^l|e tipton €om iti JlKcmmal Officiât Newspaper For Upton County VOL 2 RANKIN. UPTON COUIJTY TEXAS. THURSDAY, JUNE. 13th. 1929. NO.M Wind Stom Damages City Heavi^ County Board of Equalization in Session on Tax Valuation 1 One Hundred Citizens Attend C. of C. Dinner i¥hat’s Doing In Chamber of Com­ Board of Equali­ Rankin Masonic Think it Over Heavy Wmdstonn Lodge Elects Rankin represents much to all West Texas merce Dinner zation of County of us. It is home. It is the plac« Swooped Down on New Officers where our-families have beer Huge Success Taxes In Session reared. It is the center of our joy» ANSON is doing a great deal the City Tuesday and sorrows. It is here we hav* >f building. A theatre with a ca- New otiicersto ite installed June lacity of 450 on the main fiuoi The baaket dinner iriven by the The sessions of the Ixiard of given the best years of our lives A hard straight wind attaining *J4th were elected by Rankin ind 100 in the balcony is to erect­ the local Chamber of Commerce equalization of county taxea con­ It is here our friends are. It ii an enormous velocity and which Lodge No 1251 A. F. & A. M.. ’d by Knox Pittard. The plans to ita ii^embero and irueaU at the sisting of the Upton County Com­ here our property interest.s lie. nearly approache 1 a twisUrr in Thursday evening at the stated :all for a modern theatre front, Rankin Beach wto> attended by missioners Court begun Thursday result swooped do a n on Rankin meeting of that body. The better the community th« liree entrances, the foyer of tile more than one hundred public morning at which a larg<‘ number Tuesday afternoon at 6:50 o’clock better it will be for our iiidividu /loor will be of cement and tile, apiritetl citizena who fully enjoy­ of out of town bu.iine.ss men eith­ H. G. Secrest, Senior Warden ind damaged the buildings snd al Intelests. The better it is to> t he dimensions will be 30 bv 12( ed the splendid civic proRram er owning or representing own­ of the lodge, was elected Wor­ residences of the city to sn sm- our individual interests, the bet­ .'eet. rendered dufing the evenintf. ers of property in this county shipful Ma.ster. to take the place ter it will be for the community lunt estimsted at 140,000. were in attendance. of W. H. Holcombe, Ma.s(er. HEREFORD celebrated the Tables were arranged for a The windstorm which was light­ These two are inseparable ii. ipening of a new $80,000 Baptist large crowd and the attendance The county taxes are being John Bizzell was elected to serve community life. ning like in its rise and fall car­ were well taken care in the way equalized in that valuation.^ are for the new term as Senior War­ .’hurch by startings revival in it. ried much hail and rain and last­ Making a more prosperous com­ of refreshments. being raised to meet the increas­ den, Ted 0 . Grocb’l was elected \11 precedents in church con- ed less than twenty-ftve minutes, munity is the work of individuaU itruction were broken in the dec- B. H. Howell, president of the ed expenditures instead of a raise to serve as Secretary, L. L. Tierce ripping the roofs from business working together al«>ng detinite iration. seating and architecture local Chamber of Commerce was in county taxes. takes the place of I. G. Rape as buildings and tearing resideneea and specific lines for one definite >f the distinctive church. One in charge of the affair, H. G. Sec- The average of the raise in val­ Treasurer, and Chas. E. Glebe from their fouadations, in its path purpose. thousand auditorium or theatre rest, superintendent of the local uation could not be ascertained ; elected Tiler. .’hairs are in supply. The rose Swooping in from the south­ achhla, acting as toast master for but it was estimated that in most ! Members of the lodge express- This, nor any other communit> :olored, roof, eaves, andcireular- west section of the city, the storm cases the tigures would mean a led their sincere appreciation for has the resource ana the energy the evening. .opped windows suggest the Span first struck tho business section. seventy hve per cent increase in the excellent work done by the and the man pow’er to gain every , but doing very little damagn ia 1^ A number of interesting ad- thing at once. We must work foi isli motif. property valuations. [ retiririg officers in their respec­ later struck the local wsaer teeroe drsaaae lewehing upon the wel­ one tiling at a time. tive capacities. The LE LEON Free Press re­ oomplotely denMUahiog iC fare of our city were delivered cently celebrated its 40th birth- by Toaat-maatcr Secreat, Presi­ A better town makes a better The roofs of the Harlan Hotel June 24th was the da'e set for lay. It was established late in market place for farmers who art snd th# new High School build- dent B. F. Howell, Reverend H. Lions Club Pro­ the installation of the new officers June 1889, eight years after the a part of the community. A bet­ iaga were next stripped and the H. Washington and other promt- which is to be public. establishment of the town, and ment members of the local Cham­ ter tow’n means better property rooms flooded with hnil and raia. grams Contain De­ values, more comforts, bettor nas been published continuously ber of Commeroe. schools, better streets and more ever since. Power linee throughout the dty Excellent music was furnished If You Would Marry, were tom down and dangling in velopment Ideas attractive living conditions. In O’DONNELL Methodists are the diners by the Rankin Beach the streete and during the eeriy You Must Wait fact any effort to build a bette« «pending $3,500 remodeling their Troubadora, local dance orchestra part of the evening presented a Through a series of programs town repays the community many church. Seven Sunday School dangerous situation, the faat Much credit for the success of to be delivered at the regular Such was the law’ which went fold. It always brings it reward. rooms will be built, besides other luncheons of the local Lions Club work of the crew of the Went the dinner must be given to the into effect Thursday in this state improvements. When completec each Thursday the members of Let us make our our community Texas Utilities Co. had this dan­ ladiee of the Chamber of Com­ regarding the filing of inarriagt this will be a splendid edifice, ano organization will be able to ob­ i better place in which to live, ger cleared within a short time. meroe and those who aided in the notices with the County Clerk of up-to-date in every respect. tain many interesting and effec­ and by so doing make it a better arrangements for the occassion. the ounty in which a license is Poultry snd trjck gardens suf* tive ideas concerning the upbuild­ place in which to make a living. FAHOKA is to have a new bus­ The people of this city have to be procureu. iness block. C. A. Hill of Lamest ered heavily owing lo uiV heavy ing of Rankin if followed. nail stones which .-i >««:U'>r.s wus shown by their attendance of the Requiring applicants for marri­ nas announced that he will erect Thursdays program was taken reported as very Urge. civic organisation meeting, their age license to file a notice of in­ Notice To Tax Payers a brick building 60x125 in size to interest in the welfare of the city up by an address by Lion Bert Telephone service to McCamey tent to marry three days b«.-forr The City of Rankin is now’ in­ house a chain grocery store and and the high aim of the organiza­ Howell who talked on the pro­ and San Angelo was completely license can be issued, the law’ sti­ corporated and city property will an automobile agency. The old tion in building Rankin. posed railroad to be built from out during the night the only out­ pulates a period of three days, have to be rendered for 1929 tax­ Howell builJing, one of the first this city for Iraan. touching on let being to Midland w-hich was It can be stated that many such exclusive of the day of filing a es. We have sent out inventory garages erected in this section the many things which must be outside the path of the storm dinners at interval! in the future notice of intent to marry must sheets to every one whose address A ill be razed for the new struc­ dr ne to aid the building up of any would help to increase the inter­ elapse before license can begraiit could be obtained, and want them ture. The storm seemed to center on growing city. est in the community work and ed, sent in to the City Clerk. A BIG SPRING building is this city as McCamey, Big Lake. bring about a more thorough un­ Next Thursdays program will Fort Stockton and other adjoin­ Th( new law provides for a We are closing our books the nearing completion. It i.s the$55,- derstanding between its members be given over to two speakers, ing cities reported no disturbances three-day period forgiving notice first day of July, after that date 000 Read building which contains and citizens who have our city’s W.
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