THTheE CONSTITUTIONALISTConstitutionalist. VOL.VOL. XXXVIIIXXXVIII.. PLAINFlELDplain Held,, N.N. J.J„, TtyRSDAYTiyRSDJRSDAY, , JUNE,JUNE.;; 14,14. 19061906 NO. ti.25. the Ciiiwlllailijw, whit* to tbe Ommrveamit oatf Ihtonc taionPto—•, M ■ wel»«Trassl in H* Hwtrt w u in lt» Antho MINNIE WYMAN SENIORSmm' FLAmeG HAULEhudD SOU'S IASI SESSi IlKIii cm Jin®*i ™ ffiflLIHWEALTH C0S1CIBISS IfflltTminiH BOARD'S LUST SESSION i. HWIEYMAN NOT UNALTERABLY AGAINST UNIOH MembersMembers ooff StatStatee AnociatioAssociationn ISISH.KRI NOW MRS. KRINIYY DUWNJDMY FRESHMEnanN Dr.NorxD&>ona*an H.Proba»cH-Probaaooo PoinPotatot ii ounpi use 8mSee thethe CitCityy anandd Boroug Boroughh OatOat tbthee DangeDancerr I nIn 111 mm mi ind-Annei»Uon Loader NeT- «UmilNUPTIAL CEREMONCEBEHOHYY WITNESSEWITNESSEDD B Y BYININ CONSEQUENCCONSEQUENCEE PITCHE PITCHEDD BATTLBATTIIE tOMEBST FREEHOLDERS DISPOSE Ofcm FIIHERS AGREE By Auto. | Money Hank ' . SONEHST FREEHOLDERS DISPOSE OF By Auto. 2002l?0 RELATIVESRELATIVES ANANOD FRIENDSFRIENDS.. ENSUESENSUES AMONAMONGG STUDENTSSTUDENTS.. COUNTYCOUNTY BUILDINGBUILDINGSS FOFORR $308$30C.. er Opposed to Conaoldlatkm 1I ;HOTOEI ESTIMATESTIMATEE "^^^ TRIPTBIP QBXiATLTTORRATLT ENJOYED ENJOYBD MiasHIM MinniMinniee WymanWyman,. daughte daaghterr at of WithinWithin aa fefeww minute minutess afte afterr It haIt d BEFORE A CHUHCH CLUB ThemThaw wawass businesbusinesss aplentaplentyy a tnt th ethe UnderUnder AlAlll ConditioD*Condition*.. Mr.% anandd MrsMr*.. Joh Jehan U. M.Wyman Wyman,. of beenbeeefn defiantldefiantlyy flungflung t o toth e tbebreez bre regular- meeting of the Somerset the Somerset TOT0 PUPUTT $73,00*71.0000 I NIN TA TAXX BUDGE RUDGETT FO RFOR ut* FronFrontt streetatreet., anandd Willia Williamm Rich Rick-- from,from . thtbee stafitafff on on| the ' theSomerse Boomt Ye w Mew's Association of Hope CountyCounty BoarBoardd ofof Freeholder Freeholderss In Inth ethe srdsonardson KrlneyKrlaey,, ooff Wes Westt Front Front street street,, echool.school , thithiss morningmorning,, th tbee emble emblemm of ef Court - House' at Bomervflle yester- RUNNINGRUNNING EXPENSESEXPENSES.. \ were marriemarriedd at at7:3 7:100 o'cloc o'clockk las t lasttbe:he SenioSeniorr clasclasss wa waar ignominioual lgaominlonslyy day.day. IItt i sla probabl probablyy th ethe las tlast tim timee tbe the OPENOPEN : TTOO CONVICTIOCONVICTIONN night at tbe home of the bride's par. hauled down and confiscated by five board wilt meet in regular session In light at the home of the bride * par-hauled down and confiscated by five board will meet la regular session In Provision was made I ents bbyy RevRev.. Dr Dr.. Corneliu Corneliass Scfaenck Scbenck., Freshmen.Freshmen . AccordinAccordingg t o totUne-hon tfme-boa-- thethe ololdd CourCourtt HousHonese a t atSomervllie Somerville.. Proetaloa pastor of Trinity Reformed church, ored custom an action of this kind JourncdJourned meetinartlug I of tli pastor of Trinity Reformed chsrch,ored custom an actio* of this kind A petitiopetitionn "wawaas presente presentedd fo f fofth e tbeCoubcII. laslaett nightnight,, t o tI ofof whicwhichh ththee brid bridee an dand groom groom- ar« cannotaremno t bbee toleratetoleratedd ts yny tn etoe graduat gradual- Improvement under the State Aid In IMerslew. Hotter. M.offer off I both active members. There were the lax budgebudgett th ethe 173.00 Ut.eee0 to J to be CoapMlifCompleting aall" theitheirr busines s and both active members. There werelaging studentstudentss aaandd tha theren wa awas a cona - cpi Instruction and entertainment Ron*Road AcActt foforr th ethe Improvemen Improvementt o f lerledlevieof d anandd collectecollectedd fo rlor schoo eebooll pur -par- . discussion* at 4 o'clock, yesterday aboutsbout 202000 relativerelativess an andd friend frleades pres pree-- irted rush for the captors. Hairy marked the first public social meet- the road from Liberty Corner, discussions at * o'clock. yeet.rdar m Elizabeth. Westfleid, Dan- carted rush for the captors. Harrymarked the fir* public aortal m the rood from Liberty Corner,poeeeposes foforr ththee comin comingg year rear,, as aareport report-- ! nlripalllt™ Without Count* sftcmooo.• f.-rnoon, ththee membermember!s o fof tb ethe Ne wMew 8mlth..ClarenceSmith,.Clarence Stelner8telner.. Lestelaterr HamH - inlugg ooff thethe newly-organise newly-organisedd Ken' Ms through Martinsville and Chimneyed by the Board at School Estimate. Jersey BUM Fir* Chiefs' Association Bound Brook, Somervllie, George Bailey and Arthur Van- Club of Hope chapel, last nigbt. ed hr the Board aI School estimate. : Jersey BUMa Fire Chief.' AssociationelPlemlngun leu. Bound, Neshanlc Brook.. Hig h BridgeSomerville,, llton, George Bailey and Arthur Van-Club of Hope chapel, last aliht.Rock, late meeting Union avenue bo-Mr. DanielDaulol., .chairmarhalmann of oftb ethe financ fiaaaeoe Whowno ctmfamee toto tbttblea cit cityy fo r foeth e thewmi seaal-- Floatingum. Nesbanlc. High Bridge.Aredale.Arsdale . ThougThoughh outnumbereoutnumberedd twoThera M** wer.eree talktalkss o non bsmltt healtht by bpphyai pbr*- twee n SomerVili11#e ani d Bound Brook. commute.,committee, presentepreeeotodd ththee repor reportt of : od annual meeting, ended their fl.lt In Englewood.Bnglewood. MiddlMiddlee ValleValleyy an daod this ,thisto oneone.. thetheyy pu putt u p up» valian* valiantt fight fightmi , as well as much and refresh' ■Banal meetlas. ended thelf elalt lecity . Out aa well aa much and refreshFiled . ththee boarhoardd statin.totingg tha thati it Itha dhad detenu determ-- ; ta pleasurplea.tiree jauntauntt thathatt *a wass hugel hugelyy en -*»Mty. andand Ilan ththee en eadd succeede succeededd in Ingettin gettingg snta , on tbe programme. ThuThe salsalee ofof th thee ol dold count ntyy buildbufld-- inedned ooan ththee su mearn or or173.000 I7l.fi0*., exclu- exclu-, joyeJ.ijetld ifhr. everyoneererjroae., la laeigh eightt bi s hlgau- an-TheTb e bridbridee wawaas attende attendedd b y byMla aMianawayawa y witwithh ththee covete covetedd Bag flag.. I t waIts wasTh e affair was a great success. It lagsngs foforr |3O88888 wa i s approved, aad It alaelive ooff thathatt apportioneapportionedd b ybr th ethe conn twun-- < tomobile* that bad been kindly plac- Mary.ary KrlneyKrlaey.. slitteslaterr o fof tb thee groom groom,, as aataketaken n tu>o thtbee Par Parkk Club Club,, wher wheree theu largely attended, and tbe audi- wax ordered that the Old Court y superintendent of schools, and A reporter of The Daily Press call- tntnobllee that hag heeo klaglr plac- enee manifested (real Interest and wab ordered that- the old Courttr auperlatendenl ot schools. end ed at Chief Doane's dlapoaal by local isJd-of-honorI-of-boa or:: MisMines LydlI.ydlaa A . A.Wy - Wy-deesclas s exerciseexercisess araree toto b ebe hel heldd tonight toelght., House be advertised at public auc- hen offered an ordinance, -which was ed at thtf offlce-of A. v. D. Honey- ed It Chief Doaae'e dlepoeal br local enjoyment all through the evening. House be advertised at public noe-then offered an ordinance, which waa owner*, they were taken from one ian. ulsicMaterr ofof th ethe bride bride,, aa d aadMls a Mtaaaad againLin unfurleunfurledd batbnt s o bsei badly tion to take place June 21 at 2 p. m. adopted on first aad second readings man on Sorth avenue this moraine enoner.,d of Plalnnel they dwere to th etaken othe r anfromd I n one enjoymentTwo talk s nilon healtthroughh wer thee th e evening.feat- tiou to take place June SI at 3 p. adoptedm. ea firet dad second readlnca lamlliee DavenportDavenport,, of ofthi sthis city ,city, as markedmarkeaa d bbyy thethe Freshme Freshmenn tha t thatIt It The matter of paying the claim and ordered advertised. to ask him what he thought ot ths> endadditio of n Plainfielda part o f totb ethe boroug otherh anaadd In 'sTwo* O f talksthe programmeon health . wereDr . theP. feat-B. Tbe matter of paying the claim bridesmaidsasmalda.. FranFrankk Marcley Marcley., form form-- couldcoul d nonott bebe tol toldd fro mfrom th e tberfbbon rfbbonss ures of the programme. Dr. P. madB. e by William EUUer for dam- Tbe ordinance provides that the aew movement for consolidation ot Scotcadditionh Plain* a pan. Theof y theinspecte boronghd tb e aad •f this city, but now of Summit, or a Mongolian Junk. Cregar spoke on tuberculosis and Dr. ade by William Elltser for dam-Tbe ordinance fro*Idea that tha erly of this city, bnt now of Summit,of a Mongolian Junk. Crecar apoke on tnbervnlpefs and Dr. 173,000 shall be collected the un city and borough. As Hr. Honey- grotehNorth PlaltafielPlain.. d TherOre bouseIneprtUed, th e thewa s best man, and the ushers were In order to get the emblem, two Norman H. Probasco read a paper agenss ttoo biblas non homee a t at bridga ebridge173.0110 In shall ho collected tha Sam. best man. and the ushers wereIn order to get the emblem, twoNorman H. Probaaco re*4 a paperirnarda town»hitownshipp wawass ad adversely' rsel y re re-- j a s other _ [ montfy and that npon cityman goeands abroadborough., agai n nexAat weeMr.k CoHoney-r NorthNetherwoo Plainfieldd pumpin g firestatio koeee.n and HenryHenrthe y WymanWyman,, brothebrotherr o fof th ethe bride bride,, ofof ththee captorcaptorss hahadd t o toremain remain. In thIne theon "Hints to Health." aa other tel mower aad that a boa •everaNethervoodl othe r pointpumping* of intereselationt an d and 1 ported. ; . thethe finalI oat adoptioadoptionn o fdf tb eUs ordinanc ordinancee it twmanK o monthgoaa abroads The Dail asainy Pres neats waweaka de -for and Harry E Kenyon. of Dunellen. the school 01 night and Dr. Cregar told hW audience of ported. scv.ralleft for otherhome soundinpoint, gof thlatereace praise saadand Harry E. Kenyon, of Dune lien attic of the school 41 night ead A resolutioresolutionn wawaas passed passed,, provtd provid-- shalshall l bhae mergemerfisdd im laino th ethe regula regularr tai tarsiroutwo aioalkas of •ecurlaj Tha gPally som e Preenstatemen waa tde- ThThee bridbridee wawass gowne gownedd tn whitIn ewhiteemergedemerge d frofromm theitheirr hidin bidingg p)~.e piecess Im -im-th e nature of consumption and bow ing for the erection of tbe Alleine ordinance.
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