You as responsible gay voters are urged to vote for the following candid­ ates for public oTfice, as they will represent our community and the city well in all capacities. CityJTreasureji^ TOM SCANLON CityA trnrney I GEORGE AGNOST Supervisors s District 1 - ED LAWSON District 2 - LES O’SHEA District 3 - JOHN KEKER District 4 - Rev. RAY < BROSHEARS > District 5 - ANDREW J. a BETANCOURT a District 6 - CAROL RUTH UJ SILVER 9 District 7 - ROBERT GONZALES I District 8 - NICK VERREOS District 9 - LEE DOLSON District 10 - don’t vote District 11 - MAX WOODS You are urged to vote for Robert Gonzales in Dist­ rict 7 as he has defended valiantly, ou are u^ed to vote for no one in District 10. SAN FRANCISCO CRUSADER "k, 99 v i A Gay“^HO TEL NEWS 330 GROVE Is Focal Point of Brief Radicals The Pride Foundation’s Gay Community Center at 330 Grove Street was "doomed” by the wrecker’s ball, long before property specula­ tor Paul Hardman cast his eyes on ths spot and said, ‘This is ours!” MASSACHUSETTS GAYS LOSE GAY RIGHT But Hardman, for whatever reason, has tried to set the gay communi­ LEGISLATION 129 • 93....ELAINE NOBLE ty on a collision course with City Hall, and with the help of the gay FIZZLES OUT......Conservative Democrats and Republicans voted to defeat H.3676, a bill abol* leftists, Hardman may well succeed in creating not a gay center...but ishing discrimination in public employment on a “coffin for gay liberation” in San Francisco. As one well known the basis of sexual preference. Noble, a lesbian gay said, “What we don’t need right now is another black-eye and the who represents part of the Fenway district of Boston, was called a hypocrite by her anti>gay refusal to vacate the property, ala. International Hotel, could very foes, as her speeches were double-edged, giving well mean the end of all gay rights in our city!” the impresáon she didn't remember what she has said in the past. The Board ot Supervisors along premesis, although Pride did sign t t t t t t t t 150 COPS time ago voted to build the Per­ a letter of accord, drafted by attor BRITISH MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT ........ ncy B.J. Beckwith, agreeing to with- "COMES OUT"....A British Labour Party Mem­ forming Arts Center at Grove and ber of Parliament has come out openly as a les­ Van Ness Avenue and the vacant, .draw pcacfully when the eviction bian after the the local Party big-wigs said she and deserted property on the 300 date is handed down. could not be a candidate for re-election. Maureen to PATROL Colquhoun of Northampton North spoke out block of Grove would be tom do­ Radical leftist, they call themselves loudly at her detractors. She intends to appeal wn to create a 600 car parking gar­ socialists, other call them out and the local Party decision to the national Party out communists, arc making some leaders. age for the Civic Center area. Yet, knowing all of this, Paul Hard noise about holding the building POLK man, the short, portly, spectacled, against the bulldozers move. GAY GROUP DENIED "STATUS" AND UNI­ The answer to that obviously lies VERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO....AGAIN. ex-banker and current land specu­ Gays at this Catholic ran University, are being lator, got the Pride Foundation and in the November 8th election.... opposed again, as they try once more for a place the gay community involved in the when gays in District 4 have one in the Student Union. Little information is avail person who refuses to support able, as campus gays say they do not want off Halloween - property at 330 Grove Street as a campus gay radicals to disrupt their lifestyle. gay community center. the Internation Hotel ballot pro­ t t + t t - t t t POLK STREET TO BE CLOSED ON Knowing the building was to be position U and the 330 Grove COOES GAY EMPLOYEES MAKE CALIFOR­ HALLOWEEN NIGHT ON OCTOBER torn down, and agreeing to the use Street land deal....he is Rev. Ray NIA SPEAKING TOUR. ...».The Gay employees 31st. POLICE TO MAKE ARRESTS of it until such time, Hardman tri­ Broshears. of the Adolph Coors Brewing Company of Golden And in District 3, all are in supp­ Colorado have been speaking to gays in California OF PERSONS FOR LEWD CONDUCT ed to “sell it” to the community. in an effort to dispell the attacks upon Coors and AND OTHER THINGS. But the smart people just were not ort of the Center and the l-Hotcl endangering their jobs as well * “buying” the slick-talking land ....and in District 5, only one, Radical leftist Socialist gays held a press confere­ In a vote of re-consideration, the Board nce in San Francisco On October 26th to show of Supervisors voted on Monday, Octo­ speculator’s line. The prestigious and he is also gay, opposes the In­ to the city the leftist leaders of the unauthorized ber the 24th to close Polk Street from Tavern Guild, beaded by Lenny ternational Hotel issue, Andrew strike against Coors in Colorado. Howard Wallace Post northward to Clay Street. Mollet, fought certain members Bcttancourt. of the Socialist Workers Party and the Gay Action CASTRO CLOSING ALSO...And the l>bor Committee of the Gay Center 330 Grove, Supervisors voted to close Castro Street moves to turn their large building The “gay silent majority” has denounced Coors, as did Wayne Friday, Vice-Pre­ from 7 PM til 10 PM on Halloween nite. fund over to the Pride Foundation not been heard from as yet, but sident of the Tavern Guild. Harvey Milk was also present at the union ran press conference. which may be Mollet’s greatest and most gay activits arc hopeful The union and the leaders of the Coors boycott POLK CONTROVERSY..... Of the five lasting monument to his nearly 2 they will go to the polls and opp­ were denounced by the Rev. Ray Broshears as be­ Supervisors who voted against the clos­ year term as president. ose the l-Hotel supporters, and ing a "bunch of Marxist radicals who are a threat ing, the most vehement was Dianne Fein to the American way of life, and they and their -stein (endorsed by the Sentinel, Duke Adjoing the 330 Gr<»vc is a 60 unit vote for those candidates wh«> supporters must be delt with harshly!" Smith, Jo Daly and the Advocate), as apartment building, which a gay also oppose the l-Hotcl and the t t t t t t t t t t she virtually spit fire upon the gay com­ land speculator hatl tried unsucces­ type of tactics its supporters wo- munity, accussing gays of being disolute sfully to purchase, this was shortly ukl use if they could, at 330 Gro­ NEW GAY COMMUNIST GROUP HOLDING and anarchistic, and that Polk should MEETINGS IN SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGE­ not be closed. before Hardman’s “idea” to grab ve. LES AND CHICAGO ..t...The RED FLAG...this And check for yourself about is a group of gays who are organizing gays into the Feinstein was joined by Supervisors Ron 3 30 Grove Street. Sparticist League, a well known group of commu­ Pelosi John Barbagelata and Quentin Now, Hardman and his Associates 330 Grove Street...but do it with nists who are bent on over-throwing the govern­ Kopp. arc trying to force the City to sell out the help of Hardman or any ment through violent revolution. At a meeting in Former Chief of Police Al Nelder and or give the property to the Pride of that group...ask at the Board San Francisco recently they had some fifty gays now a Supervisor accused the Fire Dep­ in attendance, and as well, their literature has been artment and Police Department of play­ Foundation...but, fortunately, n») of Supervisors, and at the Plann­ appearing in various sectors of the gay community ing politics by requesting the closing. one in City Hall, except George ing Commission. ttttttttttt He said he was against the closing becau­ Mosconc, is budging. The current Don’t let the gay radicals and the OLD ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH IN NORTH se of the recent articles in the supposed­ Board of Supervisors sure isn’t. gay land/propcrty speculators AMERICA TO HOLD SYNOD....Bishop Donald ly pro-gay Sentinel which told of “boy Some of Hardman’s associates arc destroy all the we have gained in Joseph Pierce-Weeks has announced plans to hold prostitution'’ and “boy porno" in the a Synod here in San Francisco of Old Catholics to pages of the Sentinel. The story by the threatening to refuse to vacate the .our city todatc. help' them to organize into better communities editor Charles Lee Morris, whose repre- and parishes and not "play priest", running around senative at the Board Meetings, a straight in 'collar* doing nothing but "pretending"! The date will be announced later by His Eminence!!! woman, Maureen Asper (Marina), almost cost the Polk Street bars to lose out on ti-t+ tt+ tttt the closing. PO PE s i l e n c e s g a y CATHOLICS’ ADVOCATE The Sentinel recently ran a picture on FATHER JOHN McNEIL.... Jesuit theologian, a well known gay bar owner with police John McNeil, author of the book, "The Church & questioning him and two others, giving INDIANA FAIR GROUNDS The Homosexual", has been silenced by Rome. the impre.s.sion that he was doing some­ OCT. 7th COLISEUM 8:00 P.M.
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