July 10 - 16, 2015 WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY www.georgiatoday.ge Price: GEL 2.50 Georgia Today 24 p. ISSUE No.774 Produce in Georgia Assists Hundreds of Enterprises in First Year IN THIS WEEK’S ISSUE OP-ED Georgia and Turkmenistan Coy on Energy Speculation BUSINESS HEADLINES Irking Russia? Relations between the two post-Soviet PASHA Bank’s Shurgaia states may well be in transit Appointed as a Georgian towards a new energy Stock Exchange relationship. P.17 Supervisor P.11 Education Ministry GUAM to Simplify Presents School Customs Control P.11 Readiness Program for Fourth Annual Gender One year of success has passed since the Georgian 5-Year-Olds Equality Awards Held Government first launched its Produce in Georgia program to encourage new entrepreneurs and stimulate local New Law to give young in Tbilisi P.14 production. children the opportunity to Hotel Kiparis Awaits You P.13 mature, in all developmental Spanish Tourists Attacked near areas, prior to starting P.12 Spanish Tourists Attacked near school. P.15 FLIGHT SCHEDULE Zugdidi: Police and Doctors Accused of Misconduct Oil Prices While the Georgian Government markets the country as – the P.4 Eastern Europe’s top tourist destination, it looks like all may Effect on not be well for foreigners here. P.8 Georgia P.6 2 JULY 10 - 16 POLITICS Georgians Influential in Washington Post Claims of Ukraine Police Reform Growing Pro-Russian Vibe in Georgia are Weakly Founded By Zviad Adzinbaia American newspaper the Washing- ton Post has published an article specu- lating about potentially growing pro- Russia support in Georgia. “TBILISI, Georgia — in this fiercely pro-Western nation that fought a brief New Patrol Police in Ukraine. war with Russia in 2008, few thought the Kremlin could ever regain a toehold. By Zviad Adzinbaia The reform, according to the information, But with the West backing away from will be completed by the end of 2016 if Georgia’s path to E.U. and NATO mem- Ukraine’s leaders watched on as enough funds are raised. bership after a year of conflict in Kyiv’s new traffic police force under- As Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine’s Presi- Ukraine, pro-Russian sentiments are on went its initiation ceremony in Kyiv on dent, wrote on his Facebook page, the the rise,” The Washington Post wrote on Archil Chkoidze who openly support pirations are irreversible: “We don’t July 4 with euronews reporting that offi- new officers will be stationed in the in 4 July. Georgia’s entry in Russia’s Eurasian have time to be disappointed.” cials were hopeful that as many as 2,000 cities of Lviv, Kharkiv and Odessa. “The former Soviet nation’s leaders Union. Among many opinions garnered, the new recruits would be able to clean up The presentation of the new police are warning that Russia may yet prevail Instead of seeing European integra- article cites Kakhetian small business- what is traditionally one of the country’s officers was staged in Kyiv by the high- if Georgia is shut out from Western tion as a possibility, the analysis seems man Jemal Veliashvili who warns “Stop most corrupt institutions. est officials of Ukraine including the clubs. Wary of further provoking Rus- to view this as unrealistic in the long run. meddling with Russia.” The new officers will be trained by President, PM and Interior Minister sia, Western politicians have quashed “Neither Ukraine or Georgia are cur- According to Veliashvili, his business their counterparts from the US, Canada Zguladze, who has been in office since talk of NATO and the European Union rently on a path to NATO membership”, had tripled since the trade ban was lifted. and Japan, and will be paid more than the end of 2014 tasked with supervising expanding eastward anytime soon. Rus- said a statement President by Obama The reality speaks differently, and the their predecessors. the police reform in Ukraine. sia has stepped into the vacuum, increas- before the Minsk agreement of 2015. hopes of reopening Russian market for Eka Zguladze, Ukraine’s Deputy Min- Several days ago, Mikheil Saaka- ing its presence by opening Georgian- Clearly, some of the western states Georgian businesses have faded as the ister of Internal Affairs stated: “The sal- shvili, Georgian ex-president and a gov- language outlets of its state-owned news are afraid of a backlash from Russia unpredictable country creates artificial ary of a new recruit starts at 8,000 ernor of Odessa district said that Califor- network and deepening investments in which can explain their occasionally obstacles. Additionally, the main format hryvnias (342 euros). It is not millions, nian police will train Odessa’s officers. the energy industry and other key sec- weak stance. For Georgia and Ukraine, proposed by the Georgian Government but it is something on which you can live “Within the framework of Odessa’s tors,” the article reads. though, this cannot be regarded as an (2012), the Karasin-Abashidze talks in and sustain your family. We hope that anti-corruption measures, the U.S. gov- Overall, the article carries negative authentic argument to prove that Geor- Prague, is currently viewed as being on there will be very few incidents ernment agreed to provide funds for the perceptions of Georgia’s western aspi- gian people has opted for Russia or that the brink of failure. of corruption. What is corruption? It’s a salaries of the new team of [Mikhail] rations echoing the same rhetoric of Russian nostalgia prevails here. More- The article succeeded in winning at- crime, simple, full-stop.” Saakashvili,” - the Governor himself Euro-skeptics in the country. over, the author forgets the Georgian tention but its claims of a sea-change in The new Ukrainian police officers hope posted on his Facebook page after he met The article mentions Georgia’s ef- youth, professionals, uncorrupted people Georgian attitudes toward its northern they will benefit from a similar approach with the US Ambassador to Ukraine, forts to integrate with the West however, and the new generation in general, who neighbor with which it was at war less undertaken by Georgia in the 2000s. Geoffrey Pyatt. Georgian troops in Afghanistan, democ- see the west as an unalterable future path than seven years ago, is far-fetched and “In Georgia, police salaries increased Police reform was one of the most sig- ratization processes, combating corrup- for Georgia. based on slender grounds. In reality, 15 times during the reforms. I hope the nificant breakthroughs in Saakashvili’s tion and other unprecedented achieve- At the same time, the article includes Georgians may not back their govern- same thing will happen in Ukraine. But reign as president and even his fiercest ments by the country failed to convince quotes from David Bakradze, the state ment on many things but the European today it is very important to change critics would concede that this was suc- the author. Moreover, the article notes minister on European and Euro-Atlan- aspirations it pursues are still widely what’s happening in the country, so that cessful. Ukraine now seeks to mirror Russia’s Fifth Column and the likes of tic Integration, who says Georgia’s as- supported. people and the police will be friends and Georgia’s success in this regard but it will work together,” stated Zguladze. be some time before the reform will bear At this stage, 2,000 new police offic- fruit in an institution notoriously rife with ers will be patrolling the streets of Kyiv. corruption. NATO Secretary General: Russia Biggest Threat for Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General. By Zviad Adzinbaia a defensive way, which is proportionate end of the Cold War, according to and in line with the alliance’s interna- Stoltenberg. “Russia is ready to use force against tional commitments. Meanwhile, the Pentagon has re- its neighbors,” said Jens Stoltenberg, “We have increased the preparedness leased a new National Military Strategy, NATO Secretary General to Deutsche and readiness of our forces. We have the first update to that document since Welle, a German news broadcaster, strengthened our military presence on 2011, saying the US is facing near-peer about NATO’s defensive stance. the eastern borders of the alliance. We adversaries like Russia and China while “Everything we do is defensive. We have decided to set up a network of simultaneously having to handle diffuse are protecting the allies. Russia is behav- smaller headquarters in the Baltic States, militant groups like the Islamic State. ing aggressively. The annexation of Bulgaria, Poland and Romania. We have “Since the last National Military Crimea is an aggressive behavior. Rus- also stepped up our air patrols and pres- Strategy was published in 2011, global sia continues providing separatists in ence in the eastern countries of the alli- disorder has significantly increased eastern Ukraine with modern weapons, ance in response to Russia’s behavior,” while some of our comparative military anti-aircraft systems, sends troops there he noted. advantage has begun to erode,” Chair- – this is an act of aggression. We protect In addition, Moscow now has a bet- man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. our allies, Russia uses force to redraw the ter-equipped and better-prepared army, Martin Dempsey wrote in his introduc- borders and destabilize Ukraine,” he added. tion to the strategy document. Stoltenberg said, according to DW. “What is more, they conduct unex- The strategy specifically calls out “Russia is ready to use force against pected maneuvers to conceal aggressive Russia among China, Iran and North Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. Russia actions against its neighbors. That is how Korea as aggressive threats to global more often mentions nuclear weapons Crimea was annexed,” he added.
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