(0 2 ) B ox 1063 ■ 11« Monologues' vs. abuse toward women See Lifestyles A l t o n ■ E a s t S t . L o u i s ■ E dwardsville ♦ Thursday, March 4. 2004 So u t h e r n Illin o is U n iv e r s ity E dwardsville Vol. 56. No.43+ Students plan future at career fair K r is t e n R e b e k the last two years.” N ew s R f.portf.r Several employers stressed the importance of a well- Dressed to impress with prepared resume, as well as resumes in hand, students mixed knowing specifically what you and mingled with possible want in your career. employers at the Career Network “I would encourage students ’04 and Education Fair ’04 at the to make sure you know what Vadalabene Center Wednesday. your areas of interests are in the The S1UE Career field of study,” Holden said. Development Center, along “You have to set yourself apart with Blackburn, McKendree and from everyone else.” Greenville colleges, sponsored Representatives were the event, which expected more present from not only than 100 employers. traditional careers, but T h e __________________ ------------------- also promoters C a r e e r “ You have to set of possible N e tw o rk internships for ran from yourself apart from students looking 9 a.m. to to gain further 2:30 p.m. everyone else.99 experience in while the ~ Larissa Holden their field. Education Boeing representative “I’ve been Fair --------------------------- to two (career concluded the evening from 3 to fairs), and this is my third one,” U.S. D epartm ent o f Housing and Urban Deve 6:30 p.m. junior business major Akia Jones O ffice o f Inspector G e n era l “Everyone has got to start said. “I’m more looking for an some place,” NCI Information internship or a co-op program for Systems Inc. representative Russ the summer.” Bilyeu said. “I do several (career INROADS, a paid summer fairs). They are a good chance to internship program for North interact with the community.” American college students, had a Employers ranging from representative present at the Walt Disney World to Boeing Career Network to give students were present at the Career an opportunity to gain career Network. experience and earn a “Mainly we are looking for competitive salary. engineering, business and “There are a lot of things we computer science-type majors. look at. One’s GPA, and I’ve gone to at least 12 to 15 then there is first appearance,” career fairs, and the team that INROADS representative I’m with has gone to 60 or so,” Randy Schalhamer said. Boeing representative Larissa “This is actually my third career Holden said. "We do a lot of fair I’ve done. I’ve S h a r a R e y n o l d s /A l e s t l e career fairs because we are found excellent students at career Students speak with representatives from GlaxoSmithkline, the makers of products like Turns and looking for recent college fairs. Have an up-to-date resume Oscai, top, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, bottom left, and the Peace Corps, graduates who have graduated in see FAIR, page 5 bottom right. March honors women WebCT to make way S c h a l e n e H o u s t o n about is a film screening and Making Waves, a student group N ew s S tr in g er discussion of “War Zone” at 6:30 in the women’s studies program, for new hardware p.m. Tuesday, March 16. and Campus Activities Board. Women’s History Month Bailey said Maggie The tickets are on sale at the A l e s t i.e S t a f f R e p o r t Center has established a tentative kicked off on campus with a Hadleigh-West, director of the Morris University Center schedule for the shutdowns. The reception Friday. film, is flying in from New York Information Desk. New hardware is coming WebCT archive was shut down SIUE will have many events City to participate in the event. Bailey also said Making for WebCT servers, and Wednesday and will last until 4 to celebrate this month. “The Vagina M onologues” is Waves was able to schedule with it comes a temporary p.m. Friday. There have already been four another big event this month and comedian Michelle Garb to come shutdown. The WebCT pages for spring events this past week to will take place at 8 p.m. Saturday to campus Tuesday, March 30, The installation comes after 2004 classes will be shut down recognize Women’s History at the River’s Edge Reception for the Fat Brain, Skinny Body a recent hardware failure with the starting 8 a.m. Tuesday and last Month. Center, Niedringhaus and Third event. hope the new hardware will until 4 p.m. Thursday, March 11. Martha Bailey, director of streets in Granite City. “In the women’s studies prevent similar failures in the For more information, contact the the women’s studies program, Discounted tickets for $5 are program, we are very excited future. Faculty Technology Center at said one event she is excited made available to students by see WOMEN page 4 The Faculty Technology 650-5697. ♦ Page 2 fl I « S t I Q Thursday, March 4. 2 0 0 4 ♦ çfioLlyw oodTaW Rock out for human rights K r is t e n R e b e r years,” Amnesty International but most of the details have been N ew s R epo rtf.r member Pete Cemeka said. “The worked out since the start of purpose is to raise money for our second semester,” Cemeka said. Amnesty International will local Amnesty chapter on “They’re probably a dozen or be “rocking for human rights” to campus. With this money, we more people involved in the tunes of Ring Cicada, The invite local speakers to campus to Jamnesty.” Guns of Navarone, Railers of talk about various issues (for All proceeds to the SIUE Located next to Denny s in front of Wal-Mart chapter of Amnesty International, www.tK5llywoodtanco.com Kiev and Camp Climax for Girls example, the Patriot Act and free 656-8266 Thursday night. trade), carry on letter-writing an organization dedicated to The concert will begin at 8 campaigns and generally spread preserving human rights. The Eduiardsuille’s Only Pro music Shop p.m. at the Stagger Inn, 104 E. awareness about issues of social event is open to anyone 21 years Vandalia St. in Edwardsville. A justice.” of age or older. $4 cover charge at the door will The organization has been “I hope everyone comes go toward the organization’s planning the evening for quite because it’s a great tim e,” M o j o 's Music activities. some time. Cemeka said. “It’s a good old “(Jamnesty) has been going “We have been planning it night of good music and drinking for a good cause.” Cuitan • Drams • Sand & Orchestra Instruments » M i Sound Equipment • Sheet Music on for at least the last three since the beginning of the year, SAltS • RENTALS • ItSSONS * REPAIRS 142 N.Moin Street • Edwordsville, Illinois 62025 ■ 6 1 8 .6 5 5 .1 6 0 0 New hardware to be installed uuuiui.moiosmusic.com K e l l y S c h o m a k e r because of the size of the Imming also said it was not N ew s S t in g e r building and the amount of going to affect the e-mail servers. people in it, it will take longer to “The network is going to be The Office of Information install the hardware. where it needs to be when it is Technology Telecommunications “The Peck Building can be installed. It should take three to NOW HIRING will install new network so massive that we need a full four months for the whole thing hardware in Peck Hall Sunday day to install the network,” to be installed on campus,” that will disconnect network Imming said. “We are going to Imming said. “In the past, we service in the building for the upgrade the 10-megabyte shared have lost connection to the he Old Spaghetti Factory is day. network to a 100-megabyte servers, and now with the Apply in now hiring for all positions. OIT Telecommunications switch. It’s going to expand the installation, it is going to be Working for The Old Spaghetti Director Angela Imming said that bandwidth to the desktop.” cleaner and faster.” person: Factory you will find: Concert Band blows away crowd Mon-Thurs. ★ Flexible hours around 00 - 4:00 p.m school, sports and other activities or events N. 1st St. [★ Opportunity for Lo u is. MO advancement ★ A competitive wage scale, benefits ★ Fifty-percent employee discount ★ Great People! Shara ReynoldsM l e s t l e The College of Arts and Sciences held a Concert Band, Brass Choir and Percusión Ensemble Professiona I Mail C arc Tuesday night in Dunham Hall. for Men & Women Acrylic Nails Manicure Police Incidents Nail Art * Spa Pedicure Air Brush jjj / j i & More Police issued a citation to Emily M. Wendler for 2-25-04 operating an uninsured motor vehicle on South University Drive. Police issued a citation to Jeffrey S. Merz for operating an uninsured vehicle on New Poag Road. Police arrested Jamal T. Jackson for driving with 188 7688 a suspended license.
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