Pact Is Likely nera group o f the 8. U- E.I Sunday ofternooq No. 2 company the Size of Hale’s; Rest of proprietors of a gasoline filling sta­ DECISION OF COUR Birch street, is ill at her home with Thompsonvllle basketball game al BITS OF FLESH, A great number of visitors were was c^ed to Schaller'a garage,-30 tion nearby, and Attorney George C. at 7:45 tomorrow evening. intrstinal grip. seen com'ng and going throughout East Side Rec for benefit of local V. Business UnnsuaOy Good. Public As Legishtore Helen Irwin and Mrs. Harold F. W. fife and drum cerpd. East Center street, to extinguish a Lesaner, part owner o f a live poultry to Await Return of Lewis the afternoon and evening bringing market next door. pM ehm an will be the hostesses. April 9.'—Rainbow Girls' Mlnstrei’ small fire in the garage. There was Loyal Clrcli of King's Daughters a little cheer and comfort with them, POUCECOURT no damage. Indications of the great populari­ The portion of the purchase price HAIR,aUESIN First Lady Starts Eggr Roll show, Hollister atreet achooL Meets to Discuss Changes Senator Minton Di has set the date o f Thursday, Apni while the nurses hustled around giv­ ty o f Hale’s Self-Serve and Health in excess of the town’s bill will go t from the Coal Parley. li, Mr. and O. E. WiUU of East Daniel Manglno, 22, o f 35 Mar!e- Also Variety Show by local school No. 1 company of the Manchester 8 for its annual spring rummage ing their assistance wherever It was Market ore found In the fact that the owners of the lot, Donie., ';-<5BBter street returned yesterday af. sale. Members and friends are re­ needed. ton StreeL Hartford, and Nicholas children at High school ball, aus fire department was called Sunday ~ Jamntm from Florida where they Visone, 24, of 43 Standlah street. afternoon to extinguish a gross fire these two deportments sold over 2 Vt Jamea, Patrick, Matthew and Min­ m Civfl Service Proposal GIRL’SjmjRDER Minimom Wage quested to bear the date in mind A delegation of Boy Scouts also pices o f Educational club. nie Moriarty and Frances Connors. ‘ here been spending the winter at and have their contributions In made a formal visit to many ot the Hartford, were Just making polite on Duval street. tone of smoked meats in the three Lansing.
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