' G a rme r commilission propip o s e s f e e ih i k e s f o r ' licenses, taQSt — IQ2 n : . ■ I I ChZlaasificd JJY o u r l ~ Z T teae sh**ia sm whMi. ln l ' r a v e l p C S I , p nr e p h a r r ieler ^ snrraculile, like n«w. lell- fU i RabbitsI a t fair: >ntaffwd. llB»p« 6. mmlna lI i ’at i l e r , w - atc:^^b a Sl i e i r t e r ------------ r — j,< jpwvim K i d s l o v e ’e m - Er r r — g larketplace C( 3 , < d i i v rl I iT^ f ■ I.Uglcv!^^'«^|^r*lnc. 8 4 thh year,; N o. 250 Twin Falla, Idadaho Thursday. SepilepJember 7. 1989 B jRepiK)rt ■ criticicizes H ^ o o i 1^8 H jail states By CRAIG LINCOlITOLN ' I Timcs-Ncws n'riteiriter H j^M | manages its jailini in a ‘horribly inadequate" mnnilanner, and its legal liability from the jail is “extreme," • ■ according to a repreport submitted to a judge Wednesday.ny. _ A litnnyi f ccomplnints from T1m*»N*w« pnotaWKE; 9 AisDunY prisoners, includiiluding threats by jail ' ‘ a n d n1 _rere p jjrt f^rom a ja il • he feels the Air forcc Iss ‘f‘taking away my backtkyard* w hile speakingg Ibefore Air Force officiiIcials-W ednesday night. B uhlattorneiney Bob W eaver says hc expert outline proiproblems-at a facility that once was "state-of-the"st art." It I —nowdirectlj-violiviolates the rights of .... -- l o c ^ h j inmntes, yssays a lawyer who AiriR•orce <flies inito flatk at 1< learinj 7 — investigatede-jail.- the‘ja.................................. ---------r ~ — in-hTTTcport;-.rtr-Jercrme-altorney ------------ : -r-:Overfloi brcesJ-he^t f f l i • iiintf'______ ■ DyN;S.NOKKENTVEDED , , “ the ability/ to rely on Air Force statem,ents. er ’ commissioners,a, 55th District Judge r nnd Sheriff Robert-------- Timcs-Nows writer- Another hearingig is scheduled foor 7:30 tonightt <a t t h e The -publi.iblic trust m uB t be reinforctced with Phillip Becker nr contractualaragreements i as to future acaclivitios Aja to decide howlow ito bring the jail up G le n n s F e r r y R u r a l H<lealth Clinic nlal laws to conslituliona3nal standards. Hc TWIN FALLS-Bob(Weaver W. has been trying _ - ' and m ust. be assured thal environment publican recommendedI no specific actions, for years to get a permlit it tto hunt desert bighorn w ly will be honilonored, the' Kimberly Repi Mountain Home Air Force BnsBase, explained the quicklyy and aomelime.s falleringly. .................. • but_,said_soyer.iilrr.iil a re a s com m arid - •- gReep'ih'sb'ythwest'Idu'idiilio,” b u t’h e 'fo a rs the ■ ■ ■ Cnssi:sidy said'lhe'Air.Force'hii!!i,i,f j«ddGd 10 Air Force proposal. Tews, a Three Creek rnnch(:her, .snid “im mediate atterjd;eridon,’'h o sa id . 4 proposed expansion off thetl Air Force’s Saylor d il.s environmentnl sludy of l Laughter and jeers fromm Ith e cro\^d a l a eJfpand “rt''SP">P‘“ '--.u„d.r.curr«rrcnt.AicJ'orce proposals il .wouldw be .....The jail has beebera under q judicial : - Creek-Bombing Rangengc will oliminatC'his siT o f Ihe amo'unt o f public C' S Cooper misstatement aboutut'n' o fic6'd"foy‘'liv e '■ becausi* nposaible to run a multiple-u•use plan cloud since Beckeicker ordered Fuller to chances. will be done in two consecuti ___________ . taitargets'’ brought a reprimandid ffrom Cooper. He study w. d include grazing. ;;• in v e stig a te thhe e jail in May. Jail admonished the audience to' .save.sa' its com m ents said. , 'fected rniirhers strongly• ssupport certification teaneams from the Idaho ; two-part process means Andrus attiiudeB cchanging - B3 untilun his presentiition jvas over.vcr. The I defen.se a n d they are willingg ito work Sheriffs Associaticiation recently refused lie liad'meanrto explain1 tliihe’neod’for-live - oppottuicunitloB for public comment, Air Force, Tews snid. Butit "do we to rate the jail.. ThThey had told Aja as ) the Air-Force't? ijchedule,lhol tl calls for- t'i' J “1 you don’t kill thornm v\>ith )-our live bombs, tuitarget ordnance." or Use asejoflive of bombs-and cramp t ;d the hot d rops?" Ke ask ed. ' ~ ____' long ago as. 1961961 th n t the j ail-w as ........... * ynu’li kill them with the-Lhe fires" started by the--niimissiles for realistic-trainin}lingr-The-incident—complct ction of the new_rimge_l)y_Oct (rht*~wa.s'flwnre of~the noislisQ-from—iimdeminte. ______ peFfJfeo-he^peS-eiarify-fl-fcw •—-"-faomOsptne-Uuhi-attiTrfiTFno y- lofd-A l r_l!‘ 0 r fl tone ftf_nitltiritltiiuaLtiitTV-tlMit iperations at the range, “butll wc can Jails don't havenvc to be certified by htcned out conflicting accoui' 2 ”o fp i„ n , "P " ofTicials. continuedcoi through much ofthe,he hearing.1 straighti so much." the association,'blI,'but the certification personic operations airspace, ________ ^Xhc_Air..^rce_cal[edJ2d^Vcdnc?day>_henring____;M any people ■came cxp^ctiectm g an sw ers to for supe odnrter-of-Stillwater, Nev-rsasaid,—We—procGBB-is-dosigi signcd-to-climinatc-— - to help determine2 the' .scope of an th(their questions about the pro|proposal. But tliey'^operatioLionsWould be done at nltiil ie proposed expansion is pariir t of the most ofthe problerblems that can lead to .000 feet above the ground,’a‘„“d ni ! 2 r environmentnl study offthe lh expansion. Citizens wcw ere to ld to road th e ir que}[uestions inlo the than5,0( ital Operations Range th a t th e lawsuits, ed in environmental impact “ tuirod'ouT in such numb'eiib‘^sTTwwt^errtl)iirtHu‘“rei record'and thcywould-fae! aianswered in the—included ent of Defense was deninied by AHhouglf the: Hslisfof complaints is meetihg hnd lo be movt» 0 V e d“f roTO-QTi.'i^ c n t~ ErEnvironmentalimpacrStatemc3m e n t:--‘----------- said. i n i m " ■■ lnrTgr~n-€olora(jra d o —sh e riff—w ho------------- uestion-and-nnswer Superersonic flights would bi lecture hall to the 1,1I,500-!\eat Fine Arts The hearing was not an quest 1 she did not testify, (County iiispeclcd the jail for Fuller snid 0 occurrer■ence. he said. - . ^ Auditorium. peperiod, they were told.__ oner Norma Blflss ejud sho ecame to new facility isn’tI’t ncneeded. on ofthe propoaal -State:e Sen. L aird 'Noh led-o_ff f _ThttiuiditQiiuni.was-ahijiho'uLuJhird.Cull. ________ ^. A preliminary explanation i 6 f-concern‘ for-^the~«coriomic-^c-inrpact-:l^~Biit^f('ndvalion.i on.nnd -rcwixlolipg^a- —-— l- ; the process of publicnieari Before to.'s'timony.bc..bcga^, Lt. Col. .Iim nnda,':' the envlronmenral assesK_cssment pro'iiess 'sa y in g 't 'alls County ranchers affecteded by the needed for the jail that wa8 built to was rcad'aloud by-Capt. WiWilfred Cassidy, cnvironimmenlal impact statement i .-'-Cooper, dircdtflr ofr T're a lig n m e n t a t the 'vu ee HEARING on Page A2A . See GOODI^JING on Page A2 fetisti bblasts d]Irug warr critics1 as 'parrtisan' U.S. pui//s staff'out ( . ■ . Th^Assooiiile'd Press’'■-V/ _ ' . ^__.administratiation’s support, the idea of The president's j:program "It’s a goodod plan." he said. "If — r :--------r.ilsliigtaxutxi’.4 is futik'.;'— --------------------err 'Tt“OT^"druj* people-wotild“^jt'-alop-justHmtw«ing-^^>f------- ■ ' .. WASHINGTON Prei’resident'Bu.sh ^Uush cmjm p h atlcally rejected the ususers and proposes more mmoney for partisan reason;ons and gel behind the :-r:-:;:?«id_\Vl<?‘Jneidfiy-thiit ekeskepticR^of-his*--ntUionof^hrf:hrghey t^xeB.-Every-timo- -tr<-treatmont-cont«rs,-Iaw-cnfi iforcoraent program.--.aniand_the_n . if therels . -. The Washington Post S7',9 billio n d ru g wa ar r '\Ocre. ju s t you m akc’a'■’a'prcipo.‘?al,’'h e said, “ you arand prison cells, as well asas funds lo ' som ething a'Jdifditional we should do. •. " c a T p in i^ and -shoulould.-, "st-op have sdmcl;icl^ody jump up and say, atattack drug.s at their scso u rce in then let's do I.”il.” Bush said, BEIRUT, • Lebanon • c ritic iz in ^ o r partisan rcireasons’..". • ■ ‘RaiM.taxcH<CH.* ,I am nol in a mode to C<Colombia, Peru nnd Bolivia,'*•- He said hisi programpt represented a ‘ Ambassador John McCart.rthy and Democrats, mennwhilAilc, said the;, .raise taids."s.'’ ^ '' '- ^ . '. ' To m eet the increased coi:oBts Bu.h S2 b illio n injcrease cr above a drug the entire slaff of Uuhe U.S. govetnmont.would havlave'to-raise ’ 'iLew thanan 2-J houre after aeclaring prproposed diverting mominey from program beiniin g c o n sid e re d in ihr; Embassy here were ovhMicuated' V'- more revenue to mountiintun'all-out anow'wijr(ir on'dtnigs. Bush and his elelsewhere in governmerent — by .House. Takinging aim at his critics. by helicopter Wedrdnesday.J^B . figHt’iigfiins^ illegalll id r u g s , b ut critic.*; spar'rirVed from a.distance — in alabolishing the • EE( conom ic n^.sh, said . "Tf:They're carping (with) , morning after a day.of.if.n n g ry , — i_cQnceaedji-VLi>uId_bcamimpoBSiblc.to -specchcs,-.oi.-^on.tolcviaiftn shows, and DiDevelopment-/WministrntidilO n an d b y thnso pnrtisnnu-commcnt3,lbo-said, p -----------— governmenl-sonetioned-‘d—a n ti— ----------- enact a.tax increase fortr tlthat purpose meeting? wwith’the t press: •;....
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