Mississippi Directory of Radio Batesville Bay St. Louis Bay

Mississippi Directory of Radio Batesville Bay St. Louis Bay

Mississippi Directory of Radio news progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18 -54. Spec prog: grass 2 hrs wkly. Larry Miller, pres; William Fulton, gen Brooksville Gospel 6 hrs, blues 6 hrs wkly. Donald R. DePriest, mgr & progmg dir; Merrill McKewen, dev dir; Annie pres; Russ Wilson, vp & gen mgr, Rusty Pugh, opns mgr Schott, prom mgr; Janet Baker -Carr, mus dir,, Kevin Far- WAJV(FM) - August 1995: 98.9 mhz; 5.8 kw. Ant 676 ft. & news dir; Stan Allen, progmg dir, Olen Booth, chief rell, pub affrs din Jerry Ladd, chief engr. TL: N33 20 40 W88 32 47. Box 707, Columbus (39703); engr. 702 2nd Ave. N., Columbus (39701). (601) 328-1400. WMJY(FM) -July 11,1966:93.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,012 FAX: (601) 328 -1421. Licensee: Radio Columbus Inc. ft. TL: 42 53. Box N30 29 09 W88 Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Wash atty: Mullin, Rhyne, Emmons & Tope'. Format: 4606 (39535); 286 Debuys Rd. (39531). (601) 388-2323. Batesville Oldies. Target aud: General. Bill Lemonds, gen mgr. FAX: (601) 388 -2362. Licensee: SFXBX L.P. Group Rates: $11; 11; 11; 11. WJBI(AM) -June 19,1953:1290 khz; 730 w -D, 91 w -N. owner: SFX Broadcasting Inc. (acq 3- 24 -97). Net: TL: N31 18 13 W89 58 59. Box 73 (38606). (601) 563- ABC /FM. Format: Adult contemp. News staff one; news 1290. FAX: (601) 563 -9002. Licensee: Batesville Broad- progmg 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54. Reggie Bates, Bude casting Co. Inc. (acq 4-1 -78). Net: ABC /E. Format: Farm, gen mgr, Vicki Daniels, prom mgr, Walter Brown, progmg MOR, relg. News staff 4. Target aud: 30 plus. Spec prog: dir. WMAU-FM- December 1983: 88.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Gospel. J. Boyd Ingram, pres & chief engr; John P. 960 ft. TL: N31 22 19 W90 45 05. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. WVMI(AM) -Apr 1, 1950: 570 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 kw -N, DA- Ingram, gen mgr, gen sls mgr & mus dir; Tommy Darby, 3825 Ridgewood Rd., Jackson (39211). (601) 982 -6565. 2. TL: N30 28 29 W88 51 22. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box prom mgr. FAX: (601) 982 -6746. Licensee: Mississippi Authority for 1459 (39533). (228) 374-1570. FAX: (228) 374 -1576. Educational Television. Net: NPR, PRI. Wash atty: WBLE(FM) -Co -owned with WJBI(AM). Aug 1, 1978: Licensee: G &R Radio Inc. (acq 1995; $125,000). Net: Schwartz, Woods & Miller. Format: Class, news. News 100.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 492 ft. TL: N34 18 13 W89 58 59. CNN, AP. Format: News/talk, info. News staff 3; news staff 2; news progmg 39 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Format: Farm, C &W. News progmg 12 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54; affluent. Gary staff 2; news progmg 5 hrs wkly. Targetaud: 25 plus. Spec Michiels, gen mgr; Belinda Goodman, opns mgr; Carla Spec prog: New age 11 hrs, blues 2 hrs, folk 3 hrs, blue- grass 2 hrs wkly. Larry Miller, pres; William Fulton, gen prog: Black 3 hrs wkly. Beaugez, gen sls mgr, Jonathan Gates, news dir. mgr & progmg dir; Merrill McKewen, dev dir; Annie WXBD(AM) -May 1948: 1490 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N30 23 Schott, prom mgr; Janet Baker-Carr, mus dir; Kevin Far- Bay St. Louis 38 W88 5958. Box 4779, 212 DeBuys Rd. (39531). (601) rell, pub affrs dir, Jerry Ladd, chief engr. 388 -1490. FAX: (601) 388-1966. Licensee: Gulf Coast WBSL(AM)-March 1974: 1190 khz; 5 kw -D. TL: N30 Radio Partners Inc. (group owner; acq 4 -2 -97; grpsl). 19 25 W89 21 03. Hrs opn: 13. 1190 Casino Magic Dr. Net: ABC /SMN. Rep: Allied Radio Partners. Format: Big Byhalia (39520). (601) 467 -1190; (601) 467 -7009. FAX: (601) band, nostalgia. Steve Fehder, gen mgr; Ken Vest, stn 467-5295. Licensee: Hancock Broadcasting Corp. For- mgr, Ken Allen, progmg dir. WYLT(FM) -November 1994: 94.9 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 328 mat: Jazz, news/talk. News staff one; news progmg 6 hrs ft. TL: N34 5530 W89 40 57. Stereo. Hrs opn: 5 AM -mid- wkly. Ira Hatchett, gen mgr, Benni Hatchett, stn mgr; night. 4554 Fleming Rd., Collierville, TN (38017); Box Anthony Hatchett, progmg dir. Booneville 1968, N. Hwy. 309, Byhalia, TN (38611). (901) 854 -3805. FAX: (901) 854 -7148. Licensee: Estate of Albert L. Crain WZKX(FM) -Co -owned with WRPM(AM). Feb 14, WBIP(AM)-Sept 1, 1950: 1400 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N34 Joy Crain Johns executrix (acq 5-5-97). Wash atty: Barry 1966:107.9 mhz; 92 kw. Ant 1,460 ft. TL: N3044 48 W89 38 21 W88 34 33. Hrs opn: 24. Box 356, Hwy. 145 S. Friedman. Format: Light adult contemp, Christian. News 03 30. Box 2639, (39503). (601) 832 -5111. FAX: Gulfport (38829-0356). (601) 728-5301. FAX: (601) 728 -2572. staff one. Target aud: General. Lawrence Johns, gen (601) 832 -7699. Format: Country. Dowdy, gen Morgan Licensee: Community Broadcasting Services of Missis- mgr &vp sls; Dave Austin, stn mgr. mgr, Dave Madison, progmg dir. sippi Inc. (acq 10 -1 -95; $400,000 with co- located FM). Format: Country. News progmg 7 hrs wkly. Target aud: 24 -54. Larry Melton, pres; Jerry Thornton, vp; Don Canton Bay Springs Murphy, gen mgr, Larry Hill, gen sls mgr, Max Wilson, WIZK(AM) -June 26, 1971: 1570 khz; 5 kw -D. TL: N31 progmg dir. WMGO(AM)-Dec 9, 1954: 1370 khz; 1 kw-D, 500 w-N. 57 56 W89 18 03. Box 548, 150 Bay Ave. (39422). (601) TL: N32 37 36 W90 0147. Hrs opn: 16. Box 182,107 W. WBIP- FM-Jan 15,1976: 99.3 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 300 ft. TL: 764-3151. FAX: (601) 764-6832. Licensee: Cotton Valley Peace St. (39046). (601) 859 -2373; (601) 859-2374. N34 3815 W88 34 45. Hrs opn: 24. Dups AM 80%. Net: Inc. Net: ABC FAX: (601) 859 -2664. Licensee: WMGO Broadcasting Broadcasting Co. /SMN. Format: Real USA, Reach Satellite; Miss. Net. Format: Southern gos- country. News progmg 20 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54; Corp. Inc. (acq 5-3-93; $100,000; FTR 5- 24 -93). Net: pel. Spec prog: Black one hr wkly. baby boomers & older consumers. Jerome Hughey, Miss. Net. Rep: Midsouth. Format: Adult contemp, urban pres, gen mgr, gen sls mgr & prom mgr; Mitchell O. WMAE -FM- December 1983: 89.5 mhz; 85 kw. Ant contemp, gospel. News staff one; news progmg 12 hrs Hughey, stn mgr, vp opns, vp sls, progmg dir & news dir; 660 ft. TL: N34 40 00 W88 45 05. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. wkly. Target aud: 25 -54; upscale & involved adults. Tom Diaz, chief engr. 3825 Ridgewood Rd., Jackson (39211). (601) 982 -6565. Jerry Lousteau, pres, gen mgr, vp sls, vp progmg & news FAX: (601) 982 -6746. Licensee: Mississippi Authority for dir; John Woods, Evelyn Jones, mus dirs; Stan Carter, WIZK- 7, 1975: 93.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 328 ft. TL: FM-July Educational Television. Net: PRI, NPR. Wash atty: chief engr. N31 59 00 1350 (CP: 50 kw, ant 531 ft.). Stereo. W89 Schwartz, Woods & Miller. Format: Class, news. News Format: Country, news progmg 20 hrs wkly. Target aud: WONG(AM )-April 1989: 1150 khz; 500 w -D. TL: N32 staff 2; news progmg 39 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. 18 -60; average working people. Mitchell O. Hughey, 32 35 W90 03 36. Go WTLY Radio, 267 W. Peace St. Spec prog: New age 11 hrs, folk 3 hrs, blues 2 hrs, blue - vp; Tom Diaz, engrg dir. Rates: $28; 26; 26; 24. (39046). (601) 859 -4555. Licensee: OLA Communica- grass2 hrswkly. Larry Miller, pres; William Fulton, gen tions Systems. Net: American Urban. Format: Adult con- mgr & progmg dir; Merrill T. McKewen, dev dir; Annie temp. Target aud: 25 plus. Belzoni Schott, prom mgr; Janet Baker-Carr, mus dir; Kevin Far- rell, pub affrs din Jerry Ladd, chief engr. WBYP(FM)- Listing follows WELZ(AM). Carthage WELZ(AM)-1959: 1460 khz; 1 kw-U. TL: N30 23 38 Brandon WSSI(AM) 13, 1965: 1080 khz; 5 kw -D, DA. TL: W88 5958 (CP: TL: N33 10 24 W9028 51). Box299, Rt. -Mar N32 4313 W89 32 48. Box 475, Hwy. 16 W. & Broadcast 3, Brooklyn Rd. (for Fedex/UPS) (39038). (601) 247- WRKN(AM) -June 1967: 970 khz; 1 kw -D, DA. TL: N32 Rd. (39051). (601) 267 -8361. FAX: (601) 267 -8363. Li- 1744; (601) 247 -1745. FAX: (601) 247 -3456. Licensee: 17 20 W89 59 50. Box 145 (39043). (601) 825 -5045. censee: Michael D. and Linda D. Goodwin. Net: Unistar; Humphreys County Broadcasting Co. Inc. (acq 12 -19- Licensee: WRKN Inc. acg2 -71 . Format: Southern gos- Miss. Net. Format: Country, news, sports. News progmg 91; $145,000; FTR 1- 13 -91). Net: Miss. Net. Rep: Dora - pel. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Relg, gospel, farm 11 hrs wkly. Target aud: 12-85; general. Spec prog: Farm Clayton. Format: Rhythm & blues, gospel. News staff one hr wkly. June Harris, pres & gen mgr, Rita Wil- 2 hrs, American Indian one hr, Black 2 hrs, relg 2 hrs wkly. one. Target aud: 12 plus; general. Spec prog: Black 20 banks, gen sls mgr & rgnl sls mgr; Vickie Harris, mus dir Mike Goodwin, pres, gen mgr, gen sls mgr & progmg hrs wkly. Colon Johnston, pres, gen mgr & opns mgr; & engrg mgr, Stan Carter, chief engr. dir; Linda D. Goodwin, opns mgr; Bill Fulgham, chief Brenda Johnston, vp; Herb Guthrie, gen sls mgr, nati sls WRJH(FM) -Co -owned with WRKN(AM).

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