III. APPENDIX After the completion of the manuscript for this book, in 1983, a number of new species have been and are being described from CEo Because it was too late to include them, the following list of these species is provided here. Acanthococcus centaurea Savescu (1986, in print) from Ro. Acanthomytilusjablonowskii Kozar & Matile-Ferrero, 1983 from Hu and It (Kozar, Tranfaglia and Pellizzari, 1984). Atrococcus gouxi Matile-Ferrero, 1983 from Sw. Diaspidiotus quercus Savescu (1986, in print) from Ro. Dysmicoccus balticus Koteja & Lagowska (1986, in print) from Po. Eupeliococcus drabae Savescu (1986, in print) from Ro. Eupeliococcus tragopogoni Savescu (1986, in print) from Ro. Gregoporia istriensis Kozar, 1983 from Yu. Heterococcus agropyri Savescu (1986, in print) from Ro. Heterococcus avenae Savescu (1986, in print) from Ro. Heterococcus dethieri Matile-Ferrero, 1983 from Sw. Lepidosaphes crataegicola Savescu (1986, in print) from Ro. Luzulaspis macrospinus Savescu (1986, in print) from Ro. Paroudablis brachipodi Siivescu (1986, in print) from Ro. Paroudablis ulmi Savescu (1986, in print) from Ro. Peliococcus schmuttereri Savescu, 1984 from Ro. Phenacoccus balachowskyi Savescu, 1984 from Ro. Phenacoccus cerasi Savescu (1986, in print) from Ro. Phenacoccus convolvuli Savescu (1986, in print) from'Ro. Phenacoccus matricariae Savescu, 1984 from Ro. Phenacoccus prunispinosi Savescu, 1984 from Ro. Phenacoccus rehaceki Savescu, 1984 from Ro. Pseudococcus agropyri Savescu (1986, in print) from Ro. Pseudococcus borchsenii Savescu, 1984 from Ro. Pseudococcus brevicornis Savescu, 1984 from Ro. Pseudococcus carthami Savescu (1986, in print) from Ro. Pseudococcus gouxi Savescu, 1984 from Ro. Pseudococcus graminivorus Siivescu (1986, in print) from Ro. Pseudococcus kaweckii Savescu, 1984 from Ro. Pseudococcus kosztarabi Savescu, 1984 from Ro. Pseudococcus kozari Savescu, 1984 from Ro. Pseudococcus microosteoli Savescu (1986, in print) from Ro. Pseudococcus moldavicus Savescu (1986, in print) from Ro. 388 Pseudococcus multiporus Savescu, 1984 from Ro. Pseudococcus transilvanicus Savescu (1986, in print) from Ro. Pseudococcus zahradniki Savescu, 1984 from Ro. Pulvinaria ampelopsidis Savescu, 1983 from Ro. Pulvinaria brachiungualis Savescu (1986, in print) from Ro. Pulvinaria corni Savescu (1986, in print) from Ro. Pulvinaria euonymicola Savescu, 1983 from Ro. Rhizaspidiotus balachowskyi Kozar & Matile-Ferrero, 1983 from Hu. Volvicoccus alpinus Matile-Ferrero, 1983 from Sw. In addition there were several new species described from amber (fossils) by Koteja (1984, and 1986 in print), also Koteja and Zak-Ogaza (1986a, b, in print). 389 IV. CITED REFERENCES Afifi, S. 1968. Morphology and taxonomy of the adult males of the families Pseudococcidae and Eriococcidae (Homoptera: Coccoidea). Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Entomol. Suppl. 13:210 pp. Afifi, S., & M. 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