The Clinton I ndependent. VOL. XXIX.—NO. ST. JOHNS, MICH.. FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 5, 1895. WHOLE NO-1498. Have your Watches, ('looks and Jew­ —Sickness and the 4th made us a little PIMONAL. THK UH HI IL1)IN(1 op thk baotoby . ability of tbe organisation of an associ­ elry repaired at Allison ’s, the old reli­ late this week. ation cornu need of tbe business ohn icks W® miaou to home fro® Ypailsntl All kinds of at J H '. able jeweler. —John P. Gross, of Westphalia, has •wme Things Mara Pally Explained. men of this village, whose object Spectacles and Eye Glasses at almost been granted a pension. Mrs O. B. Honor to spoodla* s few dors in should be the encouragement of manu ­ 1.1(11* Mmn far Much T»*h. wholesale pnoes at Krepps. DeWitt A — More damaging tires in the woods •uoo. I am well aware of the fact that a facturing industries and the promotion Just think of a watch that will tick Co.'s. Eyes tested free. and the fields reported almost hourly. Bert Pulfrey spent tbe 4th with friend In large number of people do not fully un ­ of general good In every way. Mr Hteel 18.000 times in one hour for $6 at Al­ —Pike X Perrlue s circus failed to derstand the matters in connection with stated that he was heartily In favor of lison sold reliable jewelery store. This It. D. B. 1 Ins s fow days In such an organization,union, andami thatuiai in hisins watch is an open face, screw, nickel oaae HOME MATTEHN. put in an appearance here as advertised the rebuilding of the factory, and in last week. opinion great good mightmi be aceom- and a good warrante d move ment. Mias Ida Sanford, of DeWitt. to rtattla* at view of tbe approaching election for tbe plisbed in many wavs if all parties inter- ItNftttM. —Mies Helen ( orbit gave a progres ­ M. M. Fare, Cil> M*».*«a*r. A. O. Hunt's. purchase of an electric lighting plant, esled would irtily co-operate in the Addrees throug^ Ht. Johns p. o. 98 sive pedrn party to a large company of Mtos Bdna Frink vtotted relatives In Toledo mater, and that he was ready and will —Ladies' shirt waist studs, a nice lot friends at tier borne laat Friday even ­ some further explanations might be of the newest at llenoy ’s Bazaar. desirable. Most people have no con ­ ing to at all times do bis Just and full see UilM' Umx Caller*. ing. Miss Ira Henderson to nsttlna retail res la share and hoped that before another —Ail increase of pension has beeu ception of the magnitude of a manu ­ slightly soiled, regular price 16 cents, granted Nehemiah l’ecktel. of St. Johns. —On Wednesday of this week our West Bay City. year rolled around some of tbe other for 8 cents each. All sty lee Belt Pins village received an additional l.OUU feet facturing business nor of tbe amount manufacturing interests of the village —Ilutigaitau. Millet, Uuckwheat. Wm. Cook race spent tbe fore port of tbe at 5 cents each at Tiuc Pjcnny Stork , of hose for the use of its Are depart ­ week in Detroit. of capital necessary to ite prosecution. might receive both the moral and ma­ Poslofflce Block, Ht. John*. Beans. Potatoes and Binding Twine for ment. Should the village buy tbe electric terial encouragement which they so sale at Sprague A Squair's elevator. Fred Hathaway went to Hotrod Wednesday —Query : Was the quiet condition of to visit b-a uooit- lighting plant, business will be resumed richly deserve. Hast Print*. —The Owosao and Corunna street our streets yesterday occasioned by the J ota n Fettle to clerk In# in tke Mercantile on a capitalization of $100,000. For the Five cents a vard At John Hicks '. railway Is advertised to be sold at auc­ fourth, the drought or the burning of Company 's stores best interest* of the bufiiiess, it would, A Voting Prodigy. tion, August (i. a portion of tbe factory Y however, be much more desirable, from People who dropped into the musical James Davies to taking in tbe bloyeie racea For a well assorted stock of plain and —A new form of la grippe has struck —C. E. Benoy. of tbe up town bazaar, at Fenton this week. all points of view, to operate with a entertainment by the Schubelt Sym­ Owosao. It settles in the feet and is lias moved his family from Ionia to Ht. capital of from $150,000 to $175,000. It upholstered Furniture go to Dean (Jrey. of Detroit. Is tbe guest of his will be necessary in starting the factory phony Club at Y. M. C. A. Hall last Hitli. X Hitlsb'a . known as ••Trilby. ” John*, and are now plea.santh nHW cousin. Dean WI ok re. —Do you know that you can buy three in Mrs. Strickland's small brick tene ­ on any basis to put in a large amount Saturday night were very much sur­ 16 Clinton Ave. and Opp . PostoAce. K. fl Popple went to Fort W’ayne. Ind . laat of money in addition, which Mr. Steel prised at the work of a charming little pounds of best shoulder steak for 25 ment house on ('ass street. Tuesday, on business. proposes to do. it is estimated that it For wood and Potatoes go to cents at Patrick's market ? Fact. —Alex. Kiumoml lias engaged with Miss IJIlie Richmond Is spending tbe sum­ will take from twenty to thirty thousand tot. in kilts, called on the bills Master Howland A Co. ’s. —Aside from the Catholic society, the St. Louis ball team during the sea­ mer at Wequetonsing. dollars alone to erect sufficient build- Tommy Purcell, in face and flgure be Feed Htore. opp. The Hteel. a large number spent the 4th at liouud son. Lie is doiug some good work, and Mtos Luts Smith returned to her home In mgs. delights the eye; Ills work on the violin To Farmi n». Lake, the principal and best resort in in a game with the Edmore club re­ Detroit last Wednesday. We are agent* for the well aud favor ­ It will mini re from two or three is remarkable —playing by note at 5 these parts. cently, made the only run, the score Mrs H. 8. Shaver is spending the week with months' time to make up a stock ade­ ably known Walter A. Wood s Reapers —Robert E. Crimson . son of J. 11. standing 1 to o iii favor of St. Louis. her sisters In this village quate and extensive enough to All orders years of age. Ilit comic sougs and and Hteel Mowers. Also, their |>opolar Cransou, of Detroit, formerly of Ht. — E. II. Lyon and J. II. Fedewa are Thad Reynolds has gone to Toledo. <)., where from, and the regular terms on bills Irish recitations Drought down storms Tedders and Hay Rakes. We keep ex ­ Johns, is now engaged in civil engineer ­ erecting a cottage at Crooked Lake, be has secured employment. lieing sixty and ninety days, it is easily of applause, aud all were loth to let the tras aud repgirs for any of tbe above. ing in tire state of Colorado. near Petoskey, which will be occupied Tbe Misses Sophia and Bllza Pruden are seen that, after resuming work, it will little fellow leave the stage. American An inspection of these goods aud prices —This section is still suffering for the in about two weeks by Mrs. Lyon aud spending a vacation In Lansing. take some live or six months before newspapers have lieen raving over this will certainly please you. Binding want of rain. For some time there Mrs. Fedewa. aud their husbands will Hobt. Allison entertained his cousin. John money begins to come for goods sold. cute little rnoreel for several seasons, Twine of best quality and at lowest has been threatening signs, but no good spend as much of the heated term there Tillotson of I twusso. last Monday. The amounts represented by manu ­ and for once they are praising some­ prices. Call at our grain elevator. HlMtAOtJB SqL AlU. results followed. The days have beeu as their extensive business will permit. Attorney H.J. Patterson was In RIverdaie factured stock on liand. aud by the ac­ thing meritorious. Master Tom has X very —The suit by the St. Julius Manu ­ last Monday on professional business counts. is a constant factor, and repre ­ beenappearing in public a great deal I.malias Nrrkaasr. warm and the nights cool. of tbe time since lie was two and a half —Lost somewhere between Durkee's facturing Co. agaiustO. W. Munger for Miss Ina Perrin expects to attend tbe sum sents the employment of considerable Trilby Knots, and Band Hows at the collection ot a subscription ot stock, capital continually. years old. and has liecome a verv prom ­ corners and the lleuing farm south-east mer school at Ann Arbor this season. inent feature in the Company of which Joh n Hicks '. of Ht. Johns, on Sunday last, a boy ’s tried in Uie circuit court and decided in Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Simonson and son Ward- For the purpose of increasing the taxor of the ('ompauy and appealed to capital. Mr. Steel suggests the taking his father is manager. —St. Lout* Chron­ W«|ni , llugglas aad Carriages. coat. I he tinder will please leave at spent the Fourth with friends in (isines. of stock in the new organization on the icle. A handsome show of the heel goods in lloucher X Fetch ’s millinery store.
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