TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1968; Avoragie Doily N«t Press Roi f c r a l i F»r Hie Week Ended The Weather •lanuary i , 1M8 Fair tonight. Low near mto. Martha Circle of Emanuel Lu­ UCoiui Meetiiig ; Miss Patricia Kelly, daughter lianrJ|PBtpr lEttpmng Itpralb Tomorrow partly ctoudy. Iflgh About Town of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher theran Church will meet Thurs- Voter^ Stager Form Chapter Kelly of 41 LInnmore Dr. is a da]^ at 2 p.m. at the church. To Weigh Plans’ 1 5 ,5 3 4 in teena. Army Pfc. Daniel Uriano, member of the decorating com­ Mrs. Sophia Johnson will lead f Manche$tef— A City of Village Charm husband of Mrs. Donna Uriano mittee for Winter Weekend and devotions. Hostesses are Mrs. For McCarthy's Candidacy For Area Growth; » of 11 Strant St., was recently the Junior Prom in February at Mary Levitt^ Mrs. Harold Le- VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 84 (THIRTY-SIX PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1968 (Claaetfled Adverttatag on Page 88) PRICE SEVEN CENTS assigned to Oo. C, 3rd Bn. of Albertus Magnus College, New hmus, and Mrs. Sigrld Modean. A movement for a Manches­ Sen. McCarthy's campaign A dinner meeting for about; the 28th Infantry Division's 22nd Haven. ter chapter of the McCarthy for manager, Blair Clark, will be 160 area and state officials ■wiU' Infantry near Dau Tleng, Vlet- President Committee has been present to outline plans for the The executive board of the kick off the start of a compre-. 'itam. He Is the son of Mrs. Mary Nutmeg Forest. Tall Cedars Manchester PTA Council will started by Robert J. Vater of McCarthy campaign throughout Uriano of 49 Summer St. 209 Henry St. and Jay R. Sta­ the country and particularly In henslve plan for conserving and; of Lebanon, has canceled Its meet Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Lucky Motorist Bingo game tonight at Orange home of Eugene Montahy, 280 ger of 72 Pitkin St. Both are Connecticut. developing Eastern Connecti­ Sgt. Robert J. Arson, son of Hall because of the weather. Ferguson Rd. Democrats. Action kits, containing peti­ cut's natural riches. pro­ GLENDALE, Calif. AP— Fifth Heart Patient Dies^ tions, background Information, Mrs. Bessie A. M cC arty of 9 U.S. Sen. Eugene McCarthy, gram Is being developetf uiider Luckily for Arline Vestal, Eldridge St., is serving with iJem., of Wiscon.sin is on an­ Instructions for local primaries, Officers and directors of Omar Charles B. Parmelee of the a 140,000 grant from the U.S., the other motorist was a the Pacific Air Forces as a pejr- Shrine Club, and the committee Connecticut Civil Defense head­ nounced candidate for the Dem­ and other campaigpi materials, heart surgeon. will be distributed. Dept, of Agriculture and Is one' sonnel specialist at Cam Ranh planning the Dr. Elmer Diskan quarters will speak at a meeting ocratic nomination for presl- Mrs. Vestal collapsed of Reservations for the state Bay AB, Vietnam. A veteran of HOPE testimonial for Friday, of the Hartford County Amateur deiit. of 15 such projects presently' an apparent heart attack Fourth Critical but Better A statewide meeting of the meeting may be made with Ste­ the Korean conflict, he was as­ Jan. 19, will have a joint meet­ Association Thursday at 8 p.m. In the planning stages through-, while driving and her car McCarthy for President Con­ phanie May, secretary of the signed to Andrews AFB, Md., ing tonight at 7 :30 at the home at Veterans Memorial Club­ out the nation. struck one driven by Dr. necticut Committee Is scheduled state committee, at P.O. Box Louis Block Mike Kasperak before going to Vietnam. of Stanley N. Baldwin, 26 Ches­ house, Sunset Ridge, East Hart­ ^ l a i Louis Ludlngton. The heart for Saturday, Jan. 13, at 12:30 12263, Hartford, or by contact­ The meeting which will be at­ Barnard Gets ford. The event Is open to the tended by representatives of, specialist immediately ap­ ter Dr. p.m. at the Waverly Inn, Ches­ ing Vater or Stager. Deadline Of New York Of California The meeting of the Stanley public. Tolland, Windham and New Lon­ plied mouth-to-mouth re­ hire. for reservations Is Thursday. suscitation and began beart Job Offers Circle of South Methodist Dr. Hilda Standlsh of West don counties conservation and N NEW YORK (AP) — Louis STANFORD, CaUf. (AP) — Mrs. Doreen K. Sterne of 800 massage. Church scheduled for tonight Hartford will be guest speaker development specialists, will be Block, the world's fifth heart The world’s fourth heart trans­ Center St. and W. Raymond Doctors at Glendale Me­ LONDON (A P )—Dr. ChriB- has been canceled. at a meeting of the Bowers held Jan. 30 at the University transplant recipient, died today plant patient, Mike Kasperak, Ledwlth of 155 High St. will be morial Hospital said Tues­ tiaan N. Barnard, who headed School PTA tonight at 8 at the Fire Set in Jarvis Buildings of Connecticut. It will examine just 10 hours after a surgical was able to sit up and dangle Manche.stei Power Squadron installed as royal matron and day the efforts of Ludlngton the South African team that per- school. li "grass roots progfram" for team had implanted a much his legs over the edge of his bed will conduct boating classes in royal patron, respectively, of saved the 45-year-old wom­ fonned the world’s first human preserving natural resources > smaller woman’s heart Into the heart transplant, was reported at Stanford Medical Center to­ Wisdom Court, Order of Amar­ Water Threatens Damage an's life and probably pre­ seamanship and advanced pilot­ Mystic Review, North Ameri­ and exploiting Industrial potent-, 170-pound man. day, doctors said. anth in semipublic ceremonies vented brain damage as today considering an offer to ing .startinc inninrrow at v p.m. can Benefit Association will lal in the fourty-town area. 'Diey advised the exercise to at Manchestei High "School. Friday at 8 p.m. at the Masonic A rubbish fire under a stair­ up behind them for a short well. Malmonides Medical Center practice In the United States. have an installation dinner Joseph N. Gill, Commissioner maintain circidatltn. Temple, West Hartford. A re­ while. Another fire engine park­ in Brooklyn said the death oc­ The London Evening Standard Tuesday, Jan. 16, at 6 p.m. at well in the Jarvis Building at of Agriculture and Natural Re­ The meetinc of the Holy Kam ception for the new officers will ed on Locust St. It was near ^ curred at 4:35 a.m. and attribut­ reported Barnard said In a tele­ Kasperak's condition was Hat­ Willie's Steak House. Reserva­ 806 Main St. set off an aiarm ily Mothers Circle .scheduled tor be held after the installation. this rear entrance of the build­ sources will preside over the 41 ed It to the "pumping capacity phone Interview from Cape ed as critical "but Improving” tions close Saturday, and may and an automaitic sprinkler sya- program. Other speakers in­ of the transplanted heart and on the fourth day after his oper­ toniorrcw has been e-n'ceied. be made with Mrs. Wilfred ing where the fire was set. Town that he has had "quite a The meeting of the Senior Citi­ tetn," and sent ifchrce fire en­ In this same block less than clude Richard B. Erickson, plan­ the poor condition of the lungs few” offers of jobs from the ation, following complications Trudeau of 86 Spruce St., Mrs. ning director of the Southeast­ Surveyor due to the patient’s long stand­ and a setback. The fifth such The Manche.s'er area '-Oinrait- Irene Vlncek of 35 Greenwood zens Club scheduled for to­ gines wheeling to the scene yes­ 24 hours before, another fire United States since the Dec. 3 ern Connecticut Regional Plan-, ing heart disease.” operation was performed Tues­ tee of the YWC.A will meet to­ Rd., or Mrs. John Vince, 227 morrow has been canceled. tcok place. This was at the Tots heart transplant on Louis Wash- terday afternoon. nlng Agency, and Robert Lar- day at Malmonides Hospital In morrow at H p.m, at the home McKee St. There will be an arts and crafts 'n Teens store, where a fire A hospital statement said, "It kansky. On Jan. 2 Barnard's 30- Fire officials said the fire amy, assistant state conserva­ Lands O K Brooklyn, N.Y. of Miss Connie Milliken. P9A class Thursday at 10 a.m. at broke out in the window about <(AP FflOtOfAX) is with a deep sense of regret member team made a second Sycamore Lane, the 'senior Citizens Center, My­ was deU'berately set. 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Fire officials tionist for the Soil Conservation that we must report the loss of heart transplant on Dr. Philip The 69-year-old steelworker^s The Stein Club and the Steln- Smoke from the smouldering Service. condition has been considered ettes will meet tomorrow at 8 rtle and Linden Sts. said the only connection be­ Crash Restraint Bag our heart transplant patient. He Blalberg. rubbish filled the building. The Objectives of the project, “ There Is one particular one satisfactory until Monday, when The meeting of St. Marys p.m. at the VFW home. tween the fires was the loca­ On Moon was a brave and courageous ru/bblsh, a cardboard box with problems and potentials In East­ An experimental self-inflating restrain t system for cars is shown here in fully Internal bleeding developed. Episcopal Guild scheduled for A rehearsal of the Junior Fife tion and proximity, though.
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