No. 5600. An Act to sanction the Issue and Application of Loan Moneys for Works and Purposes relating to Railways, and for other purposes. [11 th Decernber, 1951 J. E it enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty by B and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of Victoria in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as follows (that is to say) :— 1. This Act may be cited as the Railway Loan short tuie. Application Act 1951. 2. From the Loan Fund there may be issued and ^Cat!on f applied the several amounts specified in the Schedule to 512,750,000 this Act in the column headed Amount Issued and J™1 for Applied " for the respective works and purposes specified purposes. opposite thereto, not exceeding Twelve million seven hundred Schct,ule- and fifty thousand pounds in all. 3. Notwithstanding anything in any Railway Loan S^?^ and Application Act in force before the commencement j^^ C e nder of this Act no money shall by virtue of any such Act be thi s Act. expended out of the Loan Fund for works and purposes relating to railways except pursuant to and to the extent authorized by this Act. 4. (1) Notwithstanding 276 1951. Railway Loan Application. No.. 5600 Application of 4. (1) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, the os. 428., c provjgjons 0f j.jie paklic "Works Committee Acts shall apply Schedule. to all works and purposes specified in Item 1 of the Schedule to this Act the estimated cost of completing which as specified in the said Schedule exceeds Ten thousand pounds. Authority. (2) Except as provided in the last preceding sub-section, no authority other than this Act is necessary to authorize the expenditure provided in this Act. Entry on lands, 5. (1) The Victorian Railways Commissioners may, with the sanction of the Minister and (where the lands in question are Crown lands) the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey, enter upon take and use such lands (including easements over lands) as are required for any of scheduleNo. 3759. the works and purposes specified in the Schedule to this Act, s. 80 (3). and the provisions of sub-section (3) of section eighty of the Railways Act 1928 shall extend and apply to the exercise of the powers conferred by this sub-section with respect to such of the said lands as are not unalienated Crown lands. As to lands taken pursuant (2) The fee simple of all lands and all easements entered to this Act, upon ta.ken and used by The Victorian Railways Commissioners under the authority of this Act shall as from the taking thereof vest in The Victorian Railways NOS. 3759, &c. Commissioners for the purposes of the Railways Acts. s^nkTngVund 6- Notwithstanding anything in any Act The S™cetnofin Victorian Railways Commissioners shall not be chargeable workse™oetnt with any amount paid (whether before or after the commfssioners. commencement of this Act) by the Treasurer of Victoria comp NO. 4789 in respect of interest or sinking fund payments in respect of the amount of loan liability which is applicable to— (a) the issue and application by this Act of the sum specified in Item 5 of the Schedule to this Act Schedule, for the works and purposes specified in that Item; or (b) the issue and application by the Railway Loan NO. 5520. and Application Act 1950 of the sum specified schedule. in Item 5 of the Second Schedule to that Act for the works and purposes specified in that Item. SCHEDULE. 1951. Railway Loan Application. No. 5600 277 Sections SCHEDULE. 2, 4, 5, 6. Application of Loan Money for Railway Works and Purposes. No. Amount of Description of Work. Issued and Item, Applied. £ ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO WAY AND WORKS 2,771,000 List of specific works and purposes the estimated capital cost of each of which is over £2,000:— Original Revised Expendi­ Sub- Estimated Estimated ture at Estimated Cost as 1st Item Work. Capital at 1st Amount No. Cost of September, Required. September, 1951. Work. 1951. £ Alphington-Heidelberg (between)— Duplication of line, including acquisition of land 125,000 205,000 165,831 39,169 Ararat—Provision of additional siding accommodation, including acquisition of land 2,600 l,000f Bairn sdale—Provision of additional siding accommodation 2,757 3,400 678 2,722 4 Ballan—Provision of 70-ft. turntable 3,095 3,700 632 3,068 5 Ballarat—Provision of automatic sprinkler system at car shed 3,100 6,500 6,500 Ballarat North Workshops—Pro­ vision of additional accommoda­ tion 3,000 l,000f 7 Ballarat North Workshops—Pro­ vision of sewerage facilities 3,080 6,408 5,053 1,355 8 Beaufort—Provision of new stock­ yards and re-arrangement of tracks 2,712 3,700 1,617 2,083 9 Bendigo—Provision of additional siding accommodation and ex­ tension of goods platform, in­ cluding acquisition of land 3,785 218 2,000f 10 Bendigo—Provision of automatic telephone exchange 5,000 5,000 11 Bendigo—Provision of locker room at locomotive depot 2,500 l,000t 12 Camberwell-Ashburton (between)— Duplication of line, including acquisition of land 160,000* 260,000 29,056 70,000f 13 Camberwell—Provision of new cross »ver 3,700 6,000 6,000 14 Clayton-Spring Vale (between)— Provision of passenger facilities and siding accommodation, including acquisition of land 12,000* 18,473 19,797 1,266 15 Dandenong—Provision of additional siding facilities 7,750 10,873 4,873 6,000 16 Dandenong-Longwarry : Yarragon- Moe—Duplication, deviation and regrading of line, including acquisition of land 36,015 175,000f Carried forward 2,771,000 * Rough estimate only. t Estimated expenditure during the currency of this Act. SCHEDULE 5675/52.—10 278 1951. Railway Loan Application. No. 5600 SCHEDULE—continued. Application of Loan Money for Railway Worlcs and Purposes—continued. No. Amount of Description of Work. Issued and Item. Applied. £ Brought forward .. .. .. .. 2,771,000 1 ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO WAY AND WORKS—continued. List of specific works and purposes the estimated capital cost of each of which is over £2,000 :— Original Revised Expendi­ Sub- Estimated Estimated ture at Estimated Ttem Work. Capital at 1st 1st Amount No. Cost of September, September, Required. Work. 1951. 1051. £ £ £ £ 17 Dandenong - Traralgon : Moe - Yallourn—Electrification of line and provision of sub-stations, tie stations, power-operating rooms, overhead depots, and access roads thereto, including acquisition of land 1,121,000 1,940,500 119,923 l,365,000f 18 Deniliquin—Provision of improved facilities for goods traffic 12,274 5,000f 19 Dimboola—Sewerage of depart­ mental premises 4,200 6,000 5,005 995 20 Dwelling Accommodation—Pro­ vision of, for employees, including acquisition of land • " • • • * 200,000 21 Dynon—Provision of additional terminal facilities, including acquisition of land 250,000* 52,562 200,000t 22 Eastmalvern-Glen Waverley (be­ tween)—Provision of train crossing facilities, including the acquisition of land ' " " * 5,000f 23 Glenroy—Provision of additional siding accommodation, including acquisition of land 5,121 7,000 7,000 24 Glen Thompson—Provision of additional siding accommodation and re-location of stockyards, including acquisition of land .. 2,407 3,000 518 2,482 25 Goroke—Provision of additional siding accommodation and re­ location of stockyards, including acquisition of land 5,557 • • * • l,000f 26 Great Western—Provision of new station buildings and re-arrange­ ment of station yard 4,300 5,600 2,145 3,455 27 Heyington - Eastmalvern (be- 1 tween)—Duplication cf line, in- cluding acquisition of land 130,000* • • • • l,000f 28 Heyfield—Provision of additional siding accommodation and gantry crane 14,700 7,544 7,394 150 Carried forward .. .. 2,771,000 Bough estimate only. t Estimated expenditure during the currency of this Act. SCHEDULE 1951. Railway Loan Application. No. 5600 279 SCHEDULE—continued. Application of Loan Money for Railway Worlcs ana, Purposes—continued. No. Amount of Description of Work. Issued and Item. Applied. £ Brought forward 2,771,000 ADDITIONS AND IMPEOVEMENTS TO WAY AND WORKS—continued. List of specific works and purposes the estimated capital cost of each of which is over £2.000:— Itevised Original Estimated Expendi­ Sub- Estimated Cost as ture at Estimated Item Work. Capital at 1st 1st Amount No. Cost of September, September, Required. Work. 1951. 1951. 29 Longwarry - Yarragon (between)— Duplication, deviation and re- grading of line, including acquisi­ tion of land 700,000 1,142,000 1,029,491 112.509 30 Mechanical Equipment—Provision of additional plant and equip­ ment, including weed-poisoning train 200,000 31 Melbourne (Flinders-street)—Pro­ vision of workshop for servicing rail-motor cars 210,000 lO.OOOf 32 Melbourne (Flinders-street)—Im­ provements at Degraves-street entrance 57,000 61 5,000f 33 Melbourne (Flinders-street)—Pro­ vision of modern lifts in station buildings 5,000f 34 Melbourne (Flinders-street)-South Yarra—Duplication of lines, in­ cluding acquisition of land 114,049 210,000 31,716 30,000t 35 Melbourne-Ballarat (between)— Provision of additional telephone 3,515 3,515 facilities 3,500 15 36 Melbourne - Seymour - Albury (be­ tween)—Provision of printing telegraph system and improved 17,854 telephone facilities 18,000 19,510 1,656 37 Melbourne (Spencer-street)—Ex­ tension of automatic telephone exchange at Administrative 11,021 Offices 9,000 12,021 1,000 38 Melbourne (Spencer-street)—Re­ construction and extension of No. 4 Goods Slice! ; provision of amenities block, additional office accommodation, &c. 46,000 6,586 5,000t 39 Melbourne (Spcncer-strcefc)—Altera­ tions to track work and provision of improved accommodation for rail-motor operation 10,000 4,000f Carried forward 2,771,000 Rough estimate only.
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