Vol. 7, No. 04 UN FOCUS June - August 2011 Liberia Goes to the Polls Women Demand More Participation Code of Conduct to Reduce Political Wrangling Message from the Special Representative of the Secretary-General s Liberia stands ready the future direction of the country; to go back to the polls and it is heartening to note that 49% to elect its second post- of all registered voters are women, conflict democratic gov- showing great interest from Liberian ernment, the country women to make their voices heard. Awill hopefully once again proudly The 2011 national elections are declare that democracy, and peace, wholly run by Liberians, unlike in are here to stay. 2005. The United Nations has been A national referendum was suc- engaged with the NEC, but only to cessfully held on 23 August, dem- help coordinate international assist- onstrating the National Elections ance, fill logistic gaps, and to ensure Commission’s increasing capabil- dialogue between the NEC and po- ity to conduct a national event of litical parties to foment agreement grand magnitude, but also that the on the process. Liberian people respect the demo- Elections are always a challenging cratic process. Referendum Day was exercise in any country, but by up- peaceful, and although not all politi- holding the nation’s interest above cal parties were in agreement with personal ambitions and adhering to the holding of the referendum, the the rule of law, political parties and people expressed their will through candidates play a major part in en- the vote, or even through the deci- suring a peaceful process. sion not to vote. The next issue of UN FOCUS will As Liberia approaches the gen- be after the elections have taken eral elections, the over 1.7 million place, so I would like to urge all Libe- Liberians, who registered to vote in rians who are registered to vote to January and February, will consider exercise their democratic right and their options for a new Government. to cast their ballots to peacefully It is vital that the campaign period elect a new government in October. and the vote itself are exemplary This is the opportunity for the peo- of the peace that Liberians have ple of Liberia to conclusively move worked so hard to achieve and con- away from the country’s violent tinue to work hard to consolidate. past, from bullets to ballots, and to The large numbers of registered entrench democratic governance, voters unmistakably shows the ea- setting a shining example in the gerness of Liberians to have a say in West African region. Ellen Margrethe Løj Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Coordinator of United Nations Operations in Liberia 2 • UN FOCUS • June - August 2011 IN THIS ISSUE 4. Liberia goes to the polls 6. Over 1.79 m Voters registered 8. Code of Conduct to Reduce Political Wrangling 10. Women Demand More Participation 12. Female Aspirants Get Training Boost 14. Empowering Women through Radio 16. Stepping up the fight against AIDS 4. Liberia Goes to the Polls 18. Battling HIV Stigma Liberia gets ready for national elections, the second since the end of the civil war. 22. Emergency agriculture project in Many observers consider it a litmus test for the country’s progress towards con- host communities solidation of peace and participatory democracy with significant impact in the 24. New Tool to Fight Corruption volatile West African region. 26. “We’ll make a better day, just you and me…” 30. Liberians Speak Chief of Public Information Isabelle Abric Editor and Head of Publications 8. Code of Conduct to Reduce Political Wrangling Mathew Elavanalthoduka Ahead of the elections, political parties and independent candidates sign a Code Staff Writers of Conduct that will reduce conflict and govern settlement of disputes. Ruby Ofori Ataul Osmani James S. King Design and Graphics Paddy Defoxy Ilos, II Thomas S. Blidi Photos Staton Winter Emmanuel Tobey Published by the Public Information Office, United Nations Mission in Liberia 14. Women Demand More Participation [email protected] Liberian women battle discrimination in the political arena and demand opportu- www.unmil.org nities for greater participation in the national elections Printed by Buck Press Ltd., Accra, Ghana June - August 2011 • UN FOCUS • 3 LIBERIA GOES TO THE POllS By Ataul Osmani tensify, I urge all political parties to use the democratic space to canvass iberia will go to the polls to support for their political positions elect a new parliament and while refraining from inflammatory president on 11 October. remarks and provocative actions. It The national elections, is important to adhere to the election the second round of demo- timeline.” The Secretary-General said Lcratic elections since a peace agree- that the UN family in Liberia will con- ment was signed in August 2003 that tinue to provide technical and logisti- ended the 14-year civil war, will be a cal support, as required, to ensure the litmus test for Liberia’s peace consoli- “The success of these elec- operational success of the elections. dation and fledgling democracy. “The preparation for the elections “The success of these elections, and tions, and the peaceful is on course…going on in full swing,” the peaceful inauguration of a new ad- inauguration of a new ad- said James Fromayan, Chairman of ministration, will be critical to the con- the National Elections Commission solidation of the tremendous progress ministration, will be criti- (NEC), which is leading the nation- the country has made over the past cal to the consolidation of wide exercise. The last elections were eight years,” said UN Secretary-Gen- held in October 2005 and were largely eral Ban Ki-moon, in his latest report the tremendous progress overseen by the United Nations Mis- on Liberia. the country has made sion in Liberia and other international Urging Liberians to do everything partners. possible to ensure free, fair and peace- over the past eight years.” NEC has already successfully com- ful elections, he said, “As the elections - Ban Ki-moon pleted the voters’ registration. Over draw near and campaign activities in- 1.79 million voters have registered, al- Proposed Constitutional Changes Not Ratified iberians went to polling cen- cessful,” said NEC Chair, James Fro- A total of 1,798,930 registered vot- tres on 23 August to vote in mayan, at a press conference at SKD ers were eligible to vote and 615,703 a referendum on four key Complex in Monrovia, a few hours af- did cast their ballots, a turnout rate constitutional changes, with ter the voting came to an end. of 34.2 percent. None of the proposi- Lthree of them having a direct bearing In the constitutional referendum, tions won the electorate’s approval as on the national elections scheduled for voters were asked to make a decision the ‘yes’ vote fell short of the necessary later in the year. The voters rejected all on four proposed amendments -- to threshold of two-thirds of votes cast. four of the proposed changes, accord- change the electoral system from an “On the basis of the turnout rate, ing to the results announced by the absolute to simple majority for all elec- to be validated each proposal would National Elections Commission (NEC) tions except those for president and have to reach the barrier of 410,469 on 31 August. vice-president, to move election date votes”, said national electoral com- The National Elections Commis- from October to November, and to mission vice-president Elizabeth J. sion (NEC) termed the referendum, revise the residency clause for presi- Nelson, announcing the results. “This which was seen as a test of the coun- dential and vice –presidential candi- therefore means that all the four prop- try’s democratic progress and its vot- dates from 10 to five consecutive years ositions were not ratified. The Liberian ing mechanism ahead of the legislative immediately prior to an election. The people have spoken and their decision and presidential polls, a success. fourth provision sought to increase the and wishes must be respected,” said “The referendum was held in a mandatory retirement age for justices Nelson. very peaceful manner and it was suc- to 75 or retain the current limit of 70. 4 • UN FOCUS • June - August 2011 LIBERIA GOES TO THE POllS most half of them women. The number line with international standards and of the voters in the 2005 elections was ensuring awareness of gender equity 1.35 million. and conflict prevention. UNDP is also Candidates for the presidential supporting the NEC to engage politi- and legislative elections have already cal parties in discussions and dialogue submitted their nominations and the over electoral procedures, timelines NEC will publish the final list in early and legalities and to find consensus September. and compromises. The European Un- UNMIL is coordinating interna- ion, Japan, Germany, Sweden, Den- tional assistance for the polls, provid- mark, and Spain have funded the ing logistical support, particularly to project. facilitate access to remote areas, and Special Representative of Secre- supporting the Liberian institutions tary-General Ellen Margrethe Løj has and political parties to create an at- and“The professional success capacity of the of theelec- NEC called on all Liberians to ensure suc- mosphere conducive for peaceful elec- for voter registration, voter education, cessful, free, fair and peaceful elections tions. domestictions willobservation demonstrate and women’s to noting that the 2011 elections will be a The UN Development Programme participation.the entire world that Li- “milestone” towards strengthening (UNDP), under its US$ 27 million Some 1,780 polling precincts have peace in Liberia. Election Basket Fund, is providing beenberia set isup ready nationwide to pave under the the “The success of the elections will technical assistance to NEC and is projectway tothat a isbright also strengthening and demo- in- demonstrate to the entire world that implementing a sustainable capacity- stitutions, bringing electoral law into Liberia had turned the page of its dif- building programme for 2010-2012 Li- cratic future.” ficult past and is ready to pave the way beria Electoral Cycle.
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