Schedule of Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) in Lambeth September 2021 Address TPO Tree Species No. No. Guidance on using the schedule of Tree Preservation Orders 1. This is a list of Tree Preservation Orders in Lambeth Council, listed alphabetically by road. 2. “Address” is road name, house number / or description of the site, “TPO No.” is the Lambeth Tree Preservation Order reference number, “Tree No.” is a number prefixed by a letter T, G, A or W. T denotes an individual tree, G denotes a Group of trees, A denotes an Area of trees; and W denotes Woodland. “Species” is species of the protected tree / trees. 3. Please note that this list does not include trees in Conservation Areas which are Conservation Areas are protected under separate legislation. To check if a property is in a conservation area or to double check a TPO please do a property search using the Council’s online planning database. The conservation area designation, and any TPO’s at the address will come up in the ‘constraint’ tab in the search results. 4. New Tree Preservation Orders are made from time to time and we endeavour to keep this schedule up-to-date. If you are unsure as to whether your property is affected by a Tree Preservation Order, would like confirmation as to which trees on your property are affected, or require a copy of a Tree Preservation Order please contact Ian Leonard, Planning Arboricultural Officer via email at [email protected] or [email protected] Lambeth Planning, September 2021 TPO Schedule 03/09/21 Page 1 of 117 Address TPO Tree Species No. No. Abbeville Road, 4 & 4A 428 T1 Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) Abbeville Road, 4 & 4A 428 T2 Weeping Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) Abbeville Road, 140 45 T5 Flowering Cherry Abbots Park, 16 208 T1 Swamp Cypress Abbots Park, 22 208 T2 Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) Abbotswood Road 229 T12 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Battersea Grammar School (abbotswood road frontage) Abbotswood Road 229 T13 Hawthorn (Crataegus spp) Battersea Grammar School (abbotswood road frontage) Abbotswood Road 229 T1 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Battersea Grammar School (access by the spinney) Abbotswood Road 229 T2 Oak (Quercus spp) Battersea Grammar School (access by the spinney) Abbotswood Road 229 T3 London Plane (Acer plantanus) Battersea Grammar School (access by the spinney) Abbotswood Road 229 T4 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Battersea Grammar School (access by the spinney) Abbotswood Road 229 T8 Macrocarpa Battersea Grammar School (lodge garden) Abbotswood Road 229 T9 Lime (Tilia Spp) Battersea Grammar School (lodge garden) Abbotswood Road 229 T10 Lime (Tilia Spp) Battersea Grammar School (lodge garden) Abbotswood Road 229 T11 Lime (Tilia Spp) Battersea Grammar School (lodge garden) Abbotswood Road 229 T22 Boxer Elder Battersea Grammar School (on lawn by pond) Abbotswood Road 229 G1 Wych Elm x 2, Corsican Pine x 2, Lime x 1, Battersea Grammar School (southern boundary) Hawthorn x 1, Horse Chestnut x 1, Manna Ash x 1 Abbotswood Road 229 T14 Lime (Tilia Spp) Battersea Grammar School (southern boundary) Abbotswood Road 229 T15 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Battersea Grammar School (southern boundary) Abbotswood Road 229 T16 Deodar Cedar Battersea Grammar School (southern boundary) Abbotswood Road 229 T17 Mulberry (Morus spp) Battersea Grammar School (southern boundary) Abbotswood Road 229 T18 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Battersea Grammar School (southern boundary) Abbotswood Road 229 T19 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Battersea Grammar School (southern boundary) Abbotswood Road 229 T20 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Battersea Grammar School (southern boundary) Abbotswood Road 229 T21 Macrocarpa Battersea Grammar School (southern boundary) Abbotswood Road 229 T5 Lime (Tilia Spp) Battersea Grammar School (western boundary) Abbotswood Road 229 T6 Oak (Quercus spp) TPO Schedule 03/09/21 Page 2 of 117 Address TPO Tree Species No. No. Battersea Grammar School (western boundary) TPO Schedule 03/09/21 Page 3 of 117 Address TPO Tree Species No. No. Abbotswood Road 229 T7 Oak (Quercus spp) Battersea Grammar School (western boundary) Abbotswood Road, 61a 240 T1 Fig (Ficus carica) Acre Lane, 13 180 T1 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Tesco Acre Lane, 13 180 T2 Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) Tesco Acre Lane, 13 180 T3 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Tesco Acre Lane, 20 & 22 11 T83 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Universal Pentecoastal Church Acre Lane, 28 454 T1 Ash (Fraxinus spp.) Trinity Homes Acre Lane, 28 454 T2 Ash (Fraxinus spp.) Trinity Homes Akerman Road, 15 4 T53 Flowering Pear Akerman Road, 15 4 T68 Lime (Tilia spp) Akerman Road, 17 4 T54 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Akerman Road, 97 5 G5 Lime (Tilia Spp) x 8 Albert Square 50 A1 The several trees of whatever species (Centre Garden Enclosure) standing in the numbered A1 on the map Albert Square, 1a-d 16 T1 False Acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia) Albert Square, 1a-d 16 T2 False Acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia) Albert Square, 2a-d 16 T3 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Albert Square, 3a-e 16 G1 Lime (Tilia spp) x 3 Albert Square, 3a-e 16 T4 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Albert Square, 4a-e 16 T5 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Albert Square, 4a-e 16 T6 False Acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia) Albert Square, 4a-e 16 T7 False Acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia) Albert Square, 8 16 T8 False Acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia) (Flats: 1-4 Consec) Albert Square, 8 16 T9 Walnut (Flats: 1-4 Consec) Albert Square, 9 16 T10 Sophora (Flats: Grd, 1st, 2nd and Top) Albert Square, 10 16 G2 Lime (Tilia Spp) x 2, London Plane (Acer (Flats: 2-7 Consec) plantanus) Albert Square, 15 16 G3 Lime (Tilia Spp) Albert Square, 15 16 T11 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) TPO Schedule 03/09/21 Page 4 of 117 Address TPO Tree Species No. No. Albert Square, 16 16 T12 Lime (Tilia Spp) x 6 (Flats: Basement, Grd, 1st, 2nd, 3rd) Albert Square, 17 16 T13 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) (Flats: Basement, Grd, 1st, 2nd, 3rd) Albert Square, 17 16 T14 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) (Flats: Basement, Grd, 1st, 2nd, 3rd) Albert Square, 17 16 T15 Lime (Tilia Spp) (Flats: Basement, Grd, 1st, 2nd, 3rd) Albert Square, 21 16 T16 Mulberry (Morus spp) Albert Square, 24 16 T17 London Plane (Acer plantanus) (Flats: Basement, Grd, 1st, 2nd, 3rd) Albert Square, 24 16 T18 Elm (Flats: Basement, Grd, 1st, 2nd, 3rd) Albert Square, 27 16 T19 Lime (Tilia Spp) Albert Square, 28 16 T20 London Plane (Acer plantanus) (Flats: Basement, Grd, 1st, 2nd, 3rd) Albert Square, 31a-f 16 T21 Lime (Tilia Spp) Alexandra Drive, 27 460 T1 Ornamental Flowering Cherry Alexandra Drive, 50 197 T11 Oak (Quercus spp) Alexandra Drive, 54 197 T12 Oak (Quercus spp) Ambleside Avenue, 15 178 T2 Lime (Tilia spp) Ambleside Avenue, 15 178 T3 Lime (Tilia spp) Ambleside Avenue, 15 178 T4 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Ambleside Avenue, 15 178 T5 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Ambleside Avenue, 17 178 T1 Oak (Quercus spp) Ambleside Avenue, 26 178 T13 Lime (Tilia spp) Ambleside Avenue, 30 178 T14 Hawthorn Ambleside Avenue, 32 178 T15 Birch Ambleside Avenue, 35 178 T17 Purple leaf plum Ambleside Avenue, 35 178 T18 Purple leaf plum Ambleside Avenue, 36 178 T16 Holm Oak (Quercus ilex) Angell Park Gardens, 10 9 T77 Unknown Angell Park Gardens, 12 9 T78 Unknown Angell Park Gardens, 14 9 T79 Unknown TPO Schedule 03/09/21 Page 5 of 117 Address TPO Tree Species No. No. Angell Park Gardens, 16 9 T80 Unknown Angell Park Gardens, 20 9 T81 Unknown Angell Park Gardens, 20 9 T82 Unknown Angell Park Gardens, 22 9 T83 Unknown Angell Park Gardens, 22 9 T84 Unknown Angell Park Gardens, 24 9 T85 Unknown Angell Park Gardens, 24 9 T86 Unknown Angell Park Gardens, 34 9 T87 Unknown Angell Park Gardens, 38-40 9 T88 Unknown Angell Park Gardens, 38-40 9 T89 Unknown Angell Road, 14 8 T16 Variegated Holly Angell Road, 14 8 T19 London Plane (Acer plantanus) Angell Road, 19 7 G2 Lime (Tilia Spp) x 11 Angell Road, 21 7 G6 Lime (Tilia Spp) x 7 Angell Road, 43 8 T20 False Acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia) Angell Road, 47 8 T23 Lime (Tilia Spp) Angell Road, 47 8 T24 Lime (Tilia Spp) Angell Road, 47 8 T25 Lime (Tilia Spp) Angell Road, 47 8 T27 Common Laburnum (Labuenum anagyroides) Angell Road, 47 8 T28 Common Laburnum (Labuenum anagyroides) Angell Road, 58 8 T26 Common Laburnum (Labuenum anagyroides) Angell Road, 65 8 G4 Lime (Tilia Spp) x 5 Angell Road, 65 8 G3 Lime (Tilia Spp) x 5 Angell Road, 65 8 T30 Variegated Holly Angell Road, 65 8 T31 Black Poplar Angell Road, 65 8 T32 Black Poplar Angell Road, 66 9 T90 Unknown TPO Schedule 03/09/21 Page 6 of 117 Address TPO Tree Species No. No. Angell Road, 71 8 T33 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Angell Road, 72 8 T34 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Angell Road, 72 8 T35 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Angell Road, 72 9 T91 Unknown Angell Road, 76 9 T92 Unknown Angell Road, 78 9 T93 Unknown Angell Road, 92 9 T94 Unknown Angell Road, 92 9 T95 Unknown Angell Road, 92 9 T96 Unknown Angell Road, 92 9 T97 Unknown Angell Road, 92 9 T98 Unknown Angell Road, 92 9 T99 Unknown Appach Road, 39 414 T1 Lime (Tilia Spp) Ashmole Street 424 G3 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) x 7 Triangle Adventure Playground Ashmole Street 424 G1 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) x 8 Triangle Adventure Playground Ashmole Street 424 G2 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) x 15 Triangle Adventure Playground Ashmole Street 424 T1 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Triangle Adventure Playground Ashmole Street 424 T2 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Triangle Adventure Playground Ashmole Street 424 T3 Silver Birch (Betula pendula) Triangle Adventure Playground
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