SITESOLUTIONS Commercial Overall Opinion PASSED Argyll's Overview Considering t e in!ormation reviewed d"ring t is assessment, no signi!icant contaminant linkage as %een identi!ied. Accordingly soil and groundwater lia%ilities are "nlikely to occ"r& No !"rt er action wit respect to contaminated land Lia%ility is re'"ired& No ot er Environmental (a)ards have been identi!ied in t e immediate vicinity of t e Site& One or more telecommunication base stations are located wit in 250m of t e Site& -eport on. Lees House, 21-23 Dyke Road, Brighton, UK, BN1 3FE Report prepared or! Report Re eren$e! Report date! Sample Sample */rd April *,12 "#ient Re eren$e! Nationa# Grid Re eren$e! Sample +/,0*/#1,22/+ Site Location Report prepared on Lees House# *13*/ Dyke Road, Brighton# U5, BN1 3FE &ite 'rea ()2* 720&2* "urrent Use O!!ices +roposed Use O!!ices Report 'uthor Steve Watt BSc 9(ons: MSc, AIEMA, Environmental A"ditor Telep one: 0845 458 525, 'dditiona# ,n or)ation +rovided P"rc ase - Free old www&argyllenvironmental&com Intelligent D"e Diligence Sample_SSCommercial * */rd April *,12 S"mmary o! Contamination -is$ and Lia%ilities Lia%ility Assessment No !"rt er action Passed Lia%ility Assessment 8it in t e scope o! t is assessment no Lia%ilities ave %een identi!ied& No !"rt er action is re'"ired& -is$ Iss"e Eval"ation Contaminated 8 at is t e overall on3site ris$= Low to ;oderate Land 8 at is t e overall of!3site ris$= Low to ;oderate 8 at is t e environmental sensitivity rating? Moderate to High (as a pla"si%le contaminant linkage %een identi!ied= No -ecommendations None re'"ired& www&argyllenvironmental&com Intelligent D"e Diligence Sample_SSCommercial / */rd April *,12 Contaminated Land -is$ Analysis Investigation Commentary On3site so"rces A review of historical maps indicates t e Site was occ"pied by b"ildings of commercial appearance from c. 1700 w ic were s"%se'"ently cleared c. 1>?>& The Site remained vacant, e@isting as a car par$# until between c. 1980 and 1984 w en commercial premises were developed on site. No f"rt er signi!icant c anges were identi!ied from s"%se'"ent map editions& 8e have been in!ormed by t e client t at t e Site is c"rrently in use as of!ices and t at it will contin"e in t is "se wit out redevelopment& Argyll's As a res"lt of t e istorical and c"rrent use of t e Site# t ere is a low to moderate ris$ of Comment contaminants being present& O!!3site so"rces A n"m%er of istorical or c"rrent potentially contaminative uses were identi!ied wit in a 100m radi"s of t e Site from c. 1877. These incl"de. an engineering works (adAacent sout : c. 1952-1>?/# an electrical s"% station (adAacent west: c&1>7>31>0/# a brewery 937m sout : c. 1877-1>/1# a coac factory (64m sout west: c. 1877317>7# an electrical works (67m west: c. 1952531>?/ and a malt house (76m west: c. 1>1131>/1& Argyll's The historical and c"rrent "se of t e s"rrounding area is t ere!ore considered to present a Comment low to moderate ris$ of a!!ecting t e Site& Pat ways and 8it re!erence to Environment Agency data, t e bedroc$ hydrogeology underlying t e receptors Site is classi!ied as a Principal A'"i!er ( ighly permea%le formations:. In terms of t e overlying soils# t ese are given a U (class U: v"lnera%ility classi!ication. According to in!ormation provided by t e Environment Agency t e Site does not lie wit in a groundwater Source Protection Zone (SPB:. There are eight a%straction licences located wit in 1000m. The closest of t ese is a groundwater a%straction (589m east: for spray irrigation& The nearest water feat"re 9The Englis C annel: is located 482m sout . Residential properties are located 17m nort & No designated eco-receptors were identi!ied wit in a 1000m radi"s of t e Site& Argyll's Overall, t e Site is t ere!ore considered to have a moderate to ig environmental Comment sensitivity& Additional No additional materials have been used in t is assessment& So"rces o! In!ormation Argyll's Concl"sion Considering t e in!ormation reviewed d"ring t is assessment, no signi!icant contaminant linkages have been identi!ied. Accordingly soil and groundwater lia%ilities are unlikely to occ"r& Please re!er to ris$ analysis met odology section for f"rt er guidance and de!inition of terms& www&argyllenvironmental&com Intelligent D"e Diligence Sample_SSCommercial 2 */rd April *,12 Ot er Environmental (a)ards -is$ -ecommendation Nat"ral or ;ining No nat"ral or mining related ha)ards have %een identi!ied in t e immediate vicinity of t e -elated (a)ards Site& Telecomm"nication One or more telecommunication base stations are located wit in 250m of t e Site 4ase Stations 9please re!er to t e C"rrent Land Use map to determine speci!ic locations:. Telecommunications e'"ipment emits electromagnetic fields w ic may have adverse ealt a!!ects. F"rt er in!ormation is availa%le !rom www& pa.org.u$ and www.site!inder.ofcom.org&"$& CO;A( No Control of MaAor Accident (a)ards 9COMA(: sites are located wit in 500m. Argyll's This report is primarily a desktop assessment of potential soil and groundwater lia%ilities& Comment 8e also comment w et er t e a%ove Environmental Ha)ards are relevant. Contact details are provided at t e end of t is report& www&argyllenvironmental&com Intelligent D"e Diligence Sample_SSCommercial + */rd April *,12 C"rrent Operations Environmenta# Da)age Regu#ations 2../ (EDR* Potential !or ownerCoperation to inc"r a Lia%ility "nder t e ED- Argyll's T e Site as not %een identi!ied as %eing li$ely to inc"r lia%ility "nder t e ED- wit in t e scope o! Comment t is assessment& Please re!er to t e ris$ analysis met odology section !or !"rt er g"idance and de!inition o! terms& 'dditiona# "onsiderations Item S"mmary S"ggested Action As%estos If t e b"ildings at t e Site were constr"cted or renovated d"ring t e period C ec$ t e As%estos 9Commercial: %etween 1950 and 199># t en t e fa%ric of t ese b"ildings may contain Register and as%estos in a variety of forms& ;anagement Plan Energy Under t e Energy Per!ormance of 4"ildings (England and Wales: Regulations C ec$ for EPC or Per!ormance *,1* and t e Energy Per!ormance of Buildings (Scotland: Regulations *,,7# cond"ct energy Certi!icate t ere is a re'"irement for all %"ildings to have an Energy Per!ormance assessment Certi!icate (EPC: upon t eir constr"ction# sale or lease (and in some cases w en t e b"ilding is modi!ied:. Air Air conditioning and re!rigeration e'"ipment contains heat trans!er fl"id& This Inspect maintenance ConditioningC !l"id may be an ozone depleting s"%stance 9ODS:. Any !l"id in a halon fire3 records -e!rigeration e@tinguis ing system is also a ODS& E'"ipment 8 ilst t is assessment is primarily a desktop assessment of potential soil and groundwater lia%ilities, t e a%ove potential lia%ility considerations t at fall outside t e scope of t e Ris$ Analysis Met odology have %een identi!ied& Argyll's Additional sources of in!ormation may be availa%le for t e Site. These sources could incl"de previous Comment environmental reports 9incl"ding a"dits# contaminated land investigation and remediation reports:# val"ation reports 9incl"ding property observation c ecklists:, a Land D"ality Record# and property deeds. Argyll Environmental would be pleased to review any reports t at are availa%le and revise t is report accordingly& This may entail additional fees depending upon t e vol"me and comple@ity of in!ormation availa%le& Please contact "s for f"rt er in!ormation& www&argyllenvironmental&com Intelligent D"e Diligence Sample_SSCommercial ? */rd April *,12 Contents of the Data Section Section Description Ta%"lar This section presents a ta%"lar s"mmary of in!ormation found for t e Site and s"rrounding area. The data S"mmary is presented in t ree %"!!er )ones for ease of re!erence: data found at t e Site, from 1-250m and from *+13500m. If a data%ase has been searc ed t e n"mber of records !ound will be displayed under t e relevant searc %and. If a data%ase is not availa%le or has not been searc ed, t is will be represented by t e a%%reviation N/A under t e relevant searc band& C"rrent Land This section provides in!ormation on c"rrent land uses and is divided into t ree sections# stat"tory Use ;apping in!ormation# waste and c"rrent ind"strial "ses. It is preceded by two maps& Stat"tory This section presents detailed stat"tory in!ormation !or t e Site and s"rrounding area ("p to 500m In!ormation depending upon dataset:. The ;ap ID of eac feat"re is indicated (w ere applica%le: !ollowed %y speci!ic in!ormation on eac feat"re and its distance and direction from t e Site& If no data is identi!ied t en t e section will be omitted& 8aste This section presents detailed in!ormation on waste and land!ill sites for t e Site and s"rrounding area ("p to 500m depending upon dataset:.
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