The Use of the Cannabis Drugs In India by Dr I. C. Chopra, Pharmacologist, and Col. Sir R. N. Chopra, Director, Drug Research Laboratory, Jammu and Kashmir (India), Member of the Expert Advisory Panel on Addiction-producing Drugs of the \Vol'ld Health Orqanization. Table 01 Contents Page Page I. General considerations. Production of cannabis and its VI. Causes leading to habitual use of cannabis . 16 preparations. .. 4 VII. Effect of habitual use of cannabis drugs on the individual. 19 II. Active principles of cannabis drugs-modes of consumption. 6 III. Uses of cannabis in India. 9 VIII. Public health and social aspects of the habitual use of cannabis 22 IV. Cannabis in Indian indigenous medicine . ... 11 IX. Physiological aspects of the habitual use of cannabis. Indi- vidual and racial variations . 25 V. Habitual use of cannabis for euphoric and intoxicating pur- poses-extent of the habit-its decline 13 X. Control of production, possession and sale of cannabis drugs. 28 CHAPTER I General considerations.Production or cannabis and its preparations Cannabis plant to develop the narcotic principle i.nstead,and these constitute The cannabis drugs commonly used in India are derived the ganja of India.In other parts of India again, the narcotic from the flowers, 'leaves (and the resinous nutter derived property is often not developed in the cannabis plant until therefrom), fruit, young twigs and bark of the stem of the the fruits arc mature. plant Cannabis sativa Linn. of the family Cannabinaceae, The plant grows wild in the following slates: Assam, At one time, Cannabis indica Lamk. was considered as a distinct Bihar, Madras, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, West Bengal, Jammu species,but the Indian plant has now been reduced to Cannabis & Kashmir, Patiala and East Punjba States Union, Rajasthan. sativa Linn. Even the plant growing under different climatic Travancore-Cochin, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur and Tripura. conditions in the vast Indo-Pakistan sub-continent shows The states where there is no wild growth include Bombay, remarkable variations in appearance; those variations at ftrst Kutch, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Hyderabad,Mysore, Sau- may give the impression of separate species. rasthra, Ajmer, Coorg,Delhi, Andhra,Bhopal, Vindhya The plant has a widespread natural distribution in Asia Pradesh and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. On account and is found growing in abundance ill the territories to the of the widely scattered habitat of the plant, it is not possible south of the Caspian Sea, in Siberia, in the Kirghiz desert to arrive at any reliable estimate of the total area under it. in Russian Turkistan, in central and southern Russia and The wild growth appears to be less prevalent in the western along the lower slopes of the Caucasus mountains. In China, and southern parts of the country.It is most luxuriant along where probably it is indigenous on the lower mountain the southern slopes of the Himalayas and along the eastern border of Assam up to an altitude of 10,000 feet above sea tracts, it has been known since the sixth century B.C. It grows level. in an almost wild state in Iran. In India the plant is found growing wild throughout the Cultivation of the Cannabis plant Himalayan foothills and the adjoining plains, from Kashmir Though the cannabis plant grows wild in many parts of in the west to Assam in the east.It has become acclimatized India, it has to be properly cultivated in order to obtain for to the plains of India and grows even in the warm climate commercial purposes its fibre or its narcotic principles, as the of southern India, producing its narcotic principles. case may be. For a good growth of the cannabis plant a It is interesting to note that the cannabis plant and a few rich, friable loamy soil, moist but not shady, is selected. other plants such as the potato, tobacco and the poppy seem The soil is amply manured with stable-yard manure rich in to have the capacity for growing with equal luxuriance under cow dung.When the plant is cultivated for the production any climatic conditions, With the change of climate and the of ganja, the soil is repeatedly ploughed and prepared into consequent alteration in the conditions of growth, however, ridges one foot high and one foot apart. Seeds are sown some of the important characters of the plant are changed or on bright or sunny days in August. Seedlings are usually modified.Thus in Europe, the cannabis plant produces a 6-12 inches high when they are ready for transplanting by valuable fibre while showing little or no tendency to produce the end of September. Trimming of the plants begins in the narcotic principle, which, in Asia, constitutes its chief value. November and consists of lopping off the lower branches On the mountain tracts of upper India, the cannabis plant so as to favour the upward growth of the shoots. All weeds yields a fairly good fibre, but in Kashmir and Ladakh, its are removed, and when the plants begin to form flowers, narcotic principles become much more predominant. When the services of an expert known as a "ganja doctor" the plant is cultivated in the plains of India, the cannabis (" Paddar " or " Parak-dar ") are requested. He goes through resin which constitutes charas is not generally secreted; the field cutting down all staminate (male) plants, leaving but the young female flowers and shoots show a tendency what are colloquially known as "madi" (female) plants. 4 BULLETIN ON NARCOTICS•JANUARY - MARCH 1957 5 This operation is of the greatest importance in preventing is further treated to form the ganja of commerce which seed formation. The presence of even a few staminate plants appears in two forms: flat ganja and round ganja. in the field may suffice to damage the entire crop, since in For the manufacture of flat ganja, the plants are cut about that case fertilization of the female plants takes place and most six inches from the ground and exposed to the sun for a few of the flowers run to seed.The ganja yielded by such plants hours.The stems which do not bear flower-heads are then is of poor quality and scarcely saleable. The female plants cut off and the flower-heads are laid on the grass and left come to maturity about the beginning of January, but the overnight to the action of the dew. The following morning ganja is not fully developed till a month later. The crop the plants are sorted into bundles and arranged in a ring intended to be made into what is technically known as on a mat with heads directed towards the centre and overlap- " flat ganja " is reaped a few days earlier than that for" round ping each other.Treading and kneading are then commenced ganja". The Indian Hemp-Drug Commission (1893-94) and continued till the narcotic resin is pressed firmly among reported that the total area under cultivation for narcotic the flowers in the desired form. Fresh bundles are placed purposes did not exceed 6,000 acres. By 1935-36, however, over those which have already been pressed, and the treading this area had been reduced to only about 1,600 acres, and is repeated. This goes on till the ring rises to about one foot at present such cultivation has been further reduced to about in height, the whole mass being then pressed together. The 800 acres. flowering twigs are removed from the stocks and beaten so as The cannabis drugs are used in India in three main forms- to shake off any redundant fruit or leaves which may be left. bhang, ganja and charas. Bhang is composed of the matured These twigs are then rearranged in a fresh circle so that the leaves and, in some parts of India, also the fruit of the cannabis twigs from the top are brought down to the bottom and the plant. Ganja is derived from the flowering tops of female whole process is repeated. On the following day, the whole plants and twigs, which are covered with resinous exudation. sequence of operations is repeated again and again till the Charas is the resinous exudation secreted by the leaves, young resin and flowers consolidate into a flat mass near the apex of twigs, bark of stem and even the young fruit of the female the twigs. The mass thus prepared constitutes flat ganja. cannabis plant. 1. Bhang Round gallja Bhang consists of the dried matured leaves and flowering After the useless twigs and leaves have been rejected, the shoots of both female and male plants, wild or cultivated. flowering tops are placed on the ground in a straight line The inclusion of male plants and male flower-heads in the below a bamboo pole fixed horizontally in such a way that manufacture of bhang is of no special advantage, as the male the treaders can rest their arms and support themselves while flowers contain very little of the active principle.In fact, treading or trampling. The plant is rolled so that the resinous Prain, the famous botanist, stated that male flower-heads and material collects near the apex to form a sausage-like mass. shoots were excluded from the specimens of bhang he exam- The rolling is repeated several times; then each twig is picked ined. There is little doubt, however, that in caseof ordinary up and trimmed separately. When the resin loosens, it is bazaar samples, male flowers are also included. Judging moulded into the desired form. from the crude methods of collection and preparations in use, which consist simply of drying the plants and striking them Chur or Rora Ganja against a block of wood so as to separate the leaves from them, This is a third variety of ganja which is prepared from a satisfactory separation of the male and female flowers is either flat or round ganja.
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