V. TRAINING o Station !'tsollees lndIor ne.ds will b. such that we will be ~Ie or do not choose to InStitute progJ'1JT\S for upgrading the Ski/l$ of emplOyees. DU W. will provide on-the-jOb training to upgrade the skillS of emplOyees. o We will provide assiStance to students. schoolS. or colleges in progr."s designed to .nable Qualified mlnorlUes and women to compete In the broadcast ~lOyment market on an equitable basis: SChOOl or Other Beneficiary Proposed Form of AssiStance o Other (specify) FCC NOTICE TO INDIVIDUALS REQUIRED IV THE PRIVACV ACT AND THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT The solicitation of personal Information requested in thiS application is authoriZed by the Comnunic,tions Act of 1934. IS ~nded. The principal pllpose for which the information will be us.d is to determine if the application requested is consistent with the public interest. The staff. conSiSling variOus~ of 'ttorneys, lI'lI~sts, .ngineers. and applications .x."iners, will use the information to determine whether the applicltion should b. granted. d.nied, diSmissed, or designated for hearing. If III the informatiOn requested is not provided, the application m~ b. returned without ICtiOn having been taken upon it or its processing may be delayed while a request is made to provide the missing information. According~. .very effort should be made to provide all necessary information. Vour response is reQuir.d to Obtain the requested authority. THE FOREGOING NOTICE IS REQUIRED IV THE PRIVACV ACT OF '874. Pol. 13-"8, DECEMIER 3', '874, & U.S.C. ISZ.eX3) AND THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF" '"0, P.L. 11-111, DECEMBER 11, '110. 44 U.S.C. 3507. " FCC M-. (Peoe .Q ..,.,.y,,1t --. western Communications, Inc. Blackfoot, Idaho (KCVI-FM) Exhibit No. 1 OTHER BROADCAST INTERESTS AND CONNECTIONS OF ASSIGNEE OR ITS PRINCIPALS Assignee is owner and licensee of KECN(AM) and KLCE(FM), Blackfoot, Idaho; KICN(AM), Idaho Falls, Idaho; KLGN(AM) and KBLQ(FM), Logan, Utah; and is permittee of a new FM broadcast station at st. George, utah (File No. BPH-910102MF). Neither it, nor any of its officers, directors or stockholders have any other broadcast interests or connections. M. Kent Frandsen and Patricia Frandsen are husband and wife. WESTERN COMMUNICATIONS, INC. BLACKFOOT, IDAHO (KCVI-FM) EXHIBIT I-A SPECIAL EXHIBIT TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE WITH REVISED OWNERSHIP RULES Attached hereto is a list of the stations with locations and frequencies in the radio market involved, along with a contour map prepared by Hatfield and Dawson for KBLI-FM (now KLCE-FM), and an audience measurement survey by Willhight Research, Inc. showing the countable audience share of the Assignee as 15.9%. All 16 stations listed overlap, but only 11 appear in the survey because the others did not meet minimum reporting listening levels. Arbitron data was not available for this market. P.04 ~S'1' I.DAHO R.N>IO STATtONS IDAHO FALLS )(ID 590 AM ............. KID·FM 96.1 FM JelCN 1260 AM '-../ KFTZ 103. 5 FM KUPI-FM 99.1 rM ANNON KUPI 980 "" BLACKFOOT KEeN 690 AM KLCE 97.3 FM XCVF 101.5 I'M CHUBBUCK "--" KRCD 1490 AM 98.5 FM .,-" KRSS POCATELLO KSEI 930 AM KSEI-FM 102.5 FM KWlK 1240 AM KPKY 94.9 1M KZBQ 1290 AM KZBQ-FM 93.7 FM ,. WILLHIGHT RESEARCH, INC. -------AUDIENCEMEASUREMENrSURVEYS ------- 13 il, t , AVERAGE QUAR'l'BR HOUR SH A • B ( • ) •~ I ~ Surwy ArM: w.ho Fansl P'cat:ello1 8lackfoot, ID (SS,l) • Date:, Feb. ,- Apr11 1, 1992 ~:~,-"",d. • I, ".t .t') :f~ ~~ ,CSl , . ~ ~ .: ,,1:1.. , ~1:~ f(, ,I 1b 18t- ""I .: , 25-54 .i ':: , Ita... ,.... ,.,. ...leF_......lt tt.le F_... Adult , t :( , tf.:' .~ I ICFTl flt 9.5 9.1 9.7 5.1 S.1 4.5 5.5 ••t , '.2 , , KID • 4•• .5 2.6 4.9 .6 2.9 3.5 .4 2.2 I ~ , A)ttiJ , GaM 10.3 22.3 15.9 11.3 23.7 '7.U 15.0 31.1 23.2 I;" 1- .. FIt 2.8 ••1 S.4 3.. 4.5 3.7 4.4 5.3 4.1 I;~ I Jl.P Ie I, ,* MIllY'" 15.1 14.3 15.1 13.7 11.8 12.8 11.9 ...5 ,u.s :i' I, ICSD .. 3.2 .3 1•• 3.5 2.1 3.5 2.0 ", I •• I I GEl FIt 11.6 5.4 L7 11 •• 6.0 12.0 4.0 L6 , \ '.1 .!t , I tcIJII lit 2.5 3..1 3.0 2.' ••2 3.4 •5 ,. , ur AI 15.7 14.' 15.3 1&.4 16.9 1&.7 li.6 13.1 15.4•• ,\ IOIlK .. 2.2 2.3 2.2 2.5 2.6 2.5 3.4 2.1 2.a .',: , ", I ICZIQ AI 11.5 14.6 12.' 12.1 16.1 13.9 14.4 17.2 15.5 • , ",; I -- .. -- I ~ \ laICAl ----------4.3 2.3 3.3 ---------4.7 2.' 3.8 ----------••1 2.5 3.4 .. I, , Ii I Total.., ", , ~,~.. ~ J I , 'W.(CIO) 102.1 89.' 112.7 92.4 18.6 171.0 64.8 ••1 n2.t , " ,I'­ .. ,f. ,a> ,; j ::.­ ", ; , 'Q ,00 :}. ,cr ,-I 'i I (j ",I: I I {~ IW ' ,w , ~ ,J . .~ ,4 I ~o ~l q, I ~ , 1-=. ,.. , l' ,N , (, ,( ,'<T I~ ,t'" I ( , Ie I C~ I ,cr', ,0 I- ,~ , ~ 1"­ ,II.':::' . ;, ILL ,W ~~, 1'f,1, ". WARI.JG: The lIIIl6oatw COl lhis report..CGI¥.... The '1'''''''.,.fJI.",ale. , GCJt" •• aI CGMMloI.~ - ~ tocWilnoluplO-.OGD.~'*'.lIof. I f..-~ I 10_,... _ ....$10.oao..... ..-., puI'IUIInI.s.car- .-ct506ot.. Actol I ~."A"lun.lnc.hM ''r~ , ,~ 1.78. ! ' .limlIed -...n... lhisMpOrt.Any ...,lNt...,.. I I ID -...n...........10 rMWCllfIMct WIIItigIIt Runrch. 4nc... 1M ....,,;;;iltldiRftwIt Of NPOtt , we... , w1T~·I1N 1.0 MV/M CONTOUR: MEA: 8S67 sQ;Ml. POPULATION: 194,358 PERS~S 50::1', j: 1.00n.o:,:j -:. 'P' ,",' t a • = =lX ...--=.--== ..=-r1f'!P .....:--.:.::.:-. .. .....I!~- -. ~ n T-- • ~ OJ • - ..'- ~.. -_. .. :" •. 11: ,,,. a". :~.:-"i:.. ' a:n;i'RE' o.ZL: "4 .-~...:- ::F.$iiiiiiE::::aiiiiiiil~·I:-=·:":-=-::-:J:::_======::::ii;;SSiil.IE==::i"&if"*i?i=:=:E=-==~iiiI.Iii!iL::==;i;;._1IIIi1i =_iiiiiiiii;;;;i5£j====:::::==~ci:iWiii=.iIIiliiii~ 5EA::JII.D-Ii::l"'~:i!erUi-E=::::.;;.":=;::. ..=....ii...ii". __ ..,:.===:e==:;;,_iiiii.j;._;;;:;__ :::=:::::::===-:;"i:;1 . ...... .' '." • EXHIBIT va-tO HATFIELD & DA\,'sON PROPOSED COVERAGE C~TOURS • KBLI-FM BLACKFOOT, 10AHO 12/83 Western Communications, Inc. Blackfoot, Idaho (KCVI-FH) Exhibit No. 2 Assignee's President and majority stockholder has direct personal knowledge with respect to Blackfoot, so as to be able to determine accurately the problems, needs and interests therein. Assignee will provide public affairs programming relating to the issues of public concern within the station's service area. It will utilize, in that connection, at least one weeklv half hour vehicle, and will air special public issue-programs as the circumstances arising compel or warrant..
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