.\\ Women's Division, GJC Nomina-tes Mrs. Salmonson · Mrs. Leonard L Salmanson, a veteran community leader and 1965 campaign chairman of the Women's Division of the General Jewish Committee, has been nomi­ nated president of the Women's THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. Division for 1966-67. A Women's Division vice-president for the VOL, XLIX, NO. 47 FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1966 15c PER COPY 24 PAGES past three years, she heads a slate of officers to be presented ,. for approval at the Women's DI­ vision annual meeting on Monday, Israel Holds Shipment Worried About lowered Membership Jan. 31, at 1 P.M. at the Garden ,: Room of the Sheraton-Biltmore Of U.S. Kosher Meat WZO Invites Non-Affiliated On Board Hotel. A petite luncheon will pre­ JERUSALEM - A shipment JERUSALEM -- Prominent Greenberg, provost of the J ewlsh cede the meeting. of 150 tons of kosher meat from Jews who are not affiliated with Theological Seminary, and Rab­ Mrs. -SaJmanson has served In the United States has been held Zionist groups have been Invited bl Emanuel Rackman, assist­ many capacities since the lnceP­ up In Israel, It was reported here to Join the governing body of the ant to the president of Yeshiva tlon of the GJC Women's Division. last week, Chief Rabbinate circles World Zionist Organization, In a University. She visited Israel last year to said that "certain conditions of revolutionary move made public Israel M. Sleff, board chair­ view the work of the United J ewlsh halacha'' - Jewish religious law on Tuesday. The membership of man of Marks and Spencer, a Appeal there. She will be the fifth - must be fulfilled before the the Zionist Executive has thus large British clothing store, who president of the GJC Women's Import of kosher meat from a­ been changed from a group of was recently made a baron by Division. broad Is approved. While these 20 persons representing Inter­ Queen Elizabeth, was one of the Mrs. Sol Komer, Mrs. Edmund conditions were no t spelled out, national organizations aligned with two Europeans named to the Zion­ L Waldman and Mrs. Martin L Joseph J. Seefer, Beryl Segal, It was pointed out that the Chief Israeli political parties, to a 30- ist executive. ' ) Dlttelman have been nominated Morton Smith, Edwin s. Soforenko, Rabbinate's general practice Is to member committee more repre­ The other was a Milan In­ vice-presidents, and Mrs. Bernard Louis Strauss, Alan E. Symonds, oppose Import or meat from abroad sentative of the communities of dustrialist, Astorre Mayer, who E. Bell, recording secretary. Jacob S, Temkin, Meyer Tenen­ unless the meat Is slaughtered the Diaspora. Is chairman of the Standing Con­ Mrs. M-arrlll L. Hassenfeld, baum, Eugene Wachtenhelm, Allan under the supervision of the rab­ It was the biggest structural ference of European Jewish Com­ r who Is completing a two-year term Wasserman and Harold Welner. binate's own supervisors of ritual change In the International or­ munities. as president, will be named an Past chairmen named per­ slaughter. ganization since It achieved Its According to leaders of the honorary president. Her tenure ot manent board members are Mes­ According to the rabbinate main objective - the formation 68-year-old organization, the office has been marked by two dames Samuel Michaelson, Philip here, American suppliers from of the state of Israel In 1948. greatest challenge facing the successful campaigns. She Is a Dorenbaum, Albert Pllavtn, Archie whom the Israel Trade Ministry The new board will Include Zionists Is the assimilation of member of the board of directors Fain, Arthur Kaplan, Abraham has ordered meat did not com­ a delegate of the Sephardic Jews Into non-Jewish commun­ of the UJA National Women's DI­ Percelay, Myron Elias, David ply with kashruth arrangements (mainly North African) com­ ities. The Zionist organlzatlonhas vision and of the Women's Division Meyers, Julius Irving, Raymond conforming with the rabbinate's munities, two from Latin Amer­ felt that It has been losing con­ r·--. conditions. Trade Ministry cir­ I, 7 ot the Council of Jewish Federa­ L. Cohen, Joseph w. Pulver, Sol ica, two from Europe; four or tact with the younger Jews, those tions and Wel!are Funds, and has Koffler and Leonard L Salman­ cles said they expect a settle­ five from the United States and most susceptible to assimilation. long been active In the GJC son. ment of the Issue with the Chief one from Israel. For this reason It decided, at Women's Division. To serve on the board for one Rabbinate within a few days, thus The Americans named In­ the urging of Dr. Nahum Gold­ Other honorary presidents of year because they were 1965 cam­ making possible the completion cluded Dewey Stoire, a Boston mann, president orthe World Zion­ the Women's Division are Mrs. paign chairmen will be Mesdames of kosher meat shipments and the philanthropist and chairman of the ist Organization, to shift from Bertram L. Bernhardt, Mrs. Julius Peter H. Bardach, Max L, Grant, sale of that meat to the Israeli Jewish Agency, Inc., Dr. J oseph the political In drawing up Its Irving and Mrs. Raymond L. Cohen. Robert H. Hochberg, Marsh a II public. Israel Imports 2,500 tons Schwartz, executive vice-presi­ leadership. Nominated to the board of di­ Leeds, Benjamin Melllon, Aaron of meat . from abroad annually. dent or Israel Bonds; Rabbi Simon The Intention Is to Include the rectors for a one-year term are J. Oster, Lawrence A. Paley, A. • three major religious movements Mesdames Walter Adler, Max Al­ Louis Rosenstein, Nathan Samors in Judaism - reform, conserva­ perin, Melvin G. Alperin, Herman and Sheldon s. Sollosy. To Build Center In Israel tive and orthodox-In the Zionist L. Bennett, Cyril L. Berke!ham­ Rabbi Ell A, Bohnen of Tem­ executive, although the represen­ mer, Abe Berman, M\ltonl, Brier, ple Emanu-El will Install the of­ tatives will not be elected as David L. Brodsky, Paul Corin, ficers and directors. The slate To HonorHarry S. Truman such. Harry T, Davis, Lester D. Emers, or officers and directors will be J ERUSALEM - Hebrew Uni­ There Is also a feeling here The Zionist organization brings Irving I. Fain, M. Edgar Fain, presented to the annual meeting versity plans to build a Harry that Mr. Truman hoped to be Immigrants to Israel and helps Herbert Fanger, Burton A. Fin­ by Mrs. William P. Weinstein, S. Truman Center for the Ad- associated In future years with In their settlement. This work Is berg, Ellis M, Flink, Raymond 1965- 66 nominating committee vancement of Peace to honor the s earch for peace rather than done here by the J ewlsh Agency, Franks, Samuel Frledman,Sheldon chairman. the man whose decision to with the roles he played as the executive arm of the Zionist L. Gerber, Leo M. Goldberg, Leon­ Mrs. Arthur Kaplan has been r ecognize Israel in 1948 was President In the atomic destruc­ organization. Most of the funds ard Y, Goldman and Sidney Gold­ nominated chairman orthe nomina­ crucial to the existence of the tion of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for this work are raised by the stein. ting committee for 1966-67,andas young nation. and In the Korean war. United States. Also Mesdames Nathan Izeman, members, Mesdames Harold L The $3.6-mllllon structure will The structure will become According to one Zionist Isadore s. Low, Joseph H, Markel, Tregar and William P, Weinstein house the library and papers of part of the expanding uni ver­ leader here for the closing stage Samuel Mlstowsky, Samuel Pritz­ from the board or directors and the philosopher Martin Buber, sity campus atop of one or Jeru­ of the Zionist General Council, ker, Samuel Rapaporte Jr., Mesdames Charles J. Fox and and serve as a center for inter­ salem's historic hills. Some­ the . organization's contact with Harris N, Rosen, Burton Samors, Samuel Salmanson from the mem­ national studies. times described as a modern Jewish youth has dwindled to about John M. Saplnsley, Meyer Sava!, bershlP-at-large. Tentative plans for the cen­ Acropolis, the hills around the 10 or 15 per cent of the poten­ ter call for a Truman Peace campus support the new Israel tial field. At one time much of Prize to be awarded periodically, Museum, the nearly completed youth "Aliyah" or Immigration to U.S. Opposes Near Eastern probably annually. Parliament building and three Israel was Inspired through Zion­ Hebrew University officials Government structures. ist political parties. are hopeful that the former Proliferation Of Missiles President, who Is 81 years WASHINGTON - In a policy officially as "without foundation." old, will be able to pay his first statement on the Middle East, the The Israeli press charged the visit to Israel for the ground­ Department of State said that "the report was "obviously Inspired" breaking later this year. He would United States opposes the prolifer­ to divert attention from Increased receive an affectionate welcome, ation of missiles In the Near East, United States arms shipments to especially. from older Israelis. whether by contributions to Indig­ Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Mr. Truman• s recognition of ······ ··· ····· ···•··· ····· ····· ··· ·········· ····"··· ·· ·· ··· ·· enous missile programs or by A French Government spokes­ Israel 11 minutes after the direct acquistlons of material from man In Paris also denied the ac­ proclamation of Independence Bridge Column ... ..... .. .... .. .............................. ........ Page abroad." curacy of the Times report, saying that private French companies had took effect on May 14, 1948, High-level U.S. sources re­ Inspired the Israelis, who were WINTER VACATION vealed further that the greatest been authorized to provide tech­ under attack by their Arab immediate threat of nuclear pro­ nical assistance to Israel.
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