Battie of the gyms Visiting with ghosts; ( Special section inside Cranford gymnasts set to partying with ghouls topple Scotch Plains-Fanwood See this week's Professional Business Women See pages B6-7... --••-—• 7 See Sports, page B-l ---.-•- Weefcend^s Thursday, October 24,1991 Vol. 98, No. 43 (Crattfcmlf tfluomricA Forbes Newspaper 50 cents CRANFORD • GARWOOD • KENILWORTH -Mrs. Madison goes to Washington ' Elementary school science teacher receives 1991 Presidential Award for Excellence CHERYL MOULTON HEHL are secondary school teachers who will re- Madison, however, maintains the "best ceive their recognition in the spring. THE CRANFORD CHRONflCLE part of the trip" was receiving the $7,500 Madison said her experiences were ex- grant to supplement her teaching needs in Linda Madison will never forget her trip citing, filled with action-packed days zip- the district Madison can use the grant in to Washington, D.C., or the pride she felt ping to historic sites throughout Wash- anyway she desires, and is researching receiving one of the nation's highest hon- ington, and later, with engraved invitation how part of the money might be utilized ors for teachers, but the harvest of her in hand, to evenings with capital dig- for a scholarship. Just finishing six years award has yet to be cultivated. nitaries. in the township teaching system, students Madison introduced to her innovative fam- A recipient of the 1991 Presidential She particularly recalls the "grin and ily science program will be graduating Award for Excellence in Science and Math grab" ceremony of receiving her award next year. With this in mind she would Teaching, the CKinford teacher recently Although "everything went by in a blur," like to see a scholarship available for stu- returned frorirWashington D.C., where 216 Madison particularly recalls an impressive dents who had science lab with her. fellow teachers from across the nation speech where a speaker likened teachers were recognized by President Bush and to a ceiling that is looked up to by stu Also a plus from the trip, and eliciting other dignitaries. In September, Madison dents. But, the speaker said, without the excitement from Madison, was the com- received notification from the White walls (supporting staff) the ceiling would puter each honoree received to com- House that she was one of the winners of fall. municate with the science and math com- the.nation's highest teaching honor, much munity throughout the world.. With .the to her surprise. And, another afternoon, teachers as- modem, Madison will be able to keep in sembled at the White House to be recog- contact with fellow teachers who won the In a matter of weeks, Madison and hus- nized by President Bush, Madison recalls award, and have access to contact the sci: band David were on their way to Wash- a "stroke of luck" she and other New Jer- ence and math community throughout the ington for one week of being "treated like sey recipient had in not having a picture world to further aid her teaching. royalty." According to"Madison, the Na- I.D. required by White House security. Reflecting on the award, the whirlwind tional Science Foundation spent'$2.2 mil- Relegated to the front of the long line, trip and the impact of the grant and com- lion in honoring the 108 female and six issued temporary I.D's, Madison found puter on her work, Madison is thoughtful male elementary school teacher award re- herself in the front row in the rose garden for a moment cipients. The remainder of those awarded waiting to meet President Bush. "It could have been any teacher in LINDA MADISON WITH HUSBAND, DAVE (Please turn to page A-3) 18 officers school issue receive CHERYL MOULTON HEHL the Clergy Council would issue a statement. Thomas Bonhag asked citations THE CRANFORD CHRONICLE Sintich if he had found "two sides" A review of student and adult of the issue when speaking with By CHERYL MOULTON HEHL views about race relations surfaced students and Sintich replied, "A THE CRANFORD CHRONICLE at this week's Board of Education small amount felt there was racial meeting. , • tension, but just the perception Eighteen township police offic- Several school board members alone needs to be addressed." Sin- ers were recently cited for out- tich did not say how many stu- standing police performance by said that recent reports of alterca- Police Chief Harry Wilde. tions indicated, that the itti dents he spoke with. shduld- be examined and moni- Expounding on this,^ Bonhag 8, Wilde came before tored. Robert Siritich, for example, said, "Just the fury with which "this the Township' Committee and a said he visited Cranford High has turned on the Chronicle and municipal chamber room packed School recently and spoke with not with the issue, not on what is with family and friends of officers several students who felt concerns being done to solve the problem, to "recognize the courageous ef- about racial unrest "should not was alarming," suggesting the forts of police officers," in ac- die." He said he did not want to board make sure there was "no cordance with the Department "blow anything out of proportion," smoke" so people could have equal Awards Program. The awards, or "sweep anything under the rug." opportunity and a safe place to go said Wilde, were based on a com- to school. He posed the question, mittee of peer evaluation and Board president James Van recommendation. Horn interjected, saying a letter "Who is looking at the issue if there is an issue?" The Chiefs Medal of Merit and from high school Principal Robert Combat Cross was presented to Seyfarth would explain the situa- Schools Superintendent Dr. Rob- Patrolmen Charles Hoefflcr, Fran- tion to parents. ert Paul said, "This is still an ad- cis Hanley and Donald Zsak for a Van Horn also said Thursday's ministrative issue." January 1991 convenience store edition of the Chronicle would be a Board member Andrew Pellicdo robbery and foot chase with gun-. "collectors edition," with a large said he was "not defending the fire from the suspects. In an effort volume of letters coming from the press," but had in his past experi- to not create a hazard for resi- police chief, clergy council and oth- ence found, "if you do hot tell the dents, officers pursued the sus- ers^ He then said "I think the press, they go_out and _find_.out_ Cfanfortl Chronicle" is coming themselves," suggesting the board a .25-caliber weapon. The Combat back." "take a good look at how we deal Cross is awarded when shots are Board member Edna Silvey said (Please turn to page A-3) fired or weapon is used. The Chiefs Medal of Merit was presented to Patrolman Christo- pher Chapman for intervening in an assault and subsequent stab- Crop Walk '91 bing where a loaded weapon was" found. Wilde cited Chapman for DIANE MATFLERD/THE CHRONICLE bravery and "quick thinking." Dave Eurelly and Ray Johnson were among some 200 participants In the 17th annual Patrolman Anthony Bobbins re- rental policy Crop Walk held Sunday. They're shown above trying to caich up with other walkers. ceived the departmental life Sav- According to Rev. Paul Strockblne, pastor of Calvary Lutheran Church, members of By CHERYL MOULTON HEHL ing Award for dislodging foreign many different churches participated In the walk, which raised money for famine matter from the throat of a 12- THE CRANFORD CHRONICLE relief. It hadn't been determined at press time how much money was raised. day-old baby. He was commended A letter from residents living in (Please turn to page A-3) Town is ready the high school area prompted di- alogue concerning board policy on to collect leaves rental of the high school to a pri- Health Board This year the township has vate concern at a Board of Edu- changed the leaf collection cation meeting Monday night schedule to Increase efficiency. The letter said the rental of the will hold Pickups will be made from school to a "private concern gener- Nov. 4 to Dec. 20. ated over 1,000 cars and locked up flu clinic A brochure explaining the additional parking for blocks. Board member Andrew Pellicdo The Cranford Board of Health schedule Is expected , to be will hold a makeup influenza im- mailed to residents in the next asked if the letter had been an- swered and was told it had not. munization clinic tomorrow, Oct several days. 25, from 2 to 3 p.m. in Room 7 of If a resident does not receive Board member Tom Bonhag the municipal building. There is a a brochure, the township has questioned why the letter had not charge $5 charge for the shot been answered, suggesting the set up a hotline at 709-7269 for This year's flu shot provides im- daily updates. board re-visit the rental structure used by the board when renting munity against the types of flu If a resident misses pickup, the high school. He suggested a which have been circulating in he/ she must wait until the next "density sensitive policy " be ex- the past year or are most likely to scheduled pickup, or take the amined. occur in the United States this leaves to the Conservation winter. Flu immunization is rec- Center, where leaves will bo Schools Superintendent Dr. Rob- orhmended for those persons over accepted until Dec. 31 without ert Paul agreed the rental of the 65, those with chronic heart or a sticker. Proof of residency will building, when school is not in ses- lung problems, kidney diseases, be required. Leaves must be sion, by a private concern did "load cystic fibrosis, diabetes, anemia or raked Into the street prior to the area up with automobiles," but severe asthma.
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