ADAPTATION FUND PROJECT ID: (For Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat Use Only) Date of Receipt: PROGRAMME PROPOSAL PART I: PROJECT/PROGRAMME INFORMATION PROJECT/PROGRAMME CATEGORY: REGULAR COUNTRY/IES: JAMAICA TITLE OF PROJECT/PROGRAMME: ENHANCING THE RESILIENCE OF THE AGRICULTURE SECTOR AND COASTAL AREAS TO PROTECT LIVELIHOODS AND IMPROVE FOOD SECURITY TYPE OF IMPLEMENTING ENTITY: NATIONAL IMPLEMENTING ENTITY IMPLEMENTING ENTITY: PLANNING INSTITUTE OF JAMAICA EXECUTING ENTITY/IES: NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING AGENCY, NATIONAL WORKS AGENCY, MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES, MINISTRY OF TOURISM AMOUNT OF FINANCING REQUESTED: US$9,995,000 (In U.S Dollars Equivalent) 1 List of Acronyms ABCDEA Annotto Bay Community Development & Environmental Association AF Adaptation Fund AFB Adaptation Fund Board BUR Biennial Update Report CARDIN Caribbean Disaster Information Network CBO Community based Organization CCADRR Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction CC Climate Change CIDA Canadian International Development Agency CVI Coastal Vulnerability Index DRR Disaster Risk Reduction EFJ Environmental Foundation of Jamaica EIA Environment Impact Assessment EU European Union FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FCF Forest Conservation Fund FFS Farmers Field School GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principle GCM Global Circulation Model GDP Gross Domestic Product GEF Global Environment Facility GFDRR Global Facility for Disaster Risk Recovery GOJ Government of Jamaica HDI Human Development Index IDB Inter- American Development Bank IDP International Development Partners IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change JaREEACH Jamaica Rural Economy and Ecosystems Adapting to Climate Change JCCCP Japan Caribbean Change Climate Partnerships 2 JCCEAP Jamaica Climate Change Enabling Activity Project JCDT Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust JDVRP Jamaica Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project MAJIC Marketing and Agriculture for Jamaican Improved Competitiveness MDG Millennium Development Goal MEGJC Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation MLSS Ministry of Labour and Social Security MOAF Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries NCRPS Negril Coral Reel Preservation Society NEPA National Environment and Planning Agency NEPT Negril Area Environment Protection Trust NGO Non- Governmental organization NIC National irrigation Commission NIE National Implementing Entity NMTPF National Medium-Term Priority Framework NRCA Natural Resources Conservation Authority NRM Natural Resource Management NWA National Works Agency ODPEM Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management PIOJ Planning Institute of Jamaica PIMSEC Public Investment Management Secretariat PSIP Public Sector Investment Programme PPCR Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience RADA Rural Agricultural Development Authority RiVAMP Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Methodology Project RCP Representative Concentration Pathways RWH Rain Water Harvesting SDM Species Distribution Model SECIN Social and Economic Information Network SLM Sustainable Land Management SLR Sea Level Rise 3 SNC Second National Communication SST Sea Surface Temperature TNC Third National Communication TOT Training of Trainers TWG Thematic Working Group UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEP United Nation Environment Programme UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UWI University of the West Indies WAD Wave Attenuation Device WMU Watershed Management Unit WRA Water Resources Authority WUA Water Users Association WUG Water Users Group 4 Table of Contents PART I: PROJECT/PROGRAMME INFORMATION ............................................................................ 1 PROJECT / PROGRAMME BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT: .......................................................... 10 Country Context ................................................................................................................................................ 10 PROBLEM STATEMENT .................................................................................................................. 15 Climate Variability ............................................................................................................................................. 16 Climate Change Impacts .................................................................................................................................... 17 Programme Location ......................................................................................................................................... 28 Component 1: ................................................................................................................................................ 29 Component 2 ................................................................................................................................................. 30 Component 3 ................................................................................................................................................. 32 4. PROJECT / PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES: ............................................................................. 34 PROJECT / PROGRAMME COMPONENTS AND FINANCING: ....................................................... 36 PART II: PROJECT / PROGRAMME JUSTIFICATION ..................................................................... 40 A: Describe the project / programme components, particularly focusing on the concrete adaptation activities of the project, and how these activities contribute to climate resilience. For the case of a programme, show how the combination of individual projects will contribute to the overall increase in resilience. .......................................................................................................................................................... 40 Component 1: Increasing the climate resilience of the North Eastern Coastline ......................................... 41 1. Buff Bay and Orange Bay will be protected by shoreline protection work........................................... 43 2. The town of Annotto Bay will be protected by shoreline protection works by: ................................... 43 Component 2: Enhancing the climate resilience of the agricultural sector by improving water and land management ................................................................................................................................................. 46 Intervention 1 - The Establishment of a Micro Dam in Northern Manchester ................................................. 48 Component 3: Improving institutional and local level capacity for coastal and agricultural adaptation and awareness raising for behaviour modification .............................................................................................. 52 B. Describe how the project / programme provides economic, social and environmental benefits, with particular reference to the most vulnerable communities, and vulnerable groups within communities, including gender considerations. Describe how the project / programme will avoid or mitigate negative impacts, in compliance with the Environmental and Social Policy and Gender Policy of the Adaptation Fund. ................................................................................................................................................................. 53 C. Describe or provide an analysis of the cost-effectiveness of the proposed project / programme ............ 62 D. Describe how the project / programme is consistent with national or sub-national sustainable development strategies, including, where appropriate, national adaptation plan (NAP) or sub-national 5 development plans, poverty reduction strategies, national communications, or national adaptation programs of action, or other relevant instruments, where they exist. Is there a poverty reduction strategy? ........................................................................................................................................................... 64 E. Describe how the project / programme meets relevant national technical standards, where applicable, such as standards for environmental assessment, building codes, etc., and complies with the Environmental and Social Policy of the Adaptation Fund. .............................................................................. 68 F. Describe if there is duplication of project / programme with other funding sources, if any ......................... 70 G. If applicable, describe the learning and knowledge management component to capture and disseminate lessons learned .................................................................................................................................................. 74 H. Describe the consultative process, including the list of stakeholders consulted, undertaken during project preparation ....................................................................................................................................................... 75 I. Provide justification for funding requested, focusing on the full cost of adaptation reasoning ............... 80 J. Describe how the sustainability of the project/programme outcomes has been taken into account when designing the project / programme. ................................................................................................................ 84 K. Provide an overview of the environmental and social
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