SGA AWARDS • s FLAGLER REVIEW • 10 ATHLETIC AWARDS > 13 11 I I NON-PROFIT U.S. Postage PA ID Permit No. 64 St. Augustine, FL Address Conectlon Requested Gargoyle_ web site: www FLAGLER COLLE E VOL. XXVII, NO. 12 SAINT AUGUSTINE,FLORIDA April 10, 1998 SAM will host 2000 internat'I· convention Advanced copies of the year­ by thomas gable vice president of fundraising for book will be available to gradu­ the Flagler SAM chapter, was the ating seniors next week in the The Flagler College Society for author and publisher of the report breezeway. Yearbooks will be Advancement of Management used to win the second place mailed to the home addresses of (SAM) club returned from the award. all other students. For more in­ SAM International Convention Kerri Dworzanski, president of formation, or if your home ad­ with high marks this year. the Flagler SAM chapter, won both dress has changed, contact pub­ Louis Preysz submitted Flagler the regional and national award lic information at ext. 201. College's name to host. the Inter­ "for the outstanding. SAM student School closings national Convention in the year in the nation.There were only 15 Once again, it's summer and 2000.The SAM board of directors national -outstanding student time pack up our belongings. unanimously approved Flagler's awards given from the 160 some SAM convention go-ers Included Louis Preysz, Alison Chirdon, Audrey White and Matt McCammon. Residence Halls will close at proposal. college and university chapters in noon Friday,April 17 All residents At the conference, Flagler also the nation. Alison Chirdon, Secretary/frea­ Bridge Marriott Hotel inArlington, (except graduating seniors and received a national second place The results of the last SAM surer, -Brad Geyer, Vice President Va., April 2-4. The theme of the RAs) must vacate the dorms by in the Campus Chapter Perfor­ chapter election were President­ of Promotions-Jennifer Casey. conference was "Creative Strate­ noon. mance Program. Crystal Mishoe, Crystal Mishoe, Vice President- The event was held at the Key gies For Global Competitiveness." The last meal in the dining room will be lunch Friday,April In Florida Leader Magazine contest . 17. Molly's will close at 2 p.m. Wednesday,April 15. Evans. Any resident not receiving a Flagler nets two Best of Florida awa·rds memorandum explaining the From the best student govern­ lege Radio, WFCF 88.5 FM. Flagler students hariimered to check-out procedures can obtain ments arid most active dubs to the As a student at the Florida help the the St.Augustine commu­ a copy from student services. retires best college newspapers, Flagler School for the Deaf and Blind, nity build a city· playground en­ Students transferring or-not College won in two of the more Baker needed just a few minor stu­ tirely accessible by disabled chil­ by josh jacobson returning should pick up their Florida immunization records from than 100 categories in dio adjustments to hit the air~ dren as part of Project SWING (St. Steve Evans, former captain in health services before leaving. Leader magazine's 10th annual waves with his classic and alter­ Augustine's Wish for Its Next Gen­ the U.S. Navy and Flagler College "Best of Florida Schools" issue. native rock block on Wednesday eration). business administration depart­ Circle K donates· In the Private Colleges and mornings from 9 a.m. to noon. Sta­ The park features a lighthouse ment chair, will be retiring at the Circle K donated $500 to Universities section of winners, tion Manager Dan McCook says he with a spiral slide and fire pole and end of this semester. Known best Catholic Charities yesterday Flagler won for Best Campus DJ was so impressed with the 19- a "sympathetic swing" for children as the business policy instructor, morning. President Samantha and Project SWING. year- old's love of radio that he who are unable to swing them­ Evans leaves behind him 13 years Sin_clair, Past-president Jessica hired him, and Baker's visual im- · selves. According ·to Director of of teaching which was, as he de­ Fowler, Vice-President Rebecca Best Campus DJ pairment has been a "non-issue" Public Information, Deborah scribes it, "a labor of love." Wagner and Advisor Nancy Gen­ According to Florida Leader, ever since. Squires, nearly 400 Flagler folks Evans graduated from the Uni­ try presented the check to the Greg Baker gets everyone off to a from SGA, Circle K, Ponce Players, Catholic Charities' directors in a Project SWING versity of Missouri with a major good start with his morning pro­ and the Ultimate Frisbee team in accounting and later got his small ceremony outside the gram Rock Shop on Flagler Col- Florida Leader said last fall turned out to saw and nail. organization's building on King master's degree from Michigan Street. '.All year Circle K per­ State University.As with many col­ formed service projects to ben­ lege students of the time, he efit Catholic Charities. joined the U.S. Navy as a line of­ In March, Circle K also do­ ficer. nated $250 worth of needed Intending to fulfill his obliga­ items to the Betty Griffin House. tion and then leave the armed forces, Evans instead enlisted in the Supply Corps. He worked there for 26 ye;u-s. He; served as INSIDE an officer in the Navy resale sys­ th8 Gargoyle tem, s_tationed in many different locations,including Guam, Califor­ nia and the Philippines. In 1985, five months after re­ tiring from the Navy at age 48, Evans joined Flagler College as a marketing professor, becoming business administration depart- see EVANS, page 3 f - ' I ;i C1 I ] 3 ! J I ) ~ I ; ) : !I 'I ) I I [ , 1 J I I , ' - ' . 2 Gargoyle EDITORIAL April 10, 1998 EDITOR PINION "Kick the baby" The youngest editor writes a proposal to the registrar by sam a nth a s in clair good times I have had with the other edi­ course, with what I'm learning,! may never that person. tors. However, I can't write something have all the required classes to graduate, Last I heard, I am the only definite edi­ Being young "sappy"without it also sounding incredibly but plenty of electives.> Both Keri and tor for next year. I need Lewis, Laura, Keri, has its disadvan­ stupid. Instead, I have decided to write a Laura have incredibly busy lives and I don't Kim and Adrian back next year so I'm not tages. proposal to the registrar. understand how they put up with me and doing the Gargoyle all by myself. <Yeah, I Being a young My p roposal to the registrar: I think my incredibly busy life. If I w ere graduat­ know Barb will help me, but I need to look editor is worse. Lewis Goodnow, Laura Mean ey, Ke ri ing, I would spilt my extra tickets with the as desperate as possible here!> While all the Conner, Kim Barker and Adrian Stasky two of them. Flagler College needs Lewis, Laura, Keri, other editors for should be left back.They don't deserve to · Kim is not graduating until December, Kim and Adrian. They are too good to be your publication graduate .They should have to w ait until I but she's still going to be missed by me released to the world. Make them stay! are graduating, have _enough credits to graduate . I need soon. I hate ads, and Kim makes my life you're stuck taking them. easier by keeping the ads under control so more classes and completing more lay-outs. I need Lewis to teach me new words, I don't have to deal with them. Corrections And all you have to pout is "It's not fair!" like"berth."I also need him to edit my pages, Adrian is needed because he did two The letters we printed in the last And it's not. I don't get to graduate for because,even though I hate to admit it,he's major things for me-he designed the ads issue had some errors in them that another two years, but Lewis, Laura, Keri, good at that, too, even though he is the ste­ and became the feature editor. As I said were not errors made by the writers. Kim and Adrian get to try out their talents reotypical sports editor. above, I hate ads, and he made it so I didn't We are sorry for any inconve­ in the real world. I need Laura and Keri to help me figure have to touch them design-wise. Even nience this may have caused our read­ I have been told to write something out which classes I should and shouldn't though_I love features, I needed someone ers. meaningful and sappy, remembering all the take and which ones to watch out for. <Of to take over that section, and Adrian was Letters to the EDITOR Gargoyle Dear Editor: tor should be praising the positives clubs forced to participate in things? More people If you 'Ylfere at Barnes and Noble Book­ have done. · would have participated if there was bet­ sellers any time this past month, perhaps Had the ICC been able to function as ter planning and if students were allowed you noticed the photography exhibits in intended none of this grandstanding would to give input! the cafe. Four week-long exhibits were ar­ have taken place. _ Another reason people do not partici­ ranged by Ken Barrett, the photography Yours truly, pate in schoolwide events like Luau week­ instructor here at Flagler College.
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