5 DOCUMENT RAUSE O e. ED- 169 016 SP 014 012. TITLE 'Proceedings of the 1978 Convention-of the Southern Bistrict:American Alliance for Health, Physical ./ Education, and Recreation. Theme--Perceive, Persist, Progress. INSTITUTION -American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, RonSton, Tex. Southern District. 1 PUB -1DATE ,715 NOTE 241p.;; Parts may be marginally legible due to small print AtILABLE FROM Dept. of Health and Physical Education, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia .30322.($4.00) EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Athletics; *Conference Reports; *Health; Meetings; *Physical EducA.tion; *Professional Associations; *Recreation 2;; ABSTRACT The .proceedings of the livision meetings on nealth, physical education, and recreation are presented here. Topics-include ? lioethics, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, sexuality, dance, 6 ehletics, movement education, outdoor education, and physical fitness. The proceedings of-the business meeting are presented as Bell. (DS) v 1 L 4********************************************************************# * . Reproductions supplied by, EDRS are the best' that can be made * * , from the original document. * ,7 2 I PROCEED NGS of the 1978 CONVENTION ,of the SOUTHERN DISTRICT. AMERICAN ALLIANCE for HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, and RECREATION U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION a WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACT`I AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON GANIZATION ORIGIN- ATI IT INTSF VIEW OR OPINIONS, STATE 0 NOTECESSARILY REPRE-r SENT OFFICIALATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POITION OR POLICY. THEME PERCEIVE, PERSIST, PROGRESS "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL BY MICROFICHE ONLY HAS BEEN-GRANTED BY Abtaet- a TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION_ CENTER (ERIC) AND THE ERIC SYSTEM CONTRACTORS." FEBRUARY 22-26, 10 2 Appreciation for the collect ion of the materials included in the Proceedings is expressed to the recorder fir each-session( whose 113.111t. appears kith information pertaining to his her session. 011(1 to the persons listed below. some of whom are members.of the 1978 Proceedings Com mit tee Margaret Blfilock, University of Monteval4o.Nlontevallo, Arabama351,15 Ginger Chevallier, MNeese State University, Lake Charles, Louisiana 7001)1 Wayne Edwards, East Candina Universit,-, Greeifyille, North Carolina 27834 Peggy Harrison. University of Alabama in Birmingham. Birmingham. Al:thatil 35294 Robert Hurley. Texas A & Ni University. College Station, Texas 77840 Dorothy Ingrain. East State University. Commerce. Texas 7:5428 Cart mkt delft:ries. University of South Alabama. Mobile. Alabaina 36688 Nanc1,74 University of Tennessee., Knoxville.. Teniwssee 37910_ Robert Norred. University of Tennessee, Chattalnioga. Tennessee 37401 (..ulf Coast dunior (.7611ege, 'Gautier, )assippi :39553 -Jackie Talley, deffersonlounty Public Schools, Birmingham, Alabama :35203 Appreciation is also expressed to the speakers who provided typed copies of their presenta- .1.14As. .layne A. Meyer, C'hairpe'rson Proceedings Committee TABLE OF CONTENTS 'Page OFFICERS 1 PREANVENTION MEETINGS Elementary Physical Education Workshop . 6 "Intramural Workshop 7 State, "city and County Directors Conference 20 State Officers Working lbnference .21 SPECIAL NIEETINGS First General\Session 32 SecondGeneral Session 52 Pagt,PresidentS`'and Board of Directors 56 HEALTH DIVISION MEETINGS r. 57 (Assertiveness Training"' Bio-Ethical Concerns 58 Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation 65 Effective Group Discus. ,ion of Sexuality 66 Health and Its Relation to Leisure (Refer to Recreation Division Meetings) Non-Traditional Approach 6s to Sex-Health Education 66 Reports of Health Research-Projects 67 The Use of Paraprofessionals in Health Education Programs in Arkansas 7,0 What's, Happening'? The Elementary School Activities Project (HAP) 73 _ Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Man'? 76 PHYSICAL EDUCATION DIVISION MEETINGS Clogging, Folk and Square Dancing 81 Dance: A Multi-Media Experience 82 Dance and Music in the Elementary School 82 Dance Council Executive Board Meeting 87 Ethics: Recruiting and Sanity in Athletics 88 Focus on Performance: The Photographic Eye 90 Implications for College Physical Education from the National Conference of Senior Officials for the Consideration of Recommendations from the UNESCO Conference on Physical Education and Sport 95 Modern Dance Concert 98 Modern Dance Workshop for Secondary Level 99 Movement EducationBeyond Lesson X 100 New Activities in Physical' Education (Mini-Clinics) 103 New birectioris in the Professionalltreparation of Teachers and Coaches 105 Physical Education Division Business Meeting 113 Physical Education Division Executive Committee Meeting 113 Pre Program to the Ski Slope 114 Proble it Women's Sports and Officiating 114 TheationalRating Team Officials in Volleyball and Basketball 115 nt Research Tells Us About Physical Fitness for Children 120 Who'Said C. Ed! Realistic Secondary Physical Education 130 RECREATION DIVISION MEETINGS Career Education for the Handicapped in the Leisure Occupations Community Educatip Community Recreation and Public Law 94-142 136 Exploring Opportunities in Recreation and Park Work(Refer to General Division Meetings) Fitness After.SixtyAdding Life to Years 137 Future Program and Divisional Responsibilities 144 Health and Recreation As Allies In Meeting theValues Crisis of Modern Man 145 Leisure Values 152 Outdoor Education for Special Education 1 156 RecreationThe Church Evaluates 156 GENERAL DIVISION .MEETINGS A Potpourri of Physical Activity 16(1 Establishing An Outdoor Recreation Course in the Jun'r College: Sailing. Skin and &alba, and Canoeing 161 Exploring Opportunities in Recreation and Park Work 169 Future Projections for Professional Preparation 169 General Division ENecutive Committee Meeting How We Did ItHEPIPEPIREPI 181 181 Innovations and Professional Preparation International Relations Section Business Meeting 20:8183 International. Trim and Fitness Conference 208 Learning to Control Your Weight 208 MiniPEPI Workshop 208 Physical Education Opportunities for ExceptionalLearners (Mainstreaming) 212 Student Rap, Session. with VIPs L, 212 Teacher LiabilityHow Well Are We Protected? 212 The Cure and Prevention of Athletic Injuries.. Tumbling 213 213 Women's AthleticsWhat's Happening in the 'JuniorColleges 213 BUSINESS MEETINGS Spring Board of Directors Meeting Board of Directors'Meeting 214 219 New Board of DireEtors Meeting 4 221 ,Representative Astembly 223 Financial Report 224 OTHER INFORMATION Committee Membership 229 Convention Exhibitors 233 ii . SOUTHERN DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1977-78 L. to R. Front RowOwen Holyoak, Clifford Seymour, Rachel Greer, Clyde Partin, Miriam Collins, W.L. Carr, Peter Everett, Ned Warren; Second RowLinda Cicerd, Elizabeth Ann Jonecratherine Binns, Sam Coker, Eleanor Bobbitt, Rahald Perry, Debbie Deason Third RowMarion Solleder, Marion Carr, Ronald Hyitt, Robert Bolden Jane Moore, Earl Harrison, Newman'McGee. rt 13, . in 6 OFFICERS ,SOUTHERN DISTRICT-AAHPER 1977-1978 President Miriiim Collins University of Montevallo Montevallo, AL 35115 President=Elect Clyde Partin Emory University Atlanta,'GA 30322 Past President W. L. Carr iiversity' of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, MS 39401 Secretary-Treasurer Ned L. Warren Eastern Kentucky University Richmond, KY 40475 District Representative to National Peter W. Everett Florida State University 1;Tallahassee, FL 323Q6 Parliamentarian a Robert T. Bowen, Jr. University of Georgia , Athens, GA 30602 Newsletter Editor Linda P. Cicero State ,Department of Education Montgomery, AL 36104 HEALTH EDUCATION DIVISION- -, ...4,-;i, Vice-President 1 '").V Marion T. Carr ' UnivertSti7f Sout43 Carolina ., ;"..6''''' ' nmbni" SC 29208 Vice President-Elect '"a..4. ,'.,c. ;', Catherine Binns .7 :;'., AO4.ttrattla!IGi CASC3h0003Schools' Past Vice-President , ,''' -"' litiereirit Solleder - , tiniireysityof North Carolina , ' . , ,.. Greensbort;NC 29412 ' Council Member .-Eugen'O. Barnes . flniversitrof S&ktheri.7viissiIppi 'Hattiesbmi, MS 39401.; 4 Council Member CarrieMarren LInNerg.ity of Houston at Clearkake City Houston, TX 77058 Council Member Gene Ezell University of Chattanooga 4 Chattanoogd, TN 37401 Council Member Carole Stewart Box W-1400 Columbus, MS 39701 Council Member Seigfred Fagerberg University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 Council Member Jay C. Segal University of Virginia;- Charlottesville, VA 22903 PHYSICAL EDUCATION DIVISION Vice-PresidMtt Rachel Greer University of Arkansas Pine Bluff, AR 71601 Vice President -Elect Eleanor W. Bobbitt Longwood College Farroville, VA 23901 Past Vice-President' Jane B. Moore Auburn UniversiF Auburn, AL 36830 Ember, Executive Committee......... .................................. Anne Finley University of Arkansas Pine Bluff, AR 71601 Member, Executive Committee Guy Penny Middle Tennessee State University MurfreeSboro, TN 37132 Member, Executive ComInittee Gene Styles The Citadel, Charleston, SC 29409 Member, Executive Committee ............................. .... Howard H Stubblefield Coordinator of Physical Education Nashville, TN 37219 Member, Executive Committee Julie Gutch Sheffield Elementary School Memphis, TN 38101 Member, Executive Committee Virden Evans .-Florida A and M. Tallahassee, FL 32307 Chairperson, Aquatics Council Joel Bloom University of Houston Houston, TX -77036 Chairperson-Elect, Aquatics Council Gordon "Bud" Floyd Georgia Southern College Statesboro, OA 30458 Secretary-Elea, Aquatics Council Iiogerwene
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