Founded 1897 Zionist Organization of America 1200 ATTEND SPRING STAR-STUDDED ZOA DINNER 2015 INCLUDING 260 STUDENTS Global Philanthropists Sheldon and Dr. Miriam Adelson and ZOA President Morton A. Klein Adelsons, Dershowitz, Zuckerman, Cruz, Tisch, Hagee, Judge Jeanine, Home Depot FOX -TV’s Judge Jeanine Pirro Founder Bernie Marcus, Emcee, and more... and ZOA Board Member Myron Zimmerman JOIN US TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 2015 Bernie Marcus giving Brandeis U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) Award to Las Vegas Sands and Dr. Bob Shillman ZOA PRO-ISRAEL President, Michael Leven CAPITOL HILL MISSION James Tisch, Pastor John Hagee, U.S. Mortimer Zuckerman and Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and ZOA Board Professor Alan Dershowitz Chair Dr. Michael Goldblatt ZOA REPORT 1 Table Of Contents Table of Contents 5 14 Brandeis Center for Law Award Dinner and Justice 21 26 Gov’t Relations Brandeis Award Department Dinner Pictorial Table of Morton A. Klein 2 Contents President President’s Dr. Michael Goldblatt 3 Message Board Chair 30 Brandeis Award Irwin Hochberg Campus Activism 5 Dinner Vice Chair, Board Network Center for Law and Dr. Alan Mazurek 14 Justice Vice Chair, Board Gov’t Relations Mark Levenson, Esq. 21 Department National Secretary Brandeis Award Henry Schwartz 26 Dinner Pictorial National Treasurer ZIONIST ORGANIZATION Campus Activism Bart Blatstein 36 OF AMERICA 30 Network Associate Treasurer Israel Office FOUNDED 1897 ZOA People: David Drimer 34 Daniel Katz National Executive Director ZIONIST Israel ORGANIZATION 36 Office OF AMERICA Design and Layout FOUNDED 1897 Around the Josh Teplow 41 Country Art Director Published by the Policy Zionist Organization of ZIONISTAmerica Briefs ORGANIZATION 50 Email: [email protected] OF AMERICA ZOA argues case Website: www.zoa.orgFOUNDED 1897 55 against BDS groups 212.481.1500 Fax: 212.481.1515 2 ZOA REPORT FOUNDED 1897 President’s Message Photo Credit: Caleb Smith Caleb Credit: Photo Obama's Hostile Positions Cause Tense US/Israel Relations When Susan Rice, Minister David Cameron Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel addresses a President Barack Obama’s to do just that. But he ob- joint meeting of Congress on March 3, 2015 National Security Adviser, jected to Netanyahu cri- was interviewed on PBS’s tiquing his Iran policy to Charlie Rose program, she Congress. It is not hard to criticized Israeli Prime see why: Netanyahu de- Minister Benjamin Netan- molished the Obama claim yahu’s decision to accept that negotiations with Iran the invitation of House would lead to a deal that Speaker John Boehner to stops Iran from going nu- address Congress on the is- clear. ministration said it would sue of Iran’s looming nucle- Indeed, President hold the PA accountable. ar threat. Rice claimed that Obama has elevated to Last month, a federal jury the decision “injected a de- crises disagreements that held the PLO and Abbas’ gree of partisanship, which previous administrations PA liable for six terrorist is not only unfortunate, I tamped down. Obama attacks in Israel that killed think it’s destructive of the has continually criticized, and wounded Americans MORTON fabric of the [U.S./Israel] and even “condemned” as more than a decade ago— A. KLEIN relationship.” anti-peace, Israel merely but President Obama has President, Nothing could be fur- announcing the building not commented on it. Zionist Organization ther from the truth: Presi- of homes in Jewish neigh- The current problem in of America dent Obama’s partisanship borhoods of eastern Jeru- U.S./Israel relations is not has produced a crisis in re- salem—a bipartisan Israeli based on Mr. Netanyahu lations between the White policy—that would remain addressing Congress. Rath- House and Jerusalem—and Israeli under any peace er, it is based on President the record shows it. agreement. Obama’s anti-Israel policy, President Obama Conversely, Obama of which Netanyahu’s ad- doesn’t mind foreign lead- has not condemned the dress to Congress was ers speaking to Congress— Palestinian Authority’s merely a symptom, not a as long as they support his Mahmoud Abbas for in- cause. Put simply, President policies. That’s why he was citement to hatred and Obama seems willing to happy for British Prime murder—though his ad- tolerate an Iranian nuclear ZOA REPORT 3 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE weapons threshold capac- is not only an advocate placed Malley in a posi- ity, but Israel is not. Of of U.S. recognition of the tion to give a still stron- The current course there’s a crisis. terrorist groups Hamas ger anti-Israel tilt to his President Obama’s de- and Hizballah, but also a policy. problem in U.S./ termination to cut a deal proponent of containing We see, then, the sheer Israel relations with Iran, free from con- Iran (i.e., not preventing hollowness of the Obama gressional scrutiny and ap- Iran from attaining nuclear Administration’s claim is not based on proval, that enables Iran to weapons). In fact, Mal- that the Israeli govern- become a nuclear threshold ley has criticized President ment has soured relations Mr. Netanyahu state, complete with a sun- Obama—because suppos- with the White House. set clause that would lay edly he “took containment Has not President Obama addressing the path for Iran develop- of a nuclear-armed Iran off said that allies sometimes ing nuclear weapons in ten the table.” have the obligation to Congress. Rather, years, would explain much In 2001, in the pages of speak out, even when else that is now occurring. The New York Times and their advice is uncom- it is based on The staunchest Demo- The New York Review of fortable? Did he not tell President Obama’s cratic critic of Obama’s Books, Malley blamed Is- Jewish leaders that “day- Iran policy, Senator Rob- rael and exculpated Yas- light” between the U.S. anti-Israel policy, of ert Menendez, the ranking ser Arafat for the failure and Israel might be neces- Democrat on the Senate of the Camp David peace sary? But he objected to which Netanyahu’s Foreign Relations Com- talks, contrary to the ac- the Israeli Prime Minister mittee, has recently been counts of all the other informing the world that address to indicted on corruption Americans and Israelis there is indeed daylight charges. Former U.S. fed- involved in the negotia- on a major issue of policy Congress was eral prosecutor Andrew tions, including President on Iran. McCarthy opined, “If Bill Clinton himself. Mal- President Obama only merely a symptom, Menendez were running ley has essentially sought imagined himself advis- not a cause. interference for Obama to legitimize the Palestin- ing Israel, not Israel ad- on the Iran deal, rather ian Arab opposition to Is- vising him. He seeks no than trying to scupper it, rael’s existence. meeting of the minds. I believe he would not be Malley was seen as tox- The evidence shows that charged.” ic to President Obama’s he seeks only to foist his Senator Menendez pro-Israel bona fides dangerously anti-Israel is scarcely alone in find- when he was running foreign policy on the re- ing Obama’s approach for president in 2008, so gion. deeply troubling. A recent Obama fired Malley at McLaughlin poll found the time. But he later ap- that 59% of Americans pointed him as a senior supported Netanyahu’s adviser on Iraq, Iran and speech to Congress, while Syria. When the 2014 only 23% opposed it. Congressional elections Moreover, President were imminent, President With Zionist Greetings, Obama’s true feelings Obama said that Malley about Israel are reflected in would not be involved in his recent appointment of Israeli/Palestinian issues. serial Israel-basher Robert Now, free of all electoral Malley as Middle East Co- considerations, President ordinator on the National Obama has done what he Morton A. Klein Security Council. Malley said he wouldn’t do and National President 4 ZOA REPORT Brandeis Award Dinner Sheldon and Dr. Miriam ZOA Dinner Before Record 1200 People Adelson, Pastor John Headlined by Mike Leven, Sen. Ted Cruz, Harvard Prof. Hagee, Mrs. Hagee Alan Dershowitz, Pastor John Hagee, Sheldon & Dr. Miriam Adelson, Mort Zuckerman, Bernie Marcus, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach A record crowd of 1200 didate Senator Ted Cruz Defender of Israel Award to people attended the Zion- (R-TX); renowned Har- Pastor John Hagee. Senator ist Organization of Ameri- vard Law Professor Alan Cruz received the Dr. Bob The generosity of ca’s (ZOA) 116th Louis D. Dershowitz; legendary Shillman Award for Out- major ZOA donors Brandeis Award Dinner on founder of Christians Unit- standing Pro-Israel Legisla- Sunday, November 23rd, at ed for Israel (CUFI) Pastor tor; Professor Dershowitz enabled 261 Manhattan’s elegant Grand John Hagee; global philan- received the Mort Zucker- Hyatt Hotel. The generos- thropists/humanitarians man Award for Outstand- student activists ity of major ZOA donors Dr. Miriam and Sheldon ing Pro-Israel Journalism; enabled 261 student activ- Adelson; and businessman and Michael Leven, presi- from various ists from various universi- Michael Leven all spoke. dent of Las Vegas Sands ties around the country Israeli Prime Minister Corporation, received the universities to be to be part of this exciting Benjamin Netanyahu ad- Louis D. Brandeis Award. event. dressed the crowd by video. Bernie Marcus—an ex- part of this exciting Rising Republican star Sheldon and Miriam Adel- traordinary businessman, event. and future presidential can- son presented the Adelson founder of the national ZOA REPORT 5 BRANDEIS AWARD DINNER ZOA President Morton Klein, Bernie Marcus presenting Brandeis Award to Michael Leven retail chain, Home Depot, war against Israel and a and a major supporter of worldwide Hamas-compli- Israel who was inducted ant media.
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