DeliveryDeliivery AdaptabilityAdAdapaptabiltabilitity ResponsibilityRessponsi bility MeetingMeeting cuscustomer,stomerr,, investorinvestor andandd otherother stakeholderstakkeehoholder eexexpectationsxppectationss Opportunities Opportunities VALUEEUL StagecoachStagecoach G GroupGroup Annual Report andand Financial StatementsStatements 2014 Stagecoach Group overview Stagecoach Group is a UK Bus (Regions) UK Bus (London) UK Rail North America leading international public transport company with 19,000 4,000 7,000 5,000 bus and rail operations in employees employees employees employees the UK and North America. We employ around 35,000 7,100 1,200 2,200 2,400 people and run around buses and coaches buses and coaches train services a day buses and coaches 13,000 buses and trains. 678m 309m 259m 146m journeys a year journeys a year journeys a year vehicle miles a year Budget travel Note: all figures are approximate. Total megabus.com brand revenues in UK Total megabus.com revenue, 2013-14 and North America, 2003-04 to 2013-14 2.6% £m 180,000 28.2% 120,000 60,000 69.2% 0 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 North America The chart includes all revenues from megabus.com branded services in the UK and North America, UK megabus.com including 100% of megabus.com branded services within the Scottish Citylink joint venture. UK megatrain.com Operational performance Customer service UK rail UK rail customer UK bus customer punctuality satisfaction satisfaction 100% 100% 100% 90% 90% 90% 93.5% 92% 92.5% 92.3% 91.6% 91% 91.4% 91.3% 90.9% 90% 90% 89.9% 89.6% 88% 87% 87% 86% 86% 86% 86% 85.9% 85% 85.8% 80% 80% 80% 83.5% 83% 83% 82% 82% 81% 81% 79% 78% 70% 70% 70% 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2012-13 2013-14 East Midlands Trains Virgin Trains East Midlands Trains Virgin Trains Stagecoach National Express South West Trains National Rail South West Trains National Rail First Arriva Source: Network Rail, Public Performance Measure, Source: National Passenger Survey, Spring Wave, Source: Bus Passenger Survey, Autumn 2012 Moving Annual Average. 2012, 2013, 2014. and Autumn 2013. Note: figures used refer to the measure of train punctuality – also known as Note: data extracted from National passenger Survey, Spring Wave, 2012, Note: extracted from the Bus Passenger Survey, Autumn 2012 and Autumn PPM (public performance measure) – which is commonly used throughout 2013, 2014. Percentages are for overall satisfaction. The National Passenger 2013. The survey asks passengers to rate their journey experience, covering Europe. For long distance operators, such as East Midlands Trains and Virgin Survey (NPS) is conducted twice a year from a representative sample of overall journey satisfaction and a range of specific factors. As a result of the Trains, this shows the percentage of trains arriving within 10 minutes of passenger journeys across the UK. It surveys passengers’ overall satisfaction areas selected the proportion of each national operator’s services surveyed timetabled arrival at the final destination. London and South East operators and satisfaction with 30 individual aspects of service for each individual train will vary. Due to coverage of areas served by Go-Ahead services being less (including South West Trains) and regional operators show the percentage operating company (TOC). Passenger ratings are totalled for all TOCs across widespread, they have been omitted from the major operator results arriving within five minutes of the timetabled arrival. data covers the period the country to provide a National Rail average. published by Passenger Focus. 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2014. National Rail average is for all franchised train operating companies. 108244_STC_Front PRINT_108244_STC_Front V12 03/07/2014 14:36 Page 1 HHighlightsighlights FinancialFinancial rresultsesults iinn lineline withwith expectationsexpectations NorthNorth AAmericamerica AdjustedAddjjusted earningsearnings perper share*share* up 5.7%5.7% toto 26.026.0 ppenceence OverOver 80%80% increaseincrease inin operatingoperating profitprooffit (2013(2013 restated:restated: 224.64.6 ppence)encee)) mmegabus.comegabus.com inter-cityinter-city servicesservices ddrivingriving ggrowthrowth inin revenuerevenue FullFull yearyyeear dividenddividend pperer ssharehare up 110.5%0.5% ttoo 99.5.5 ppenceence andand operatingoperating pprofitrofit (2013:(2013: 8.68.6 pence)pence) PositivePositive stepssteps inin resolvingresolving llegalegal casescases atat TwinTTwwin AmericaAmerica NetNet debtdebt† downdoowwn £76.4m£76.4m ttoo ££461.6m461.6m ((2013:2013: ££538.0)538.0) sightseeingsightseeing jjointoint ventureventure CurrentCurrent tradingtrading inin lineline withwith managementmanagement expectationsexpectations GrowthGroowwth opportunitiesopportunities aheadahead UKUK BusBus FocusFocus onon customercustomer serviceservice improvementsimproovvements toto ssupportupport MMarket-leadingarkkeet-leading ffinancialinancial performanceperformance andand customercustomer modalmodal shiftshift satisfactionsatisffaaction DevelopmentDevelopment ofof megabus.commegabus.com productproduct andand footprintffoootprint OOrdersrders forffoor overover £110m£110m ofof newnew greenergreener busesbuses forffoor 2014/152014/15 PlPlannedanned extensionsextensions oorr ddirectirect awardsaawwards ofof SouthSouth WestWWeest andand NNewew contractcontract wwinsins inin LondonLondon drivendriven byby goodgood costcost ccontrolontrol EastEast MidlandsMidlands railrail franchisesfranchises andand operationaloperational pperformanceerformance ShortlistedShortlisted fforfoor InterCityInterCity EastEast CoastCoast railrail ffranchiseranchise iinn partnershippartnership withwith Virgin,Virgin, withwith pipelinepipeline ofof otherother newneeww railrail opportunitiesopportunities inin UKUK UKUK RailRail NNewew WestWWeest CoastCoast TrainsTTrrains franchisefranchise aagreedgreed * eexcludingxcluding iintangiblentangible assetasset expensesexpenses andand exceptionalexceptional itemsitems ExtensionExtension ofof SSouthouth WestWest Trains-NetworkTrains-Networkk RailRail AllianceAlliance † sseeee ddefinitionsefinitions iinn nnoteootette 35 toto thethe consolidatedconsolidated financialfinancial statementsstatements £9m£9m investedinvested inin ppursuingursuing newnew railrail ffranchiseranchise oopportunitiespportunities GroupGroup revenuereve OperatingOperaatting profitp 3.7%3.7% (by(by division)division) 14.6%14.6% (by(by division)division) 10.0%10.0% UKUK BusBus regionsregions 34.5%34.5% UKUK BusBus regionsregions UUKK BBusus LLondonondon UUKK BBusus LLondonondon 14.4%14.4% UUKK RRailail UUKK RRailail NNorthorth AmericaAmerica NNorthorth AmericaAmerica OOtherther 10.0%10.0% 661.9%1.9% 42.6%42.6% 8.3%8.3% AdjustedAddjjusted earningsearnings perper shareshare DividendDividend pperer ordinaryordinary shareshare (Year(YYeear eendednded 3300 April)April) (Year(Year eendednded 3030 April)April) 12 2121.821.8p 8p 12 7.8p77.8p 13 224.6p 13 8.6p 14 26.0p26 0p 14 9.5p5 NNote:ote: 20122012 aandnd 20132013 ffiguresigures aarere rrestated.estated. NotesNotes 1.1. GroupGroup revenue:revenue: TotalTTootal shareholdershareholder rreturneturn RevenueRevenue isis forfor thethe yearyear endedended 3030 AprilApril 2014,2014, excludingexcluding jointjoint ventures.ventures. SeeSee NoteNote 2 ((FiveFive yearyear ccomparativeomparative pperformanceerformance ttoo 3300 AAprilpril 2014)2014) toto thethe consolidatedconsolidated financialfinancial statements.statements. 2.2. OperatingOperating profit:profit: TheThe chartchart showsshows thethe breakdownbreakdown ofof totaltotal operatingoperating profitprofit forfor tthehe yyearear eendednded 3300 AAprilpril 22014,014, excludingexcluding groupgroup overheads,overheads, restructuringrestructuring costs,costs, intangibleintangible aassetsset eexpensesxpenses anandd eexceptionalxceptional items.items. 232.7% SeeSee NoteNote 2 ttoo thethe cconsolidatedonsolidated ffinancialinancial sstatements.tatements. 3.3. AdjustedAddjjusted earningsearnings perper sshare:hare: -37.6%-3737.6%6% SeeSee NoteNote 9 toto thethe consolidatedconsolidated ffinancialinancial sstatements.tatements. 4.4. DividendDividend perper ordinaryordinary sshare:hare: 109.4%110909 44% StagecoachStagecoach GroupGroup S Seeee NoteNote 8 ttoo thethe consolidatedconsolidated financialfinancial statements.statements. FFirstirst GGrouproup 5.5. TotalTTootal shareholdershareholder return:return: 149.0%14 Go-AheadGo-Ahead GroupGroup TheThe graphgraph comparescompares thethe performanceperformance ofof thethe StagecoachStagecoach GroupGroup TotalTotal ShareholderShareholder ReturnReturn (“TSR”)(“TSR”) (share(share valuevalue movementmovement plusplus reinvestedreinvested ddividends)ividends) overover thethe fivefive yearsyears toto 3030 AprilApril 20142014 comparedcompared NaNationaltional ExpressExpress GrGroupoup 13136.3% withwith thatthat ofof FirstGroup,FirstGroup, Go-AheadGo-Ahead Group,Group, NationalNational ExpressExpress Group,Group, FTSEFTSE 350350 TravelTravel andand LeisureLeisure FFTSETSE 335050 TTravelravel aandnd LLeisureeisure All-ShareAll-Share Index,Index, andand thethe FTSEFTSE 250250 Index.Index. 139.3%13 FFTSETSE 250250 108244_STC_Front PRINT_108244_STC_Front V12 03/07/2014 14:36 Page 2 STAGECOACH GROUP PLC COMPANY No. SC100764 YEAR ENDED 30 APRIL 2014 Contents 1 Interview with the Chief Executive 44 Directors’ remuneration report 3 Chairman’s statement 58 Responsibility statement 4 Strategic report 59 Group independent auditors’ report 28 Board of Directors 62 Consolidated financial
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