Documentof The World Bank FOR OMCLAL USE ONLY Public Disclosure Authorized Report No. 13640 PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT TOGO Public Disclosure Authorized EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (CREDIT 1568-TO) OCTOBER 27, 1994 Public Disclosure Authorized Population and Human Resources Division Occidental and Central Africa Department Africa Regional Office Public Disclosure Authorized This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in theperformance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AfDB African Development Bank BEPC Lower Secondary School Certificate (Brevet d 'etudes du premier cycle) BREDA Regional Office for Education Development in Africa (Bureau regional pour le developpement de l'education en Afrique, Dakar, Senegal) CEAP Basic Teaching Certificate (Certificat elementaire d'aptitude pedagogique) CEG Lower Secondary School (College d'enseignement gMngral) CE Elementary cycle (Cours elementaire) - I or 2 CFAF African Financial Community franc CM Intermediate cycle (Cours moyen) - I or 2 CP Preparatory cycle (Cours preparatoire) - I or 2 DCEBS School Construction and Maintenance Directorate (Direction de la construction et de 1'entretien des bdtiments scolaires, DGPE/MENRS) DEPE Project Implementation Directorate (Direction de 1'execution des projets d'education, DGPE/MENRS) DGPE Directorate General of Education Planning (Direction generale de la planification de leducation, MENRS) DIFOP Directorate of Teacher Training and Curriculum Development (Direction de la formation permanente, de I'action et de la recherche pedagogique, MENRS) ENI Primary Teachers College (Ecole Normale d'lnstituteurs) EU European Union GDP Gross domestic product Gvt Government IA Auxiliary teacher (Instituteur adjoint) [AS Auxiliary teacher trainee (Instituteur adjoint stagiaire) ICB International Competitive Bidding IDA International Development Association IMF International Monetary Fund INFA National Agricultural Training Institute (Institut national deformation agricole, Togo) INSE National Institute of Education Sciences (Institut national des sciences de l'education, Togo) LIMUSCO Government textbook agency (Librairie des Mutuelles Scolaires) MENRS Ministry of Education and Scientific Research (Ministere de l'education et de ia recherche scientifique) NGO Non-Governmental Organization PA Pedagogic Advisor (Conseiller pedagogique) PGI E.U.'s General Import Program (Programme general d'importation de l'Union Europeenne) PCR Project Completion Report SAC Structural Adjustment Credit SAL Structural Adjustment Loan SAR Staff Appraisal Report SDR Special Drawing Right TO Togo UNDP United Nations Development Programme Unesco United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization USAID United States Agency for International Development US$ United States dollar FOR OFICIAL USE ONLY THE WORLD BANK Washington, D.C. 20433 U.S.A. Officeof Director-General OperationsEvaluation October 27, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO THE EXECUTIVEDIRECTORS AND THE PRESIDENT SUBJECT: Project Completion Report on Togo Educational Improvement Project (Credit 1568-TO) Attached is the Project Completion Report on Togo - Educational Improvement Project (Credit 1568-TO) prepared by the Africa Regional Office. No Part II was issued. The PCR gives a satisfactory account of the project experience. The project sought to improve the quality of primary and secondary educa- tion through investments in teacher training, textbooks and specialized facilities and to improve education management through a strengthening of the Directorate General of Education Planning. Despite implementation delays, cost overruns, and underutilization of facil- ities, the outcomes of the project are on balance rated as satisfactory. Institutional development impact has been modest, but in line with the scope of the related interven- tions. However, at completion time the project's achievements were threatened by budget constraints and a volatile socio-political situation. Therefore project sustainability remains uncertain. No audit is planned. Attachment Thisdocument has a restricteddistribution and may be usedby recipientsonly in the performanceof their official duties.Its contents may not otherwise be disclosedwithout World Bank authorization. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Project Completion Report TOGO Educational Improvement Project (Cr. 1568 TO) TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE ....................................................... i EVALUATION SUMMARY ............................................ ii PART I. REVIEW OF THE PROJECT FROM THE BANK'S PERSPECTIVE ... .... 1 1. Project Identity ................................................. 1 2. Background ................................................... 1 3. Project Objectives and Description ..................................... 2 4. Project Design and Organization ...................................... 4 5. Project Implementation ............................................ 4 6. Project Results ................................................. 5 7. Project Sustainability .............................................. 6 8. IDA Performance ................................................ 9 9. Borrower Performance ............................................. 10 10. Project Relationship .............................................. 10 11. Contracted Services .............................................. 10 12. Project Documentation and Data ...................................... 11 PART II. REVIEW OF THE PROJECT FROM THE BORROWER'S PERSPECTIVE .... 12 PART III. STATISTICAL INFORMATION .............................. 13 1. Related IDA Credits ....... ...................................... 13 2. Project Timetable ................................................ 14 3. Credit Disbursements ............................................. 15 4. Project Implementation ............................................ 16 5. Project Costs and Financing ......................................... 18 6. Project Results ................................................. 20 7. Status of Covenants .............................................. 25 8. Use of IDA Resources ............................................. 27 LIST OF ANNEXES Annex 1 Education expenses in the rural areas of the regions . 29 Annex 2 Primary school reading and math textbooks.30 Annex 3 The LIMUSCO bookstores .31 Annex 4 Audit Reports.33 MAP IBRD 18680R This documenthas a restricteddistribution and maybe usedby recipientson]y in the performanceof their official duties. Its contentsmay not otherwisebe disclosedwithout WorldBank authorization. - i - Proiect Completion Report TOGO Educational Improvement Project (Cr. 1568 TO) PREFACE This document constitutes the Project Completion Report (PCR) for the Second Education Project in Togo (Educational Improvement Project), for which Credit 1568 TO in the amount of SDR 12.8 million was approved on March 26, 1985. The credit was closed on June 30, 1992, one year later than scheduled. The last disbursement was made on November 23, 1992, at the end of the agreed "grace period", and the undisbursed balance of SDR 3,882.64 was cancelled from the credit, effective on that date. The PCR was prepared by the Population & Human Resources Operations Division of the Occidental and Central Africa Department, with local support from the Bank Resident Mission in Lome. During the final supervision mission of the project (February 1992), it had been agreed that the Borrower would start preparation of its Part II simultaneously with IDA's work on Parts I and III, and the completion mission had been scheduled for July 1992. Sociopolitical events in Togo, however, delayed this mission until September-October 1993. On September 24, 1993, IDA acknowledged the Government's final progress report and reminded the Borrower about the preparation of Part II, which was subsequently drafted, but could not be finalized owing to the country situation. Instead, the draft Parts I and III were discussed between the Borrower and an IDA education mission in November 1993. Resulting comments have been taken into account to finalize this PCR. This PCR is based, inter alia, on the Staff Appraisal Report, the Development Credit Agreement, the Borrower's progress reports and IDA supervision reports, as well as correspondence and minutes of discussions between IDA and the Togolese Government. - iii - Project Completion Report TOGO Educational Improvement Project (Cr. 1568 TO) EVALUATION SUMMARY Objectives (Part 1.2 and 3): In line with the education sector policy and the macroadjustment program of the Government, the project objectives were as follows: 1. Improve the quality of education at both the primary and the secondary levels: (a) through an integrated training program for upgrading primary teachers and mathematics and science teachers; (b) by making low-cost textbooks available to primary students; and (c) by improving mathematics and science teaching facilities. 2. Improve the management of education through the reorganization and strengthening of the Directorate General of Education Planning (DGPE). Design and Organization (Part 1.4) 3. The project was globally well designed in that it addressed the major deficiencies of the education system, based on a sectoral analysis and development objectives which were clearly understood and finally shared (the textbook component was not initially fully supported by all relevant parties in Togo, since its innovative fostering of local inputs was
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