
AGARD-CP-317 SMaintenance in Service of High Temperature Parts II- C)3 .3 L DISTRIBUTION AND AVAILABILITY ON BACK COVER Best Available Copy AGARD-CP-317 NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORC iZATION ADVISORY GROUP FOR AEROSPACE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (ORGANISATION DU TRAITE DE L'ATLANTIQUE NORD) AGARD Conference Proceedings No.317 MAINTENANCE IN SERVICE OF HIGH-TEMPERATURE PARTS & Papers presented at the 53rd Meeting of the AGARD Structures and Materials Panel held in Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands 27 September-2 October 1981. THE MISSION OF AGARD Mhe mission of' AARI) is to bring together tile leading peloRalitie,, of the NATO nations in tile fields of Neiencv- and technology relating to aerospace for the following purpose-% of scientific and technical infonnation: SExchanging .Continuously stimulating advances in the aerospace sciences relevant to strengthening thie coniion defence posture. lnpro'ing the co-operation among member nations in aerospace researclh and developmenrt: Providing scientific and tccmt,-al advice and assistance to the North Atlantic Military Committee in the field of aerospace research and de'. elopnment Rendering scicultit'ic and tc:hmeal aslIstancc. is requested. to oher NATI) bodies and to nmember nations in connection with leýsvearh and devclopnielt problelm, in tfie acro.pace field: r!'tosiding assistance to inemhbter nations for the purpose of increasing their scie ntitiL anid tech1nical pot en tiall Recollmllmlending effectisc ways for tile melmjllber nLlat.tIlo,tO Use their research and development capabilities Ifm the conut on benefit of the NAI 0 co0in t1LtN - I'lhc highest authority wit hini A(.A RI) is the National Delegates Board cowisising of officially appointcd senior representati', fiom each member nation. heli mission of AGARD is carried out through the Panels which are composed of c.perts aIppointcd by tile National Delegates, tile Consultant and Exchange Programme ,nd the Aerospace Applications Studies Programme. The results of AGARI) \%ork arc reported io the member nations and the NATO Authorities thiough the AGARI) series of publications of which this is one. Participation in AGARI) activities is by invitatonionly and is normally limited to citize.s of' the NATO nations. The content of this publication has been reproduced directly from material supplied by A(;ARD or the authors. Published January 198-2 Copyright © .\(;ARI) 1Qx2 All Rights Reserved ISBN )2-835-030?7-4 Printedr hi Teichnical Ihditing and Reproductutm ! td fliarford Ilise, 7 9 ('iarlottv St. Londm. II'P 1111) 1i PREFACE Over the years the Structures and Materials Panel has been concerned with the problems of gas turbine engine materials. The Panel sponsored a co-operative testing programme to analyse and predict low cycle high temperature fatigue life and this was the topic for a Specialists' Meeting, namely: "Characterisation of Low Cycle High Temperature Fatigue by the Strain Range Partitioning Method" (Aalborg 1978. AGARD CP-2431. Another approach was the use of ceramics, discussed at a Specialists' Meeting entitled: "Ceramics for Gas Turbine Applications" (Porz-Wahn (Cologne) 1979, AGARD CP-276). While it was felt that these Meetings had achieved their purpose for their specialist audiences, there remained a gap to be bridged between the experience and information of the maint'yvance engineer and what thc materials specialist iii tLc re'earcl laboratory could , ffer. This Specialists' Meeting on the "Maintenance in Service of High Temperature Parts" wa: con- ceived as a two way exchange between maintenance experience and materials science. It was felt that AGARD should be involved because all NATO countries faced common problems in the increasing costs of engine maintenance and the scarcity "f strategic materials. Many of the problem areas were likely to have a common base in relation to service experience and materials behaviour characteristics, so that an exchange of views should benefit both the research and maintenance communities. The collected proceedings and the discussion sessions endeavour to provide such an advantage to those involved in materials for gas turbine engines. On behalf of the Structures and Materials Panel I would like to express my thanks to all authors, recorders. session chairmen and participants. In particular I appreciated the help of the members of the Sub-Committee on the Maintenance of High Temperature Parts when I btcame Chairman and that of Mr George C. Deutsch who, though retired, returned to conduct the final technical and discussion session of the Meeting. I-..FANNER. ('hai.'nan - Sub-Committee on Maintenance of High Temperature Parts iiix CONTLNTS ~ Page PREFACE by ).A.Fanner iii INTROI)UCTORY REMARKS by H.P. van Leewen Reference SESSION I -MAINTENANCE EXPERIENCE MILITArPY MAINTENANCE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE PARTS- Will they be adequate? by R.B.G. Hedgecotk I ENGINE I)EPOI MAINTEN..ANCE REPAIR TELIINOLOGY by J.A.Snide and W,J.Schulz NIAINI ENANCE PROBLEMS IN GAS IURBINE COMIPONENI S A 1 I IE ROYAL NAVAL AIRCRAFT YARD, FLEETLANDS' by F.J.Plumb 3 MAINTENANCE EXPERIENCE WITH CIVIL AFRO ENGINES by I.Ph.Stroobach 4 LIFE EXIENSION AND REPAIR I ENGINE COMPONENT RETIREMENT FOR CAUSE, by J.A.Harris. C.GAnnis. M.C. van Wanderham and I).L.Sims IDEFECTS ANI)THEIR EFFECT ON THE BEHAVIOUR O1: GAS TURBINE DISCS by R-11,ieal 6 RUCORDER*S REPORT - SESSION I by M.G.Cockcroft RI SESSION 11 - LIFE EXTENSION AND) REPAIR It A Ti'IANIUNM SILICON COATING FOR GAS TURBINE BLADES by G.ll.Marijnissen INFLUENCE DES TRAITEMENTS D)E PROTECTION SUR LES PROPRIETES MECANIQUES I 'ES PIECES EN SUPERALLIAGE par i.M.Hauwer. C.Durefl IaR.Picboir RECONDITIONNENIENT I)E PIECES FIXES DU TURBINE PAR BRASAGE DIFFUSION'. par Y.HI-norat et J.Lemgourgue% I REJUVENATION OF USED TURBINE BLADES BY HOT I()STATIC PRESSING AND) REHEAT TREATMENT' by K.L.Clicung. C.C.Leach, K.P.Wiliet and A.K.Koul I0 HIP PROCESSING - POTENTIALS AND APPLICATIONS by W.J. van der Vet I I RECORDER'S REPORT .- SESSION Ii by A.J.A.Ntom R2 iv Reference SESSION III - LIFE EXTENSION AND REPAIR Ill REGENERATION OF THE CREEP PROPERTIES OF A CAST Ni-C-BA•SE ALLOY' by K.R.Tipler 12 REPAIR ANiD REGENERATION (iF TURBINE BLADES, VANES AND DISCS by H.Huff and J.Worlmann 13 A NEW APPROACH TO THE WELDABILITY OF NICKEL-BASE, AS-CAST AND POWDER METALLURGY SUPERALLOYS by M.H.Haafkens and J.H.G Matthey 14 RECOIIERS REPORT - SESSION III by i.A.Snide R3 APPENDIX COMMENTS ON THE MAINTENANCE iN SERVICE OF HIGH TEMPERATURE COMPONENTS IN AIRCRAFT JET ENGINES, by G.C.Deutsch A ii ii INTROI)UCTORY REMARKS by the Meeting Chairman Dr-lr. lI.P. van Lecuwen National ierospace Laboratory-NLR P'.O. Ho., 15 3 '30O AD,)timneloord. Netherlands The present Specialists Meetng on the Maintenance in Service of iligh-Tempeiatue Parts is not a routine Under- taking in the history of th. AGARD Structures and Materials Panel. Traditionally the 5\Mi' has concentrated on problem, related to the airframe rather than the engine. Even at its first meeting in Ottawa. JUlne I1)955, when it discussed high-temperature problems, this was in relation to a proposed AGARlograph on I ligh-Temperaturtire flcts on -\ircraft Structures. At the 5th Panel Meeting in Oslo and Copenhagen. April May I1);. Materials for Use at Flevaied Temperatures were the main topic. but again the lecture' that were held had basically the airframe in mind: this in spite of the fact that considerable attention was paid te, titanium and its alloy.s. Yet at certain intervals we have occupied ourselves with topics that were of interest to the engine :ommunity. "Sin,:e so many representatives of that conmmunity are present now., I would like to tell yot0 some more of our activities in that field. For y.our in'ormation I have ilso lirepared a list of [ngine Oriented Publication1S under the Auspices of the -G.ARI Structures and Materials Panel. -he Summary Record of the 50t Pane! Meeting containt-d an Appendi\ called the S•ope of the ,ork o" the Panel. Ilcre we find formally listed as topic 3h: The properties of aircraft and Ltero-vngit: tarerial. both metallic and non- mnetallic, including synthetics. adhesives and plastics. This resulted in the following papers being presented at the Technical Sessions on Fatigue at fhe occasion of the 6th Panel Meeting in Paris. November 1057: Fatigue of Structural Materials at Iligh lTemperatures. by Prof. B.J.1.azan. University of Minnesota. and Corrosion S•clic et Protection des Alliages Rsfractaires Ni-Cr 80. 20. by, M.Mathieu. ONF-RA. At that meeting a Permanent Materials Committee w•as formed. Ihis committee stimulated activities in the high temperature materials field, not so much with an eye on present day problems. but much more in relation to future developments. Topics treated included: Cermets. 7th Panel Meeting. Paris. March/April 1058. Unconventional Metals (Be. Cr. Mo. Nb. Ta. Ti, W and V). first suggested at the 8th Panel Meeting. Paris, October 1958. At the lth Panel Meeting. Paris. April 1959, the SMP me, in its re-organized or•rm. incorporaling a Structures GroLIp. a Materials Group and a Flutter Committee. The Materials Group initiated an activ ity which was to continue for a considerable number of x ears anti shich was devoted to the four promninent refractory metals: Mo. Nb, I a and W and their coatings. Several a.spccts were considered: I. Alloy development ' Co tatinLts 3. Production development 4. Welding 5. Basic Research phase diagranms. diffusion studies,. impurity effects, new fabrication techniqucs. oxidation sittdiest, De.sign dat:. Vi Various publications resulted. but a major achievement in my mind was a handbook on the impurity analysis of tile four refractorv mactal,, which was the result of a collaborative ,tttdy that lated for nmany years Another topic that was pursued was that orgraphtte as a high trmplrmttrrr trmifttraO material.
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