THE KELOWNA GOUKIER AND OKANAGAN ORGHARDIST VOLUM E IS Kelowna, British Columbia, Thursday. May 2, 1918 N U M B E R 4 i Cafe Chantant Wins CHARGE FOR PUMPING BOY SCOUT CONCERT GLEAN UP DAY WILL Lieut. Simeon Home STREET SPRINKLING TO THE WATER BOTH WAYSTicket Holders Advised to be In BE THURSDAY, MAY 91 HAVE NEW BY4AW Great Popularity Their Seats Early From Mesopotamia B.C. Evaporators Take Up Question City Lanes and Corners Should Be | Fighting Duat Proven to be Coatly Rolaeis $32S for Red ’ Cross an^ W ar Tickets sufficient to ' scat tlic of Disposal of Cooling Water Given Particular Attention Gazetted Unfit after Service in Trying Operation ~ } Veteratls by Etitortoinment and theatre to full capacity twice have Climate Raffles , been taken by different scouts for Instead of announcing a :Cj^tripletc , Mr. Cross, representing the, B. C. Street sprinklinK for 1918.was one .sale, and while a few of them may day for tile annual “ Clcan-itp Day, So quiet has Lieut. L. B. Simeon E-vapoiators, Ltd.i-^had a number of of the big subjects of discussion by TIic so-callcd Cafe Chantant held be returned unsold, it is .pointed the City Council hav,c decided,.that a | kept himself since his return from questions to put to tlie. Council last the Cify Council this week. The sub­ last Saturday, in aicl of the'Red Cross out tiiat all those who wish to Sec Tliiir.sday .afternoon will be 3ufficicnt,'j the figliting countries of the ..cast, Monday evening relative to electric ject was started by tlic opening of ^ Society and the Great War Veterans’ Friday evening’s pcrforinancc will which will prevent the need of an- that few Kelowna ’ people are aware power, water and sewerage. He first the tenders for operating the sprink­ f Association’ proved to be' both an have to go early in order to secure a other holiday being held near to the he has now been back at . his obtained assurance from the . Mayor I *1*?* lers. Three tenders were opened. : interesting event and a profitable one scat. T|ic programme will commence date of the Dominion public holiday h>omc at Okanagan Mission for *fivc tliat the City were in a po.'Jition to Tw o of these quoted 70 cetits an so far as the two recipient organiza­ at 8.15 p.m. sharp, and on Saturday o'r May 24. “ Clean-up Day" has I weeks or so. Sent home with a dls- ttUppIy current for an . additional 16 hour, but the third one, Messrs. Dil- ; tions were concerned, for a sum of at 2.45 p.in. sharp. Late comers on been^ fixed for Thursday, May 9th, cl»argc of one hundred per cent, dis­ h.p. motor which bis firm were instal­ Ibii & Sons, was for (iS cents an hour, ' no less than $325,00 was raised by the Friday evening, who arc unable to and tlic fact that no holiday will he ablcinejlt, Lieut, Simeon has been ling, the power for which would be and the contract was placed aecordt efforts of tiiose in charge and the obtain a scat can, of course, use -their proclaimed or unofficially announced .pr the peace and quiet of hi.*5 required .chiefly at night. H js W or­ ingly,';' Various airtists who . assisted, as wcl tickets on Saturday. Rcy. E, P. Lf^y- does not mean that people arc hot to rural home and* more than content to ship added that the City were anxious This rate, with one sprinkler only as by the many articles given for cock, of Vernon, is bringing down devote a whole day where there is aipusc tuinsclf fishing on the lake to sell all the power they could and in operation, would co.st $l69.tH) ;per raffics. It was difficult to rccognjsc about 23 of bis scouts on Saturday work to he done, but' simply that wh«lc his health returns, consequently had plenty of current at disposal at month,: announced Aid. Madtle. the store building, until recently afternoon* by automobiles to sec thie business men and firms will not bc'j he has been little seen in Kelowna, all times, especially duiing the night Reference to last year’s figures by ' lines with store fixtures and counters liours. ’ sIl..'V,' , ' • expected to close business bouses jf I Although he origipally joined the and ■ show-cases, in the bright and the City Clerk disclosed tlic fact that A two-inch water main from they;have no wish to do so. R,M.R. shortly after the qommcnce- , crowded concert hall with well aithougli only SO • cents an hour (liad Haync.s Ave. into their new building The Chief of" Police again warns Ald. Kriowlcff was One o f the most 'nent of war, as many wjlT remember, equipped stage. The greatest fault then been paid the sprinkling had was another request. This was for the public that an infraction of the persevering members of tire Council he loift no time in ^obtaining a com- which was tound with the enterprise Road By-Law, which forbids of the been done at a loss, as thc'>charges cohncctvpn with a hydrant, -He later for pushing this matter: to la head, on Feb. II, 1915, was , ; was the lack of seating and even tethering of horsed and cattle on the against'tcnants bn the streets watered : suggested that possibly arrangements City streets, renders offenders liable though the idea met with no opposi- gazetted, lieutenant in the 50th Gor- standing accommodation, for large had not been enough to coyer the could be, made to use only a 1-inch to prosccutiort. tion, the opinion being unanimous ‘’Highlanders. The chance of numbers during the evening were I expenses incurred. On this account. pipe if the City preferred this. that there wctc ma'hy-.lpts; especially 18®ttin^ overseas was too slow, how- turned ' away from the door unable Aid. Mantle claimed that a new scale The disposal of the sewerage water The Benvoulin Local, of the U. F. in the heart Of the city, Which ba\lly ever, j>nd, o^^^^ leave of transfer to gain admittance. of sprinkling charges should be levied used in their evaporating plant was B. C. have suspended their regular needed attention. An appeal from ®^P'®riaI. arrny, Lieut. Simeon meetings until 1st October. or else that the, roads watered should • The artists,. Who appeared at fre- several of the aldermen that action the lith March another one of the matters that. he be lessened. Reference to the .stand-; ' queht intervals during both the aftcr- was needed on account of the untidy 1 Where\.he was *pvcp a commicaion in asked about. The reply to this was ing by-law and to the roads'wjiich ' noion and evening while the audience coodition of patches of property I ^hc 6th Highland LighL-; Infantry, not so satisfactory; iiowever, for he were watered last year disclosed" the;'.; enjoyed light '•refreshment, gave a SEED SELECTION FOR around town, first led to the MayOrl Three months later he left for M es^ was informed that it was the City’s fact that some of the streets were not splendid programme,'■ the various claiming thar it; was 'the duty of . the R°*?9T‘^ . tind . Was transferred again intention to charge Ahem for pumping included in the by-law. On the other ' numbers being as .follows: “ Monkey PRACTICAL FARMERSpolice to look after such matters, and }^s^ Migl|land Light Infantry this water through the, sewers. Mr, hand a large number of roads which Song,” fronVnThe Geisba^ sung by ,thc if there was negleift. theu the police [ Mesopotanua he found lots of Cross promptly raised objections to figured in the by-law.had been with- ; Pierrette troupe; vocal solo by Miss this, claiming that the chy first An Easy System That W ill Saye commissioners were to blame, iat'dr, I work, jpgcther with a. rougher Tully,, “InyFlanders 'Fields” ; "Valse drawn'from the list owing to appeals ' changed them for the water -and th^n Expenditure and Yield a Profit! however; it was admitted that unless I - Hp was consigned chiefly Chantc/’ frotn' "An ,Arti Mode^” from ratepayers claiming that they charged for. taking it away again. He the untidiness fofmed a, menO^ t o p 9 9utppst work. A severe cut in W‘*h obligato byv ilrs. ’' J, H.’ Tren- (^Experimental . Farms Note.) did not require it. Accordingly, it appeared to b e somewhat surprised health there was no by-law which foot ,^y some rock, follow ed. by ' with; violin^ sold; “ Melody in F " The following is an outline of was decided to draw up a new by-law when he was told that his firm could be brought to bear.,Even whpn|^L®®d poisoning, together - with ex- recommended system of seed selec­ aiid present it to, the council at their ' (Rubenstein),;by Isabel Murray,'aged should empty the clean water into a clean-up-day was decided upon, it I tion, in which there are two esseptial next meeting. ' 8, who gave as art e” ®®*"® her ex- the lake or into Wittiip'-s Pond, as was acknowledged that there would I .*** him being invalided tp Bom- " cellent playing-:-- “ Schlummerlied,” factors, the seed plot and the multi he ,claimed he had asked for permis­ he great difficulty in getting work calling at Gernian East (O tto Bruce);:;ybcal solo, "Joan of plying field; This method is simple sion to do this and had received no done upon the p ro p e rty that '^most I AFflca for wounded, he made his way Arc,” by' Mrs, VJ.
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