ELECTION COMMISSION OF PAKISTAN NOTIFICATION Dated: 21st June 2018 No.F.1 1 75/Elec:- In pursuance of the Provisions of Sub-Rule(6) of Sectio 59 of the Elections Act,2017 (XXXIII of 2017) read with Sub-Rule 4 of Rule 50 of th Election Rules,2017, I, CH. MUHAMMAD AZAM, District Returning Officer, Chini t hereby publishes for general information of the public, the final list of Polling Statio in respect of National Assembly Constituency No.NA-99 Chiniot-I for the conduct General Elections,2018. By order of the Election Commission of Pakistan Ch. hammad Az m Distric & Sessions Judge/ District Returning Officer Constituency NA-99 Chiniot-I District Chiniot (Annexure-A) STATEMENT SHOWING THE TOTAL NO. OF POLLING STATIONS, POLLING BOOTHS. NO. OF VOTERS AND NO. OF POLLING PERSONNEL OF CONSTITUENCY NA-99 T. Lniiviv I-I FOR GENERALELECTIONS2018..• DISTRICT No. of Booths No. of voters No. of Polling Stations Assistant No. & Name Presiding Polling Naib SI. Name of of Improvise Officers Officers Qasid Total Officers No. District Male Female Combined Total Male Female Constituency Male Female Total d 319 1836 918 319 NA-99- 230 319 2 474 444 918 1 Chiniot 212388 172989 385377 46 43 CHINIOT-1 Mrs. Adeela Altaf Alyan le, Sessions Judge Bhowana/ RETURNING OFFICER Constituency No.NA-99-Chiniot-I ELECTION COMMISSION OF PAKISTAN FORM-28 (see rule 50] LIST OF POLLING STATIONS FOR A CONSTITUENCY OF Efecrion ro the National Assemmy OT the NA-49 CHiNi0T-1 In Case of Rural Areas In Case of Urban Areas Number. ote as ig d to p Iling statio Sr. No. No. and Name of Polling Station Census Block -•'—.—e--. Femal Name of Electoral Areas Census Block Code Name of Electoral Areas Male Female Total Male Total Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Government Boys Elementary School Kot KOT AMEER SHAH 1 255010101 0 213 180 393 Amir Shahr(t„) 2 2 4 KOT AMEER SHAH 255010102 - 560 468 1028 Total llill111111111111111111111111111MINIIMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMPF21111. Immirremoimemmema Government Boys Elementary School Kot KOT AMEER SHAH 2 255010103 - 0 432 334 766 Amir Shah (C ) 2 1 3 KOT AIVIEER SHAH 255010104 - 0 295 200 495 2 Total - 727 534 1261. 2 1 3 Government Girls Primary School Shamlaat 3 VINOKA 255010201 - Vinoka (C) - 0 485 286 771 1 1 2 3 Total - - - 485 286 771 1 1 VINOKA 255010202 Government Girls Community Model - 0 221 159 380 4 VINOKA 255010203 Primary School Vinoka (C) - 0 206 189 395 2 1 3 VINOKA 255010204 0 180 147 327 4 Total - - - 607 495 1102 2 1 3 VINOKA 255010205 - 0 166 139 305 5 Government Boys Primary School Vinoka VINOKA 255010206 - 0 323 319 642 2 2 4 (C.) VINOKA 255010207 - - 0 158 122 280 5 Total - - - 647 580 1227 2 2 4 6 Girls Comunity Elementary School Vinoka VINOKA 255010208 0 659 448 1107 1 1 2 ( C) 6 Total 659 448 1107 1 1 2 WALLAH 7 Government Boys High School Wallah(C) 255010301 - --0 379 274 653 2 2 4 WALLAH 255010303 - 0 446 370 816 7 Total - - - 825 644 1469 2 2 4 WALLAH 255010304 8 Government Girls Elementry School Wallah - 0 568 0 568 2 0 2 ( NI WALLAH 255010305 0 567 0 567 8 Total - 1135 0 1135 WALLAH 9 Government Girls Elementry School Wallah 255010304 - 0 500 500 0 2 2 (F) WALLAH 255010305 0 439 439 9 Total - - 0 939 939 WALLAH 255010302 - 268 220 488 10 Government Boys High School Wallah(C) WALLAH 255010306 - 0 324 207 531 2 2 WALLAH 255010307 - 0 375 244 619 10 Total - 967 671 1638 SANGRA 255010401 - - 0 307 0 307 Government Girls Elementry School, 11 SANGRA 255010402 Sanghra (P4) - - 0 261 0 261 0 SANGRA 255010403 - 594 0 594 11 Total - 1162 0 1162 SANGRA 255010401 0 246 246 12 Basic Health Center Sangra (F) SANGRA 255010402 - 0 0 174 174 0 2 SANGRA 255010403 0 518 518 12 Total - - - 0 938 938 SANGRA 13 Government Boys Primary School Sanghra 255010404 340 225 565 2 1 3 (t) SANGRA 255010405 280 195 475 13 Total - - 620 420 1040 , In Case of Rural Areas In Case of Urban Areas Number of voters assigned to polling station Number of polling booths Sr. isio. No. and Name of Polling Station Census Block •M- •. Femal Name of Electoral Areas Census Block Code Name of Electoral Areas Male Female Total Male Total Code .rte e Government Boys Primary School Norangay 14 NORANGAY WALA 255010406 - - 0 359 343 702 1 1 2 Wala (C.) 14 Total - - - 359 343 702 1 1 2 15 Government Boys High School Yaray Kay(g) YARAY KAY 255010407 0 409 351 760 1 1 2 15 Total - - - 409 351 760 1 1 DAWAR 255010501 0 473 0 473 16 Government Boys Primary School Dawar 2 0 2 (M) DAWAR 255010502 - 0 638 0 638 16 Total - - 1111 0 1111 2 0 DAWAR 255010501 -- 0 0 418 418 17 Government Boys Primary School Dawar 0 2 2 (F) DAWAR 255010502 - 0 0 493 493 17-Total - 0 U.I. au, u 2 2 DAWAR 255010503 - 0 265 219 484 Government Girls Community Model School 18 DAWAR 255010504 - 0 469 392 861 2 2 4 Dawar tC) MOGALAY WALA 255010505 - 0 101 82 183 18 Total - - 835 693 1528 2 2 4 YAKAY KI 255010506 0 436 378 814 19 Government Boys Primary School YakeyKay 2 1 3 (C) YAKAY KI 255010507 0 237 181 418 19 Total - - - 673 559 1232 2 1 3 JABANA 255010601 - 0 180 0 180 JABANA 255010602 - 0 578 0 578 20 Government Boys Primary School Jabana 3 0 3 JABANA 255010603 - Uri) - 0 441 0 441 JABANA 255010604 0 239 0 239 20 Total - - - 1438 0 1438 3 0 3 JABANA 255010601 0 0 129 129 JABANA 255010602 0 0 405 405 21 Government Girls Elementry School Jabana 0 2 2 JABANA 255010603 0 0 414 414 (F) JABANA 255010604 - - 0 0 173 173 21 Total - - 0 1121 1121 0 2 2 BAHAOUDIN 255010605 - 0 488 351 839 22 Government Girls Primary School Bahaudin 2 2 4 (C) BAHAOUDIN 255010606 - 0 337 298 635 22 Total .. 825 649 1474 2 2 4 CHHANNI KHHICHI 255010701 0 317 0 317 CHHANNI KHHICHI 255010702 0 484 0 484 Government Girls Primary School, Jhalar 23 CHHANNI KHHICHI 255010703 - 0 533 0 533 3 0 3 Mehar Shah (MO CHAK MATH RU MA PACCA 255010704 - - 0 136 0 136 Jhalar Mehar Shah 255010910 - 0 74 0 74 23 Total - - - 1544 0 1544 3 0 3 CHHANNI KHHICHI 255010701 - 0 0 328 328 CHHANNI KHHICHI 255010702 0 0 363 363 24 Government Model Primary School Khichian CHHANNI KHHICHI 255010703 - 0 0 419 419 0 3 3 (F) CHAK MATHRUMA PACCA 255010704 - - 0 0 76 76 Jhalar Mehar Shah 255010910 - 0 0 63 63 24 Total .. - - 0 1249 1249 0 3 3 KALAS 255010801 - 0 478 387 865 25 Government Girls Primary School Kalas (c; 2 2 4 KALAS 255010802 - - 0 410 293 703 25 Total - - 888 680 1568 2 2 4 SALOLKAY 255010803 0 366 311 677 26 Government Boys Primary School Salolkay 2 2 4 i C) SALOLKAY 255010804 - 0 491 487 978 26 Total - - 857 798 1655 2 2 4 . In Case of Rural Areas In Case of Urban Areas Number of voters assigned top lima station Numb r of polling booths Sr. No. No. and Name of Polling Station Census Block ....—""^—•'•—' Femal Name of Electoral Areas Census Block Code Name of Electoral Areas Male Female Total Male Total Code e KHARKAN 255010901 - 0 488 349 837 27 Government Boys Primary School Kharkan a7 Ihamr W h 166010008 17 5Z 31 83 1 1 2 CHAK MATHROOMA KHAM 255010911 - 0 2 1 3 27 Total - - 542 381 923 1 1 Government Model Primary School Burj BUR) BABAL 255010902 - - 0 495 399 894 28 2 2 4 Babal (C) BURL BABAL 255010912 -- 0 419 344 763 28 Total 914 743 1657 2 BURL BABAL 255010903 - 0 Government Model Primary School Burj 539 0 539 29 BURJ BABAL 255010904 - 0 316 3 0 3 Babal fm) 0 316 BUR) BABAL 255010913 - - 0 460 0 460 29 Torii— 1315 0 1315 BURJ BABAL 255010903 0 Government Model Primary School Burj 0 339 339 30 BUR) BABAL 255010904 - Babal (F) 0 310 310 3 BURJ BABAL 255010913 - 0 0 516 516 30 Total 1165 1165 Government Model Primary School Burj 31 BUR) BABAL 255010905 - 0 271 255 526 1 1 2 Babal a ) 31 Total - - 271 255 526 1 Dharangar 255010906 - - 0 410 276 686 32 Government Girls Primary School Dharangar Dharangar 255010907 - 0 63 72 135 2 2 4 (C) Dharangar 255010908 0 351 232 583 32 Total - - 824 580 1404 2 2 4 33 Government Girls Primary School 1.21.1i Kot KOT LALA 255011001 0 470 355 825 1 1 2 33 Total - - - 470 355 825 1 1 2 34 Government Girls Primary School Madad Ali MADAD ALI 255011002 - 0 724 606 1330 2 2 4 (C1 34 Total 724 606 1330 2 2 4 KHAI 255011003 - 0 142 97 239 35 Government Boys Primary School Sabuwala SABOOWALA 255011004 - 0 292 211 503 2 2 4 (C) SABOOWALA 255011005 - 0 505 445 950 35 Total - 939 753 1692 2 2 Government Girls Primary School Hujra RURAL LALIAN Ahlay Wala 255011101 0 344 272 616 36 2 2 4 Coloney ( C) RURAL LALIAN Hujra Coloney 255011102 - 0 472 344 816 36 Total - - - 816 616 1432 2 2 RURAL LALIAN Darbar Muhammad Government Elementary School Darbar 255011103 - 0 608 0 608 37 Saddique 2 0 2 Muhammad Siddique (Pt) RURAL LALIAN Thatha Wariyo 255011104 -- 0 564 0 564 37 Total - - - 1172 0 1172 2 0 2 RURAL LALIAN Darbar Muhammad Government Girls School Darbar 255011103 0 0 492 492 38 Saddique 0 2 2 Muhammad Siddique (F) RURAL LALIAN Thatha Wariyo 255011104 - - 0 0 433 433 38 Total - - - 0 925 925 0 2 Government Model Boys Primary School RURAL LALIAN Thatha Miyana 255011105 - 0 330 234 564 39 1 1 2 kiana Thain (C) RURAL LALIAN Thatha Miyana 255011106 -- 0 147 149 296 39 Total - - - 477 383 860 1 1 2 Government Boys Primary School Jalley RURAL LALIAN Jalley Wala 255011107 - 0 1064 0 1064 40 3 0 3 Wala (/vi) RURAL LALIAN Astana 255011108 - - 0 246 0 246 40 Total - - - 1310 0 1310 3 0 3 RURAL LALIAN Jalley Wala 255011107 - 0 0 930 930 41 Government Girls Primary School Jai ler/71a 0 3 3 RURAL LALIAN Astana 255011108 - 0 0 175 175 41 Total - - - 0 1105 1105 0 3 h, coptiovirliN 10T-I , ‘ In Case of Rural Areas In Case of Urban Areas Number of voters assigned to p !ling station Numb r of polling booths Sr.I1Jo.
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