
WtmjK A tangled web of fcrat codes / pngt 7 FbwE fW» not B I TexBfi, but hip cfiHf TSJSt^^^^SSStSl CaWoi B f, Birefs 40 stopt the Bucks / iMgii f Is rod hot / pB0 # 1S jOiiMVVMS I m• iMmCK m m m n NUMMfMTr IW- affi55&*SSfflSSSSS!^^ T MUVEMYI « ^ ? % . ' . W I ; H w w rirw w»wi>'w a 'Tw - ^ Van. 0 ^ Mr IBI|af« ilig S BBffg-Bi»g~ iBg=~ w VSS j SW n X # w k c t o t . d ^ M fW «W/ afa^ O d j ^ y w n y f ^ , 4 k 4, /SCGPJJBIfSnsriT______________ Ly- *'£2*1£^*S"^4 tt^ ^fttSKi ^®f0w/3?^ CPMfflV/121OdoaMPO/!aL*^j OTrOVflvoAyama2£ Qf4tfHO§i V*V/ CdftVWrJWf WNfr/ 909ff 4MV./MaylAt/fMl fflM . WOTORS, INC Lvwi^ M» w. Confar afaarfno/ oowar rir/i . »/ . 0< fy-,*»on" f • '»'■ • IfVMiiBidlBy, M iy A Y 8Sf i f r ^ / /Hawenaafar. «M 4iaT.*r d '-m oofO/ 04/ aonroiy . IfWffT Wfwwwf/ IVIOTTCnV^ M W TO W H »: ifea. tor. 043-3l40.rr *^SgtSiljte-” 111 ^ * /taiiiiimivi Morforfy JW W« WyFrVT Www^Ww/ & snra& Ifd 14 #fon<» 1^. •roMara! 3T« Confar /gonenaafar. Odd- of./ MOHekottor.w Loaddd. OOm. Coron •f./ a Ex-CIA director 649- 4in.<«' Motor* 347 Ooklond s m * ' frm rm ^jresfo^ fUwwwfWr UfOWwf/ UwrWw irr* -iH rrm »it» m sikS ^ forfor. #1l7f0X. E p s r ______ 4 x 4 wwBan. iMorlorfy Broffiara/ 310 U j m rnffio. Bdrfdw #liSOV®!Rorl#rfy f^Ww9w _fyUfw WSMt Motor VwHTwr MT,/ PVMIfK/frVv~ Brofnara. 310 Canfar •TAMDAND flpPPwF/ CRW/fIffr VwPVvrrvy Varnen. I79-2WB.*' Yornon. far, 443-0i30.*y_________ Of./ Monetm tor. 443- dies In hospital JVM9 m«M. CMaManf om .*' pietatp A M7- jeeA— aUdfdnaar/ 07 BIOOO OBO O B - f ^ W TO 'w a^o'^/ ■m w/ bafniL fc. f IIM0I n f a rVOT. w . irraEToTirra^w iM dad. m m e «rd n ofr/ d aoaad/ coo. w nffa^^O ' Infarlor. G L E N C O V E, N Y . (A P ) - WtlHam 3. Casey, the HIM M t BM./ 347 c m - #117i«OiLOYrlorfy #m S9^iilorlorfy former wartime spymaater who as CfA director fm nm sM rm rvi- Lynen/ 5M> Canfar Broffiai/, 310 Canfar l H l » f traatf rOflO 9v*r iVVCITfCnWTVr. SfraM/ Mtfnenaafar. Brofftara. 310 Canfar * A if| M MIb W rrBr reatored the agency’s vigor fonowliig a period of Of./ Monefiaafar. 449-^ AS 443 #wa* MW(A« work. d O M U t.rr____________ 0130.*' 9T«/ IVNITYCFIWTAr. •. w w - ■ ------- -■ ^ ...■ ^ AAmM 0LM 4^ Ma MM o erodhtg morale and sharp criticism of Ks activities •Mf offar. *MW7« m xas=m wM 4^4 0130.*' W P P^P ^M EElWI^^^PW^w ^ Pl^^N PPfE^P W^WI^EB worldwide, died today at a hospital here. He was 74, ;R5H n ?IB g a ^ . Jf w VPCKwPv mrFfW 17 0 M » Std aon ofoa- 6 d d 6 i— fiilif ooafom w im ruHrw =5^ A /W frifiM m i Ftbr Cbta FBoliBfB Casey diedat 1; I4a.m., said hts son-ln-faw.OwenT. eoAMffon. 4 trlt««r Bfdw, ffO/OOB. OdCdrm- doyar w^rfa, wfna fnfa- aovarafon fawnffy von. OHto/mi'j^ ftorov Into- Smith. r»or. i > O J 7. Morforfy Loodad 14MB mflaa. tfrfy#/ avf«m«frc, HhT Melon, M Brood rlor. sOVJi. Morlorfv "Th e ImmeAste cause of death was atpirationaf vfT.4«i# #ltAAMwfWrr fW* Of./ Moo d m tor. 443- 0 rto a ^ 9li Cardar BwTrfTW IfIVr Ur 90tOT/ Broffiara/ 310 Canfar Y pneumonia as a result of a central nervous system dfM.yr -9f./^kmcnaafar. 443- r o ^ i3 Varnon. 070- 9 v ./ IWwfYCfTVSr AT. 443- Mooli# dfSf.a' 203B.*' 0130.*' • b t IM MBS lymphoma," said spokesman Oernils Connors. Casey's CHCVBOLrr— YOM % •7M2 cancerous brain tumor, discoverod late fast year, was Ion 4 *4 o4t<koo. U M 9 IB O l a contributing factor. T/IHE A Loan fFYffW. POTWW ifw o r Odfaa/ r««fa 13 Vdrnan. Casey had resigned as (Rrector of the CIA on Beh. 2, PM filV f ffCVfIVf CM t i 7 0 - 2 « ^ _____________ HOW DOES DILLON DO IT •6599'Ineludaa Waaan Babafo seven weeks after he was struek by brain seizures and Ofrifcl from ^ord Conn. Baloa Tax, tma and Daaior OHIeo too Extra. taken to the hospitai. Mofor Co. OofroH/ roYOTA mr-okmOord, W rLL BEAT ANY LEOITIMATE DEAL He underwent surgery Dec. 14 at Georgetown MfcMoon. 4 aa«ad. 14307. Da- Universffy Hospital for removal of the tumor, wMch Ml etn orj> teodOd «H0> Cdrmfdr Mdfdra. 310 ON ANY NEW FORD CAR OR TRUCKl proved to be malignant. oo^Oomo^. rkwo otk Brood Of./ Aldneffeefar. He was released from the hospital Beh. 21, but was and eorry M oom of - i t t i U l _______________ DE CORMIER readmitted for re-evaluation March 13 and discharged 07 B3000 CoB— Pfva avn- TPOtOry W SrrSniyi Bdom afivar/ arov Infa- NEW 1N 7 E-ISO LOE/UN CONYEENON again March 24. Casey, who had a home near here, was M Town Car, Stgna(ara rlor. #11110. Morlorfv V-O, Aufomaffe, AN, MonfoMfr, Loadtd, SSSSNOAir TBSnTPrTPTM3-4iw hospitalized at Glen Cove Community Hospffaf on April Aaro Dynande Bk#., 4B0440 29 for aspiration pneumonia, or fluid In the lungs. M town Oar, Brown Brotliara/ 310 Canfar W town Car, Bkia Of./ iWonefiaafar. 443- M Town Car, WOMa 0130.^ IN H I8 L A i T public appearances, Casey testified at COMVfBOION Vona Bv length on Capitol Hill about the CtA’$ role In arms Lo ro ln , "exeluafva shipments to Iran. He conceded that the Intelligence M oriarty Bros. Bord Convaralona". FREE OPEIONS! agency became involved In the secret dealings with AvalloBla of Dillon Iran In the summer and fall of 1444, before President UMd Car Spocials Bay now and get (hoae optlona BHfiE; chrome front B rear •3 Caorl y.0 AT, AC Bard/117 M oln Ofraaf, ^•21,299 Reagan Issued formal authorization. MCouoar, Bad Monefiaafar. 443- bumpera, grille B trim; cloth bench aeat; deluxe door trim; Last month, a Senate investigating committee was M Orand Bdx, Lo AB. 2143.*^ tinted glaaa; full carpeting; 9RS atyled steel wheels; dual m ir­ considering having Its own doctors examine Casey to rors; Limited Edition sport strip­ see If he were fit enough to testily before panels SSS1SS,VS,0 two fona. Offvar ond KEW ia ^ M BMCEL DEUVERV V K $575 VALUE* ing; 4 speed overdrive automatic, Investigating the Iran-Contra affair, according to Sen. u c u ik m ia f . rad. Lvnelt/ 000 W. Con- 07 3 4 power steering, model 0202, Stock Howell Heflin, D-Ala. 94 Maroura (Srogfi.) tor Ofraaf / AOoncfiaafar. V-O, Aufomalte, 141, B9, BB, YOURS FREE! Reagan named Casey, a successful tax attorney, to M Daftun 200SX 444-4321.«y Sfook 4A294B 'MBfmYBCftffAro BMgABMA^ B H A ffD M EW tetdif ptkd c4 ktdfvumi head tbo C IA In 1441 aft4u Co40y helped manaie his M Honda CBX OMC 77 Blckup. 4x4. dUdHO/mTOlBf nW iBcfBBOBd VlfficiA COM fO campaign for president. Earlier, Cesey had served as WILLIAM J. CASEY M Line, town Car OMOO. Coron Mof ora 347 IDOPMCM BMMOAO dm 1987 chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission .. fought bralfi tumor M Baeori Ooklond Ofraaf. 447- TOYOTA PICKUP and in other posts during the Nixon and Ford administrations. 04 Oran. Maroula LS *0000 - NOW *16,595 04 Line. Mark VII *12,000 Pord Bronco f3. Loodad. During his tenure as director, Casey’s action- 03 Olama 4 Or., AT *4000 40470. Coron Mofora 347 oriented leadership and drive to rebuild the agency Ax makes It easy OOlauzuOLXB/U *0000 Ooklond Ofraaf. 447- KEW la ia FOOD D EM RN VAN CAM EII was matched by his zest for controversy and frequent 04 Hlaaan 2009X *7000 04 7 outspoken sparring with congressional committees striving to monitor activities m the U.S. Intelligence 6 5 04 Mazda BX7, Blue *0200 frrijS w L'ux EA- Losdad to flw lilH with ill slandsrd to alaah at budget Collfornlo brown, eamper sdulpmenf. establishment. baloa Infarlor. #11074. Was *24,000" Town Manager Robert B Weiss Tuesday gave MORIARTY Morlorfy Broffiara, 310 LIMITED EDITION STANDARD BED T H E R E W ER E C O N TR O Y E ItS fE S over his per­ the Manchester Board of Directors something he Canfar Of., Monehaa- sonal finances, as well as over covert operations did not want them to use. BROTHERS far. 443-0130.t^ NOW *21 J9iH« Tw o pIsyBrs oquars off with Ib o b f g u n s oparafaa spaca-age antartalnmanf can- Including the mining of Nicaragua's hariwrs and In a brief presentation before the start of the SOI CBfilBr St. 07 B2000 L u x O B— annual meeting to adopt a new budget for the during a game at a Phofon amusemanf fara that pit playar against playar In tha preparation of a manual for Nicaraguan rebels Manehootor. C T Collfornlo brown, counseling them In the "selective use of violence" to 1987-88 fiscal year, Weiss presentetf the nine- confinas of an alien apacecraft. a 4 3 - 8 1 M balBO Infarlor, #11173. AU YtHIOLM iU M O T TO OdlOH »ALt •asjff'"'* $ 7 8 3 4 center. Photon Is a naflonal chain that "neutralize" civilian officials. member board with a wooden-handled ax to use Morlorfv Broffiara. 310 on his budget proposal. He said the ax was the Canfar Of.. Monchaa- Casey responded bluntly to congressional criticism directors’ "favorite tool In the budget-setting far.
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