:,7+ $1 (9(1,1* 2) /,*+76 '$1&( $57 $1' /,9( 086,& $&52669(18(6 $1' 21 7+( 675((76 2) 2;)25' © Photovibe Your EVENT guide &KULVWPDV/LJKW1LJKW )ULGD\1RYHPEHU ✴ &(/(%5$7(7+($55,9$/2)7+()(67,9(6($621 &(/(%5$7(7+($55,9$/2)7+()(67,9(6($621 ✴ 6SHFWDFXODU /DQWHUQ supported by 6WDJH/LQH$XS 3DUDGH This year our outdoor stage in St Giles will Starting at 6pm from Gloucester Green showcase performances from local and national dancers and musicians. A highlight of the Christmas Giles off ering great viewing spots. celebrations is the spectacular At 6.40pm, the parade arrives in Presenters from Heart FM will keep you entertained lantern procession. Over 300 St Giles and builds to a fi nale with presenting the stage programme from 5pm. children and young people from poetry, music and light. Oxfordshire schools and colleges 5.00pm Dancin’ Oxford, featuring some of will parade their impressive We would like to thank lead sponsor, our best loved dance groups with ‘join lanterns made with the help of MINI Plant Oxford, for supporting in’ moments. local artists. the parade and enabling children to 5.30pm Welsh Male Voice Choir, warming our The theme of this year’s festivities is play a creative part in the evening’s hearts with their rich harmonies. ‘Frozen Planet’ so look out for polar festivities. MINI Plant Oxford employs 3,700 people at its famous Cowley 6.00pm Out of the Blue, Oxford’s all-male bears, penguins and other arctic factory and has supported the city’s a cappella group, back by popular animals, surrounded by a sea of icicles as the parade winds its way through the Christmas celebration for four years demand. streets, with Cornmarket Street and St running. 6.40pm Arrival of the Lantern Procession 7.00pm Dancin’ Oxford featuring Film Oxford, ensembles performing with specially HIGHLIGHTS OF THE CELEBRATION commissioned fi lms. 8.30pm Josie and the Outlaw, get your hips At the start of the evening, younger Later on, why not watch the ‘Frozen swinging and your feet tapping. children will enjoy Christmas past Planet’ coming to life on the lawn of the and present at the Museum of Oxford Museum of Natural History, with the 9.15pm Christian Life Centre Choir, uplifting creation of a 6ft high ice sculpture of a and magical storytelling at The Story Gospel music to round off the evening. Penguin, or enjoy ice and snow activities Museum. Three performances of the at the Museum of History of Science? Have fun on the fairground ‘Chorus’ sound and light experience by Use the map to create your own trail rides and visit stalls in St Oxford Contemporary Music in Oxford and don’t forget to visit St Giles to Giles selling hot food and Castle Quarter Gardens is also not to take in the lively stage programme drinks and Christmas gifts. be missed. and festive market. * 9(18(6 $1' 21 7+( 675((76 2) 2;)25' ,+ 1 9112/*7 $& 5$' ,( 8,$&5266 086,& /,9( $1' $57 '$1&( /,*+76 2) (9(1,1* $1 :,7+ Check out the listings below for a snapshot of some of the other great events, exhibitions, experiences and tours taking +LJKOLJKWV place at venues across the city. 1 Oxford CASTLE QUARTER 6 Oxford Playhouse Show starts at 8pm OXFORD Contemporary Music Book a ticket to see Jane Austen’s glorious novel Mansfi eld Park brought to life in an elegant new adaptation or drop into © Greg Smolonski/ Photovibe 5pm, 7.30pm & 9pm , Castle Quarter Gardens The Playhouse bar for a special Christmas Light Night cocktail. ‘Chorus’ by Ray Lee is a monumental installation of kinetic Tickets: £9.50–£25 and transfi xing sound sculptures. Towering above the www.oxfordplayhouse.com audience, giant metal tripods with rotating arms sing out hypnotic siren calls creating a harmonic drone. Lights create Ashmolean Museum the eff ect of a swarm of fi refl ies, or of planets in motion. 7 6–10pm www.ocmevents.org Join one of our curator-led tours of the permanent collection 10 O3 Gallery or learn more about Roman gold in a special lecture. Visit the exhibition of Meiji textiles from Threads of Silk and Gold: Open until 10pm Ornamental Textiles from Meiji Japan. O3 Gallery is the ideal place to pick up some arty and unique Tickets for exhibition: £6/£4 (concessions), under 18s free. Christmas gifts created by local designers. The O3 is also proud to present an exhibition of photographs featuring 30 www.ashmolean.org families who have used the Helen & Douglas House hospices Museum of the History of Science over the last 30 years. 8 6–10pm www.o3gallery.co.uk Discover interesting facts about ice and snow and enjoy Oxford Castle UnlockED activities for all the family on the theme of snowfl akes. The © Margaret Stanks Museum’s winter exhibition, Atmosphere, is about weather 13 5–10pm watching through the ages. Find out more in curator-led 7 Discover the darker side of Oxford’s oldest building. Oxford tours throughout the evening. Castle Unlocked is staying open late and off ering spooky www.mhs.ox.ac.uk hour-long lantern tours throughout the Christmas Light Night 6 celebrations. Bring your procession lantern to guide the The Bodleian LibrarIES journey and get £1 off admission. 9 6.30–8pm Divinity School and Convocation House 5 11 8 Admission: £10 9 Explore the Divinity School, built in 1488 for the teaching www.oxfordcastleunlocked.co.uk of Theology, and enjoy a showcase of traditional songs Modern Art Oxford with performance of ballads, 6.45 – 7.45pm. Take a look 2 in the 17th century Convocation House and Court, where Open until 10pm Parliament was held during the Civil War. The shop will be 12 Don’t miss the last chance to see the exhibition of Jean-Luc open until 7.45pm off ering a 10% discount. Moulène; a collection of the artist’s sculptures, drawings, www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk photographs and a new fi lm commissioned for the 1 4 exhibition. Drop in to fi nd a unique Christmas gift in the 10 Museum of Natural History 3 Gallery shop, enjoy live music in the basement from 7.30pm, & Pitt Rivers Museum 2 mince pies and mulled wine. 6–10pm www.modernartoxford.org.uk Global soundtracks across two amazing buildings, curated in The Story Museum collaboration with composer in residence, Nathaniel Mann, 3 and DJs Rupert Gill and Noel Lobley. Enjoy ice sculpture on © Greg Smolonski/ Photovibe 6–7.30pm the lawn, polar animal Christmas crafts, a chance to explore Join us for stories and songs around the tree in the Story the museums by torchlight, a Frozen Planet Bar, and two Museum courtyard. Museum shops for Christmas gifts. www.storymuseum.org.uk/christmas Free admission – fi rst come fi rst served www.oum.ox.ac.uk and www.prm.ox.ac.uk 4 Oxford Town Hall 11 St Michael AT the North Gate Church Museum of Oxford Until 10pm Visit the Saxon Tower, Oxford’s oldest building, which will Until 8pm be open all evening. The church will also be open for quiet Find out about Christmas traditions in the past, buy Oxford refl ection in our candle-lit spaces. Christmas gifts, drop in and try family arts and crafts, meet www.smng.org.uk staff in period costume and visit Santa in his grotto. www.oxfordtownhall.co.uk 12 WESLEY MEMoRIAL METHODIST CHURCH 7.30pm Out of the Blue, OVADA on stage in St Giles at 6.00pm In Rob Gillion’s one man show, The Christmas Visit, Jesus visits Until 8pm a church with unexpected, moving and challenging results. You are invited to explore Oxford Town Hall and discover Tickets: £15 contemporary work including video, sound, installation and www.brfonline.org.uk/thevisit performance in this special site-specifi c exhibition. <RXDUHLQYLWHGWRWKH www.ovada.org.uk 13 MARQUEE IN ST GILES &KULVWPDV)DLUDQG5HDO-DP)HVWLYDO The Old Fire Station From 6pm (Film Oxford) 9LVLW ORFDO VSRQVRU 'HQPDQ &ROOHJHDW 7KHLU )DLU ZLOO IHDWXUH 6DQWD¶V JURWWR D 5 The Shadowlight Artists, a talented group of learning WKHLU &KULVWPDV /LJKW 1LJKW VWDOO LQ 6W PLQLDWXUH IDUP IRU FKLOGUHQ FRRNHU\ DQG 5– 8pm disabled artists, from Oxfordshire will be showcasing their *LOHV WR ¿QG RXW DERXW WKHLU FRRNHU\ FUDIWGHPRQVWUDWLRQVDQG:,FUHDPWHDV The Shop and Gallery will be open late giving you an extra work. It will include electronic, digital and traditional art FUDIWDQGOLIHVW\OHFRXUVHVDQGWKH )DPLO\'D\7LFNHWV LQDGYDQFH chance to see the Gallery’s exhibition of the best the UK has forms, you can come along and meet the artists and immerse &KULVWPDV)DLUDQG5HDO-DP IURP ZZZGHQPDQRUJXN to off er in aff ordable prints. yourself in their work. )HVWLYDO 'HFHPEHU RU www.oldfi restation.org.uk www.ofvm.org © Margaret Stanks 8VHIXO,QIRUPDWLRQ We will be closing the west side of Broad Street and east side of George Street from 4pm to allow the lantern parade through Oxford’s historic streets without interrupting the buses. As a result there will be a number of changes to the services provided. More information from: www.oxfordbus.co.uk 01865 785 400 www.stagecoachbus.com 01865 772 250 www.oxfordshire.gov.uk 01865 816 000 STAGEcoach oxfordshire services SERVICE ROUTE NORMAL REVISED UNDER 15S TRAVEL FOR FREE! DESTINATION DESTINATION S1 Carterton to Oxford George Street Botley Road, Park End Street, New Road Thanks to our transport partners, Oxford Bus Company via Botley and Stagecoach Oxfordshire, children aged 15 and under S2 Carterton to Oxford George Street Broad Street via Banbury Road via Minster Lovell will travel free after 5pm on Christmas Light Night.
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