JEAR_cover_punto metallico:Layout 1 17/05/13 09.10 Pagina a only use Special issue on Anoplophora Chinensis & AnoplophoraNon-commercial Glabripennis: new tools for predicting, detecting and fighting. How to save our forests and our urban green spaces Milan, 9-11 May 2012 Jear_2013_1_suppl.1_ok_Hrev_master 17/05/13 09.44 Pagina a Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research pISSN 2038-324X - eISSN 2279-7084 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Jörg Samietz, Swiss Federal Department of Economic Giuseppe Carlo Lozzia, University of Milano, Italy Affairs DEA, Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil Research Station ACW, Wädenswil, Switzerland Andrew Paul Gutierrez, University of California, Berkeley, USA EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Francesca Romana Eördegh, University of Milano, Italy Debora K. Letourneau, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA SECTION EDITORS EDITORIAL STAFF Entomology Paola Granata, Managing Editor Arthur M. Agnello, Cornell University NYS Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, NY, USA Cristiana Poggi, Production Editor Claudia Castellano, Production Editor Stored product pests Anne Freckleton, Copy Editor Paul Fields, Cereal Research Centre, Agriculture Filippo Lossani, Technical Support and Agri-Food Canada, Winnipeg, Canada Insect Ecology Bruno Rossaro, University of Milano, Italy Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research Rivista quadrimestrale registrata al Tribunaleonly di Milano Acarology n. 145 del 16 marzo 2012. Lorenza Beati, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA, USA Direttore Responsabile: Giuseppe Carlo Lozzia Proprietà: Department of food, environmental and nutritional sciences (DEFENS)use - University of Milano EDITORIAL BOARD Stampa: Press Up srl, via La Spezia 118/C, 00055 Ladispoli (RM), Italy. Leslie P. Ruse, Roehampton University and APEM Ltd., UK Peter H. Langton, Mountsandel, Coleraine, Northern Stampato: Maggio 2013. Ireland, UK Djuradj Milosevic, University of Niš, Serbia Brigitte Lods-Crozet, Musée cantonal de Zoologie, PUBLISHED BY Lausanne, Switzerland Università degli Studi di Milano Narcís Prat, Facultat Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain Tadashi Kobayashi, Tama-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa, Japan Mauro Jermini, Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Cadenazzo, Switzerland Yano Eizi, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University, Nara, Japan Non-commercial Manuele Tamò, International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Biological Control Center for Africa, ONLINE PUBLICATION BY Cotonou, Republic of Benin PAGEPress Publications Johann Baumgärtner, Centre for the Analysis of Sustainable via Giuseppe Belli 7 Agricultural Systems (CASAS), Kensington, CA, USA 27100 Pavia, Italy Stefano Maini, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna, Italy Tel: +39.0382.1751762 – Fax: +39.0382.1750481 Pasquale Trematerra, University of Molise, Campobasso, [email protected] – www.pagepress.org Italy Daria Patrizia Locatelli, University of Milano, Italy Denis Thiery, INRA – UMR “Santé Vègétale”, Villenave- D’Ornon, France Jear_2013_1_suppl.1_ok_Hrev_master 17/05/13 09.44 Pagina b Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research The Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research ducted following proper, widely accepted ad hoc procedures. (JEAR), formerly Bollettino di Zoologia Agraria e Short Communications: are articles with a simple layout and Bachicoltura of the Istituto di Entomologia Agraria of the containing limited data (no more than two figures or tables) Università degli Studi di Milano, was founded in 1928 by and a small number of citations (not more than 25). They Remo Grandori. Thereafter, Minos Martelli and Luciano should be limited to 2,000 words of text (figure captions, Süss hold the direction of the Journal until December table headings and reference lists are additional to this 2011. In January 2012 the Editor decided for the new open- limit). Letters to the editor: should be from 250 to 1,000 words access on-line version of JEAR. in length. Authors of letters to the editor should provide a The Journal publishes original research papers concerning short title for their letter. Arthopods, but reviews, editorials, technical reports, brief Manuscript Format. Each manuscript should be type- notes, conference proceeding, letters to the Editor, book written and double spaced throughout, and be divided into: reviews are also welcome. Title of the paper; Initials of the name and full surname of JEAR has four main areas of interest: author(s); Journal Section (choose between: Entomology, Stored Product Pests, Insect Ecology, or Acarology); Key - Entomology (systematics; morphology; biology; biotechnol- words (not more than seven); Abstract; Text; ogy; agriculture, ornamental and forest entomology; Acknowledgments; References; Full name and address of the applied entomology; integrated pest management; biolog- institution(s) where the work was done; complete address ical control; apiculture and apidology; medical, urban and (phone and fax numbers, E-mail address) of the author(s); veterinary entomology; etc.) Tables; Figure legends. Abstract must be analytically inform- - Stored product pests (biology; integrated pest manage- ative. The Text should normally be subdivided into: ment; etc.) Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion. In - Insect Ecology (behaviour; biodiversity; taxonomy; plant the Introduction, which should be concise, the purpose of insect interaction and ecosystems; biological control; the research must be clearly explained. Materials and alien species; etc.) Methods shouldonly report all information useful for repetition of the experiments. Generic and specific names should be - Acarology (systematics; morphology; biology; parasitology; typed in italics. Units of measurements should be those rec- control; etc.) ommended by the International Committee for the The publication of manuscripts is subject to the approval of Standardization of Units of Measurements, please check this the Section Editor who has knowledge of the field dis- usesite (http://www.bipm.org/en/si/si_brochure) for Uniform cussed in the manuscript in accordance with the princi- Requirements. Results should include the presentation of all ples of Peer Review; referees will be selected from the experimental data. The description of the original observa- Editorial Board or among qualified scientists of the inter- tions must be concise, avoiding the use of both tables and national scientific community. graphs to illustrate the same results. An adequate statistical Articles must be written in English and must adhere to the analysis of quantitative data should be provided. General guidelines and details contained in the Instructions to considerations and conclusions should be reported in the Authors. Discussion only. Acknowledgements will be placed at the end of the text. Scientific names: common names of organisms should always be accompanied, when first cited, by their Instructions to Authors complete scientific name in italics (genus, species, attribu- tion and, if appropriate, cultivar). All papers must conform to Manuscripts must be written in English. Authors whose the Internat. Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ed. IV, 1999). native language is not English are strongly recommended to When first mentioned a plant or animal should include the have their manuscript checked by a language editing service, full scientific name and the author of the zoological name or by an English mother-tongue colleague prior to submission. unabbreviated, except for Linnaeus (L.) and Fabricius (F.). Manuscripts should be saved and submitted as a single References: must be based on the name and year system, and WORD fileNon-commercial containing the full text, references, tables and fig- conform to the following styles: ures. In case of acceptance, original text and figures must be 1. Article in serials or monographs: provided for publication. ENGLISH L.L., SNETSINGER R., 1957 - The biology and Original Articles: should normally be divided into an control of Eotetranychus multidigituli (Ewing) a spider abstract, introduction, design and methods, results, discus- mite of honey locust. - J. Econ. Entomol. 50 (6): 784-788. sion and references. The abstract should contain a maximum 2. Monographs: of 400 words. A maximum of 20 authors is permitted, and EMDEN VAN F., HENNIG W., 1970 - Diptera. In: TUXEN additional authors should be listed in an ad hoc appendix. S.L., Taxonomists's glossary of genitalia in Insects. II ed. Review Articles: no particular format is required for these - Munksgaard, Copenhagen: 130-141. articles. However, they should have an informative, unstruc- tured abstract of about 250 words. Reviews may also include 3. Book: meta-analyses, guidelines and consensus papers by scientif- KOSZTARAB M., KOZÁR F., 1988 - Scale Insects of Central ic societies or working groups. These studies must be con- Europe. - Akademiai Kiado, Budapest: 456 pp. Jear_2013_1_suppl.1_ok_Hrev_master 17/05/13 09.44 Pagina c Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the ISI Peer-review policy Journal Abbreviation Index, available at: http://library.cal- All manuscript submitted to our journals are critically tech.edu/reference/abbreviations/ assessed by external and/or inhouse experts in accordance Please list papers by more than two authors, but with the with the principles of Peer Review, which is fundamental to same first author, by year sequence and alphabetically within the scientific publication process and the dissemination of each year. Citation of authors in the text should appear in the sound science. Each paper is first assigned by the
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