She steamed past competition, won Scorched 4 Exchange student Mouna Bounouader won the Lariat’s first-ever cooking competition. see A&E, page 5 Thai from Page 1 baylorlariat com The Baylor Lariat WE’RE THERE WHEN YOU CAN’T BE No. 17 Baylor softball dominated No. 5 Oklahoma with an 8-0 win on Thursday for the Sooners’ first home loss this season. see Sports, page 6 Friday | April 17, 2015 Brown Baylor students wins the to teach top spot kids in By Kalli Damschen Staff Writer Thailand Students voted Houston junior Pearson Brown student body president for the 2015-16 By Shannon Barbour school year in a runoff election on Thursday. Staff Writer Brown defeated Frisco sophomore James Porter by a margin of 1,555 to 912 votes. In a month, a group of Baylor “The support I have is University graduates will travel to just unreal,” Brown said. Thailand to teach at the Chitralada “I can’t wait to serve and Palace School. I can’t wait to give back Graduates will be paid to teach because I’ve seen what this American English to the future king university can do through of Thailand and other Thai children, my friends.” without needing any previous teach- Brown ran on a three- ing experience. tiered platform of Ignite, “I’ve been to so many places Launch, Soar. His three around the world. To have some- steps focused on address- thing like this offered, I don’t know Brown ing cost of tuition increas- any other place that does this. This es, getting organizations is like teaching at the Polytechnique SKYE DUNCAN | LARIAT PHOTO EDITOR more involved on campus in Paris, France. This is an amazing and building relationships between alumni in program,” said Kathryn Mueller, se- hiring positions and Baylor students. April showers? No, floods nior lecturer in sociology and volun- Brown said his first priority is getting off to teer director of the Chitralada Palace A driver of a Jeep Liberty drives through a puddle Thursday afternoon on Third Street during the short thunderstorm that passed School program. SEE BROWN, page 4 through Waco. The storm produced small hail and high wind speeds along with lots of rain. The Chitralada Palace School program is not a Baylor study abroad program and will last until the end of March 2016. Mueller will host information WolfPack it up, Wolfpack it in sessions every hour from 5-7 p.m. Monday through Wednesday in 341 Draper Academic Building. Bear Mountain to host annual Cameron Park clean-up The program was originally pro- posed by Mueller, who noticed a By Dane Chronister with the many families and friends taking cliffs and a National Recre- need for students in Thailand to learn Reporter in the area are all reasons why peo- ation Trail system. Since the Wil- American English instead of the Brit- ple should attend, she said. liam Cameron Family donated the ish English they were being taught. On Sunday, the Annual Cam- “Waco is such a cool place parkland more than 100 years ago, The program has been going on for eron Park WolfPack Clean Up will and this is such a cool way to give the 400-acre park has been con- 20 years. be hosted. back to the community of where I stantly abuzz with parties, festivals “I thought at the time, ‘these chil- The events will include a bike live, spend time with other people, and sports.” dren should be exposed to American ride or family hike around the clean up our environment, but also Even though littering and English,’” Mueller said. “We’re for- park at 2 p.m., followed by a park get to enjoy the weather and free dumping are against the park tunate that American English is the clean-up at 4 p.m. and finally at 6 food,” Rutledge said. “It’s clean, regulations, it tends to still happen standard English used all over the p.m. there will be a catered meal by healthy fun.” and therefore The Bear Mountain world. I thought it would be good for Dave’s Burger Barn. With Earth Day right around wants to get an effort together to these students.” The only thing required is a the corner on April 22nd, employ- help clean the park up. Graduates of all majors are invited dinner reservation, which is com- ees of The Bear Mountain Outdoor To sign up and register for to apply to the program and are not plimentary to all, so The Bear Sports Store said they want Waco the clean-up and to receive a free expected to know how to speak Thai. Mountain employees said they en- locals to get involved and contrib- meal from the Burger Barn go However, students must be American courage attendees to bring friends. ute to the clean-up efforts. to www.eventbrite.com/e/bear- citizens to be eligible to teach at the Dallas junior Ruthie Rutledge According to the City of Waco mountain-wolfpack-cameron- FILE ART school. said community is an important website, “The park is an oasis with park-ridecleanupdinner-tick- The Bear Mountain will host its annual Cameron Park WolfPack Jessica Steptoe graduated from part of her life. To give back to the towering trees, two rivers, breath- ets-16573656252 Clean Up this Sunday. Dave’s Burger Barn will be catering the event Waco community and spend time with a meal at 6 p.m. SEE THAI, page 4 OSU bus Secrecy shrouds struck on decade-old oil spill Michael Kunzelman tion has revealed evidence that the and Jeff Donn spill is far worse than what Taylor way to BU Associated Press — or the government — have pub- licly reported during their secretive, By Rebecca Flannery GULF OF MEXICO — A blan- and costly, effort to halt the leak. Staff Writer ket of fog lifts, exposing a band of Presented with AP’s findings, that rainbow sheen that stretches for the sheen recently averaged about The Oklahoma State Women’s miles off the coast of Louisiana. 91 gallons of oil per day across equestrian team was involved in a bus From the vantage point of an air- eight square miles, the Coast Guard crash around 9 p.m. Wednesday on S. plane, it’s easy to see gas bubbles in provided a new leak estimate that is 18th Street and Franklin Avenue. the slick that mark the spot where about 20 times greater than one re- The bus ran a red light and was an oil platform toppled during a cently touted by the company. hit by a car travelling southbound on 2004 hurricane, triggering what Outside experts say the spill S. 18th Street, according to an email might be the longest-running com- could be even worse — possibly one from Sgt. Patrick Swanton, informa- mercial oil spill ever to pollute the of the largest ever in the Gulf. tion officer for the Waco police -de Gulf of Mexico. Taylor’s oil was befouling the partment. Yet more than a decade after Gulf for years in obscurity before Swanton said one person from the crude started leaking at the site for- BP’s massive spill in mile-deep vehicle had to be extracted from the merly operated by Taylor Energy water outraged the nation in 2010. car and two people sustained minor Company, few people even know Even industry experts haven’t heard injuries. No one from the bus was of its existence. The company has of Taylor’s slow-motion spill, which hurt. downplayed the leak’s extent and has been leaking like a steady trick- The equestrian team is in Waco environmental impact, likening it le from a faucet, compared to the for the NCEA National Champion- to scores of minor spills and natural fire hose that was BP’s gusher. ship. The equestrian media corre- ASSOCIATED PRESS seeps the Gulf routinely absorbs. spondent was unavailable for com- May 9, 2010 file picture, an oil-soaked bird struggles against the side of the HOS Iron Horse supply vessel An Associated Press investiga- ment. at the site of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana. SEE OIL, page 4 Vol.116 No. 93 First copy free. Additional copies 25 cents each. © 2015 Baylor University Opinion Friday|April 17, 2015 2 The Baylor Lariat StuGov has Lariat Letters separation of Thank you, StuGov leaders I still remember the first time I met Dominic powers issue Edwards, Lawren Kinghorn, and Kristyn Miller. I met each of them during different Although the bill was spon- stages of my time at Baylor, sored by three members of the Editorial but the impact their intro- Senate — San Antonio junior At the foundation of the United ductions had on me continue Chase Hardy, Frisco sophomore States’ government is the system of to stand the tests of time. James Porter and Waco sophomore checks and balances. It is laid out Intentional, passionate, and Emily Neel — this does not negate in the U.S. Constitution, a docu- genuine, these three leaders the blatant conflict of interest and ment in which the Baylor Student have proved to me that Bay- violation of separation of powers. Body Constitution declares itself lor is a breeding ground for If members of the Senate to be under. Under such a system, tomorrow’s brightest leaders worked closely with members of there is a separation of powers. – leaders that live by faith, the court to author the bill, then The Supreme Court, for example, respect, and service. separation of powers would have would not be able to pass its own Although I have only been intact and promote interac- legislation, as that is the duty of the been in Student Govern- tion between branches.
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