•t'L 20 M ANCHESTER HERALD. Monday.^Feb, 20, 1984 1 LOOK FOR THE STARS... Jackson’s first bid Arts Council has Old(er) cagers Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get challenges Democrats Cheney haul plan don’t fade away better results. Put a star on your ad and see what a ... page 2 ... page 11 ... page 16 ★ difference it makes. Telephone 643-2711, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.rn. i f . ■________4- ... Fair tonight; Manchester, Conn.- KIT ‘N* CARLYLE ® by Larry Wright ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tuesday, Feb. 21, 1*984 ' _____________ Apartments tor Rent 42 Store/Office Spoce 44 Building/C«iitracting 53 Misc. far Sole 63 sunny Wednesday — See page 2 Single copy: 25<t SEboND FLOOR — Two IN SOUTH WINDSOR — ROBERT E. JARVIS — family. Five rooms. Heat Office space for leose. 200 Building and Remodeling ) Included. S500 monthly. sa. ft. to 8000 sq. ft. Specialist. Additions, Coll 646-3979. available. Telephone 644- garages, roofing, siding, ALUMINUM SHEETS 2949 anytime. kitchens, bathrooms, re­ used os printing plates — MANCHESTER — Large p la ce m en t windows- .007" thick, 23 X 24". SO* apartm ent. One bed- /doors. Coll 643-6712. each, or 5 for $2:00. Phone State loses *room, appliances, park­ Services 643-2711. They MUST be :Y. ing, heat and hot yyater CARPENTRY AND MA­ picked up before 5 included. Call 649-2871. SONRY — Free esti­ 11:00a.m. only. appeal for Services Ottered mates. Call Tony, Troops leave $1 MANCHESTER — Five 649-0811. room, two bedrooms, two cor parking. S4S0 a CARPENTRY — Repairs, tandem ban month. No utilities. REWEAVING BURN security locks, remt>del- EXCELLENT QUALITY t % ' f ; Lease and security dep­ HOLES — zippers, um- Ing, alterations, garages, HARDWOOD. Mostly osit required. No pets. brellos repolred. Window additions, family rooips, green. Cut, split and deli­ WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Call 646-8352. shades, Venetian blinds. formica, cabinetry, vered. Minimum 2 cords. as Israeli jets w Supreme Court today upheld a Keys. TV FOR RENT. closets, roofs, gutters, $70/cord. Call 649-1831. ruling overturning Connecticut's THREE ROOMS Heat, Marlow's, 867 Main porches, decks, hatch­ ban on tandems — double trailer Street. 649-5221. hot water, stove, refrig­ ways. TO YEARS EXPE­ CASTRO CONVERTI­ trucks — from interstate erato r, carpet. $325. RIENCE - QUALITY • BLE SOFA, $75. Window highways. Adults only. No pets. BRICKS, BLOCKS, INTEGRITY. DAN The justices rebuffed the state's STONE — Concrete. 3 0 " X 3 3 '/2 ", aluminum Security deposit. Cen­ MORAN -649-5684. storm, screen, $25. Phone arguments that the trucks are a trally located. Call 646- Chimney repairs. No lob pound Druze safety hazard for drivers. too smoll. Coll 644-8356. 649-2016. 7690. In 1982, Congress passed a law Roefing/SiiKiig LADIES HIGH WHITE ODD JOBS, Trucking. Classified Ads. By Hugh Pope The Israeli warplanes attacked barring states from restricting Z-To COVENTRY — Three SHOE SKATES — Size 9. tandems on interstate highways. sunny rooms. Stove, re­ Home repairs. You name United Press International in a four-aircraft formation pound­ © >9S4 Of Nf A tnc TM U S P*t » ’ M Olt Excellent condition. $20. The legislation wiped out laws frigerator, both, storms, It, we do It. Free esti­ BIDWELL HOME Im­ Call 644-0348. ing the hills around the mountain insulated, all electric. No mates. insured. 643-0304. provement Company — BEIRUT, Lebanon - U.S. Ma­ village ol Bhamdoun, 12 miles east barring the dual-trailered trucks pets. 423-3911; 742-5212, 4 Roofing , siding, altera­ VARIETY OF BEAUTI­ rines began leaving their sand­ of Beirut on the main highway to in Connecticut, Maine, New Hamp­ CELEBRITY CIPHER shire, Vermont, Massachusetts, C la b frty Ctptier cryptograrm ara w aatad from Quotations by famous paople. past to 7pm. tions, additions. Same FUL HOUSEPLANTS — bagged bunkers for ships offshore Damascus, an Israeli military praaant E a ^ iaMar in ttia ciphar stands lot a n o d ia r Toil's ekm K oquft* R number for over 30 years. Large and small. Cost up today as Israeli warplanes spokesman said in Israel. Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia. Tennessee, by CONNIE WIENER EAST HARTFORD — Im­ 649-6495. to $3. Private home. Coll ptwnded Druze positions in the The area was the target of a maculate 3 room apart­ RETIRED NURSE 649-6486. militia-held mountains east of the similar air strike Feb. 10. North Carolina, South Carolina, "AQCXKO O AZOFJ S TSFF, O’B ment in two family home. WISHES privote duty, war-torn capitat. Alabama and the District of home care or compan­ Heatmg/Plumbing 5$ Lebanese radio broadcasts did Appliances, heat and hot IND lO U SPiCIAL A marine spokesman said the not si^cify the targets, but the Columbia. woter, wall-to-wall car­ ionship. Reosonable SVN JX NMXT T08J O TSV 27% width, reg. .254, first of the 1,300 combat troops Israeli spokesman said.the planes It also voided state laws barring peting, parking for one rates and efficient core. now 2 for M t t UPl photo lifted off in Marine helicopters hit "terrorists command posts and dual-trailer rigs over 55 feet long in car. $385 monthly, plus Call 649-7071. FOGARTY BROTHERS TSFFOMP OM XK TSFFOMP XZJ." 13% width, rag. 2 tor .25*. from the international airport bases," an apparent reference to New York and Georgia, over 60 security. Coil 289-8141. — Bathroom remodel­ now 3 for .30* U.S. Marines load amphibious vehicles today began pulling men and equip­ feet long in Mississippi and over 65 LIGHT TRUCKING — south of Beirut at S.a.m (1 a.m. Palestinian guerrillas. ing; installation water MUST bo piciwd up at the aboard a landing craft at their beach­ ment back to the Sixth Fleet ships oft the feet long in North Dakota, Minne­ — KXAQKJ CKXVJ. Pick up and delivery. Manehoator Herald Office to all home EIST) lor the 6th Fleet task force Israelis planes blasted guerrilla FOUR ROOM, SECOND heaters, garbage dispo­ sota, Wisconsin. Michigan, Illi­ FLOOR APARTMENT — Cleon out attics, cellars, ships offshore. targets along the Lebanese coast head, Green Beach, just south of Beirut. Lebanese coast. Beirut is in the PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "As people gel older, loo many ol sals; faucet repairs. 649- B^SESJllSSiSHLXi—- nois, Missouri, Louisiana, Ken­ them lend lo har>g around wilh each olher and compare $330 per month plus se­ etc. Generol handyman. Marine spokesman Major Den­ and in the mountains Sunday in a background of this picture. 7657. Visa/MosterCard The Marines in the multinational force tucky, Maryland and Florida. ailmenis and gravy slains." — George Burns curity and utilities. Stove Insured. Call Ray, 646- CARPENTERS CROSS subscribers who nis Brooks said the troops taken to warning to Moslem rebels fighting accepted.- In April 1983, Connecticut passed e 1M4 by NEA. Inc included. Call 646-7336. 7973. CUT SAW wHh 26" steel the waiting ships by CH-46 and the government of President Amin a statute barring the twin trailers blode ond wooden hon- Huey helicopters were members of Gemayel to keep Palestinian for­ resignation. mediator Rafik Hariri who re- overlooking Beirut. have something on highways in the state. ••••••••••••••••••••••• * VERNON — Modern 3 DELTA HOUSE CLEAN­ Income Tax Service 57 dle. Like new. $10. Phone the Marine Amphibious Unit Ser­ ces from returning to Israeli held "The Syrians are leaving that 'turned to Damascus late Monday Moslem torces are massed in the Within a month after the bill was ING — Professionol 649-2433. vice Support Group. territory. aspect of the conflict to Gemayel's after lengthy talks with the Leba­ mountains near the town of Souk al House Cleaning done ot signed, state police issued a Lots/Lond for Sale 33 R p r it C lIS diate occupancy. $260 Broo^ said it would be a week The air strike coincided with Lebanese opponents," a Lebanese nese leader and Foreign Minister Gharb, which guards the ap­ your convenience. Relio- CERAMICS K IL N — Rog­ to sell for less summons to a truck driver operat­ monthly, plus utilities. before the evacuation operation increased Saudi Arabian efforts government source said. Elie Salem. proaches to Gemayel's palace in ble. Insured. Bonded. ers model III, inside di­ ing a tandem on Interstate 95. Coll 647-1113 otter 6pm. could be completed, depending on aimed at breaking the diplomatic A Saudi initiative ended in The latest Israeli air attack the east Beirut suburb of Baabda. One time only or regular mensions 11" X 11" X 11". Federal officials said the statute FREE CATALOG Of „ . AAAuruccTCD------ than $99.00 the weather and the possibility of stalemate over a peace plan for failure last week when Syria apparently was part of Israel’s Monday's lighting did not affect basis. Also: Office Clean­ Uses stondord 115 volt conflicted with the federal law and Land Bargoins ^ 5 acres Rooms for Rent 41 MANCHESTER Mod- the troops coming under fire. No Lebanon. rejected an eight-point peace plan. policy of striking what it suspects the withdrawal from Beirut of the ing. Free Estimates. Call household current. $50. went to court to block Connecticut to 500 ocres, covering ................................ *. apartment. incidents were reported early Lebanese political sources said According to the source, the to be Palestinian guerrillas "any­ last of 1,100 Italian soldiers from Vermont and th- Berk- ••••••••••••••••••••••• March 1st occupancy. 643-5056. Call 649-5664. from enforcing its ban on tandems. _________ -Ar today. Gemayel, facing the threat of a Syrian demands are: time and anywhere" in Lebanon. It the multinational peace-keeping Two federal courts ruled against shires, at lowest iinagina- GENTLEMAN PRE- J^.uPiy*,,*^*']*****' EXPERIENCED “The men are happy to be new offensive in the north by o The abrogation oi the May 17 followed an ambush in the post city force, ble prices.
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