Proud Sponsor of and the Nevada Conservatory Theatre UNLV presents Cirque Mechanics 42FT – A MENAGERIE OF MECHANCIAL MARVELS Saturday, September 22, 2018 • 7:30 p.m. Artemus W. Ham Concert Hall University of Nevada, Las Vegas Performing Arts Center Although unanticipated, programs and artists are subject to change without notice. 3 From the Dean of the College of Fine Arts I am delighted to welcome you to the Per- forming Arts Center at UNLV. We are proud to present a wide range of exceptional per- formances, richly contributing to the cul- ture of this region. Las Vegas is, without a doubt, one of the most important arts and entertainment centers in the world. How exciting it is to be part of such a dynamic community! The College of Fine Arts at UNLV celebrates the visual and performing arts, architecture, and a program in entertainment engineer- ing and design through the distinctive edu- cation we provide to our thousands of stu- dents, through the scholarship and creative activities of our stellar faculty, and through our many regional, national, and interna- tional partnerships. The Performing Arts Center is one of our most significant and vi- tal resources and has been remarkably suc- cessful in delivering the highest quality arts experiences, in addition to a thriving edu- cational program, to our city and environs. If this is your first experience here, please come back often. If you are a subscriber or frequent guest, thank you so much for sharing in our joy of the arts. Please stay in touch! We are accessible on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @UNLVFineArts, and on YouTube @UNLVCollegeofFineArts. We are thrilled that you are part of our grow- ing UNLV Performing Arts Center family. Sincerely, Nancy J. Uscher Dean, UNLV College of Fine Arts 4 About 42ft - A Menagerie of Mechanical Marvels The circus ring has measured 42ft displays life in a tent show by ex- 42ft in diameter for 250 years: ever posing the glamour inside the ring and since Englishman Philip Astley discov- the vitality of the back lot. ered that a ring that size provided the To capture the authenticity of tra- ideal platform for galloping horses and dition, Cirque Mechanics has assem- their human riders inside it. Equestri- bled a veritable menagerie of circus an acrobatics, clowns, and flyers are acts worthy of the ring, like the strong a large part of what we’ve all come to man, the Russian swing, the trapeze, know as the circus. the ladder, slack wire and juggling. And The 250th anniversary of Astley’s to celebrate the important role animals circus inspired Cirque Mechanics to have played in circus throughout its produce a one-ring traditional circus history, 42ft features a captivating per- show in their own modern mechanical former riding on a stunningly life-like way. 42ft – A Menagerie of Mechanical mechanical horse! Marvels follows the story of a down In 42ft, Cirque Mechanics dares and out roustabout filled with wander- us to let our imagination run away and lust and enamored with the circus, will- jump inside this remarkable ring full of ing to persevere in order to reach his the lore, beauty, grit, and thrill of the dream of performing under the big top. Circus. There will be one 20-minute intermission. Creative Design Team CHRIS LASHUA sets his company apart and is at the FOUNDER, CREATIVE DIRECTOR, heart of what makes Cirque Mechan- PRODUCER, MACHINE DESIGNER ics unique. Chris has delivered on this Company founder, Chris Lashua, unique approach in the company’s the- hails from Boston, where he spent atrical productions. His innovative ma- most of his youth riding on a BMX bike. chines have interacted with acrobats, He was discovered by Cirque du Soleil dancers, jugglers and contortionists in and created/performed a BMX bike Birdhouse Factory (set on a on a 1920’s act that was entirely his own. He was factory floor), Boom Town (set in a then commissioned to build a “Ger- Gold Rush era town), and Pedal Punk man Wheel” act for the company, an set in a bicycle shop). His machines act he performed for several years in also accompanied world-renowned Cirque du Soleil’s production of Quid- symphonies in the Orchestra Project. am, cementing his reputation as a Now, in 42ft – A Menagerie of Me- visionary of circus gadgetry. His engi- chanical Marvels, Chris continues to neering chops and creative energy led build on the might of his engineering him to ‘run away’ with his own circus mind, his passion for the circus and all company, Cirque Mechanics. things mechanical by designing a ver- Chris believes that innovative me- itable menagerie of mechanical devic- chanical apparatus and the relation- es worthy of the generations of circus ship between performer and machine continued on page 6 5 Creative Design Team, continued from page 5 shows and acts the production aims involvement in over 4 shows since to honor. 2004 after meeting Chris Lashua while When Chris is not developing performing in Cirque du Soleil. material for a theatrical show, he is SEAN RILEY building other wacky performance SET DESIGNER, ARTISTIC RIGGER devices for events. He most recently Sean Riley has a twenty-year ca- completed the Paddleship, a portable reer combining suspension, kinetic stage that not only floats, but also can movement, and design with perfor- be navigated by pedal powered paddle mance. Through scenic design, rigging wheels. Chris is a producing partner design, and mechanical design (often of the Vegas International Variety Arts in concert with each other) he creates Festival (VIVAFest). He was also re- unique performance environments. cently featured as a guest lecturer at Concentrating his design for perfor- the annual Association for Theater in mance on site-specific and non-tradi- Higher Education Conference. tional work, Sean has created instal- ALOYSIA GAVRE lations in collaboration with a wide CO-DIRECTOR, CHOREOGRAPHER spectrum of accomplished artists and Aloysia Gavre co-founded both collaborators. Being known for his Cirque School and Troupe Vertigo in bold and often surprising use of space Los Angeles in 2009 after 22 years and for large-scale movement, Sean’s of touring internationally with the installations commonly reflect his life Pickle Family Circus, Cirque du Soleil, long obsession with gravity and New- and Symphonies around the globe in- tonian physics. His works have been cluding the Sydney Opera House and installed in backyards, on Broadway, the Kennedy Center. Her passion and and continue to tour internationally. He knowledge for circus arts has led her is a founding member of Cirque Me- to a career as a director, choreographer chanics and his company Gravity De- and educator including Cirque Cracker sign, through which he has developed (Phoenix Symphony), Cirque Broad- an arsenal of specialized tools, push- way (Bal-timore Symphony), Cirque ing the bounds of performance as well Cinema (Indianapolis Symphony) as as industrial safety. Sean is also the well as her own creations including host of the National Geographic Tele- Tableaux. She has both coached and vision series World’s Toughest Fixes. choreographed for film and television www.visiblegravity.com, www.gravi- including Water for Elephants, Pitch tydesign.org, www.cirquemechanics. Perfect 2, Bravo, NBC and BuzzFeed. com She has been recognized in Dance MICHAEL PICTON Teacher magazine, Dance Informa and COMPOSER speaking engagements with TED-X, Michael Picton is an award-win- Center Theater Group, Directors Lab, ning composer whose eclectic career Chicago Circus Festival, AYCO and spans film, television, advertising, the- VIVA Fest Las Vegas. Aloysia has been atre and circus. Michael has scored a long-time artistic collaborator with Cirque Mechanics having had creative continued on page 7 6 Creative Design Team, continued from page 6 four Cirque Mechanics productions: of Cirque du Soleil, Steven has toured Boom Town, Orchestral Project, Pedal throughout North, South and Central Punk, and now 42ft. His circus career America as well as Asia and Europe began as a performer, touring as key- performing multiple juggling acts as boardist with Cirque du Soleil’s Quid- well as an eclectic array of characters. am. He has written songs and score Steven is on the staff of Blooming- for six editions of the Ringling Bros. ton’s Stage Flight Circus Arts, where and Barnum & Bailey circus: Bello- he teaches juggling and unicycle skills bration, Funundrum, Dragons, Built to workshops. You can find Steven on Amaze, Circus Xtreme, and the final stage currently touring his one-man edition, Out of this World. Recently his show Under the Umbrella, Life is a live work has expanded to include su- Circus — an evening with a juggling perhero arena shows with Feld Enter- virtuoso and stories from world-wide tainment’s Marvel Universe Live and circus adventures. Marvel Universe Live - Age of Heroes, Steven holds a B.A. in Variety The- currently touring the United States. ater and an M.S. in Computer Science The winner of the Turner Classic from Indiana University. He studied Movies Young Film Composers Com- mime, stage movement and circus petition, Michael was chosen from a arts with Fred Garbo, Tony Montanaro, field of over 600 aspiring composers George Pinney and Michael Moschen. by a jury chaired by the legendary El- He and his wife, Lisa, have two chil- mer Bernstein. For TCM, he scored the dren, Melissa and Andrew, and cur- silent films The Temptress and The rently live in Indiana, where they have Red Mill. Other film and television work perfected the art of making the perfect includes Mutt & Stuff for Sid and Marty margarita. Krofft on Nickelodeon, the SyFy series Flash Gordon, the independent feature ANTHONY POWERS Little Chenier, and main title themes for LIGHTING DESIGNER I Want to Work for Diddy and Bates Mo- Anthony Powers, a lighting de- tel.
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