Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 5-3-1939 The aB tes Student - volume 67 number 03 - May 3, 1939 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 67 number 03 - May 3, 1939" (1939). The Bates Student. 722. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/722 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Students Disapprove Voluntary Chapel Plan Z264 period should be devoted to a combi- PRICE: 10 CENTS General dissatisfaction with the ATES COLLEGE. LEWTSTOW MAINE, MAY 3, 1939 present Chapel system was voiced in nation of religious and worldly af- VOL. LXV.'I NO. 3- a campus opinion poll prepared by the fairs. With almost a unanimity of STUDENT and Student Council, but feeling, the suggestion that the pe- voluntary Chapel was not considered riod be devoted purely to religious Kadjperooni Wins the proper Way out. Over a third of service or purely to worldly affairs, 103 Singers, Musicians those voting indicated a wish for an was rejected. average of two or three cuts a week When asked what they might con- Speaking Contest with even a larger percentage sug- sider the outstanding features of a Hoosag Kadjperooni '39 was award- gesting future programs posted in ad- good Chapel period, those surveyed ed the first prize of twenty-five dol- PresentAnnualConcert vance so that these cuts could be stressed their desire for more music, lars and William Sutherland '40 re- student speakers as exemplified by used intelligently. ceived the fifteen dollar second prize Organ And Piano the present plan, and more forceful in the annual junior-senior prize This predominant campus feeling faculty presentations. The general Concert Conductor was surveyed in a cross-sectional poll speaking contest held this week, it Boothby Rings Bell Duet By Wright, tonic of a morning get-together was was revealed last night by the con- designed to reach every group on pointed out as the accepted and recog- In 4-H Minstrosity Lord Is Feature campus—coeds, freshmen, upperclass- test committee. Judges for the com- | nized reason for the continuation of Harry Boothby '41, famed squire men, students, writers, debaters, and | petition were Professors Grosvenor The seventh annual concert of the Chapel. 1 athletes with a proportionate repre- If. Robinson, Arthur N. Leonard and of South Parsonsfield, and Brob- Bates Musica Clubs will be present- It was generally agreed that the dingnagian stroker of Hathorn sentation given to both off-campus Angelo P. Bertocci. ed Friday evening at 8:00 in the present plan was a vast improve- bell, will take the part of interlo- residents and those living on. The speeches, delivered in Chapel College Chapel under the direction of ment over the old, but it was indi- cutor in a minstrel show at the Prof. Seldon T. Crafts, director of To boil the results down more cated that there remains room for during the past week, were of origi- nal composition, written and selected East Auburn Grange Hall tonight, music. Sixty-five singers from the closely, five alternative answers were improvement. by the contestants. Kadjperooni, it was revealed in a state- Men's and Women's Glee Clubs, thirty given to the query: "Would any of the The attendance problem was the speaking Thursday, chose as his sub- ment to the press late last night. five members of the Orphic Orches- following be improvements to the next question asked. Two primary ject, "The Grand Inquisitor". Suther- The minstrel show is under the tra, and three accompanists will take program?" Those suggested were: suggestions were offered: the placing land presented his speech. "Backward auspices of the Lions Club and part in the program which is being 1. Chapel programs listed in advance. of Chapel on a voluntary basis; or Trend", Monday. the Twin City 4-H Friendship managed by David Howe '39. 2. Chapel devoted to purely religious the retention of the present system Club, and Mr. Boothby, being the service. 3. Chapel devoted to purely with more cuts allowed. The first Professors Robert Berkelman and A new feature will be an organ and nearest 4-H member who was pos- worldly affairs. 4. Chapel devoted to suggestion was strongly vetoed, cam- Brooks Quimby, and Miss Lavinia r piano duet by Paul Wright and Ber- sessing of the ability to throw the a combination of these. 5. More time pus sentiment pointing towards ap- Schaeffer were the faculty commit- nice Lord. Margaret Mendall and Fred Name Pampel 40 bovine back and forth, so neces- allowed the speaker to develop his proval of compulsory Chapel. But a tee in charge of this speaking con- Kelley will also be featured in a flute sary to the execution of the part large number of those voting sug- test. duet. ideas. of interlocutor, was unanimously gested that two or three cuts be al- Coed Song Leader The Complete Approximately 70 per cent of the chosen to take the part. total vote responded in the affirma- lowed a week. Thirty-five per cent of Tonight at dinner Dorothy Pampel Program tive to suggestion "1", and a large the total vote indicated their desire Production Class To will take her place as official song Selections from the "Student percentage, 47 per cent felt that the for more cuts. leader, the position so ably filled this Prince" by Romberg, the Orphic Or- Prof. Seldon T. Crafts Present Three Plays year by Roberta Smith. From a large chestra; contralto solo: "O Ask of the The play production class of the group, a Student Government commit- Dr. Vernon Leads Stars Beloved", a Mexican Folk Song Speech Department will present three tee selected four girls to compete in arranged by LaForge and "Just a John Leard '38 Receives one-act plays under student direc- the finals which were held Monday Co-Ops Discussion Bobcats To Play For Wearyin' for You" by Carrie Jacobs and Tuesday nights at dinner in Fiske tion on Saturday afternoon, May 6, Dr. Leo Vernon of Harvard was Bond, sung by Marguerite Shaw '40; at two o'clock, in the Little Theatre, Dining Hall. In the first part of the Frosh Sport Dance flute duet, "Polka Brilliant" by Kling Pulitzer Scholarship contest, Monday night, Janet Bridg- featured at the conference of the So- it was announced last night by Miss cial Action commissions of Student Expecting a capacity crowd, the and "Gavotte" by Gossec, played by Lavinia Schaeffer. ham and Maxine Urann competed; on Marguerite Mendall '41 and Fred John E. Leard '38, on the recom- Tuesday night the contest ended with Christian Movement held on campus freshmen are taking over Chase Hall mendation of the faculty of the Col- The course is designed for future last week end. Delegates were pres- for their annual Sport Dance on Sat- Kelley '39; organ solo, "Toccatina" high school teachers who will direct the competition of Bunny Lord from "Miniature Suite" by Rogers umbia School of Journalism, was and Dorothy Pampel. Aft.'r the last ent from Colby, Maine, Harvard and urday evening. Between 7:30 and 11, dramatic groups, and the three plays and "A Bates Song" by Winslow, Ber- awarded the Pulitzer traveling schol- of the girls had tried out, all the Nasson to plan activities for next they offer a program of dancing for are practical laboratory demonstra- nice Lord '40; "March" from "Car- arship of fifteen hundred dollars, it coeds voted. year. the campusites. was announced yesterday. Leard was tions of the year's work, Miss Schaef- men" by Bizet, "At the Convent" by These four finalists were selected The conference centered its discus- The committee in charge of the one of three chosen from a class of fer said. One play will be of tragic Borodin and "Angelus" by Massenet, by the committee on a basis of their sion around the theme of campus co- affair has obtained the services of sixty carefully selected graduate stu- value, one play of ideas will also rep- Orphic Orchestra. resent variety and technique of stage- former records. Bunny Lord is presi- operatives, which are being studied David Howe's Bobcats for the dance. dents to receive this award. dent of the MacFarlane Club, a mem- Organ and piano duet, "Rhapsody" craft, and the third play will be a jointly by the Bates Commission and Maestro Howe promises that there ber of the choir, organist, and violin- will be new and varied offerings from by Demerest, Bernice Lord '40 and This scholarship will enable him to farce. the Student Council. ist in the orchestra. Maxine Urann the orchestra. The introduction of a Paul Wright '41; trumpet solo, spend a year abroad studying the so- Christian Madison '39 will direct In the opening speech Saturday af- was song leader at Northijeld Semi- new campus crooner, a Howe discov- "Cujus Animan" from "Stabat cial, political, and moral conditions the tragedy, with George Kirwin '42, ternoon in the Little Theatre, Dr. nary before she came to Bates. Janet ery, is expected by the parties in- Mater" by Rossini, Stanton Smith '41; of the people. It will also permit him Vernon laid down three basic princi- Roberta Smith '39, and William Mosho Bridgham has been song leader at a clarinet solo, "Gavotte", by Handel, to study the foreign press system, its ples of co-operatives: membership volved. '42 as the cast.
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